MAcciard said...
Please accept this as an article submission.
To my fellow Atkinsonians,
A truly sad day has befallen the town. On Sunday evening Marsha Bassi, wife of Ben Bassi, Mother of Kendra, Jillian, Rebecca, and Vitctoria Bassi, passed away after a heated battle with cancer.
To know Marsha was to love her. She headed the ski club for 10 years, she served honorably on the Budget committee for 4 years. She was a sweet heart of a woman, whose soft voice and kind words belied the tenacity of a pitbull.
While serving on budget committee, she never shied away from asking the tough questions of the most abrasive personalities in town, and she did it with class and tact.
Marsha, you will be sorely missed. To Ben, Kendra, Jillian, Rebecca, and Victoria, should there be anything we can do for you please call and let me know.
Thank you for your friendship, and for your service to the town I lived lived in and loved for 41 years.
For those that wish to pay their respects, viewing hours are from 4pm- 8pm, Thursday, at the Cautadella Funeral Home on Pleasant Valley st. in Methuen, just down from the Loop.
Please wear something pink!
Atkinson Town Hall

The Norman Rockwellian picture of Atkinson
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Welcome to the NEW Atkinson Reporter! Under new management, with new resolve.
The purpose of this Blog is to pick up where the Atkinson Reporter has left off. "The King is dead, Long live the King!" This Blog is a forum for the discussion of predominantly Atkinson; Officials, People, Ideas, and Events. You may give opinion, fact, or evaluation, but ad hominem personal attacks will not be tolerated, or published. The conversation begun on the Atkinson Reporter MUST be continued!
This Blog will not fall to outside hacks from anyone, especially insecure public officials afraid of their constituents criticism.
The purpose of this Blog is to pick up where the Atkinson Reporter has left off. "The King is dead, Long live the King!" This Blog is a forum for the discussion of predominantly Atkinson; Officials, People, Ideas, and Events. You may give opinion, fact, or evaluation, but ad hominem personal attacks will not be tolerated, or published. The conversation begun on the Atkinson Reporter MUST be continued!
This Blog will not fall to outside hacks from anyone, especially insecure public officials afraid of their constituents criticism.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
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I recently found out that our chief of police committed an unprecedented act of kindness.
In response to Marsha's wake and funeral procession, the Chief offered an Atkinson police escort for her funeral cortege.
This is a fitting send off for such a special woman, and extremely considerate on the part of the chief as Marsha was an exacting questioner of him and his dept. while on the budget committee.
I, for one, would like to say, Thank You Chief, for this gesture.
That was nice of him. I didn't know the PD offered residents this service too.
The PD doesn't! The chief did!
Believe me, I have been critical of his abuses, but this was kind and generous, and should not be discounted.
No, it shouldn't be discounted and was not. It's nice to know that all residents of Atkinson can have this free service for their loved ones.
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