From the Eagle Tribune;
Atkinson asks court to force removal of addition
By Jarret Bencks
BRENTWOOD — The town of Atkinson has requested help from the court to require a local resident to remove work he had done to his house without permission from the town or state.
The town has asked the court to grant a permanent injunction ordering John Mason Jr., of 4 Rocky Point Lane, to remove a 10-foot by 25-foot addition he built on his waterfront property without a building permit from the town.
Mason has been contacted by the town and the state Department of Environmental Services on numerous occasions since September 2007 regarding the addition but no progress has been made, according to court documents.
On Sept. 5, 2007, Mason applied for a permit to "rebuild existing structure," that was rejected because it did not meet wetland zoning regulations — it needed DES approval and a variance from the town zoning board, according to court documents. The addition already had been built at that point, according to the injunction.
A year later, DES officials conducted an inspection of Mason's property and found the construction of the closed porch brought the structure closer to public water, violating state law. On Dec. 2, 2008, DES sent a letter to Mason requesting a wall for the enclosed porch be removed within 20 days. That letter was returned to the DES as undeliverable, according to spokesman Jim Martin.
Atkinson selectmen sent Mason a letter on Dec. 31, 2008, requesting he either take down the addition or appear at a hearing on Jan. 14 to request a variance.
Mason applied for two variances, but didn't attend the hearing, at which both requests were denied.
The town received a letter from Mason on Jan. 22 that stated he intended to resolve all outstanding issues with the state in the next 45 days and would then address the town issues. But that did not happen.
DES sent out a second letter of deficiency on Feb. 5 asking Mason to correct the additions to his property by April 6.
On April 28, Mason applied for a variance with the town's zoning board. On July 8, the zoning board denied the variance. Mason did not appeal that decision.
The town inspection office, in a letter July 23, demanded Mason demolish the addition.
"It is now necessary for you to get a demolition permit and remove the 10-by-25-foot addition that you constructed without a building permit," the letter read.
The DES sent a letter to Mason on Sept. 22 warning him the state would be sending an administrative order demanding he remove the enclosed porch. That order is being drafted and will be sent in the next couple of weeks, Martin said.
On Oct. 22, Atkinson Town Attorney Sumner Kalman filed a petition for an injunction in Rockingham Superior Court. It asks the court to require Mason to remove the work he has done and to pay the town fines and penalties.
The injunction request does not specify how much money the town is seeking, but it states that Mason's failure to comply with the town ordinance "adversely affects the health, safety and welfare of other Atkinson residents," and further states that "civil penalties have and continue to accumulate."
Fred Childs, chairman of the Board of Selectmen, said the town has given Mason numerous extensions to apply for permits and he has continued to do nothing.
"It's been a long time; he's had extension after extension," he said. "We've asked him to correct it and he hasn't."
In a brief statement yesterday, Mason said he only received the court papers yesterday and intends to resolve the issue.
"It's in the attorneys' hands and they are going to try to work it out," he said.
Mason's property was last appraised in 2006 at a value of $373,100.
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Welcome to the NEW Atkinson Reporter! Under new management, with new resolve.
The purpose of this Blog is to pick up where the Atkinson Reporter has left off. "The King is dead, Long live the King!" This Blog is a forum for the discussion of predominantly Atkinson; Officials, People, Ideas, and Events. You may give opinion, fact, or evaluation, but ad hominem personal attacks will not be tolerated, or published. The conversation begun on the Atkinson Reporter MUST be continued!
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The purpose of this Blog is to pick up where the Atkinson Reporter has left off. "The King is dead, Long live the King!" This Blog is a forum for the discussion of predominantly Atkinson; Officials, People, Ideas, and Events. You may give opinion, fact, or evaluation, but ad hominem personal attacks will not be tolerated, or published. The conversation begun on the Atkinson Reporter MUST be continued!
This Blog will not fall to outside hacks from anyone, especially insecure public officials afraid of their constituents criticism.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
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At least the Town is finally doing something about people who disregard the zoning laws. It's just a shame it took so long.
Kudos to the BOS.
Yes, but let's see if they do the same thing to their Osborn friends. That will be the true test.
Good for the BOS, they're doing the right thing here.
SO Mr. Mason gets bagged And the Osborn's get off scotch free the f@#% is that?
Yes bos and town should fine osborns per day for all violations including illegal occupancy.
Why is the town protecting them?
Why, are you not outraged?
Atkinson takes action against Mr. Mason but not these bullies.
Why is that?
Why our selectmen remaining ineffective?
To be fair to the BOS, the Mason affair has been on going for a couple of years now. The Osborn afair is recent. The wheels of government, any government, move slowly.
Well shame on BOS then!
Yesterday NJ turned out the Governor because the property tax is "insane" there. Well, the average NJ property tax is 1.78% and the average NH property tax is 2.21%, Second only to Tx. in the USA. No need to say more, is there?
But NJ has sales, income, excise and a host of other taxes as well. NH does not.
And our selectmen stand by on the sidelines and do nothing, allowing our townspeople to be run over by these bullies. Unbelievable...
And how are they the same?
I'm afraid that, while there are certainly details that make these situations different, there is evidence of disperate treatment at times in Atkinson.
We've repeatedly heard here about Harold Morse admitting he violates the permitted use of the Lewis Builder's site to accept large truck deliveries of lumber for East Coast Lumber IN FRONT OF THE ZONING BOARD which only asked him to stop saying it publicly.
Ask yourself; if an ordinary townsperson admitted wrongdoing in front of the zoning or planning board, what would happen? I've watched a planning board meeting where someone rebuilding their house in a non-conforming lot asked if they could go 24" wider since that was the size of the prefabricated house they wanted. They were abrubtly refused by the zoning board.
Yet, when businesses and wealthy or well-connected individuals appear before our boards they work the system to get almost whatever they want; compared to building a house 2 FEET WIDER, these people can alter public roads, violate terms of use of their lands, and build whole additions and ignore fire codes.
Ask yourself; could the ordinary Atkinson citizen get this "preferred" treatment?
Should our town being offering "preferred" treatment to certain citizens at all?
What have you or any other been denied. This special treatment you speak of has been meet with lawyers forcing the boards and bos the follow the law.
What have you ever asked for that was denied and who do you know of that was asked to do more then Harold and the others you speak of. You are the cancer of atkinson, and all you do is spread your negativity and give our town a ill reputation. We need to rid our town of this cancer.
"We need to rid our town of this cancer."
Wow, that's a pretty stunning statement.
You believe that we need to remove people that dare to question the special priviledges that Atkinsons' rich, powerful, and connected receive?
No doubt you are one of these town "brats". How frustrated you must be to see that people are finally becoming aware of this quiet type of corruption, and that some people are willing to stand up to you and your kind.
Tell me, what horrible treatment has Harold received that causes you to feel bad for him? Was it the million dollar tax funded loan that the state gave him to allow his local water monopoly? Was it the fact that they said nothing about his well wasting hundreds of thousands of gallons of our water? Or was it the fact that he worked for years on the planning board where he refused to step down when he was to vote on issues that lined his own pockets?
Exactly which of these things bothered you so much and seems unfair? Was this not enough special treatment?
"We need to rid our town of this cancer."
Wow, that's a pretty stunning statement.
You believe that we need to remove people that dare to question the special priviledges that Atkinsons' rich, powerful, and connected receive?
No doubt you are one of these town "brats". How frustrated you must be to see that people are finally becoming aware of this quiet type of corruption, and that some people are willing to stand up to you and your kind.
Tell me, what horrible treatment has Harold received that causes you to feel bad for him? Was it the million dollar tax funded loan that the state gave him to allow his local water monopoly? Was it the fact that they said nothing about his well wasting hundreds of thousands of gallons of our water? Or was it the fact that he worked for years on the planning board where he refused to step down when he was to vote on issues that lined his own pockets?
Exactly which of these things bothered you so much and seems unfair? Was this not enough special treatment?
Jealousy, no fact, can you be specific of this special treatment. Harold and the Lewis family have been punished for years for their success. Again you offer your bias opinion not facts.
No one has given back more to this town then the Lewis family. You fault them on their success. You are bitter and jealous. Keep living off your fellow taxpayers.
Most supporters of the blog give nothing but false information spreading their hatred for mankind and the government they want to support them.
I post here to make sure you know your unlawful ideas, jealousy and hatred will never take over the majority who make Atkinson the great town it is to live in.
Thank god there is only a handful of you, but like most cancer you do a lot of damage. All your lawsuits are too take! Not one note worthy for case study. Acciard vs. Atkinson, Grant vs. Atkinson, Goodrich vs. Atkinson, Polito vs. Atkinson, Artus vs. Atkinson, Brownfield vs. Atkinson. All garbage!
All you have given us is a town of officials afraid to act because of what it might cost them. Personal attacks, time in court, harassment, defamation. Thats what this blog is about. You can't even right your own news, you copy it. Good, professional people who make up this town who won't get involved because of the likes of you. We do support all the good people in the town hall trying to fight you daily. What a job!
You are a poisonous cancer!
All towns have these cells, don't give up the fight they are weak and curable.
To Anon @ 3:25;
You have quite a mix there, but I will speak only to my own issues. Are you aware of the underlying facts of Acciard v Consentino, Town of Atkinson?
Are you aware that I filed that case after the Chief of police accosted me outside the post office verbally threatening me, then proceeded to follow me for over 3 miles all through town once again.
Are you aware that this came after his certified letters on town stationary threatening me with ANOTHER lawsuit, for stuff I didn't even write.
Are you aware that this came after 3 years of listening to his defamatory statements read about me at selectmens meetings, being followed through town, having tickets delivered to my house for all manner of imagined sins, and WHY?
All be cause I asked him to stop voting on police matters as a selectman. I know, a no brainer right? He refused! I went to the ethics committee, Dick Smith said to me; "but it's the chief" I realized that the only way to get this behavior to stop was to get the decision making process out of town. The Court ORDERED him to STOP discussing, deliberating or voting on police, elderly, or any town employee matter that would affect his family in any way.
He ignored this Order and thats why he found himself in Contempt of Court 3 months later. He made a big show of appealing to the NH Supreme Court, only to be dismissed.
During that time he launched a very expensive and time consuming investigation into my company and it's business practices. He called my customers and suppliers and told them that I was "under investigation by the Atkinson police dept." Your tax dollars paid for this frivolous abuse of authority.
You paid for all of this abuse of authority, and abuse of the legal system.
This is the behavior that you condone with that post. When your government officials are allowed to use the authority of their position to harrass their critics, THEY MUST BE STOPPED!
You notice that for over 200 years the Town didn't have these endless lawsuits against their governing body. Is it coincidence that they began when the Chief and Jack were selectmen? NO.
To Anon November 5, 2009 3:25 AM
A police chief, who uses his position to threaten, intimidate, harass, falsely sue, and yes arrest his detractors, has a mob mentality. Using the Elderly Affairs dept. to further his goals is a disgrace.
That's what the Civil Rights case is all about. It's to bad that a Federal judge wanted to clear his caseload and remanded it back to Superior Court, but It's nice to report that case is alive and well. That case is going forward and will aid in breaking up the mob mentality that you so obviously cherish.
If you think protecting ones civil rights is a cancer upon our town, think again. It is the Éliteism of some of our public officials, that is the cancer of proportion that must be cured. Be careful that you are not one that gets swept away with the cure.
"No one has given back more to this town then the Lewis family."
I've heard this many times before, but when I ask long time residents to cite an example, they can't think of a one.
So please, enlighten us. Other than property taxes that we all have to pay, what has the Lewis family done for Atkinson, say, in the last 5 years?
The United States Constitution guarantees us our rights, but it's the PEOPLE'S responsibility to insure those rights through litigation when violated. Remaining silent will only result in more rights being lost.
Wow MAcciard,
To bad you could not prove your side and rid the Town of this corruption. What did you do to protect or prevent this from happening again or to any one else?
TAKE the money and run! Now all you can do is blog, blog, blog about it. You're a real town hero!
To Anon @ 10:39;
I DID obtain a Court Order. He was Ordered to knock it off. He violated the Court Order and was found in Contempt of Court. I obtained an interim temporary Order enjoining him from violating the Contempt Order while he was appealing to Supreme Court. And the Supreme Court dismissed his appeal.
The other incident happened AFTER all of that, so you can see how much good it did, and how much the selectmen have refused to supervise their employee.
Oh, and I did that at my personal expense. He used your tax money to fund his endless appeals.
Sorry I hit the wrong button on the last comment, that was me.
Not sure how the Lewis family is doing today during the downturn in construction, but at one time they employed more than 110 people. Sure it's really a trade, your labor for their money. They're not exactly running a charity like the Chief. Nothing beats putting food on your family's table these days, wouldn't you say?
Don't worry, if one of the businesses fail, it can file for backruptcy as they have in the past.
As an example of the grand magnificence of the Lewis Construction/East Coast Lumber/Hampstead Water Company, you offer us the fact that they have employees?
Wow, that's very charitable of them!
I guess that incredibly weak argument was offered since they haven't done anything else?
Ok genius, how about offering some of the selfless charity this million-dollar conglomerate has done in town?
A lack of specific acts might be more damning than the lies they offered us regarding the pipeline they hooked up to send our water to Hampstead after promising they would NEVER do that!
We're waiting for the details...
How did this become about the Lewis's?
November 5, 2009 3:25 AM brought up the Lewis's in defense of a diatribe that followed. He thinks the Lewis's have been unfairly treated in this Blog.
Some differ with this opinion. In fact, I don't think the Lewis's have been treated harshly enough. Their actions regarding our water have been deceitful and disgraceful.
For all the wealth the Lewis family has made from their dealings in Atkinson, I cannot point to one specific thing they have done to give back, even a little. Anyone else got anything (and property taxes and providing some jobs is not what we're talking about here).
Did you know HAWC charged the library to hook up to their water? What an opportunity to show some altruism. Nope, show them the money.
Did you know HAWC puts a surcharge on the library's water bill because they have a sprinkler system? The library has to pay HAWC for water they are not using. Is this an act of a public spirited company?
Look at all the items we've been asked to pay for through warrant articles over the years. Would it have killed the Lewis's to perhaps pick up the tab for even one.
Did you know that the Country Club tried to sneak in the building of their new 9-hole course without obtaining any of the necessary state or local permits? It wasn't until they were caught, just before it was finished, that the permit process was started. Now, some here tried to blame our local officials for that oversight. Well, excuse me, but it is the responsibility of the property owner to obtain the necessary permits. Is this a sign of a trustworthy enterprise?
November 5, 2009 3:25 AM claims we're jealous of the Lewis's success. It is common practice for many who have benefited greatly from their communities to give back a little. All I've seen from the Lewis's is take, take, take. Jealous? Hardly.
Why is that the "town government bashers" always drag every thread off-topic?
To the bloggers who make accusatory posts without doing their homework, a simple net search of "Lewis Atkinson NH charity" instantly brought up the following: "Atkinson Resort Hosts Second Annual Peter A. Lewis Golf Tournament on Monday August 3rd, 2009" at hhtp://
raising nearly $9,000 for charity.
Let's see the bloggers put their money where their mouths are!
I don't frequent the place but think of all the business they'll do too!
Lewis' gives back plenty-
Rooms for showers during ice storm, free event space for numerous charitable events to raise money for people in need and medical causes. The Country Club puts Atkinson on the map. The tree lighting is the envy of surrounding towns and a wonderful event for our children. Free materials to fire station. Discounted materials for town building projects at Pope. Not to mention all the sports teams that are sponsored by one or more Lewis enterprises. This is a respected family to those who matter and contribute to the good of Atkinson.
Most baseball, soccer, lacrosse families who pay the majority of your taxes would never look at this blog. But they turn out in the thousands to support any Lewis event. That most certainly was evident when our community lost a good man like Peter Lewis. Lines out the door to pay their respects.
The Blog can't see good in our town because their days are spent trashing Atkinson, attacking success and change.
By the way you never see these people (bloggers) at charitable events, because they consider themselves charity. You will see them at the tree lighting because it's free.
How much of the lawsuit settlements did you give back to the taxpayer you took them from?
Sorry you do sound, jealous, bitter, and angry.
Before his death, Peter quietly helped the Congregational Church with a variety of repair and improvement projects, donating expertise, labor and materials.
Claims the Chief has spent thousands of taxpayers dollars on court cost. Take a look at what Frank Polito has costs the taxpayers. How many applicants has he willingly sent to court to solve zoning issue that could have been resolved in house. He sends applicants to court for sport.
Lewis will win because Frank, like the blog discriminates. The blog should be happy with him, he takes direction from most of you.
You were on budget committee, it's been going on for years. The applicants win after years of being tied up in court and fees.
In the end Mark we paid your Lawyer and court expenses.
It is easy to demonize the wealthiest individual in town. But I knew Pete Lewis since I was a kid. Lewis Builders sponsored my little league teams. Christine has helped the Tornadoes with their end of season banquets at the Country Club.
To all those who wish to demonize someone because, in your eyes, he didn't "give back" enough, I would counter that you don't know a fraction of what he and his family did. He was a business owner. That he was successful does not place upon him a mandate to "give back". That he served on many town boards and committees over the years, and was trashed for it, that he built the old Kimball library when nobody else would do it for the budget that they had available, that he built a magnificent country club that attracts people to Atkinson, that he has donated time equipment, and materials to town projects over the years, Pete was never one to hog attention, unlike so many others, perhaps the reason you DON'T know so many of his acts, is that they took place out of the spotlight.
But they DID take place. There are many people in Atkinson who perform selfless acts of helping residents and the town itself, without announcing it to the town or the papers. It is these people and their selfless acts for the sheer joy of doing it that deserve your gratitude much more than the self aggrandizing media hounds that are constantly screaming for you to look at what they did. Try to have some perspective.
From my family to the Lewis' Thank you for all that you have done for Atkinson.
Well said.
What took you so long?
OK, Peter Lewis was a saint. Let's talk about HAWC. I don't think this is a shining example of the Lewis families contributions.
Harold lied to the town when he said no water would be shipped out of Atkinson, but then we get the pipeline and he refuses to have it metered so that the town can determine which direction the water is going. If none is going to be shipped out, why resist metering?
During the PUC hearings HAWC claimed their water loss was minimal. However, it was not until the Consumer Advocacy Agency start asking some hard questions was it finally brought out HAWC could not account for 33%, 1/3rd of the water they pump from our aquifer.
Harold lied under oath during the PUC hearings.
Harold is a member of the Planning Board. Anyone see that as a conflict of interest?
Yes, Peter Lewis may have done great things under the radar but I don't consider a Country Club where the average senior citizen cannot afford a meal a contribution to Atkinson. I see it as an entity built to make a profit, not to make a contribution. And their actions regarding the new golf course shows a sense of entitlement. Permits. We don't need no stink'en permits. And back to Harold. Do you think he was unaware of what was going on? Maybe, just maybe, he should have mention it to Planning Board.
Jealously is the last thing I feel towards the current generation. All I've seen in recent years are attempts to get around every rule they can and hope they don't get caught.
The town made it quite clear at the ballot box how it felt about the water withdrawal applications and the pipeline. Yet, there they are.
Mr. Lewis is gone, and I'm sorry for that. Letting people have free showers, to me, does not show the same degree of altruism the Lewis children saw of their father. To me, HAWC has trashed the Lewis reputation.
What we're taping about here Mark is the current crop of Lewis Consruction greed and misdeeds. Try to stay on topic.
Lewis is being discussed here because it is the perfect example of selfish greed, inside politics, and the idea that only poor fools follow town rules and regulations which plagues this town.
How you can praises a local company that repeatedly lies to townspeople, hurts our local resources, and skirts rules the rest of us must follow is a complete mystery to me!
can anyone tell me why the atkinson lions have to golf in kingston for their tournament to turn a profit after being at the acc for so many years? was there no hometown discount?
come on lions, let's hear you growl
with the facts...
For large corporations (Lewis Homes is one of the largest builders in NH), charity is just another expense in the budget; even the largest soul-less corporation puts aside a certain percentage for the community where it works.
So far, I haven't been particularly impressed with what has been reported in town. What is of special concern to mr are the multiple acts of using deception by this conglomerate to try to get around local, state, and federal regulations. If the person heading this company was/is on the planning board, what excuse would they possibly have for not knowing the law?
I'd like to see the Lewis defenders defend specifics; missing water, unmetered water pumped out of town after a promise not to, attempting to sneak a second golf course in without applying for it, voting in planning board votes that should have been walked away from , etc. Please address these and other specific specific issues repeatedly brought up here...
They had planned for the additional nine from the beginning. Again, this is the ZBA demanding more of Lewis'. Just like the business renewal, nothing changed but Frank changed the rules as he does when he knows it will get your attention. Talk about a vendetta against the Lewis family.
"They had planned for the additional nine from the beginning. Again, this is the ZBA demanding more of Lewis'. Just like the business renewal, nothing changed but Frank changed the rules as he does when he knows it will get your attention. Talk about a vendetta against the Lewis family."
This is absolutely wrong. You can look it up in the Planning Board minutes. They did not apply for the permits before they started. It was nearly done before the Planning Board, of which Harold is a member, found out about it. Original plans my ass. The DES almost made them abandon the project and return the land to its original condition, including the trees they cut down.
This is all public record. Stating the truth is not a vendetta. It is holding those responsible for wrongdoing accountable.
This is not about a vendetta. It is about a family who thinks they can do anything they want, and only forced to do the right thing when caught by the state or the town. A family who only goes by the rules when forced to. Hardly the definition of stellar citizens.
Nice try. Care to try again?
The empty attempts to defend the incredibly selfish behavior of Morse and the Lewis' businesses only serves to demonstrate how little the powerful of Atkinson are required to follow the rules that the rest of us comply with out of cmon decency and a respect of the law! We're just suckers!
This company seems to specialize in dishonesty as a public relations tactic; they don't even attempt to hide their lies, and they won't/can't defend the following actions...
1) lied about shipping water to Hampstead (and refused to meter the line because it would show they were lying)
2)lied about the permits for the sneaky new nine whole golf course
3)Morse lied about promising to step off the planning board when business came up that would directly effect him
there are too many to type really...
There is a HUGE difference between Peter Lewis, who founded the Lewis enterprises, and Harold Morse who now runs the water companies.
Harold is taking a beating here, but it is of his own doing. This could have all been avoided if he had followed one simple rule, "Do the right thing."
Things that don't fall into that category are, 1) Standing in front of a hall full of citizens and telling them what you know are lies, 2) Standing in front of that same group and saying, "I don't want to discuss that." 3) Announcing plans for a pipeline, which was not suppose to happen, the day AFTER a special town meeting to vote on warrants that affected HAWC, 4) Lying to the PUC regarding the the Atkinson and Hampstead fire chiefs said about the pipeline. 5) Trying to bury in the paperwork the true amount of water loss the Atkinson system has.
Others may have other examples but I think we see enough of a trend here to maybe believe honesty is not in the company's code of conduct.
One word of advice. When you're in a hole, STOP DIGGING.
Remember folks; in our society, money talks.
The Lewis empire doesn't give a rat's ass what decent townsfolk think, so send a message the good old fashion way: boycott the various tentacles of the Morse/Lewis empire.
Go to Home Depot, not East Coast Lumber (better prices anyway!). Stay on or drill a well, don't make yourself dependent on a dishonest and greedy company for your own town's water! Avoid Lewis built properties when possible.
Let's nor reward a family that has little concept of honor when it comes to money and whose new motto seems to be "profit at any cost".
Hey Harold. How'ya doing? Glad you could join us.
Gee, the was a great rush to defend Peter Lewis's contributions. Where'd everybody go?
A record that bad is pretty much indefensible I guess.
Or maybe people are tiring of your latest whine!
Anon 4:39 a.m.
Consider me one of the group that is tired of the same old complaints here. How sad that there is such a mean-spirited discussion about someone who passed away over a year ago. Imagine being a family member of Peter Lewis and reading this. For that matter, imagine being a family member of Maggie Osborn. Many of the posts here are ad hominem attacks, but despite the misspelled (LOL!) warning, the moderator allows them anyway.
You need to get your terms straight. Ad hominem attacks are an attack on a person which ignores a previous argument about an issue.
All along, this has been an argument about the actions of a seemingly selfish and greedy company that continually puts profit above the good of the people that live in this town.
Stop your whining; if you want to show that this premise is wrong, offer a detailed defense of the charges that are made.
If you can't do that, it's just supporting evidence that there is substantial merit to those accusations because there is no defence agaisnt a long history of greedy and deceptive business practices. If people choose to boycott these businesses, they have every right to do so, and it's probably the only way that people are going to get the intention of a business so blindingly driven by profit.
I don't see how discussing the bad acts of a person or family translates into a personal attack.
I believe a majority of people know right from wrong. If a person or group does something that is perceived by most people as being wrong, then that person or group should have considered the impact beforehand.
When Harold stood before the public and said that no Atkinson water would be sent out of town, while the process for the pipeline approval had already started, don't you think we have a right to be a little upset about that?
How are to ever again going to believe anything Harold, and by extension, the Lewis family, says to us. Lets also not forget who Harold works for. Christine Lewis Morse. She owns Lewis Builder, HAWC, East Coast Lumber, and a good chunk of the CC.
When complaining about actual acts that betray the trust of a community, that is not a personal attack.
No, I would not like to see my name bandied about in a bad light. But if I did something that I knew was wrong, I shouldn't be surprised if I get criticized for it. The Lewis's, Osborn's and the Mason's have only themselves to blame for the bad press they are receiving.
Boycotting several of the biggest, and few, businesses in Atkinson makes a lot of sense, from a tax base perspective? Do you want the residential proportion of the tax base to be even higher?
If there is a case, and you are concerned, do something about it. Otherwise, you are just hot air.
Don't confuse this whiney little blog with "press." You are giving yourself, and it, entirely too much credit.
Yes, I am sure you'd "not like to see your name bandied about in a bad light." Yet, you seem to willing to do that to others, and "by extension," in your own words.
Who appointed you judge, jury and executioner?
Regarding the previous - ??????????
Good idea, Lets all boycott East coast lumber in E. Hampstead,we can just go to the hardware store in our own town. Oh I forgot we don't have one. Another good idea , lets all drill for are own water , I don't want to give any of my money to that "dishonest,greedy" company. I'd rather spend an extra ten to fifteen thousand dollars for a sprinkler system. Who needs thier Dam fire hydrants anyways.If I run out of water I'll just call our volunteer fire dept.Nope can't do that, our decent old fashion town folks won't allow cell towers. We pay one of highest tax rates in the State and what to we get in return. Can you belive in the year 2009 we still have a part-time police dept. The wet-lands get more attention and better protection in this town.
Actually, we have it quite good regarding tax rates. Though still high, Derry's is far, far higher. And the reason we have high property taxes is because, that is all there is to tax. It is what happens when "The Pledge" is a requirement to be elected. It is also high because we have a school system that is out of control, and that is where most of the money goes. Remember that when you vote for your representative to the school committee.Yo
And as far a fire hydrants, they are only present in HAWC's service area and along the new pipeline, though they seemed to have used the maximum spacing probably allowable under the law. You'd think for all the free money they got they could have done a little better. What a generous bunch.
Boycotting is not an option because all the Lewis enterprises have many customers outside of Atkinson.
And, if you are depending on a cellphone, for anything, if you are outside a metropolitan area you get what you get. And, don't forget, there are five major cell carriers. Just because you get one cell tower in town does not mean you get coverage. Amazing how many people don't comprehend that.
I think all that is being asked here is that Atkinson's largest company spend a lot less time looking at the bottom line and more time at the community they live in. From the PR standpoint, their performance has been dismal. They seem to go out of their way to piss of the people in the town they live and make their living in. Frankly, I cannot understand people who think like that.
Well, as they say, what goes around, comes around. I have doubt the current Lewis family will someday be very, very sorry that they did not take the town's concerns seriously.
Discussions like this are important because they get the word out the dial reputations of companies that are not friendly to their own communities.
As far as whether a boycott can work or not: does it make sense for a community to put dollars in the pocket of people who are so blinded by greed that they are willing to exploit their own community's resources and subvert the local boards just for money, even though they're already wealthy? No sir.
No decent ordinary citizen would do that. Somehow, when someone owns a corporation, they think they can do anything for a buck and it's ok, even of they hurt their neighbors.
Why was Jack Sapia and Phil Consentino at the Veteran's breakfast this morning?
Neither of them are veterans. I over heard some woman ask him why he was there.... his response was that he had an uncle who was a soldier!
How arrogant can you be?
My grandfather fought in the Spanish-American war. I should have gone also.
Because they're both shameless hacks?
Come on, They were there for the free breakfast! The only difference between them and you is THEY DIDN'T EARN IT!
Why was Carol Grant there?
Carol is a veteran.
Carol is a Veteran, as is Ken, a graduate of Annapolis, and their son Paul is a Graduate of West Point.
Kinda of Hypocritical of them after their efforts to STOP the Vietnam Honor Roll Panels!
Phil said in an open meeting "that woman will never get her way with these" Talking about Carol Grants project to get those panels in place.
All it took was TWO town meetings, TWO elections ordering them to do it, FOURTEEN selectmens meetings to discuss it, and ONE Court Case!
And Jack wanted them to go on top of the Town hall leach field! Jack, you seriously wanted to "honor" vets by putting their memorial on top of a "shit field"?
Now they come to the vets breakfast to schmooze with the vets?
You can't make this stuff up!
Maggie Osborn bored the ZBA to death last night, with her relentless repeating of useless excuses of why she should be allowed to keep her boathouse / bunkhouse.
The board was more polite than I would have been, apparently because of fear of another lawsuit that she might bring if they didn't listen to her. I think they should have fined her a thousand dollars a minute as a whining fee. This woman just doesn't get it; the bunkhouse has to go. What part of NO doesn't she get? Is it the N or the O?
Where does she get the mentality that if she complains, threatens, and bullies town officials enough, they will give in to her demands? This woman is out of control and needs a swift kick right in the ass. Her dim-witted husband is to scared to do it, so it was nice to see the ZBA did it for him. They sent her packing with a promise she could back again next month. Let's see if she is stupid enough to take them up on their offer, or have the frontal lobotomy she needs in the meantime. I think the board is hoping for the latter.
If she does come back, perhaps the board could put up a circus tent and sell tickets for the freak show. That would drop our tax rate a couple dollar a thousand. Now that would be the first good thing to happen since the Osborns came to town, don't you think?
What does Jack do for a living that would allow him time to go to a breakfast he has no business being at?
What is the story with this guy? His tenure as chairman of the BOS is one of the worst in history, capped off being caught in a lie, on camera. He shows up at BOS meetings like the Lone Ranger hoping to save the day. Why does he insist on remaining involved when his credibility has been shot to hell because of his obsession to pontificate and lying in front of the camera?
Does he think he has another shot at the BOS? Has the mafia thing really gone to his head? Is he expecting us to start calling him Don Sapia? Why can't he just go away? Jack, get a hobby for God's sake. Get involved with your kids like you promised. Anything, but haven't you done enough damage already?
Jack could easily win re-election if he so chooses. Any candidate that this blog endorses recieves the kiss of political death. Just research any candidate this blog has endorsed and it becomes quite obvious residents use this site too
determine who NOT to vote for. LOL!JMO
WE WANT JACK, at least his not afraid to get things done.
WE WANT JACK, at least his not afraid to get things done.
What did he EVER get done, as a selectman?
He got those pesky blog signs taken down. That's about it I think.
Jack Sapia is the LAST person we want for a Selectman. A vote for Jack is a Vote for Maggie Osborn to get an occupancy permit. Thieves and liars run together.
JUST SAY NO TO JACK AND MAGGIE. It's the right thing to do.
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