Please accept this as an article submission;
Does our police dept. operate on a shoestring, as Jack Sapia, so hysterically claimed at deliberative session?
Or is the truth somewhat different?
Well here are the facts;
Every year Our police dept. budgets 10,400 full time hours, 8,760 part time hours, And our PT Chief who is limited by law to 1,300 hours per year.
The hours listed are PATROL hours, they do not include hours budgeted for dispatch, clerical, school crossing,
We currently have, as Jack announced at deliberative session, ONE patrol officer on each shift! Same as we had in 2000, when the budget was $300,000.
There are 8,360 hours in a year! So we are spending 20,000 man hours to cover 8,360 hours. I know the math doesn't work out, does it?
We heard the budget committee's Fred Thompson try to explain away this vast difference by saying it was taken up with Vacation, sick time and holiday time, but that math doesn't work either.
You have 5 FT officers that get benefits.
2wks. Vacation(80 hours) x 5 officers= 400 man hours.
11 paid holidays(88 hours) x 5 officers= 440 man hours.
10 sick days(80 hours) x 5 officers= 400 man hours.
So here is the math;
20,000 man hours budgeted
-8,360 man hours spent patrolling the town.
-1,240 man hours covering vacation, holiday, sick time.
10,400 man hours we have paid for, but are unaccounted for.
Take out the 2000 hours for the Lt.
You still have 8,400 hours unaccounted for. That is an ENTIRE YEAR OF PATROL TIME WASTED!
So much for simplistic calculations, lets look at the money;
I asked, at deliberative session, why the dept. was costing us $767,000 this year, when last year we spent only $643,000?
Yes I am well aware, and sorely miss Cpl. Lapham, and Sgt. Kinney, but they have served to demonstrate the waste in the PD.
Please understand, last year police services were provided to the town without interruption, or degradation in services. Tickets were issued, court cases were prosecuted, arrests were made, halloween went off without a hitch, calls were answered, in short; everything the PD was supposed to do, they did, and they did it by SPENDING ONLY $643,000.00.
So If we could do all of that for only $643,000 last year, why is it going to cost us $767,000 this year?
Yes, I know, that we covered the shifts with part timers, but that just means that we should be doing that all the time, after all that is why we have 18 part time slots!
I was told by the chairman of the budget committee at that meeting that they dont run the PD. Well that is true, but, by law, the budget committee, is charged with finding the appropriate funding level for every dept. in town. They have enormous power and authority to gather information from any town official, or outside the town. When I chaired that committee, we compared budgets of surrounding similarly situated towns, such as Hampstead, and Sandown. Hampstead's police budget this year is $809,000, with a town that is 40% larger, 2 more full time officers, 2+ patrol officers on each shift, 40% more business.
Does this make any fiscal sense?
Take the personalities out of this article, ad look at the numbers, can anyone say that this is a necessary expenditure? Can anyone say that this job could not be done for less, as we did last year?
MArk Acciard
Atkinson Town Hall

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The purpose of this Blog is to pick up where the Atkinson Reporter has left off. "The King is dead, Long live the King!" This Blog is a forum for the discussion of predominantly Atkinson; Officials, People, Ideas, and Events. You may give opinion, fact, or evaluation, but ad hominem personal attacks will not be tolerated, or published. The conversation begun on the Atkinson Reporter MUST be continued!
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The purpose of this Blog is to pick up where the Atkinson Reporter has left off. "The King is dead, Long live the King!" This Blog is a forum for the discussion of predominantly Atkinson; Officials, People, Ideas, and Events. You may give opinion, fact, or evaluation, but ad hominem personal attacks will not be tolerated, or published. The conversation begun on the Atkinson Reporter MUST be continued!
This Blog will not fall to outside hacks from anyone, especially insecure public officials afraid of their constituents criticism.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
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Tickets were issued, court cases were prosecuted, arrests were made, halloween went off without a hitch, calls were answered, in short; everything the PD was supposed to do, they did, and they did it by SPENDING ONLY $643,000.00.
ROFL, you left out the many hours chief and Lt. spend reading this blog, on our time.
I think Mr. Acciard's question is a valid one.
Maybe someone from the budget committee would like to explain?
Too late for that.
Now we get to vote yes or no in March, on the budget approved at the (yup) deliberative session. If you vote no, they use last year's budget.
I'm voting NO.
If delibertive session wasn't stacked we could have cut $150,000 from the police budget and reduced the tax rate.
So much for an effective budget commitee or Town Government.
Hope they all get jail time. We will reduce their "Bread and Water" budget.
Two years ago, the police dept. and selectmen in Salem wanted to add a Deputy Chief. They couldn't make the case for the NEED, so the budget committee refused to fund the position.
Sorry Selectmen, and police chief!
Our budget committee would NEVER have the balls to take a stand like that.
You mentioned Sandown, my town, we have as many people as Atkinson, bigger town, in area, and our budget is $200k less than yours. But we are not as rich either.
Neither are we, neighbor, but there are a few in each of the surrounding towns who can afford to look away.
Well, until someone can explain this, I will vote the whole budget down!
Good idea. If we vote the budget down, the PD will have alot less to pocket in '09.
Actually, if the budget is voted down, the town would operate of the default budget, which is slightly less the budget you are voting on, I dont have the exact figures.
So where do all the hours go? They are used every year, so how are they used, if not patrolling?
Maybe our Lt. or chief can explain why they have everyone work during the day, and only one guy on evening and nights and weekends
I remember John joking that there was so little to do on night shift, it was a chore for him to stay awake, at least if there was someone else on, they could play cards, or something.
Why don't they post the logs anymore on the PD website?
They stopped posting stats after they were asked to justify their expenses, given so few calls.
They averaged 5-7 dispatches a week!
Now they just dont post that information.
Maybe someone can get them to post the logs all the time. We have a right to know what is going on. Is this covered under 91A?
Yeah and while they are at it maybe the selectmen can start posting minutes again, and the budget committee has posted minutes for over a year.
Why is it so hard to get basic information in this town? We have laws about this stuff, what does it take to get the town to follow them?
blackadar;how did you let the pd budget get by you are you looking?you said you were going to watch everything,get on the ball or you won,t get my vote next time. [ the bounty hunter ]
124,000 more then last year? what in hell is he doing with all that money,??????????i wan,t an answer
Anon 9:10 AM,
A lawsuit? How original. No wonder there are so many open elected positions open in town. How would want to run and have to deal with the garbage you all dish out here.
Everyone here is a victim with a lawyer and ready to vote NO.
And given the attempt to sue individuals and make them pay out of pocket for their legal costs, it makes you wonder who the real bullies in Atkinson are.
The warrant article to prevent the residents from having to pay for lawsuits against town officials was specifically for PERSONAL lawsuits, not for legitimate suits that may come up in the course of town business.
I say we collect signatures and get these articles out there again.
yeah, yeah, yeah,
sue, sue, suey
we need more suits so all these
bad people stop runnin our town.
then all the good bloggers can take over.
yeah, yeah, yeah,
sue, sue, suey
TO: Anonymous February 9, 2009 11:44 AM
I think you HIT A NERVE with Anonymous February 9, 2009 11:46 AM. He sounds like he's calling the rest of his relatives and selectmen into "Executive Session" to discuss strategy behind taxpayer backs, doesn't it?
Sounds like they are worried that they will have to pay their own legal expenses for their private lawsuits for their own illegal acts.
Ever notice PIGS SQUEEL A LOT just before they go to MARKET?
Ever wonder who the Chairman of THE PIGS is? Does the sound remind you of anyone you have heard before?
The law abiding citizens of the town sue to correct official wrongdoing. The citizens sue to obtain denied information which it is their right to possess. The citizens sue to protect their constitutional First Amendment rights and other rights that are guaranteed by law but are currently denied. You want citizens to stop lawsuits? Then simply obey the laws of the state of New Hampshire and the laws of the United States of America.
As to open positions in town, perhaps Mr. Springer will get a town apartment and run for office. Springer knows the answers to all Atkinson issues already. He solved all the ills of Danville by means of his judicious opinions.
Does anyone smell a PIG ROAST in the air?
Actually pigs are kinda smart and friendly. I once had a customer with a pet Vietnamese pig. It came rolling from one side of the room and bounced off the refrigerator door and scared the Jesuits out of me. All selectmen should be pigs. That is, intelligent and friendly. We need more pigs and fewer alligators and snakes. When I see snake eyes and alligator jaws, I get chills. More bacon for me. When is summer coming? Going to Jamaica. Bye for now!
I could use some alligator cowboy boots.
I wonder if those Cute Little Pigs ever hear the SNAP of the alligator's JAWS? I know they NEVER hear the BURP.
Look down to see what is on your feet. Pigs are known for EATING THEIR YOUNG. Alligators never do.
How bout a special town meeting to deal with all the PD issues and get spending under control. Too much confusion with elderly affairs in the PD. If separated off for real then both will function better. If the PD is brought from the 11th century to modern times, that's a good thing.
Anon 12:52 PM said...
Does anyone smell a PIG ROAST in the air?
Let's see what you're saying after town meeting.
You guys crack me up. You all talk a good game. Remember someone told everyone here to bring their red pens to the deliberative session when they discuss the proposed budget? Who showed up? The regular cast of characters! The rest of you stayed home because why? You were too scared of the intimidation? LOL!!! Unless you know the selectman (or anyone else facing you) personally, do you really think they are going to know who you are?
BTW, Chief Consentino sat in the back of the auditorium, so unless he could ID you from the back of your head, I don't think he was going to know who you were as well.
This blog is big on hot air and small on support. It has become the comics page of Atkinson news...
Alligators carry their young in their jaws to protect them much like town officials carry cohorts. I can't make up my mind which new candidate is an alligator or which is a piglet. One is too big for a piglet. Must be a hippo-drone. Then there is candidate Leon Artus. He looks like a Siberian Tiger to me. Like all other cats, the Siberian tiger is a carnivorous predator. It preys primarily on red deer, which make up 65-90% of its diet in the Russian Far East. Other prey species are moose, roe deer, sika deer, musk deer and goral. It will also take smaller prey like lagomorphs (hares, rabbits, and pikas) and fish, including salmon, and have even been know to hunt bears and Consentinos.
Those cobra eyes at the back of the room did not err in their acuity.
I did not speak at Deliberative Session out of fear of Intimidation and I can prove it and I will.
I am going to give Leon some ink-jet cartridges. He eats them up I see.
How many signatures are needed for a special town meeting to deal with the PD issues out of control? Anybody know?
Don't know the number but you wanna bet they get PD calls for signing up?
Anon 1:43,
Silence equals consent.
Ya think? Silent Majority will win.
Anon 2:36,
Can you please explain?
Chief, Bill.........where are your time sheets regarding how many hours you two spend in the Chief's office daily going over the Blog?
Please forward to the Atkinson Taxpayers Association c/o CNHT ASAP.
Send to CNHT? Of course. They are NH's version of civil rights violation ambulance chasers. SUE EVERYBODY!!!
Truth? You wan't the truth about the PD budget? You can't handle the truth!
Its far too Komplicated an issue for the Chief to explain or the Budget committee to understand. There's vacation time and sick time and all these complikated numbers that us dumb voters cayn't figger out. Chief's numbers never match other people's numbers because other people cayn't unnerstand what its all about. And to that Acciard guy, GET YER FACTS STRAIGHT! Before you post all these lies, get yer facts straight cause chief is tired of people who don't do their homework.
Thanks Chief for your input. don't you think it's time for a WIG, since you've tried to COVER EVERYTHING else up in our career?
Did it ever occur to you town officials that if you followed the law, and did the town's business in the open, nobody would have anything to sue about?
But instead your refusal to do the right thing FORCES residents to go to court, spending thier own money to FORCE you to do what you should have done in the first place!
Chief, want to talk about "ambulance chasers" look at what YOUR Elderly affairs Dept. was left by our dearly departed. Want the TRUTH published here?
I find it funny that the very town officials who are getting themselves into trouble have so much taxpayer funded time to blog.
And their only defense is to whine about CNHT and lawsuits. Well you have been sued repeatedly by TOWN RESIDENTS, NEVER BY THE CNHT! And you have LOST TO TOWN RESIDENTS representing themselves.
What does THAT tell you? The people don't need CNHT to beat you, they just need to get out of Atkinson to get justice. Get it into Court, where Phil, and Jack, and Frank have no influence, and things don't go their way.
Guys, if you have any smarts at all, you should be very afraid, this new case isn't some dumb carpet cleaner, or retired schoolteacher taking you to court, it is a former NH Supreme Court Justice, and US Congressman, and he knows what he is doing.
Swing low..... Sweet Chariot..... comin for to carry me home...
Here Piggy, Piggy, Piggy.
I is funny...if it were true. However, I can think of about 3,000,000 reasons why others would be blogging here day and night.
Here Piggy, Piggy, Piggy.
This year's political heavyweight championship of the world, its:
Chief BigumHeado vs.
IN THE RIGHT CORNER, we have Chief Bigumheado. The Chief, comes in at a svelt 6' 3" and 280lbs of pure musclehead and is UNDEFEATED in the political arena. That's right folks, he's never lost a political battle in his 40 year political career. He body slammed every complaint and heart-punched every lawsuit (well, almost). He is a political heavyweight in these parts both in popularity and girth. He's crushed a more than a few competitors with that badge and his famous "spin" and the rest he's demolished with his most famous move, the voting block. Its his famous settlement move in the last round that is a rope-a-dope like tactic where he always floats like a butterfly and stings like a bee to avoid the KO. Truly an amazing career that's come down to this title match of political heavyweights. Atkinson has never seen a matchup quite like this. Even the independent voters may come out to watch it (that is if they aren't afraid to).
AND IN THE RIGHT CORNER (everyone's in the right corner around here)
We have the CNHT-LAWSUIT-TSUNAMI. Represented by Ed "Tough As" Nailes, he is by far the toughest political challenger to date. Nailes has nailed nearly every opponent with a nearly unblemished record of 99-2. Nailes boasts a statewide political team with his newest trainer, Chuck-WTF-Douglas. These two deliver a 1-2 legal punch that is like none other. Nailes uses his lawsuit strangle hold maneuver that has caused more than one opponent to cry uncle. He's also famous for the "PR BLITZ out of nowhere". His Blog Punch and spin moves left more than a few opponents begging to settle.
This should be an exciting match, folks. Gentlemen (and I use the term loosely) let's have a nice clean fight out there, no illegal moves or foreign objects.
We're ready for the first round bell. Ding Ding!
Notice that OUR CHIEF? DIDN'T RESPOND to his "ambulance chasing" being published on the Blog but tried to divert attention to CNHT?
Let's get back to the discussion:
Chief violated the taxpayers Civil Right over and over without consideration for what he did, BUT he doesn't want to be made accountable for it.
The ATA and all other committees are here to say: Chief, you will be held accountable. Period!
Resign now! Your Reign of Terror is over.
Whoever wrote the post about the whopping fight has my deepest congratulations on your creative writing skills. Truly a work of art!
"The ATA and all other committees are here to say: Chief, you will be held accountable. Period!"
Other committees? You right wing nut bags suuuure came out in force a few weeks ago. Can we say (puppet) committee of three?!
Anon 5:32,
I have to admit it is pretty funny. I like how they are both in the right corner!
To Anon @ February 9, 2009 12:33 PM:
LOL, I'm sure my cousin would let me move into her barn in Atkinson. :-)
If I had the skills to solve your problems I would probably be in Obama's cabinet or perhaps one of Hillary's special envoys, like George Mitchell. I'm afraid I fall far short.
We fought in Danville for the last 5+ years about stuff, but now it seems everyone ran out of steam or settled their differences, we had no controversies, and our deliberative session ended in 2 hours. So who knows, maybe something similar will arrive in Atkinson some day, maybe not.
While I have your attention, you can have a special town meeting, but there can't be any appropriation, including a reduction to an approved appropriation, unless you get permission from the superior court. In order to get permission, you have to prove to the court's satisfaction that you could not have taken the action at the last annual meeting, and / or that it can't wait for action at the next annual meeting.
Chiefo pulls the strings and the select board puppet of three jump under the table with hands over lips, eyes, and ears. Oh lordy, lordy, skeered of him. Mommy, mommy, mommy...I need my mommy.
Wow, I don't know what happened today, but it appears the conversation has strayed pretty far from the budgetary issues in the article. Although I have to admit, the fight comment was pretty funny.
LOL, You cry all day and night about the Chiefy being so bad and mean that you can't possibly go to deliberative session out of fear of the Chief. I think there was even talk of a law suit because of fear of the Chief. But, it's ok to make these posts about the Chief...
Chiefo pulls the strings and the select board puppet of three jump under the table with hands over lips, eyes, and ears. Oh lordy, lordy, skeered of him. Mommy, mommy, mommy...I need my mommy.
February 9, 2009 6:05 PM
Anonymous said...
Whatever they are, these are not men. A man is a ROCK WITH A HEART. Not a coward to a bully with a badge.
February 9, 2009 6:09 PM
Your posts only prove your true lack of support, for it's obvious you only use the " I'm afraid" of big bad Chief when its convient.
What's that saying? You can't butter the bread on both sides!
To: February 9, 2009 7:07 PM
No problem here, Selectmen always want both ends and the middle and complain when they don't get it.
Mr. Springer
What is your take on the Criminal part of what the Chief did....if convicted?
Have you thought about that?
Hey Frank, dont you get tired of trying to defend the indefensible?
Observation? The only WACKJOBS reside in Town Hall.
Why not just have 5 part time police officers Plus the well paid LT.....More than enough hours.
30 x 5 = 150
150 x 52 = 7800
No vacation only part time…….
45 x 52 =2340
2340 +7800 =10140
You only need 3 cars one patrol car one extra patrol car and one detective car......
Part time employees do not need a take home car. LT doesn't need a car he lives around corner.
But anyways an extra 120000 dollars that should buy some fancy gun holsters so no gun will ever be lost again......Rest easy all Mayberry has never been safer…
QUESTION: Who's the first one to complain about a PIG ROAST?
Oh NO, here we go again......
Here Piggy, Piggy, Piggy.
Who cares about a PIG BUDGET when the PIG IS GONE? Pig need for his budget. Saves Millions...........
Just my opinion
Hey David,
Old cruiser worn out yet? Wanna buy another CHEAP? Think 3 will be coming up soon. Save your money, ok?
The Truth is the police budget has always been bloated, even other police chiefs from surrounding towns, laughingly wish they could "get away" with what Phil does, but nobody on the budget committee is going to question him, he will paint that person as downright unpatriotic. Questioning those who puts their lives on the line.... sorry, where was I, oh yeah, Put their lives on the line day in and day out to protect everyone in this town!
Hard to say with a straight face.
The blog is seriously funny today. It's hard to stay uptight with so much humor coming to the fore. Wouldn't it be great if we could all make up and be friends? The bullish-boys could get off it, apologize and resign. Then the citizens could forgive, then forget the myriad big name winning lawyers with terrifying reputations, no longer needed and we could all have a wienie roast with beer!
I can dream? Wait, I JUST WOKE UP! Pig Roast, pig roast...go, go, go! Here piggy, piggy, piggy!
"I learned long ago, never to wrestle with a pig. You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it."
I thought this quote would fit very well with everyone's comment's.
“Chiefo pulls the strings and the select board puppet of three jump under the table with hands over lips, eyes, and ears. Oh lordy, lordy, skeered of him. Mommy, mommy, mommy...I need my mommy.”
February 9, 2009 6:05 PM
AND retract the following:
“Whatever they are, these are not men. A man is a ROCK WITH A HEART. Not a coward to a bully with a badge.”
February 9, 2009 6:09 PM
I retract those statements. I should have made my comments more statesmanlike and said it in such a way as to make a contribution. The Chief does seem to obtain what he wishes from the select board. That is my observation. But I retract my implication the Selectmen do not attempt to ever stand up or make a decision from fear. On occasion that may be a motivation. But on other occasions, each selectman has, in my opinion, stood up for their on ideas and made decisions that were respectable, even when under considerable pressure. There are always two sides to a story. And I am not privy to every story.
I also retract my statement that the Selectmen are not men. Each sitting selectman stood up and ran for office against opposition. That is not a cowardly act. Each has taken on a low paying job to give back directly to the community. This is manly (or womanly). And each has donated time away from their families to fellow citizens. It takes courage to stick your neck out.
Chief Concentino? He has done some kind actions for the elderly that were genuine and taken so by them. No man is without some merit. Yet it appears some elderly do not receive assistance that they need. That requires change. And Mr. Consentino, in my opinion, must be very careful not to step over the line when it involves intimidation of citizen’s rights when acting in his official capacity. The court records on the Atkinson Taxpayers Association indicate a pattern that warrants a serious modification of his behavior.
Everyone has some good in them. And it is also true that we are all responsible to control our own “dark side” so that “dark side” does not impair our own families, relationships, neighbors, associates and professions. We can all make a positive difference in the lives of others…if we do that.
So, with my two retractions being made and with calm judgment: I say now that it is important for our Selectmen and other Atkinson town officials in general, to follow the laws and obey a higher standard of ethics than average. You assumed positions of leadership and trust and that carries enormous responsibility.
Many citizens’ rights were recently violated in Atkinson sufficient to generate lawsuits. In my opinion, all these violations were neglectful and injurious and unnecessary.
The other side of the story: I have noticed (and heard of) more kindness and consideration shown from our Selectman and the selectman’s office recently. This is a welcome change, it is noticeable, and it is appreciated by me and I bet by others.
What is the bottom line? The bottom line is that in a genuine emergency, we will all be digging in and fighting from the same foxhole. All of us! All would pull together and help each other out. And if I saw anyone’s home was on fire, I would risk my life to help him/her and the family get to safety.
Finally some common sense has been spoken. Your comments are well taken and shared by many.
To Anon @ 9:07am
Thank you for a lucid and well written contribution to the conversation.
As I have said many times, and some have echoed here, although others have gone much further than intended; The chief has largely been a good director of Elderly Affairs, I say largely because the restriction of services to those who have angered him is troubling in a taxpayer funded program. However, his performance as a police chief, in my opinion, has been marred by his petty vindictiveness, and propensity for retribution against critics.
While I agree with you that everyone has a good and bad side, myself included, I can not accept the standard bromides that his "good works" with the elderly, in some way excuse the bad behavior as a police chief.
The two are separate positions, and he can be a police chief, without being an elderly affairs director, and vice versa, the two are not dependent upon each other regardless of what we are told.
I think the selectmen could stop this madness at any time by merely following long established town policy, and issue reprimands for bad behavior, because , while they don't seem to realize this fact, the selectmen are his bosses.
The problem is the proactive and agressive political agenda pursued by a police chief. If Phil were not police chief, there would be no issues, no lawsuits, nothing.
All of this good done for the elderly is all designed to get votes. He uses taxpayer dollars to fund it. Please spare me the good guy routine.
Then he gets on cable TV and yells at his critics about "THAT BLOG!" or "GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT" while wearing a police uniform and badge that is broadcast across town on cable TV, he is using the TV medium to send the message I AM CHIEF OF POLICE AND YOU BETTER NOT PISS ME OFF. Like it or not, that is the message he sends and he effectively uses cable TV to do it. It probably doesn't bother you if the message is not directed at you of course.
We then have numerous incidents of record where harrassment has been pushed beyond legal limits and the lawsuits are filed.
Take the police chief role out of the equation and the political agenda out of the equation, he would win the award for nice guy to the elderly. Its unfortunately all about politics and having a police chief so active in politics and using his badge inappropriately is the problem.
It's not normal for any police officer to get on cable TV and yell at his critics in front of the town. No police officer should ever be allowed to behave like this. It does not matter what town you live in.
As long as the EA program is not available to all qualified residents, how can you praise this program at all?
BTW, what is the qualifying age? Anyone know? Is it discretionary? This information s/b public.
This is where I get my entertainment. Why pay for the movies when there is free comedy for all to enjoy and participate?
Curt, god bless you for telling us like it is. Even though you are not a resident, your imput is clear and concise. The people who rant against you for being out of town makes me laugh the most. I appreciate you standing up to the "other outsider" who seems to be calling all the shots for our sleepy little town. To all you bloggers, keep up the good work on providing entertainment. Some should consider a career in stand up comedy for youv'e got your acts down very well!
thanks Frank!
At the risk of repeating myself...the Atkinson Reporter 2 blog is the comic section of news in our town.
Repeating yourself? That was my post.
PS: I'm not Frank. Everytime a post goes against the comedy act it is accused of being posted by Frank.
Or is that just an encore?
I love this free entertainment!!!!!!!!!!
Keep up the fun.
Must be the full moon. must be the chief then!!! You meanie!!!
Hey guys........did you hear the last four comments? Sush.......they are grouping and coming in together. Set the snares.............and START THE FIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Come on, that was my original suey
joke. Use your own material you plagerizing, porkulous, piggy plugging punk. Remember, sue, sue, suey? So are the selectmen, chief, and CURT hanging out together? Are you hearing dark voices conspiring against you? Is that you Leon getting ready for candidates night?
Or is this Ed in a pig suit getting ready to rumble in the WWWF
no holds barred cage fight?
I like to bloggage about Curt just because it bugs the snots out of you guys seeing his name being relevant on this blog. CURT CURT
I like CURT
CURT is smarter than you all.
CURT knows the truth about puppets
and puppeters. For he aint no fool
I say sshh
You say sush?
What is sush?
Is that like piggy sushi?
Huh guys?...............guys.....
are you there......guys?
It's official...for two afternoons in a row, some of you have been hitting the bottle pretty hard.
Ooh...ooh...May I have that cute little leftover curly tail to fly on my car antenna? ......Buurp.
To answer the original question posed by the poster:
While nobody knows the truth, the truth is self evident. The lack of transparency tells you immediately the PD is not managed as cost effectively as it could be. The question should be re-worded as follows. Is the PD mismanaged by $100,000, $200,000 or $300,000? My estimate is $200,000 if you actually pulled EA out of the PD.
To: Anonymous February 10, 2009 5:03 PM
It's OFFICIAL...? May we see the minutes of the meeting...or ........did you do this in "Executive Session"?
BURRRRRRRRRRRRRP! Oh, excuse me, must have been something I ate.
This question also fits for the hw dept and the library. piggy piggy squeal............
Ya, ..........BAD PORK is my guess. Bad pork. pork barrel, bad hogshead is all bad for you. BUURRRRRP. (Oh Nooooooooo, now you've got me doing it). Guess it’s bad politics.
I wonder who the BAD POLITICANS are. Oh, YOU KNOW........what's their names? Ah………what’s their agenda? Better look them up on the Town Web site.
Are all the pig, pork, squealing comments necessary? do they add anything at all to the conversation here?
YUP, they do. Time to get the pork out of the budget. laughing yet? Notice you haven't answered the question of your ambulance chasing yet. Will ask again......want it published here?
Anonymous @ February 9, 2009 7:56 PM wrote:
Mr. Springer
What is your take on the Criminal part of what the Chief did....if convicted?
Have you thought about that?
I read all the stuff here and have given it some thought but I have tried not to comment on the personalities and specific issues.
But, since you asked, I actually don't know what crimes your chief might have committed. What do you have in mind? A lot of allegations have been made, but I don't get the sense that anything could be proven "beyond a reasonable doubt," the standard required for a criminal conviction.
I have to respect Chuck Douglas'es operation, as they won a suit against my town for malicious prosecution for $161K and it was not covered by insurance. But he is not the only high-powered lawyer who might be involved. Andru Volinsky, the lead attorney in the Claremont education funding decisions, has a bread and butter practice defending police chiefs against charges of malfeasance and misfeasance. You might be hearing from him if there is any move to oust your chief.
My overall impression of your chief is that he is a throwback to an earlier time. 50 years ago it was the norm not to have fully trained full time police departments in small towns, and each town had its own court with a part-time elected judge who might or might not have been a lawyer. I don't doubt that your treatment before the law didn't depend on who you were or who you knew in various towns. Since then we have replaced the municipal courts and we have instituted statewide professional standards for chiefs and officers. I'm sure you all know better than I why Atkinson seems to be behind the curve in moving to a full time certified chief of a full time professional department.
I do wonder why you are putting so much energy into removing a guy who is 68 years old, according to the most recent ET article. Isn't the mandatory retirement age 70, because when you reach that you can no longer be certified? Everything you tried to do at this year's town meeting came to naught, and next year he will be 69. And it doesn't seem that you can get the town's attention, either they aren't paying attention or they like the guy.
If it is true that he has to be out of the job in less than 2 years, I would think you would be more effective if you stopped campaigning against the chief and started to work on how to structure the PD after he retires. I would think that average citizens would receive that message well. If I lived in your town and were involved in your town government, I would push to hire a consultant to review the staffing in light of your population, crime rates, and comparisons with like towns, and recommend a staffing plan with specifics as to how many and what types of officers and patrolmen/women and what the requirements should be.
One goal I would have is to keep the lieutenant's situation from becoming a political football. I don't know if that could be guaranteed, but at least with a staffing plan that is created outside the town hierarchy you might have a chance at that.
OK back to quoting RSAs :-)
Ambulance chasing! I and others would like to hear it.
Aunt Mille says,,,They were so nice and gave me rides to the canser clinic,,,so my dog, Honney, she will not miss the part of the estate I have to give that nice policeman. He tells me all the time how desperate he is for money. Money, it's all they want to talk about on my long drives to My radiologist for my cancer. And they call everyday just to chat about my terminal cancer to cheer me up. I just don't know where they have the time as they tell me they are so busy with crime and scam artists in town trying to get my money. Now with the money from my will, the nice officer can give away more to a lady just like me. Isn't it wonderful?
Mr. Springer, FYI, according to NHPSTC, there is no mandatory, retirement age for part time police chiefs, by statute. Most towns observe the 70 year of age standard, but it is not required. And as we have seen in Atkinson, if it is not mandated by law, and it involves the chief, you can not count on the "right thing" being done.
Ok, my post got deleted somehow. There is nothing illegal in asking for donations or getting them. Donations are freely given and the elderly benefit from donations to the account. The Millie story is just humor. And the groups that represent state police organizations that call Atkinson residents are not doing anything illegal. It is legal to donate to the police donation funds, especially if it helps the elderly. All town residents should donate to the police donation fund.
The Millie story is indeed funny! It is good to get monies from a will. Nothing improper about saying the police donation fund needs more donations! Better to give money to help other elderly than leave it to a dog or a cat! We hear funny stories all the time about people who leave millions to their cat or dog. And I am confident the police do head off scam artists who attempt to operate in Atkinson. I don't know about you but I am getting calls and emails from all over the world from genuine criminals trying to get me to give them money. Asking for a elderly affairs donations is not the problem. And it is a good thing when the police chief calls to check up on a sick elderly person. He is the director of Elderly Affairs as well. I guess the root of the confusion is the conflict that exists as Elderly Affairs is conjoined with the Police Department. The Millie story is funny but it does make a point that it is not the best thing for police officers to give rides as this takes away from a more time focused on police law enforcement in the town.
The issue of police department budged and elderly affairs donations are open for discussion. Any comments?
To Anon February 11, 2009 1:08 PM
You state: Asking for a elderly affairs donations is not the problem.
The police dept asking for a donation is in control of Elderly Affairs, who give seniors rides and other services. It is a subtle message to seniors who get the benefits. If you don't make a donation maybe you don't get services. I personally know of a number of excluded seniors and those are just ones I know of. Plus you had a senior testify to this exclusion problem at deliberative session.
The PD should not be in control of EA and then be soliciting donations from the same people they provide "free" services. Not in any town, any place. I wouldn't want Aunt Millie or my mother ever put in such a position where the police dept gives her a "free ride" to see her doctor and then solicit a donation with a badge and a smile. Seniors are too vulnerable to strong arm tactics like this.
Either give them the rides for free or ask them for donations, but not both. Its not right. Maybe its legal, but its not right and should be stopped.
Basically if you use the authority of your badge and gun to intimidate, bribe, cajole, or influence others, then you are unfit to wear that badge and should be fired immediately!
This means YOU, Phil!
You are right, of course. I should have verified that there is no age limit, per statute or regulation, before posting. Sorry.
I still think you have time on your side, even though there is no date certain. He does have to pass a physical exam every three years, although it appears he can be granted a grace period of up to two years.
I just don't see warrant articles, civil law suits, criminal charges or disciplinary actions forcing this guy out before he wants to go or or drops dead or can't pass the required physical. But yes, I could be wrong, and yes, it's your (collective) call as to how to proceed, not mine.
He doesn't pass a physical exam. He is Grandfathered in, and he only haas to sign the form sayinghe has completed training, and had a physical, and worked 1300 hours or less. And we already know he lies about these things. State police never check those things. They take a 30 year chief's word. They dont know his word isnt worth anything.
To Anonymous@February 11, 2009 5:18 PM:
Right you are.
OK, you'll just have to wait for the guy to drop dead. :-)
Why 70, because it is a requirement elswhere-
[Art.] 78. [Judges and Sheriffs, When Disqualified by Age.] No person shall hold the office of judge of any court, or judge of probate, or sheriff of any county, after he has attained the age of seventy years.
That must have been what I had in mind when I erroneously said the chief had to retire at 70.
Here Piggy,piggy,piggy.......ah, where have all the little pigs gone? BURRRRRRRRRP!
Must have been the last roast they attended. Wonder where the guest of honor and his "Burger King" crown ended up.
Perhaps the Eagle Tribune will report on that fact. Remind me to look under obituaries.
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