Atkinson Town Hall

Atkinson Town Hall
The Norman Rockwellian picture of Atkinson

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Welcome to the NEW Atkinson Reporter! Under new management, with new resolve.

The purpose of this Blog is to pick up where the Atkinson Reporter has left off. "The King is dead, Long live the King!" This Blog is a forum for the discussion of predominantly Atkinson; Officials, People, Ideas, and Events. You may give opinion, fact, or evaluation, but ad hominem personal attacks will not be tolerated, or published. The conversation begun on the Atkinson Reporter MUST be continued!

This Blog will not fall to outside hacks from anyone, especially insecure public officials afraid of their constituents criticism.

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Selectmen choose the wrong action again

 So our selectmen screw the pooch again!

They had the chance to do the right thing, All they had to do was follow Pennsylvania's example and immediately fire Baldwin from the board which he fraudulently campaigned for.

Now that Baldwin has been fired from PA. He can give up his home there, trade in his PA driver's license for a NH license, and resume his seat, falsely claiming he intended for the PA job to be temporary, something Town Hall denizens say Billy was claiming when he signed up to run.

Once again Billy's corruption costs the taxpayers of Atkinson to further his ego. The selectmen can find neither spine nor starch with which to act on behalf of their constituents. Lets Recap;

Billy Signed up to run for what NH law calls an "office of profit". He did so knowing he lived and worked 500 miles away in a full time job, that required; a PA driver's license, thus forcing him to relinquishing his NH license, and therefore residency. Night and weekend availability, Attendance at borough meetings. He, knowing all of this ran for an office of profit, in a town where he had no domicile or residency. Many would call this fraud! And the fact that he openly spoke of this around the town hall, means the selectmen likely knew about his residency status, despite their hollow protests to the contrary. This could open them up to accessory charges. 

Could this be why they are so reticent to do the right thing and refer this to the NHAG for investigation?

Time will tell, For now we can only draw the logical conclusion that the seectmen have no honor and are likely as corrupt as it appears Billy is.

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Baldwin had to meet Pennsylvania residency status while doing the same in Atkinson

 Yes, the Eagle Tribune reported today that Selectman Baldwin  Signed his PA offer of employment April 6, 2021 stating that the full time position would commence May 2021, from 8:30am to 4:30 pm Monday through Friday, from Police Headquarters. However the job would also involve, work on nights, holidays, and weekends at various times as well as attendance at Borough meetings. Billy also had to get a valid PA drivers license(meaning he had to relinquish his NH license, and provide two proofs of residency in PA. 

When running for re election in Atkinson, Baldwin stated he resided in Atkinson full time.

The lies are inconsistent, and are being investigated by NH state officials.

Further , Middletown, PA. Mayor, Jim Curry told a news outlet that there were reasons for Baldwins termination beyond the DUI arrest. We await the thud of the other shoe.

It appears Selectman Baldwin ran a Possibly illegal campaign for re-election

 Here are the gory details;

Selectman Baldwin submitted his candidacy paperwork to run for the paid position of Selectman for the Town of Atkinson, NH. This paper requires residential domicile within the Town of Atkinson for the duration of the office. He signed this knowing full well he had been working and living for 8 months in a location 500 miles away from Atkinson. Thus potentially defrauding the Town.

In May of 2021, Billy accepted a full time salaried position as Public Safety Director in Mid Pennsylvania, at a salary of $112,000 per annum. This was not a temporary position as he led many in and around the Town Hall to believe when submitting his paperwork back in January. Oh no. Officials in PA thought they had a FT Director(read Chief of police). That is what they were paying for, or so they thought.

Flash forward 10 months, Billy wins re-election. He physically appears at the March 14, 2022, Selectmen's meeting to thank the town for their confidence in him.  one of only 7 meetings he has physically attended since taking his full time job in Pennsylvania (That commute must be a b$%#h) On March 16, 2022 at approximately 9:43pm. Billy ran his truck off the road and into a tree, drunk. He blew almost double the legal limit. This incident happened in PA. 500 miles away from Atkinson. He was arrested, and charged. Last week his employers in PA. held a meeting and within 5 minutes voted to fire him, and appointed a replacement.

The problem is that while living and working 500 miles aay Billy knowingly mis represented his residency status here in Atkinson, in order to run for re-election. CLEARLY, someone who lives and works full time in Pennsylvania can not legally hold paid office in Atkinson. Actions like this with full knowledge are usually charged as fraud. How long would thi fraud be allowed to continue had he not, in a drunken stupor rammed his truck into a Pennsylvania tree?

Many of you will remember Billy's checkered past here in NH. After spending 2 years as a US Marine, he cross serviced to the US Coast Guard for another few years, then to the USCG reserve, from which he retired. (He likes to claim 10 years+ of service as a Marine, but that is nto quite accurate) After returning to Atkinson, he applied and was hired by the Atkinson PD. within 8 months Phil was promoting him to a Lt. position that the voters never created. 

When called up to go to Kuwait(not Iraq as stated ad nauseum) Selectman Boyle generously offered for the Town to make up any loss in income between his town pay, and military pay, even advanced him $6,000 to bridge any gap. The town demanded Billy produce his military Leave and Earnings statement, in order to verify his pay. As any Veteran knows this is your monthly statement that verifies your pay and allowances. Billy chose not to comply. Instead he had his unit commander produce a "Commanders BASE PAY Letter". The problem is that when deployed your bas pay is about 40% your total pay. In support of Billy's attempt to lie about his pay, the most corrupt Chief in Atkinson's history repeatedly demanded the Town pay Billy $511/ week in supplemental pay, claiming that he and his family were suffering by the loss of over $2,000 in monthly income. That, too was a lie. In reality he was making $100 MORE being deployed than he did here in Atkinson. In essence Billy, with the assistance of Phil cravenly attempted to defraud the town of $25,000 over the year he would be deployed. 

Many will remember many of the tales from Billy's tenure in neighboring police depts. Fired in Kingston after an alleged incident of him sleeping in his cruiser. Fired from Plaistow after an alleged incident of sex in a cruiser. And now this.

The question is; It appears his bosses in PA. acted appropriately by first suspending his pay immediately, then firing him.