From the Eagle Tribune;
New challenger emerges in Atkinson selectmen's race Tobin announces write-in campaign
By Eric Parry
ATKINSON — The race is back on for selectman.
Valerie Tobin has decided to run a write-in campaign to challenge Bill Bennett for the one vacant seat on the Board of Selectmen.
The only other candidate for the seat, Leon Artus, initially signed up to run, but then asked selectmen to remove his name from the ballot. But Town Clerk Rose Cavalear said legally, Artus' name must appear on the ballot.
Artus has since refused to say if he is still actively seeking the seat, which carries a three-year term. A frequent critic of town government, he is one of several residents suing the town over alleged violations of civil rights.
After the news that Artus was dropping out of the race, Tobin said she was contacted by many residents asking her to consider a run because they wanted options.
"Even though a write-in candidacy is more difficult, they felt I had the right message," Tobin said.
Part of that message is that she wants to keep a close eye on town spending. Tobin said she wants to evaluate all town departments in light of the tough economy to explore areas where spending can be cut. She didn't single out any departments that might be overspending, but said everyone needs to "run a tight ship with no waste.
"Our budgets are a very important issue," Tobin said.SClBThe town's information technology also needs to be updated, she said.
Tobin said she would like to see the town's Web site updated with tax and assessment records, and also make sure the town's important documents are safe.
"We've got to be brought into the 21st century," she said.
This will be Tobin's third attempt to win a seat on the board. Last year, she lost by 37 votes to Selectman Bill Friel, and she lost to Fred Childs by more than 300 votes in 2007.SClBBennett said he had yet to hear from Tobin that she was officially in the running, but said he would take her candidacy seriously.
Tobin plans to formally announce her candidacy at candidates night on Thursday and make herself available to residents to ask questions. She will also be spreading the news over the next couple of weeks through signs and mailers.
Candidates night will be held at the Town Hall at 7 p.m.
Atkinson Town Hall

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Welcome to the NEW Atkinson Reporter! Under new management, with new resolve.
The purpose of this Blog is to pick up where the Atkinson Reporter has left off. "The King is dead, Long live the King!" This Blog is a forum for the discussion of predominantly Atkinson; Officials, People, Ideas, and Events. You may give opinion, fact, or evaluation, but ad hominem personal attacks will not be tolerated, or published. The conversation begun on the Atkinson Reporter MUST be continued!
This Blog will not fall to outside hacks from anyone, especially insecure public officials afraid of their constituents criticism.
The purpose of this Blog is to pick up where the Atkinson Reporter has left off. "The King is dead, Long live the King!" This Blog is a forum for the discussion of predominantly Atkinson; Officials, People, Ideas, and Events. You may give opinion, fact, or evaluation, but ad hominem personal attacks will not be tolerated, or published. The conversation begun on the Atkinson Reporter MUST be continued!
This Blog will not fall to outside hacks from anyone, especially insecure public officials afraid of their constituents criticism.
Monday, February 23, 2009
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WOW! A NON- CHIEF sponsored candidate!
In light of the fact that Leon Artus has unofficially withdrawn, he should show up at candidates night and state that fact, since his name will be on the ballot. No sense wasting votes on someone who won't serve if elected.
If she feels so strongly about these issues, and considering low little she lost by the last time, why didn't she put her name on the ballot in the first place?
Finally, a Selectman Phil can't TWIST around his LITTLE FINGER.
Well, I'm sure you're not going to believe this. Rarely is anyone's mind changed by what is said here.
With that said, I know Bill. He is most assuredly not wrapped around anyone's finger or in anyone's pocket.
Yes, he knows Phil, but rather you chose to believe it or not, Bill will always do the right thing.
I say all this because I was a big supporter of Valerie last year. This year, I firmly believe Bill is the better, more qualified, candidate.
Now, as soon as I say this I'm going to be accused of all kinds of things. I don't work for the town, I don't know the chief, I do not serve on any boards or committees. I'm just a private citizen.
I saw how the blog worked last year and I'm sure it will deem Bill as evil and Valerie as a saint. If things were just that black and white. They are not.
From what I know of Bill, he is decent, but I can not overlook the fact that Phil called him and asked him to run.
We have had too many years of Phil's candidates on the BOS.
Just keep an open mind. I know, when the chief is concerned it is hard. I just ask that you try.
Where has Valerie been all year? Bill, along with Carol Grant and John Wolthers, seem to be the only ones fighting for our water. Bill has gone and spoken at countless meetings on the issue, presented a very well thought out and eloquently worded written testimony at the PUC hearing, and countered every argument the Planning Board members and Jack Sapia had at the special town meeting. Now he is trying to get the Governor's office to hear the citizens side.
Not a peep out of Valerie.
Many people will just assume Bill is guilty through association. Bill is one of the few people who have taken an active stand to protect our water and to stand up to Harold Morse and HAWC.
Consider what will be going through the Planning Board's heads, including, those with a clear conflict of interest, if Bill takes office. Imagine if he becomes the BOS's representative on board. I don't think it's going to be business as usual if that happens.
Do you recall his performance at deliberative session? Do you know phill is his sponsor?
It doesn't matter if Valerie was not vocal about the HAWC issue. You only need one person to be the point on a topic. If Bennett had it covered because it was of special interest to him. Great. To imply that she missed something is ridiculous.
"To imply that she missed something is ridiculous." Why?
HAWC/water was just an example, though does affect everyone in town who has a well, and the pocket books of those who don't (gee, I guess that is everyone). What cause has Valerie championed? What committee's did she sign up for? If her concern is with the budgets, why not sign up for the Budget Committee?
She has had a whole year to make contributions in other ways. I believe that is relevant.
Vote for Bill and he will allow Phil to retire and resume his position as director of EA operating out of the PD. They install Baldwin as acting chief which makes him the incumbent and drag their feet until next year.
Then the selectmen will have a warrant article for a full time chief that will have criteria Baldwin can meet. Phil continues to run EA out of the PD and continues to get his buddies elected to BOS and we continue to have a police state.
The water battle is a lost cause.
I vote for Valerie.
Bill has always been an environmentalist, and that is great, but what will happen when the next resident that Phil bullys complains?
Will he look at what has happened and tell Phil it is time to retire? Or will he do nothing like Sapia, and then tell people he cant discuss that they did nothing because they did nothing in non public session?
Bill is a mess good luck with him
You all greatly underestimate the integrity of Bill Bennett. He is a highly educated man who has devoted a great deal of his life to public service. You do not get a degree from MIT to be a flunky of a small town police chief. MIT, the holy grail of engineering education. Do you think he would be so small minded to have the views he has without good reason?
We are not talking about some small time hick from a small town with a GED bowing to the wishes of a great master. Whatever views Bill has, or whatever alliances he has or does not have, have undergone the analysis a true engineer can give them.
Engineers deal with facts, with reality, with the laws of physics. Engineers ignore them at their own peril. In engineering you do not hope things will work out. You have to prove that they will work and experience is a major contributor to that.
Life is not black and white. This blog would have you believe that, but recall your own life. Everyone's life has shades of gray. It cannot be denied the chief supports Bill. But, if you put that in purely black and white terms, you will miss the big picture.
If you make this election purely about the chief, you are doing this town a great disservice. This town has other pressing issues and it needs the best people willing to serve to help solve them.
I am not a supporter of the chief. He has done many good things for this town, many you do not know of. But, he has also become a center of controversy and embarrassment. Boy, do I wish he would retire tomorrow. It would make things much simpler.
All that I would ask is that you keep an open mind and listen to what Bill says, and consider the work he has done. If you compare that to previous candidates and holders as Selectman, you will see that he has the ability, and will, to do the right thing.
Being a Selectman in this town is not for the faint of heart. If you think it's a once a week a meeting, then you are the wrong person for it. It is lousy pay, ripe for criticism and second guessing, and the form of government this town has chosen. In the past, the choice of selectman has been chosen poorly. All I can say is, Bill is the best choice this town has had in a long, long time. Many will disagree based on a single issue, but he really is the better candidate.
I will add no more. I've made my argument and you can chose to agree or disagree. This blog has made every issue black and white. If your not with me, your against me. All that I would ask is that for a moment, even a very short moment, take another view.
Anonymous@February 23, 2009 6:46 PM said...
Then the selectmen will have a warrant article for a full time chief that will have criteria Baldwin can meet.
Voters in NH towns can choose to elect full time police chiefs. If they leave it to the selectmen to appoint the chief, they can't dictate what the minimum qualifications are or whether the chief will be part time or full time.
The only power the town meeting has is budgetary. The selectmen have to have the money to pay the people they want to hire.
to anon 9:45 PM
Frank Polito is also such and Engineer. Retort complete.
To CS. Pardon me but you are full of it and now I know you have no clue.
RSA 105:1 Appointment. – The selectmen of a town, when they deem it necessary, may appoint special police officers who shall continue in office during the pleasure of the selectmen, or until their successors are chosen or appointed. The selectmen may designate one of the police officers as chief of police or superintendent and as such officer the chief of police or superintendent shall exercise authority over and supervise or superintend other police officers, police matrons, watchmen or constables appointed under the provisions of this chapter, and said police officers, police matrons, watchmen or constables shall be accountable and responsible to said chief of police or superintendent. Nothing herein shall be construed to preclude or prevent a town from electing constables or police officers at an annual town meeting pursuant to the provisions of RSA 41:47.
Mr. Springer,
The quirk in that statute is that you HIRe a police officer, once you have hired a police officer, you appoint the special duty assignment, for want of a better phrase, of chief. You make the appointment for one or several years, and then you re APPOINT OR NOT AS THE SELECTMEN SEE FIT.
1. A jack ass has hijacked the topic.
2. [Art.] 32. [Rights of Assembly, Instruction, and Petition.] The people have a right, in an orderly and peaceable manner, to assemble and consult upon the common good, give instructions to their representatives, and to request of the legislative body, by way of petition or remonstrance, redress of the wrongs done them, and of the grievances they suffer.
June 2, 1784
That and other Constitutional rights will "HANG" the dopes.
What has happened in Atkinson is the Selectmen haven't reappointed a Police Chief in YEARS.
RESULT: A police state has been formed with the help of selectmen, and the political process has been hijacked.
Common sense died as did Democracy at the expense of CIVIL RIGHTS.
Those people responsible must be eliminated from the process, and shunned by the good people of this Town.
Phil Consentino is the BIGGEST PROBLEM, but not the only one. His Police State must come to an end this year.
Call me what you want, there are no constitutional issues here. Municipalities are barely mentioned in the NH constitution. The form of local government can not be changed (e.g. town meeting to town council) without its consent. There is the prohibition on unfunded mandates. Aside from that, everything at the town level is at the direction of the legislature. If they wanted to allow town votes on the qualifications of appointed police chiefs, they would have written it into the law.
Thank You:
You are a dope and a fool.
Learn how to read and listen.
You get your head stuck in your faulty opinions and you throw "shit" back at anyone who does not agree with you. And,
The thread was not and is not about police chief's but you stick your opinions in peoples faces even when it is not a subject under discussion. I want to call you more names but you boar me to tears.
The subject of police chief appointments was mentioned here:
Anonymous@February 23, 2009 6:46 PM said...
Then the selectmen will have a warrant article for a full time chief that will have criteria Baldwin can meet.
The people of Danville have always been narrow minded obstructionists.
Why should we expect less from him?
I've said it before and I'll say it again. I appreciate your contribution to this board.
I think, especially over the past week, this blog has really shown its bias here. I love the Scarlet Letter type suggestion of Anon 8:46 a.m. (i.e. shun the chief and anyone who has supported them!) I mean, come on... Or how about their silly, stupid, and leading poll question. "Despite all the evidence..." What jokers! And let's not forget how they pick and choose article submissions.
The funny thing is, from what I read here, if any of these CLOWNS were truly in charge in town, my sense is they'd be the real bullies.
It'll be interesting to read the comments on this blog should they not get a favorable ruling in their little lawsuit. Who will they blame for their misery this time?
Well, Here we go again, see what you have done mrs. moderator?? Now your blog isn't worth the time to read. Besides, the newspaper prints all your articles first, so, why bother?
Anon 9:41,
Gee, I was waiting for you to say I've hijacked the topic. That's one of your favorites when someone doesn't support your agenda.
To Anon @ 9:37am;
The current lawsuit has nothing to do with this blog. It is not "our little lawsuit", but we understand your appelation.
To the best of our knowledge, there have been no article submissions regarding events in Atkinson that have been rejected.
As for the wording of the poll question, is it leading, or truth?
Rather than useless characterizations, how about we try to define and debate our respective positions, that IS one of the functions of this blog.
You only undermine your own credibility, when you fail to defend your points.
I have no agenda. Just sitting here at work with no viable contract prospects. Always good to see mr. s typing drivvle. We then know his hands a busy and not playing switch.
Dear Atkinson Reporter moderator, please consider the following article for submission:
Richard Brothers, New Hampshire’s State Employment Commissioner has been enjoying some extra income free of charge. It seems Mr. Brothers is accused of ten counts of fraud on travel vouchers he submitted to the state. That’s our tax dollars reimbursing this guy on travel he never made!
Incidentally, just before he was charged with fraud, Mr. Brothers was busy defending one Raye Ellen Douville (previously known as Raymond Douville – before he had a sex change!) Douville works for the State Employment Commission and has plead guilty to bilking a dozen trucking companies out of $100,000.00. Gov. Lynch has asked that Ms./Mr. Douville be suspended, but Mr. Brothers is refusing to do this, saying she’s been a good employee and honest about the investigation. I don’t know about the rest of you, but how you do you feel knowing there is someone working for the state – and in the Employment Commission no less – after pleading guilty to insurance fraud?! Is that a good use of our tax dollars?
Now what does this have to do with Atkinson? Well, Ed Naile, of CNHT would typically be all over a story like this. As a matter of fact, this would be a dream come true for him. Crooked employment commissioner, who, days earlier, was standing up for a guilty insurance fraud, cross-dressing employee? There should be no end to the cheap shots and innuendos by Mr. Naile. But, he has been unusually quiet about this. This is a CNHT dream example of abuse of our tax dollars and there has been nothing but silence….
Could it be that it’s because the lawyer defending the defender of the transgendered is none other than Atty. Charles Douglas? You know, Atty. Douglas, don’t you? He is the person defending the rights of Gary Brownfield, Leon Artus, and Steve Lewis. You can’t make this stuff up! But this is the three ring circus that is coming to our town! Thanks guys…we’re all glad you’re so concerned about ethics here in Atkinson!
Its been my observation the moderator doesn't post every article submission. The above has minimal relevance to Atkinson. Rather than clog the front page with irrelevant articles, I'd ask the moderator to defer this article submission request.
Just my opinion.
What does this have to do with Atkinson? So these resident's lawyer, is representing a cross- dressing Dem, in State Government, what does that have to do with Atkinson?
Do you also intend to submit articles detailing all of the scumbags Sumner has defended? Or the insurance company attorney, Lane?
I am sorry but this looks like something that doesn't concern Atkinson as much as it concerns the new defendants,it seems like an attempt to "shoot the messenger" something which our town officials are really good at.
Anon 10:36,
You are correct. It appears he picks and chooses and only posts articles that support his position. Post the article as a topic. What are they afraid of?
Anon 10:44 a.m.,
It is about Atkinson and your example is a good one. My money would be on a similar article about the town's lawyer getting on this board.
The title of this article is: "New challenger emerges in Atkinson selectmen's race"
Can we please discuss this issue? March 7th will be on us before we know it, and I would like to hear more about where Mr. Bennett and Mrs. Tobin stand on the real issues of the Town.
Yes, if Mr. Sapia, Polito, Phil etc wants to discuss Cross Dressing transexuals, let them go to Mr. Buckley's apartment. I know they will be in good hands and company.
I'll bet if Mr. Sapia, or Mr. Polito can show any reason why a lawyers clients in any way reflects on the other clients he represents, and that reason's impact on Atkinson, I'll bet the moderator would post your article.
Suggest they get that information during discovery not here. Meanwhile let's talk about the Selectmen's race.
Blog readers have again noted that you are again flooding our blog with your personal b.s.
This is an Atkinson election and that is none of your business.
The issues concerning selectmen candidates are Atkinson issues which are also none of your business.
The issues concerning our Police Department are Atkinson issues and none of your business.
Every Atkinson pre-election period,
whether for a Special town meeting or a regular Annual town Meeting, you butt yourself into Atkinson's business and try to influence our election results and tell Atkinson voters how to deal with issues.
Why don't you start showing some respect for the intelligence of Atkinson residents and stop pretending that you are the all-knowing god of knowledge. Your ego is out of control.
Why don't you just subject other town's blog to your unwanted interference? This is our election, not yours.
Curt: Please continue to post here. At least we can have 1 place in town where free speech is allowed and tolerated. Ignore the spinsters. They don't want us dumb Atkinson moe-rons to get edimicated on how a town is supposed to really be run. People may be free to disagree with you but you should completely disregard the harrassment. Now you see what its like when reasonable people express an opinion in this town. We're supposed to believe the chief and Jack and Frank know best. God save us.
Didn't mean to screw up your blog but I am a compulsive know-it-all and if I post on my own blog people will not think highly of me so here I am down at Harverd supose to be doing my job but stuck to this keyboard. Pssss. please dont tell the people of Danvill what you think of me, I have spent a long time building a reputation up here. TaTa for now
Curt Springer said...
February 24, 2009 12:48 PM
Curt Springer said...
February 24, 2009 12:49 PM
Somebody is spoofing me.
When I am logged in, my name is a link to my Google profile.
If you see my name in plain text, somebody is spoofing me.
See, I changed the color back. I am like the shadow. Only the shadow knows . . .
Curt Springer said...
February 24, 2009 12:48 PM
Curt Springer said...
February 24, 2009 12:49 PM
Somebody is spoofing me.
When I am logged in, my name is a link to my Google profile.
If you see my name in plain text, somebody is spoofing me.
Totally out of control -
Bad, bad blog
Curt, contrary to the insecure bigmouth who wants you to go away I'd like to know exactly what you think about our election, our candidates, our police department and other issues. If what you have to say is meaningful and insightful and it may influence people's opinions, then so be it!
Mr. Springer,
This blog is all about free debate on the issues facing Atkinson.
If you have something constructive to offer in that realm, please feel free to do so.
Just because you offer an out of town perspective does not, in this blog's perspective, mean that you should not be heard.
However, there are many who post on this blog who feel differently, so don't feel to offended at the consequences of your posts.
This blog would like to note, as Mr. Springer pointed out, that of late there have been some spoilers attempting to create the impression of posts removed, and comments by Mr. Springer that he did not make.
Please note the signs of a blog user being signed in, as opposed to just using a psuedonym.
Thank you for asking:
I think Atkinson sucks. I spend many hours every day on your blogs just trying to help you out. You do know what I know and that is that you people are slightly stupid. If I don't help you out you will remain ignorant. Glad to help.
I am sorry that I said the Constitution does not extend to Atkinson. You must have looked at Part 1, Bill of Rights. You still don't have them because the town fathers don't want you to have them. Talk nice and don't sign petitions and maybe they will let you have a few.
To all blog readers please note that the interloper trying to spoof Mr. Springer's name is in BLACK.
This means that although he was able to use his name as a psuedonym, he was not able to sign in in that name, or it would be in BLUE.
Between Leon pulling out, and people arguing over the other two, the "reform" vote in Atkinson is once again FUBAR.
This crowd needs to get it's sh*t together and work towards some common goals or Atkinson will NEVER change...
Thanks Ms. Reporter. My Blackberry was out of BLUE print. I have fixed it now. I was wrong in thinking the people of Atkinson are rude and stupid. You are not all rude.
Will you guys quit your whining and crying about Curt? Curt has put more relevant info on this blog than 99% of the blog posters.
The more you whine, the more I support Curt's posts. In fact, it seems that all your energy is wasted trying to whine about Curt instead of doing something/anything to better this happy little town. Whine, whine, whine, cry, cry, cry, bo hoo, bo hoo, bo hoo. Boy o boy that was fun whining! Curt, could you make another post so I can try whining about it. I just had so much fun practicing whining that it was kinda fun. :) :) :#}
Curt Springer said...
Thanks Ms. Reporter. My Blackberry was out of BLUE print. I have fixed it now. I was wrong in thinking the people of Atkinson are rude and stupid. You are not all rude.
February 24, 2009 3:40 PM
OK, this is getting silly. I did not write the above posting.
So you can't rely on black vs. blue.
If you hover over or click on my name, and if I really posted, you will see this URL:
If you hover over or click on my name, but it really was the impostor, you will see this URL:
-- the real Curt: #08745137421588631460
You have created a fine process mr. S
Now what makes you think the imposter will not transpose the numbers and post them? You would know because you "know-it-all".
Well the impostor is a clever guy/gal, so you can never say never.
But those numbers are not typed by us, google puts those in the message based on how we logged in.
-- the real Curt: #08745137421588631460
(you can verify it)
Are you disabled? You have way to much time on your hands, considering all the posts you make all the time, any time day or night.
Your on a planning board?
Your like my kids.......always wasting valuable time. Hope we can get them over that before they reach you age.
I think the imposter is clever in the way that he posted the Acct. #'s first and Curt has no way to correct the imposter. Clever indeed!
Actually you can go back to any of the postings labeled "Curt Springer", this morning or on prior days, and the URL will be
The impostor's URL only appeared for the first time this afternoon.
Anonymous@February 24, 2009 4:59 PM said...
Are you disabled? You have way to much time on your hands, considering all the posts you make all the time, any time day or night.
Well I did post a lot today. That wasn't my preference but I do take it seriously when somebody tries to steal my name, even just in fun.
There is one person here who writes 6 paragraphs denouncing me for every single paragraph that I actually write. There's somebody with time on his/her hands.
Hmmmmm..i defiantly agree this blog is bias and starting to get extremely silly.. I hate the here piggy..stupid posts and I welcome Curt's comments because they are level headed and non bias..but hey that's me...Oh right he doesn't live in precious Atkinson!!! right we don't need anyone's out side advice. Obviously this town is just perfect the way it is....hahahaha..( that was sarcasm) give me a break..hmmm why don't people use there names ..well it might have something to do with how this blog degrades people who do..Oh except Mark...When other people post their names people on here tend to degrade and discredit anyone who with this said who is the real bully?????
When an outsider can generate more controversy than the people who live here, then this blog has become useless.
Yet again, Mr. Springer has worn out his welcome. But on the other hand, he has shown that Atkinson Reporter 2 is just a shell of the original.
Time to hang it up boys. You've done more damage than good. Hope you're lawsuits provide some compensation. Then again, I hope they show you for the wackos you really are.
The Emperor truly has no clothes.
When an outsider can generate more controversy than the people who live here, then this blog has become useless.
I agree this blog is useless....but this is typical Atkinson attitude " when an outsider"....I hate that we all share the same school system..I hate to tell you people but Just because you live in Atkinson it does not make you any better then anyone else...even if the chief tells the kids this at dare graduations. " you are from Atkinson, you have a reputation to uphold" err just irritates me. I do feel the chief has done some good things for this town. But I also feel it is time to retire..
I hate when he says stupid things like people from Haverhill are not allowed to trick or treat in Atkinson. Then telling the kids the crap about being better cause your from Atkinson...hahahaha...give me a break....
You think? You're the reason people say: "Here Piggy, Piggy, Piggy.................
February 24, 2009 11:19 PM
No actually I think ignorance is the reason people or one person says here piggy piggy.....
It is easy to get carried away with hyperbole and humor. I retract my fun comment:
"Yeah. Let's discredit that stupid supreme court justice. ......Let's try a bogus submission article. .....We can hammer that nail guy too. Ok plus we can work in ...... as the blog moderator again. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah let's bust em up. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah."
For me there was an opportunity to make fun of controversy on the blog but I meant no actual malice to anyone. I see now it could be taken as such. So, I withdraw that post. It is the ethical thing to do.
I don't remember seeing anyone who used their name get bullied here. I don't get bullied, sometimes people agree with me sometimes they don't.
The same with the Conservation Committee chair, Tim Dziechowski, or Valerie Tobin, or Carol Grant, or any of the others who have stood behind what they post.
I dont like the piggy comments either, I think they are useless and childish, but obviously someone fits that bill, and that is what they wish to say, well that is what free speech is about. You are not going to agree with everything you see posted, neither do I and that is a good thing.
I enjoy the debate, and this site is fun, when the adults come out to debate serious issues and events that happen in town.
I, for one, would love to hear Mr. Bennett and Ms. Tobin discussed on their relative merits.
Like I had said before..No Mark you do not get bullied here. people who tend to agree with the postings on this blog do not get bullied. I have followed this blog and the one before from the start. If you think back, Most people who do not agree and have posted their name have been belittled and degraded. I'm not going to list names but its the same when I post pro police..Then I am automatically A "Hench-man"... or I must be reaping some great reward..This is why you have so many anonymous comments...which mine will remain..
I not afraid of the chief, knowing who I am I just don't want the stupid snide remarks from this blog. If say, I have a typo or what ever the case may be.
When is the town spin going to stop against the blog and constructive conversation resume?
I will not speak to anyone else's intentions in their comments, but my own.
You bring up valid points, but I do not know what comments you made that led to you feeling you were bullied, however, this is just a blog, it is not an official meeting of a governmental entity.
The overt bullying that has gone on in those meetings, is the travesty, not the degree of civility or lack thereof by commentators on a blog.
While you have never heard me make any personally disparaging comments about the chief( I have only commented on his "official" actions, you have heard him disparage me in live meetings.
I think that those that post here, by and large, are those who are disgusted to some degree with the circus that our town's government has become, and while they state that they post anonymously because they do not want to be singled out, I think most piss the point that just the fact that you HAVE that fear is a huge problem!
No Taxpayer should be afraid that a governmental official will use the power of their office against them because of their opinion. I have been to countries where that was the policy of the government, and it can not be allowed to exist here.
I post under my own name, for the same reason I asked m police chief, and selectmen to do the right thing initially, because I stand by what I say, and I will not be bullied, or blackmailed, or intimidated in any way.
I would recommend to all that post here that you do it under your own name, but I also understand fully, why for some that is impossible.
Good Luck
I post here too. I am looking for complete lawsuit filed by Attorney Douglas against Consentino, Polito, Sapia, Childs, Friel, Sullivan and The Town of Atkinson.
I want to know if it will be a jury trial, for one thing. That should be on it. And what are the documents supporting the charges against each? I really want to read those.
I searched:
Where is it on the site? I have seen the 'taste' posted on the blog....but not the real monster document.
The suspense is killing me. STOP IT!
The link to the lawsuit is on the FRONT PAGE of the site under:
Town of Atkinson News
02/24/2009: Residents file suit against town
Using Curt's name to post is illegal and traceable.
Impersonation is a violation of the Google/ Content Policy:
IMPERSONATION: We do not allow impersonation of others through our services in a manner that is intended to or does mislead or confuse others.
The content policy is incorporated by reference in the Terms of Service
Mr. Springer, you are, once again, correct. Thank you for bringing this to our attention.
From this point forward, any impersonations that come to our attention will be deleted.
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