For those who did not know, Selectman Groski is running for County attorney. Given this office's history of ethically challenged opportunists, who do not give two shits about justice, He should fit in splendidly.
However, Mr. Groski penned a LTTE to the Carriage Towne News this week criticizing his opponent Pat Conway. He did so NOT by criticizing her actions, performance of duties, or any other such honorable method of discourse, NO, he chose to criticize her for the actions of her deputy. THEN, he devoted an inordinate amount of space to the derision of Laurie list cops, evidently the husband of Ms. Conway is on this list, but that did not stop him from using this to smear Ms. Conway. What this has to do with her job performance no one knows other than the mudslinger himself.
It falls to this blog to remind Mr. Groski of a few points, YOU EMPLOY A LAURIE LIST COP YOURSELF! Detective Nick Fiset. Nicky baby is apparently so dishonest that the County Prosecutor Jill Cook, did not even attempt to call him as a witness to a case in which he is the chief investigating officer. Have you ever heard of a criminal case in which the investigating officer does not testify as to his methods and findings? What makes this worse is that it is believed that this officer fabricated a case against a resident, and has dragged it out for 20 months without trial. Mr. Groski, this is under YOUR alleged leadership.
You further decry the settlement expenses involved in civil litigation against the County Attorney's office, $80,000, Right Jason? But you are a staunch defender of your fellow Selectmen Phil Consentino, who just, what, two to three years ago cost this town and it's insurers $100,000 pursuant to a sexual harassment complaint? And this was just the latest expense in his storied career of bullying, harassing, and oppression, and the resulting litigation. His career has cost this town and it's insurers hundreds of thousands of dollars, if not over a million. No comment about that, right Jason?
You criticize Pat Conway, because the Judge had harsh words for HER DEPUTY. Words like; " “single-minded, zealous advocacy (that) clouded her higher duty to honor the defendant’s constitutional rights.”" But, Jason, Buddy, you defend Phil, about whom the following comments were made; "cease and desist" "bullying, harassing and intimidating his employees" by the NHPELRB. or "It is difficult for the Court to believe Mr. Consentino did not understand the terms of it's May 10, 2005 Order. Mr. Consentino testified that his attorney explained the Order to him" Rockingham Superior Court Judge McHugh, in his Contempt Order. From the same Order; "From the Defendant's demeanor, it is clear that he believes that because he was elected selectman he can do or say anything" "Apparently he concludes this entitles him to consider Atkinson "his town"". Because the Court finds that Philip Consentino has wilfully violated its order the Court grants the Plaintiffs motion for Contempt." THIS is what you defend.
Tell me Jason, you had no problem with the conflict of interest inherent in your wife's hiring as a consultant to TRSD. You have actively participated in town business meetings that violated RSA 91A. When this was pointed out, you defended the boards actions, obfuscating the issue, and refusing to address the simple legal requirements of going into a non public meeting. Hardly honorable.
You even attempted to use your standing as an attorney to give undue weight to yours and the boards wrongheaded theory that they enjoyed some authority over the Conflict of interest committee. Try reading the law, Jason, before you attempt to twist it.
Remembering these perfidities, and balancing them against your sanctimonious LTTE, reminds me of the parable about those who live in glass houses, throwing stones.
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The purpose of this Blog is to pick up where the Atkinson Reporter has left off. "The King is dead, Long live the King!" This Blog is a forum for the discussion of predominantly Atkinson; Officials, People, Ideas, and Events. You may give opinion, fact, or evaluation, but ad hominem personal attacks will not be tolerated, or published. The conversation begun on the Atkinson Reporter MUST be continued!
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Friday, August 12, 2016
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1 – 200 of 255 Newer› Newest»And so what do you expect of him and his political friends? It may be just another way of having another "thumb" on the state to keep them from investigating all that has happened and continues to happen in town. JMHO only !
He tried to bully the COI in a futile effort to make himself look important. The best part is that he showed his true self and that is not someone I want in that position. He cared nothing about the people of Atkinson, just a stepping stone to get what he wants.
At the same time, Conway ought to read this and go back at Grosky. Neither of them are suited for the job. We deserve better than crooked Hilary, I mean prosecutors.
I'll not vote for the Grosky.... He lost me when he was the only selectman to
support removal of the stop sign on Island Pond Rd Speedway. I'll never forget him
putting politics ahead of public safety for the residents of North Atkinson...
there's no love between him and Phil.. You haters need to pay
attention, watch the meetings... hell, he can't even pronounce his name...
And I didn't like the sleazy way he went after the Greens when his
School budget Committee stint was less than inspiring .....
Just say no....
Read this article on prosecutorial misconduct.
From the seacoast news:
Three people, two Republicans and one Democrat, are running for the office of Rockingham County attorney, including incumbent Patricia Conway. Sworn to the office in November 2014, Conway replaced James Reams, who was removed by the attorney general under ethics and sexual harassment claims. Conway defeated Portsmouth Democrat Joe Plaia, a defense attorney now serving as a Portsmouth police commissioner.
Fellow Republican Jason Grosky is also running for Rockingham County attorney. He's an Atkinson selectman, a prosecutor for Salem police and a former journalist.
Democrat Norman Patenaude, a Portsmouth resident, will also be on the ballot for Rockingham County attorney. His resume includes work as an attorney for the state's Board of Nursing and Labor, an attorney for the state's Public Employee Pension Plan and terms on the Portsmouth City Council and Portsmouth Planning Board.
8:27 then tell me why there is a Groski sign in front of 140 main
Politics don't equate to friendships. Conman needs to maintain status quo at any cost.
Conway is a bum
8:27 then tell me why there is a Groski sign in front of 140 main
The man's name is Grosky, at least get that right...
His signs are all over, won't get my vote
Well l got the address right. Thanks for the righteous spell check.👮
Grosky or Groski whats the difference, just do not vote for him Vote for Patenaude. At least if he gets in we have a better and new fresh face that should do the job that Groski/Groski has failed to do in regards to what the majority of voters want done in there behalf.
Why in the world would anyone hire a Laurie cop? They need a job and will do whatever to keep it? Guessing here...
Concentino hired Nicky Fiset, who is a Laurie cop, and he did so while he was under investigation by Plaistow. And hired him with a significant promotion
VOTE J.Groski !!! don't listen to the moonbats and whackos here
Who? No one by that name is on the ballot.
"Mr. Groski, my the hypocrisy is strong with this one"
Then this quote from the nit-wit who posted this blog post is wrong!!!!
Have to love all you moonbats you fell into that one @4:30,baited you like a rat
what type of people run this place.
How is it wrong? It would seem he is a hypocrite.
Are you telling me we have a detective that can not testify in court? Is he also a Sgt? Do we have any other Sgts than can testify?
YES! Consentino hired Nick Fiset out from under Plaistow PD's investigation of him, and made him Detective. He can testify but will have no credibility as the Prosecutor must inform the defense that he is a Laurie List cop.
Way to go, Competence, honesty, and integrity ARE NOT the coin of the realm in Atkinson. Who will cover Phil's butt and bow to his demands is.
Crack pots out on parade, get a life always looking for a conspiracy
I'll bet you don't win many debates, even over control of the TV remote.
Who needs a remote just leave it on channel 20!
8:15@3;20PM, What crackpots are you telling us about when the truth is just that , THE TRUTH. You fail to acknowledge it and want another lying officer to be in and staying on the APD. Haven't we had enough of that and its very costly expense and all possible ways to the taxpaying people? The truth is we are not all conspiracy minded as you do seem to say but we are those who want good governing and a police department to be safe guarding us all in the sworn duties of these offices they hold.
Can one due the town for libel when they put false statements on your tax card? Not the incompetent mistakes regarding the facts, but ignorant comments by the assessor? Just wondering.
Typo..not due ...sue
Fiset may be the detective but Det Anon 8/14/16 0826, you should investigate further and discover who else is on the list, not sure any Sgt can testify.
Oh Ya gotta watch the Selectmens meeting, last one...
It's messy, sometimes not pretty, but it's so evident to me
that only Phil seems to focus fixing resident issues...sometimes a bull
In the China closet...Harold uses good old fashion common sense, Friel and Grosky
are wanna be politicians , and again Baldwin is a no show.....
Oil slicks and License Plates....
I love Atkinson. --- best town in the State....
Of course you jest as being the best when you know its past problems, including state and nation wide recognition with the truths of what has happened here.
A quote from Dante I couldn't resist showing here. ..... " The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who in a time of great crisis maintain their neutrality". Can you readers say there is no crisis in town? I think not. The taxpayer and non taxpayers have to be heard by our local and state officials to rid the town of its corrupt and deviant person[s] along with the supporters of the same in the towns officialdom. The problem seems to be no one person,official or not, is willing to do any thing to get rid of them all to save the town from further hurtful actions and law suits . I for one am afraid of retaliation by them as their are many others who are afraid of the corrupt people in office in town. Isn't their any official or residential person who would and be able to stand up to them? That appears to be the question. Where are town officials, and with the guts, to stand by their sworn oath[s] they did swear to before the public and signed their names on official document paper before taking their positions? Just wondering is all and its just my humble opinion.
Sgt. Nathan Lyons is the only other Sgt on staff at APD. Is he also a Laurie cop? I recall he came from Newton PD. Someone, anyone? Don't hold back if we have another one.
I would love to see one of you morons nailed with a libel/slander lawsuit what goes on in here is bad.
Well that's unlikely to happen since truth is an absolute defense for libel and slander. It's in the public domain thanks to Laurie.
7:19 PM,I have to agree what goes on here is bad. However, I do fully agree with 8:37 regarding TRUTH being a absolute defense for libel and slander. Wake up and smell the sweet and agreeable TRUTH. Stop trying to defend the opposite with your own defensive stinking smell of defensiveness which is totally the opposite of the realities of a TRUTH. I have a feeling you do have some thing your hiding from everyone who read this site. JMHO
That would be quite a joke if Lyons was also on the list of liars, 2 commanders and both can't make an arrest that will stand up in court.
A joke if it were to be true. At least the town could then dissolve the APD and start anew after sorting out those who would be in question of not holding to their sworn duties as police officers who claim to be serving and protecting everyone ,non residents included.
Imagine what the children would say at the academy if they knew Sgt Lyons to be a liar.
@ 7:19 agree you can file a complaint with the Attorney general's office online.
Funny 11:53. The AG doesn't prosecute civil claims. You just hire a lawyer for that. Go have at it. What AG would like to prosecute are crimes. Falsifying reports, perjury, obstruction etc. Cops go to jail for those things. Maybe the liar cops should start being very nice and honest to the residents.
Speaking of APD, saw a little nun with a bun cop flying down Sawyer doing 50 last year. No lights no siren school buses picking up kiddies.
Saw her again, directing traffic at the bridge ( recognized the bun). Traffic stopped in 3 directions waiting for the tow truck to attach a car. Driver at Hillsdale inches up ( there were feet to spare). Officer Nun Bun flipped out, arm extended pointing at driver screaming YOU STOP RIGHT THERE blah blah, red faced and hormonal, she lost it.
Is this the repository for the hard to employ police?
She's Officer of the Year! And your two Laurie Sgts received honors as well.
My vote would have gone to the dignified officers of APD. We all know who they are.
7:03 PM, To you and all others who disrespect a police officer on duty . Why a female officer ties their hair in a bun is because of safety reasons. Among them is a fact being that they can look like a male officer who ,as it seems , takes more in commands they seek of us who are on the road ways and in homes they respond to. How would you like to be pulled by the hair in doing an arrest or trying to other wise control some person in any domestic call? _ Their are some female officers that are more than capable of doing their job physically as are male officers. That isn't to say they are better than males but is saying that they are just as capable of using the same forces to control any situation via their training. I personally welcome any police officer, male or female of either of todays openly known sexual identities, who respond to any calls they respond to. They might just save your or a loved ones life. Open your minds and,yes, hearts to all police officers by keeping in mind that they are too human. -NO! I'm not a police officer writing here.
Don't know her name, hair was in a bun. You're overly sensitive to a post that wasn't calling her bad names. She freaked out about nothing and looked foolish. Get over it. She deserves no more respect than she dishes out.
To 7:19pm, dont hold your breath. Truth is an absolute defense against slander/libel
To 10:02, dial it back take a midol and chill. He was using the bun as an identifier, not something derogatory. If it is the officer I am think of, one who falsifies complaints against residents, she should care more about her lack of honor, than her bun
First annual police awards ceremony. They had to decorate 2 of the worst cops in town in a desperate attempt to make up for the lack of evidence in a phony case. How pathetic. Let's watch this closely.
A police officer,male or female , has to have your respect and mine. We forget they are all trained in their duties and do respond as such. Could it be you're one who feels women have no right to be cops in what was an all male profession? If so then swallow your pride and really look into their work efforts and contributions to the profession. If you have an emergency situation of your own or a family member would you be so willing to say wait I'd rather have a male officer do any thing to help them? I think not so stop your BS and above all wake up to the reality of our modern day. This isn't the days of the past yesterdays. Do remember that women are the same as men being with the same human faults as you and me have.
The article looks like it was written by Pat Conway, who's first official act in office was to fire a whistleblower that blew open the truth about her law breaking husband. This is a smear campaign against the most qualified person to run for County Attorney. But let's not let facts get in the way of a good smear! The author has ZERO credibility. I won't even address these baseless comments in the article. GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT!
Mr. Grosky has my vote. Do your own homework and don't rely on Conway supporters to give you any facts as they try to deflect all the scandals in her office; all the good prosecutors have left because of her. The overwhelming majority of law enforcement fully supports Grosky and he was fully endorsed by Mr. Zaino who ran against him last time. There is a good reason for it - Grosky is the best person for the job. Conway has shown how corrupt she is - that is a known fact.
August 21, 2016 at 8:15 PM
Well praise be church lady, LOL your blogspeak is so predictable
and always cracks me up...
Don't cha know....
Hey I had a girlfriend names Laurie, wonder if she's on the list...
Oh, and Atkinson Police are the best in the State, stats say...
August 22, 2016 at 8:43 AM
Tell that to the residents of North Atkinson.
Tell that to the lady who pick up the trash every morning on Island Pond Rd..
Poor judgement ----sold us out ---- the only one
His Budget committee stint was uninspiring at best...
I nor my family will ever vote for this man, he's the consummate politician, had my fill of them..
Ah yes 8:15 it must be sexism, dont ever think, or engage the facts.
8:52, no the "stats" do not say that at all.
2:31, You cya fairly well but not enough to see through the retort when you or the poster could have just said a woman/female officer. Gotcha!!
To 11:06 AM, You wouldn't acknowledge any truth if it hit you square in the most hurtful spot on your useless body. What facts do or are you referring to twit? Haven't you noticed that there is a difference in appearance of the male and female bodies as yet? Wake up and see things for what they are.
Well now. The APD has cooked the stats for decades. Stats are for the FBI and other government agencies who need accurate information to determine where the hot spots are, where to grant monies or extra support.
This is a town where nothing is transparent. The police logs are not published and when they are, facts are altered. Every hint of undesirability is scrubbed from existence.
This town is the laughing stock of the State and we all know why. There's a bald elephant in the room and you all keep trying to pretend he's just a pig. He's the biggest problem north of Salem.
To poster 8/21 at 815. No, the police don't have to have our respect, they have to earn it and they haven't. Well, some have but none of the Lauries or pigs.
7:05 PM, How many people did you work with ,even now, have your respect and do they think the same way of and as you do? If you feel that they do not deserve your respecting them then find another work place to go to. You'll find you will be changing jobs frequently . Stop your bitching and go with the flow.
5:56, perhaps you can educate yourself and translate that gibberish into ENGLISH. Or Spanish, Italian, I can handle those as well
Hey jackass you know only to well what I wrote and do mean . You had no trouble reading what was posted and it wasn't in any foreign language or script. If you can put up with those you are complaining about then stop your fools only complaining about what is posted here. Do remember that we all are human with faults . You aren't better than we who do admit to having faults ,known or not, to most who post here. Oh!!! I forgot that your better than all of us who have and did post here. Notice I did say -did- post here and are not doing it anymore because of you and your type of snobs that do think your better than anyone else. Got the message or are you going to stay the JACKASS here?
My My you are testy, do not blame your poor communication skills and lack of education in grammar, syntax, and sentence structure on me, I Am not responsible for your failures. And here is the best part, I am not the poster at 7:05, your ignorant assumptions aside.
You should follow the maxim of Samuel Clemmens; "It is better to remain silent and be thought dim, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt"
No I'm not testy but I am stating a true fact about your being a jackass that thinks that your better than most that post here. Again, you responded to what was written prior to this post and then posted with your dumbness complaining of my grammar,syntax and sentence structure. You say you cant understand what was written but yet you responded to what was meant and written here with your jackass comments . You must be a resident from "Medication Lane" . Take your meds as directed or you go to Hampstead Hospital for the apparent rest and medication adjustment you need. Remember we are not all the same in the intellect you seem to claim to have. If your so perfect without any faults then what are you doing here acting as some kind of God like critic? You more than me should "follow the maxim of Samuel Clemmens" . After all you did open your mouth rather than be silent.
Ok, this is becoming tiresome, Lets can your misplaced assumptions. I do not think myself better than anyone. HOWEVER, you inserted yourself into a conversation, and did so based upon erroneous assumptions. You compounded this by typing a barely literate statement that contained no central idea of what you were trying to say, it was a mindless rant nothing more. Then you compound your initial error, by doubling down on your previous idiocy by attempting to justify it rather than learn from it.
Now comes the third installment in this sage of illiterate insanity. You ASSUME That I live on Meditation lane, Wrong again skippy. And when you have to resort to name calling and spurious allegations you have lost any semblance of a point.
Give it up, please do not compound your previous errors.
I vote for 9:58.
7:30 , You may vote as you like but would it matter? Read the opening statement by the administrator/ publisher and you'll find that they are not doing their job as such. And you wonder why there is so much going on with the bickering ,etc.
7:30 +1 One of my favorite quotes, "God gave you two ears and one mouth for a reason" If you keep the one shut and open the other two you just might learn something.
I have to admit your quote is timely and one of TRUTH. It is and has been what I've been trying to tell or other wise relate to the jackass but not in those words. Thank you.
8:05- now you agree with 11:30 and 9:58? LOL. I guess you know when you've been outdone.
Far from it. Why don't you go back and read what was said to him or her that wants to keep on fighting. You can't say I led them on to do that. They did . If they want to stop this I'll do the same. I agreed with 11:30 with those words of wisdom and if you read what was said at 8:05 you'll agree with the response. I stand by my remarks and that they are a jackass trying to stir the stink pot on the site. - If the administrator has an income from this site then I could understand why they let this go on when the site is supposed to be of political and related issues of interest. Did you read the welcoming statement and its content? I bet not. As usual it is JMHO
Wow, I can't keep up with the past ten postings, but please tell me about APD and the lying that is occurring?
Wow!!!!!!!!!!!! This reader wants to change the subject. I wonder if it is the same twit,"jackass" and the same person trying to cover their Ass - better known as a donkey or a jackass - who Stirs this stink pot? Could it be the Conman or the administrator looking for more ,shall I say, "excitement" to keep this ever on going fight just that????? Just wondering and of course it is JMHO.
No I just find it more interesting to here about something that I never thought existed, a list with cops that can't testify in court because they have lied? Wow, it's much better than quotes from Mr Clemons. JMHO
They can testify but they won't be believed. If there's another instance of dishonesty or discrepancy it won't be a bright future.
IMHO, I don't want to pay for substandard employees. Send them to their own towns to work.
Before I go to bed I thought I'd look onto the site to see what the change of subject would be from you know who. I read the above things from todays posts and I was amazed that the JACKASS didn't pick up on 12:15 PM's mistake of using the word here instead of hear. 12:15 by aware that the jackass is better than you or me ,at least in their thinking. Don't be offended if they do as they truly are a jackass with their thoughts of us who post here[ not hear] as normal every day people. JMHO is all and the truth of being a human being with faults of my own just as you are but not him/her who is superior to us w/o any faults of there own.
Maybe you should just change your bed time habits, drinking habits and otherwise blabbing.
Maybe you should do the same . I go to work early and that is why usually I post when and as I do. You on the other hand have nothing to do except to be so much better than we who post here by trying to harass and correct peoples human mistakes. You best understand that if you get your wishes in correcting and harassing everyone that there will be no here for you to correct,harass and bicker with. The site can be informative with its original site objectives but certainly not with you , a true jackass, posting as you do. Why wont you just go away to some other site with your way of thinking and critical commentaries that might welcome you.
First you fight with him,now me. You have a problem.
No I have no problem with you but I do with the JACKASS that is if your not the JACKASS. Try to make it known that your not and -just maybe I'll believe you . Until then your the JACKASS doing what you do best by being stupid.[Harassing people on the site] if I haven't made it clear enough to you. I have an early day tomorrow and I'm going to sleep to make a living in order to pay for the dumbness of a particular official in town. How about you ,that is, unless your one of the very rich willing to pay for these mistakes by the official.
I love the bravery of those who castigate others from the cloak of anonymity.
Mark, I have to remain anonymous because I do not want to have happened to you done to me. If the person being castigated would make them self known publicly instead of "stirring the stink pot" then there would be no problem with the site. I have an idea who it is and I think you do as well.
Why does 6:17 ask for others to name themselves yet refuses to do the same? I patiently await 6:17's excuse.
6:17pm, I completely understand and respect that.
8:18, He/she did answer that question with the reason he/she had when he/she wrote Mark at 6:17AM. You have to be the jackass or an other one not to have understood what you read at that time. Boy oh Boy!! I have to agree that there are people who do live on Medication Lane and are one of them. Why not join the patients at Hampstead Hospital for some cure of your not understanding what it is you have read and then go and post at 8:18AM asking such a stupid question as you did.
On the third line I left out the word you between and & are.
thank you 8/25 647, so if one of the two Laurie officers at APD had to go to court they could testify but it would be disclosed that they have lied in the past?
Exactly so their best bet when solving a crime would be to have someone else solve it so they wouldn't have to testify.......
But why have them on the APD if they can not solve and prosecute a crime ? Why pay them for sworn duties they can't perform in the first place?
Because Consentino prized loyalty to himself over ability or police service
If you need someone who'll do whatever you need done and they're desperate for work because no other PD will hire them then they wash each others back. Quid pro quo.
1:44 Using an unsuspecting underling would work nicely. Hell, if it goes wrong Laurie is not on the hook, allowed to continue the illusion.
Its all the more reason to get rid of the Conman and his pals. I agree with 8/29@23:20PM and after having read 8:10AM before that post.
Just for clarification not thinking these guys were supervisors under the Conman, the new guy on Campus promoted them, I believe.
Conman hired all these guys. Selectmen approved the promotion of Sgt. Lyons as well. Conman promoted Fiset. What I want to know is who is on the committee that decorated Bunny and the Lauries?
Check your facts 826
Consentino hired Fiset from plaistow WHILE he was under investigation for dishonesty by the police chief and deputy. He was a normal patrolman there but Consentino made him a DETECTIVE here despite no training or experience as such, despite his being on the Laurie list, undermining his ability to testify in the cases he investigates. A Detective traditionally carries the rank of Sgt. in Atkinson, a significant promotion under the best of circumstances, outrageous for a disgraced cop, under investigation.
These are the facts, and they are easily provable.
@ 3:04, I see still being a busy body getting involved in Atkinson drama, stoking the fire as usual, even when you don't live in town, how pathetic.
12:36 - feel free to correct me with some actual facts, if you have any. You accually said nothing at all.
Bracket hired Bunny under PC BOS. Who hired Lyons? And when?
3:49: The pathetic one is you, unable to discuss the facts presented, you choose to shoot the messenger for speaking the truth. Sad really. Especially given your casting your stones from the cloak of anonymity. My how
8:50, Since when? I see it on this site . All though he does make the papers locally and state wide let alone his Halloween fiasco. You seem to forget these publicly known truths and what he has cost the taxpayers and insurance companies for his stupid doings. Where is it pathetic is that you deny the past of the CONMAN and his pals. Mark has every right to pursue the injustice he has had happen to him and his family let alone his business. Why not shut your mouth and blogging your non truths here and just go away? We who know the truth will not go away until you and your screwballs friends , that are few, recognize that the Conman has to go. I feel the next election should remove him and his pals from office ,if not most of them, but him for sure. He has a farm and should stay on it with his cows .Maybe he can perform his pervert actions on them. Just don't buy any of their by products from him.
]atkinson police department 27 academy avenue - Town of Atkinson
See below Mark, 2013 February Fiset was a Detective not a Sgt.
Feb 28, 2013 - ATKINSON, NEW HAMPSHIRE 03811. 02/27/2013. 03/06/ ... Synopsis : Corporal William Butler and Detective Nicolas Fiset. Corporal Butler
He's a Sgt and a Detective. Not a very good one though. Detective is a position, Sgt is a ranking.
Hey 1:23 PM, I think you have a problem when -,you,- above can't even spell the Conmans name correctly. He is a well known topic of this site and if you read any thing at all it is against him and his past costly actions for the town. Your the one talking shit when you say he didn't call Marks customers as being a lie. If they be a liar it is you when the truth is well known publicly and on record when it comes to the Conman and his past actions. Now why don't you cut out the shit and stop blogging here. Another words GET A LIFE and contribute facts that are of truth.
Hey 7;41, Read what I said. Phil DID call mark's customers, and lie to them. He abused his position as police chief to investigate Mark, his family, his business, The Grants, Brian Boyle, Brian Kaye, Joyce LaFrance, Leon Artus, etc. When he got FIRED there were three ring binders in his office for each of these people. He was like an incompetent J. Edgar Hoover. He is a liar, fraud, bully, and a serial sexual predator. And those who defend this should admit this is what they support.
Aw, church lady is confused again....Sweetheart, this is a hate blog,
He hates PC too ... Gotta read more carefully... Marks peeps LOL
If Fiset was a Sgt in 2013 it would say Sgt Fiset not Det Fiset.
To 1:27 - 5:56 explained it to you. It's Detective Fiset and he's a Sgt. (He should be a cashier but there's time for that.)
From the APD Facebook page.
To 1:27 DETECTIVE is a position. Like First Sergeant, or company commander.
SERGEANT is a RANK, like Corporal, Captain, etc.
Do you understand, now?
Btw my original comment was "He was a normal patrolman there but Consentino made him a DETECTIVE here despite no training or experience as such, despite his being on the Laurie list, undermining his ability to testify in the cases he investigates. A Detective traditionally carries the rank of Sgt. in Atkinson, a significant promotion under the best of circumstances, outrageous for a disgraced cop, under investigation."
I tried to make my statement as clear as possible clearly I failed to meet the idiot proof barrier
I find it curious that the APD puts so much information on their Facebook page and the town police website hasn't been updated in so long. Still no police logs.
Unsealed minutes show board's praise for Metzler
By Kiera Blessing 34 min ago
PLAISTOW — The previously sealed meeting minutes of Timberlane Superintendent Earl Metzler's evaluation and pay raise have been released, but those minutes contain few major details and no negative comments about the superintendent, despite the reason given for their sealing.
@7:20 Metzler has done a very good job an 99% of kids and parents stand behind him, not the whackos who are constantly dredging up BS like Donna Green, just look at the vote to leave the district it will be even more lopsided when it comes to election time and most people in Sandown can't wait.
@10:29- Londonderry-why are you attacking a school board member?
Under Metzler's reign the school budget has increased 12% while enrollment has fallen by 22%.
Timberlane is still a school in need of improvement. 8 years now.
They eliminated tests and midterms over the objections of parents, only to re instate them two years later when the parents were proven correct.
However, the biggest problem is the willful ignorance of the law, and refusal to comply with it. He has cost the taxpayers tens of thousands in legal fees, trying to stonewall the production of public information.
What has he to hide?
I understand his stance on the right to know issues was his over inflated ego along with his overinflated staff and their overinflated administrative salaries. This attitude does nothing to help to educate children just stroke his staffs pockets and his eago. Do you really want this type of person running our school?
Het Mark no idea where you got this quote? A Detective traditionally carries the rank of Sgt. in Atkinson, but just think back to the Farrar days, pretty sure he was a detective before a seargeant.
10:15 not mark here. Not sure what this has to do with Fiset's rank except to support Mark's point that the position of detective typically comes with a rank of Sgt. Both cases support Mark's point. Do you have anything else to provide based in fact?
Your Nicky baby not only entertained the stalker at his wedding, but he went to high school with one of the prime witnesses. Lol. They were & are cosy. Don't you want these people in your hood? Lol.
E. Hampstead woman dies in crash leaving Atkinson driveway
ATKINSON — A 64-year-old East Hampstead woman was killed Tuesday night after the car she was driving accelerated out of a Pope Road driveway, crossed the road, hit a rock and rolled over, police said.
State police troopers responding to the 9:33 p.m. crash found that Francine Jolivet suffered fatal injuries when her 2013 Subaru Impreza crashed and she was partially ejected from the car, police said in a release.
Jolivet was not wearing a seatbelt, police said. No other cars were involved in the accident. Local police and fire workers helped state police at the scene.
Police ask anyone with information about the crash to call Trooper George Sanborn at 603-223-8490.
- See more at:
Unrelated to anything, but it's unprofessional and undignified for a PD to post on Facebook and not have an official town site to report on their alleged responses. Facebook is opinion and not fact by the town and it's being posted by whoever without purview.
Do you think there may be some kind of conspiracy between them? I do . But then who am I to judge them when there is a court --- so called justice --- to provide an answer to the question of conspiracy between the parties involved. Before you have to ask again my answer to your question of conspiracy is a big fat YES!!
If Grosky wins the job, will he stay on as a selectman?
It's sometimes difficult to remember that justice is an option when we become jaded by the corruption exercised out in the open. Good thing for the corrupt that the forgivers turn the other cheek and don't look to destroy the corrupt in retaliation. The town needs to move on.
I'm thinkin' about my doorbell
When ya gonna ring it, when ya gonna ring it
Yeah, I'm thinkin' about my doorbell
When ya gonna ring it, when ya gonna ring it
Yeah, I'm thinkin' about my doorbell
When ya gonna ring it, when ya gonna ring it
yeah, I been thinkin' about my doorbell
Hey Grosky and Baldwin.... Think you boys have enought signs up...
UNbelievable, you want these jobs bad, don't ya. How many more
trees must die to satisfy your inflated egos..
Baldwin won't win. Grosky might, but will he fulfill his campaign promises to clean up the corruption in the Rockingham County Attorney's office? What will he do about the crooked APD?
The APD is stooping to a new low to be publically harassing an innocent woman. Show the judge these posts and I wish her a win. The truth always comes out.
A cleaning of the APD is a start before any one person goes to the court to see what happens there. If it were not for the date being so soon to deal with the LaFrance issue then the cleaning out can not be happening unless there is another future date on the horizon. If there is justice to be served then let it happen openly and without any doubt of who is guilty of any crime or misdeeds. The APD should be first to clean house so as to be effective in providing service and protection of its citizens here and from else where that they come in contact with now and here after. Prosecution by the APD on any court proceeding[s] can only be with their total professional honesty and morally and ethically as well. JMHO, how about yours?
Agreed. An innocent woman is put to trial by police with questionable character. What's worse than that? I also think that if they are dishonest, why in the world would they push it? Unfairness can be appealed but airing dirty laundry and exposing corruption would not be the choice of one with a brain cell. They should bow out quietly but I hope they don't. I'm all for full exposure.
Full exposure or not they should clean house at the APD. Those who stand up to them with opinion ,thoughts, and actions that are opposite of their sworn duties are then harassed in every way so that they can continue their corrupt ways. Look at what happened to others who did stand up to them.
Yes come one come all. Support an innocent woman, harassed by a stalker(whom the Court granted her TWO protective orders against, and his corrupt buddy in the PD refused to enforce, as law requires)Come see how two corrupt cops fabricated a case against this woman, and then dragged it out for 647 days, violating her right to a speedy trial under law. Come see how the incompetent county attorney AGREED to drop all charges 15 months ago, then violated her own agreement, to help police drag this out. Come see how the Dishonest Laurie cop, was not even called by the prosecution despite being the investigating officer, and is pissed that he has been subpoenaed by the defense.
Yes come see how a couple of corrupt cops, trained by the most corrupt chief in town history can violate YOUR rights if you do not kowtow to their wishes.
Witnesses of record include not only the stalker, but the tree poisoners. How ridiculous.
Well if she is the winner or just partly a winner then the town and insurance companies can look forward to another law suit. When will the towns voters and the state going to stop this crazy stuff is a great question is it not? It can start at the ballot box to remove those who stand in the way of good governing practices and law enforcement.
12:42 don't worry we will be there to support the town and the APD. Your 100% right #bluelivesmatter.
According to what Mark has written here 12:53 PM has no leg to stand on and neither has the APD from what I see is what this case is all about. YES!!!! blue lives do matter but so do all the other colors of our human races. Don't be so sure of yourself you one way only flatfoot. You may have to run real fast from all the other colors that will be chasing you and calling you a PIG and that is not to say you have any---Pride, Integrity and/or guts. You did take an oath for your position did you not?
to 12;53;
Yes Blue lives do matter. HOWEVER, one thing the military teaches you is HONOR!
I respect those public officials who take their responsibilities seriously. I hold NO respect for those who use their office to enrich themselves, engage in self aggradization, or to help their friends or hurt their enemies.
I respect police who are professional, and OBEY THE LAW themselves. I hold no respect for those who drive 80 down the highway but will write you a ticket for doing the same. I hold no respect for those who think they are above the law they have sworn to uphold.
And finally. A cop, who lies on charge sheets, and investigative reports, conducts an "investigation" NOT to find the truth, but to manufacture a case to prosecute a predetermined conclusion. A Cop who abuses the color of law, abuses the authority of his badge to get his friend off from charges he is under, by fabricating a case against his friend's victim, IS NOT WORTHY OF RESPECT!!!
And for those who read this and wish to flame me over it, I do not about your wounded sensibilities.
12:42. We hear your call. We will be there for the police. ATKINSON nh stands by its police officers. Lots of buzz in town hall over case. Town officials are sick of liars. Town officials are sick and tired of former CORRUPTORS. ATKINSON WILL WIN.
WOW! Atkinson lost a long long time ago when the residents allowed all of the conman's bullying and the stroking of his own ego to go unchecked. Such a shame. Now they do the same again.
12:42 How dare you think I as a resident should back up any PD officer that has been disgraced by their own actions and not worthy of testimony in a court of law. People like you are the PROBLEM with this town.
ROFLMAO, if the Town hall were "sick of liars" they would kick out Consentino, Sapia, Fiset, Booth, Baldwin, and a few others.
The only one in this saga who has not lied, is LaFrance. Remember the Court already awarded her TWO stalking orders against Nicky, the corrupt Laurie cops, buddy.
80 down the this is what it's about, they can speed
and you can't. .... Priceless...Gotta say, Mark, you are something...LOL
I feel your pain....
Thank you for intentionally, and completely missing the point.
Most people must work to be that obtuse. for you it is evidently a gift.
I came here to read about Grosky before the election and obviously he is not handling his own town properly. Mr. Grosky , walk over to the PD and ask them to show you their evidence for yourself, then take appropriate measures.
Grosky claims he wants to wipe out the corruption in the Rockingham County Attorney's office, but has willfully ignored the corruption in his own town.
Nothing but the daily accaird "I'm a victim" daily drivel, @ 8:16 you are spot on.
Lol, to 12:20; wrong as usual. I rarely post here, just look back to see how wrong you are, Nor did I proclaim any form of victimhood. However it is duly noted that you can not address the points raised, and must resort to the timeworn loser's tactic of attempting to shoot the messenger.
This merely reveals your inability to respond to the message, Please continue to revel in your inadequacy.
Sept. 11, @9:35, NO ONE has been more corrupt than Consentino. NO ONE. And it is also corrupt for a dishonest Laurie list cop to file false charges against someone who was a victim of his friend. While his friend is under two stalking orders and up on charges for bail violations.
And that particular idiot was dumb enough to think he would not be called as a witness when he was the investigating officer.
Yup, smells like corruption.
So the police have hundreds of police reports from half a dozen residents about the continuous noise, loud bangs, gunshots, fireworks, and other harassments from the stalker, over the past few years, in the wee hours of night. And the police have done nothing to enforce the towns noise ordinance.
They have violations eyewitnessed by the PD.
They have audio of the noises.
They are aware that the Court has reviewed these things and issued not one, but TWO stalking orders protecting Ms. LaFrance.
They are aware of the lies that have been told in this case, by two corrupt police officers who fabricated this case.
They are aware that the incompetent prosecutor, Cook, stated in the Court record that she would dismiss the charges, and did not want to prosecute this. Then violated her own agreement.
They are aware that they have no evidence at all.
They are aware that the first Judge had to recuse herself, over her own misconduct.
They are aware that, by her own admission the Clerk of Court, Tripp, took it upon herself to remove a sitting judge from this case. THEN shopped for a new Judge and scheduled this new trial with only 5 business days notice to the defendant. When one of her witnesses is in California and two others are out of state.
The fact that this can happen in Atkinson, sickens me. I have been to the DDR, and USSR before the fall of the wall, and the KGB Border guards acted with more honor than the despicable public officials, and corrupt cops involved with this case.
Yup, he was right. you can't deal with the points, so pathetic.
To one and all! Do not forget to VOTE on the 13th.It could be the start of the town clean out of its corrupt officials.
Ah Comrade Acciard, we miss you here at the border,
please come back to us, sounds like your having troubles
In the US! All that corruption, harassment, and all those despicable
people in the Atkinson, KGB needs men that are above all others and we
think that you think you are....
Boris, You bore us with your accusation of him being in the KGB. A true capitalist is a maybe but we all know he is a man of integrity and honor where you are just the opposite. In short your an AH, jackass,twit, and other things not worth mentioning here due to the stating that you are an AH already and that is a truth that stops me from going further. Get a life and look in your mirror to see if your ears and tail are getting as big as your mouth and rear end is. Jmho
Your ignorance is showing comrade
Who was the woman Consentino was virtually snuggling with in Court? It wasn't Jody.
September 13, 2016 at 12:30 PM
Ah, Church lady, you are most welcome to come join use;
Your moral superiority is most needed here the KGB is
kind and wonderful, join comrade Acciard.... Leave all the
meanies behind...
Oh, don't forget your sweater.....
"A true capitalist is a maybe".
Priceless, church lady, you put a smile on me face...
Dearest Boris [bores us], If you be a spy for the KGB you'd know we are used to the cold so there is no need for a sweater at this time of year in NH. Have you not remembered that a true KGB agent that is a truth to Communist beliefs that you should not recognize religion ? Wake up and get a life worth living comrade and K eep G oing B y with your KGB foolishness.
On the edge of my seat,,,,what happened at court? Did Sgt."Lori" testify?
Conway wins!!!!!!!
I spent a month knocking on doors in my community to explain the tax hike and the reason is nobody will participate in the deliberative session. They are MORE than interested now how it all works, especially when show how the town operates outside the work of the budget committee at these sessions. I also explained my position on the Sheriff's race and the county attorney's race. I had videos and facts and figures to show my concerns. Out of 30+ homes 25 people were not registered voters now that number has increased dramatically. Also had promises from most they would vote this year. YES WE CAN make a difference.
Conman was snuggling with Rosemarie O'Leary in court. 75 year old women shouldn't wear tights. eeeewwww
Detective Laurie Fiset wasn't called because he is a Laurie cop and friends with the stalker J.O.R.D.A.N..SH.a..Lol..ooow. (who has reputation software so you can't say his name because his BBB rating is F). So nice that Lynne Witham has bought 3 cars from him in the past 7 years. On the other hand, it seems like a red flag to me.
Grosky lost ho hum. Get your own house in order before you criticize the other coorupt house. I am stunned by the town and county corruption. If you Jason Grosky, think we have a problem, shine a light on it. Start with your town officals..
There's something truly wrong when a corrupt cop is even employed as a cop. I am against Grosky because of his non action in this corrupt town.
Well Grosky's loss is a start to clean house I suppose.
Well, finally, all the candidates I voted for won....
Never happened before, the world is finally coming
around to my way of thinking, so gratifying
Jason and Billy
If at first you don't succeed try try again, what Mama used to say...
Where are the results posted? Do they anything in town hall other than cuddle?
If you voted for Grosky because he wanted to clean up the RCAO, vote for Dem. Patenaude in the election. We know Conway's part of the problem and Patenaude's honest. CA is not a legislator so it doesn't matter what his party affiliation is. Vote Patenaude for Grosky and against corrupt Conway.
I'm for Sister Dumont .... Write in...
Thanks to Mr. Grosky for picking up his million
campaign posters and not trashing up our town....
Officer Baldwin, We suggest you do the same.........
Thank You,
He'll do during selectman's meeting
Can someone tell me why an Atkinson Police Cruiser was being worked on at a BP Gas Station in Londonderry on Friday, while an Atkinson cop waited? Are there no reputable repair shops in Atkinson? Who was watching the town while this copper stood in the shop and chatted?
good question. what was it even doing in Londonderry at all.
inquiring minds want to know? can someone check this out?
You can be reassured that by now the chief will respond to that question.
@ 7:57 I know why and I bet its killing you to know.
The Atkinson Distorter.....the playground for the local Atkinson Mental cases.
Blogging from work again. that's a no no.
Nicky baby, whats the matter? No innocent citizens to frame?
Some cops relative owns the station.
Here is some thing to think about. All monies given to or raised by a candidate in a state or federal election would be then turned over to a charity or a worthy cause at the end of the election process for that office or position. This would limit the money companies and groups will be giving for the expected vote or "tilted" favors they want in return for their support of that candidate or a positioned person . Why should any office holder or candidate for office get to leave their position or appointment and walk away with the monies not spent on their election needs at the time? We have too many rich business's more than willing to subvert and steer away a candidates sworn oath of office to represent the voters who put them in office to do their job[s] of what the majority of voters want them to do. These are just my thoughts about this to bring trust and openness to our election process and I'd hope it will be yours as well.
You decry business contributions while ignoring LAbor Union dominance of political giving.
The Atkinson Distorter.....the playground for the local Atkinson Mental illness.
Actually, this is a playground for sociopathic bullies. Yes it's a mental disorder. And they have no souls.
Mark, If it were to be a law then it would make them stop corrupting our elected officials. I'm sure that all who - donate - money to a candidate will then take another look at how they do business politically. I'm pretty sure that they'd be able to take any loss if they can be so generous with their money as they so willing give it away as they do now.
So how about this; EVERY donation to a candidate, party, 527, or PAC, must be posted online within 24 hours of receipt. Let the sun shine in, and let the people decide who is bought, and who is not.
However, it is not fair to put restrictions on Corps, that Labor unions do not have.
All candidates money should be used for its intent. All donations not used at the end of that time of election intent should be given to charity and research purposes. All donations would be treated as equal no matter who donates their money.
There can be nobody saying it better than the above. Everyone seems so quiet when a true way for accounting for the ways things are done in today's politics. Give it your thought and then do what ever you decide to do about this suggestive thought you have.
It would be some thing to see in regards to accountability by the contributors to campaigns let alone the candidate[s]. Why let the candidate[s] walk off with the donated campaign money towards any election when they leave office? They get plenty of perks as it is and retire with stipends or retirement pensions with ease. A good many former officials get to work at other political and non political appointments. Its usually called back scratching for the things done by a formerly elected official in the repayment for a "favor" that they did for the donator[s] for their contributions of election funds to run a campaign for office.
What !!! No Comment on contributions to those running for political office. Its been three or more days since the above was posted and I'm amazed that there has not been any comments pro or con about it.
Does anyone know how the case of the century turned out? Lafrance v APD?
I heard Joyce was found guilty!!!!
Interesting article regarding electioneering.
doesn't she work for Raytheon? how can you lie repeatedly to police officers and judges and continue to work for government contractors??? TRUMP UP TRICKLE DOWN....ILL TAKE IT.
Lol how can you lie to voters and run for president
Defamation is actionable. You make false claims against an innocent person and you can be brought up on charges. Maybe the corrupt APD has Laurie cops to do their illegal bidding, but then there is the rest of the world.
Aw Jordan, buddy, gloating? Yes you won round one. Woo Hoo, you must be proud of yourself, such a man. You spend 6 years harassing, and stalking an elderly woman. The Court reviews your actions and awards her TWO STALKING ORDERS AGAINST YOU! You lie on the witness stand. You get ARRESTED for violating your bail conditions when the APD WITNESSES you screaming out her name at night.
And now you chortle over a corrupt County Prosecutor, Two Corrupt officers, one of whom lied as well. the only witness being the very person who lost a lawsuit to the defendant, to the tune of $14,000. And to you this is a victory.
WOW, what a man.
Perhaps you can find some schoolgirls to beat up on next time, big boy.
"The first step in cleaning up from dirty liars, The corrupt officials" -would be the place to start because dodo flows down ward as does water until it seeks its own level. Get what I mean people? [Don't all answer all at once.]
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