Anonymous said...
Article Submission:
Atkinson Police Chief Receives Federal Homeland Security Grant for Improved Communications and Denies It!
In 2004, several area Police Departments including Atkinson, Plaistow and Kingston, collaborated on a solution to the police radio communication problem plaguing the area. Plaistow Police Chief Savage headed this effort, a study was done and a Federal Homeland Security Law Enforcement Terrorism Protection Program ( LETPP) grant application was filed with the State of NH Department of Safety. Over $81k was received in 2006 and in accordance with Federal law, reports filed detailing the location of the equipment in Atkinson, Plaistow and Kingston.
Police Chief Consentino has repeatedly and publically denied receiving any grant money. In fact, this equipment was purchased and recorded as being installed in Atkinson! Up until recently, requests for the grant documentation under RSA 91A, were denied by the State of NH, Department of Safety. According to the grant documentation, Atkinson received a receiver, canopy microwave and two IPmux.
According to a recent statement by Atkinson Selectman Bill Bennett, Plaistow Police Chief Savage and Atkinson Police Lt. Bill Baldwin thought the the equipment could be placed on the APD antenna but it wasn;t high enough so it was thrown into a closet in Plaistow. The equipment was never installed but the funds were disbursed to 2-Way Communications for the installation and to the town of Plaistow for the equipment purchase.
Bennett claims that a repeater purchased under this grant was instead installed on Timberlane HS to improve police radio communication in the school. Bennett is also looking to find out what happened to the rest of the equipment Atkinson received since the Atkinson Communication Committee is looking for similar or identical equipment to solve the problem now. Bennett claims that Lt. Baldwin has the information but cannot be reached at his post in the Middle East and has no access to email.
Is anyone else wondering why they pushed so hard for a $700k tower to support $9k worth of equipment?
Where did the repeater at the HS come from?
How much more of this solution was not installed and not used as reported?
The Federal grant indicates that a study was done yet no one knew the APD antenna was not high enough, not sturdy enough?
Why does the application claim that the Atkinson equipment would be installed on the Atkinson Fire Department, while Bennett claims the plan was to install it at the APD?
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Anonymous said...
If I read all this right, gov. equipment was not returned to Homeland Security but was put on top of a school? You got to be kidding me.
Read it again. Im stunned like a deer in a headlight.
Does the FBI know?
November 17, 2009 11:01 AM
Anonymous said...
Wait~ the equipment was not installed but they were paid to install it?
November 17, 2009 11:04 AM
Anonymous said...
The documentation is being posted on the Taxpayers website.
2_Way Communication of Newington, NH was paid to install everything and performs scheduled maintenance.
The audit report dated May 5, 2008 indicates they are obligated to inventory and tag all the government furnished equipment, report on it for 2 years hence and also the disposition of any equipment must be reported.
November 17, 2009 12:16 PM
Anonymous said...
The inventory lists four pieces of equipment installed in Atkinson and valued at $9k.
The plan indicates the equipment was to go on the Atkinson Fire Dept.
This application was signed by the Police Chiefs of 6 surrounding towns: Plaistow, Atkinson, Kingston, Danville, Hampstead and Newton.
November 17, 2009 12:22 PM
Anonymous said...
Quick, someone call Dennis Herrick.
November 17, 2009 12:39 PM
Anonymous said...
The reports states that the equipment will minimize the number of radio dead zones and increase safety.
I guess the Communication Committee has nothing left to do.
Oh, that's right, the equipment is missing and they are trying to buy it again.
See what happens when you put people in charge of something they know nothing about?
November 17, 2009 12:44 PM
Anonymous said...
So when phil yelled at us to "GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT!" at town meeting two years ago, about the tower, he already had equipment that would solve the problem, but wasn't telling us?
This is the same guy who is using police dispatcherss to work for his private company while they are being paid by the town?
November 17, 2009 12:56 PM
Anonymous said...
Yup, same guy.
Someone needs to post the video of the meeting when the Chief denied getting this money to Mr. Kaye.
November 17, 2009 1:03 PM
Anonymous said...
I'm sure that Bennett was just repeating what he was told by the PD.
November 17, 2009 1:10 PM
Anonymous said...
Bill Baldwin is in California. I'm sure they have email too.
November 17, 2009 1:41 PM
MAcciard said...
WOW, I just had a chance to look at the blog. Someone has good intel. I just received basically the same info, from Mr. Bennett in response to my request for info on the whereabouts of the equipment obtained through the grant a few days ago.
I have not yet had a chance to find out if the Timberlane equipment actually is the equipment obtained through the grant, busy week.
This is potentially troubling. Especially since the grantees certified to the NH Dept. of Safety and by extension the Dept. of Homeland Security in 2007 and 2008 that the equipment was Installed and functioning on a tower in Atkinson to fulfill it's requirement of minimizing police communications dead spots within the Plaistow Atkinson area.
November 17, 2009 4:57 PM
Anonymous said...
The interesting thing is that Bennett said that they put a repeater on the HS yet Atkinson did not receive a repeater.
The plot thickens. Evidently Atkinson is not the only town that did not install their equipment, or should I say 2-Way did not install equipment in more than one location.
Maybe they ought to check out that closet again.
November 17, 2009 5:15 PM
Anonymous said...
Wow, if this is true than this is another sign of the corruption in this town that has Phil Consentino's name written all over it.
Again, if this is true than the selectmen have no choice but to fire him and bring charges of fraud against him for misappropriation of Federal grant money.
A police chief involved in this stuff has no right to be a police chief. He has no right to be in law enforcement at all. Time for this criminal to go.
This should be everyones opinion, not just mine.
November 17, 2009 5:18 PM
Anonymous said...
No wonder Chief wanted a tower - he had this equipment and he had nowhere to put it after they claimed it was installed.
November 17, 2009 5:20 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree, get the cuffs and leg irons out.
November 17, 2009 5:20 PM
Anonymous said...
They could implicate alot of people here. Other town police and 2_Way personnel, the Atkinson BOS.
November 17, 2009 5:22 PM
Anonymous said...
Perhaps someone should check Consentino's bedroom closet. Might be surprised how much illegal equipment he is hiding on his property.
Oh, forgot the chief of police would have to file for a search warrant. Nice how he's able to cover his tracks again.
Selectmen should put him on unpaid leave till they get to the bottom of this problem.
November 17, 2009 5:24 PM
Anonymous said...
Funny you should mention his closet. I have heard over and over from town cops that he has all kinds of surveillance equipment at his house because he used to work from home in the olden days.
November 17, 2009 5:26 PM
Anonymous said...
This equipment will have serial numbers and can be tracked. Not just government inventory tags but serial numbers in case someone ties to pull a fast one.
November 17, 2009 5:29 PM
Anonymous said...
So they already have the equipment that they want the taxpayers to pay for?
So they already have the fix for the problem but have been whining about bad radio coverage for years?
So they organized three committees since they got this equipment to look into something that was already solved?
November 17, 2009 5:40 PM
Anonymous said... Concentino, Baldwin, and Bennet uh...FORGOT to communicate to the Communication Committee...that they already had the grant and all this equipment?
What do the Communications Committee members think? I would think I was played.
What the heck is going on here? When are the documents going to get posted so I can read up?
November 17, 2009 6:01 PM
Anonymous said...
Plaistow has Atkinson police radio communications electronics in a closet? Whose closet? Where in Plaistow is it?
November 17, 2009 6:12 PM
Anonymous said...
They got this money in '05 and got the equipment in '05 and '06.
Why the big secret? I dunno. Something to hide?
November 17, 2009 6:17 PM
Anonymous said...
This up all day now. Plenty of hours for a town response but there is none.
November 17, 2009 6:49 PM
The above comments were transposed from the Article which the article submission was posted to. They obviously refer to this article and that is why they have been reposted here.
"This up all day now. Plenty of hours for a town response but there is none."
So you believe the town has nothing better to do than assign a paid employee to monitor this rag and respond to each and every accusation posted against the town or anyone associated with its operation.
And the moon is made of green cheese.
What I want to know is; If we had this equipment, and we certified to the State that it was "minimizing dead spots" then why did we NEED an $800,000 tower in the center of town? And why was Billy yelling at us at town meeting over it?
I am more concerned with the dispatchers working for Phil's slush fund on our dime!
If there isn't enough police work for them to do, then you can cut their hours and save some money in the most bloated budget in town!
I just was reading the full government documents supporting this article submission on the Atkinson Taxpayer Association website.
I had to page through a lot of stuff until it got interesting. 1st thing I found was:
Plaistow Chief of Police, Stephen C. Savage certifying that $9,000 of equipment is installed and labeled in Atkinson.
"INSTALLED Receiver and Canopy microwave with IPmux (2004 LETPP Homeland Grant) Receiver tag #01278 and IP Mux (2) Tag #01279 and Tag #01280."
If it is installed in Atkinson, our police communications problems are solved thanks to Homeland Security. I bet Homeland Security is going to be ROYALLY pissed when they find out their stuff has disappeared and they were lied to that it was installed and functioning in Atkinson.
These documents are damning and I think this needs to come to the attention of federal investigators.
Page 63 of the pdf documentation. (There are many documents) I see:
"We, the undersigned Chiefs of Police for our communities...wholeheartedly endorse the attached communications will hugely improve regional communication...the officers on their portable radios...this improvement will, in fact, directly affect the Towns of Plaistow, Atkinson, Hampstead and Danville with residual impact on Kingston....
Signed by:
Chief Donald Driggs
Kingston Police Department
Chief Wade Parsons
Danville Police Department
Chief Philip Consentino
Atkinson Police Department
Chief Joseph Beaudoin
Hampstead Police Department
Chief Lawrence Streeter
Newton Polcie Department
"Upkeep, maintenance, and training of and for equipment procured as part of the Homeland Security grant program is a local and grantee responsibility. The Inventory of this equipment is a local responsibility and the recipient of such understands that inspections, auditing, and inventory accounting of this equipment may occur as a condition of this grant either from Federal, State or other appropriate level agency or agent
To comply with OMB circular A-87, equipment valued at this level must be inventoried and tracked locally and be reported to the State Department of Safety (DOS) - Grants Management Unit."
"So you believe the town has nothing better to do than assign a paid employee to monitor this rag..."
Perhaps not. But if it is this serious it is in the towns best interest to notify legal council.
"So you believe the town has nothing better to do than assign a paid employee to monitor this rag and respond to each and every accusation posted against the town or anyone associated with its operation."
It would be in the town's best interest to monitor this rag. Their employees have thier noses in this rag all day instead of working for the public good. They need to be aware of the corruption in this town and do something about it for once.
Atkinson Police Chief involved in intentional deceit and deception tactics involving hiding the acceptance of Federal Grant equipment from Atkinson taxpayers, is not surprising with all the stunts he has pulled in the past. The question is how long will it take the selectmen to fire him? Deceiving the public is not a quality to be tolerated by the public. If this is a criminal offense, he should be fired and prosecuted.
Oh well, the grant is ONLY FOR $81,000 dollars.
A grant is after all just a gift!
What you want to do with it?
We got a big closet over here.
"This up all day now. Plenty of hours for a town response but there is none."
Maybe some town employees do monitor this site. I'm sure it is not in their job description.
And, we don't know what actions the town may have already taken. This is a serious, but also sensitive matter. This involves jobs and just maybe jail time. Nobody from the town is going to provide this blog with a running account of what is going on and that is what the author of the above quote was expecting. His expectations were not reasonable ones.
You know what this really calls for? Some good investigative reporting. ET has a writer assigned to Atkinson. This is dynamite material. If someone knows this person perhaps a call is in order.
Don't you dare bring in Town Counsel Sumner Kalman on this one. His job is to get town officials off. And you can skip County Attorney Jim Reams. I hear Consentino's got him in his pocket. Contact our new Attorney General, Michael A. Delaney. And will someone call in Homeland Security. Taxpayers might want their money back.
Good investigative reporting from a hack newspaper? It ain't possible.
How about an investigation from the F.B.I.
"If someone knows this person perhaps a call is in order."
Yeah, a GOOD FBI investigation
This was reported to the AGO and they poo pooed it. We'll see what they say now that the BOS states the stuff is in a closet and on a school.
This state is part of the problem when they dismiss everything back to the locals who are in the Chief's pocket.
Nothing is going to happen. It will all get swept under the rug, just like all the other crooked bull shit that happens in this town
That Attorney will use it against the town if they don't do anything. They are increasing the town's liability by non action.
Actual grant docs are available on the Taxpayer website;
Check out pgs. 26-27,43-47, 49(3 paragraphs at bottom),52-55.
Hey, the video of Phil whining about Mr. Kaye's statement is up;
Just read the docs and watched the video. I don't remember this meeting, but what a bully! And it looks like he's lying!
The selectmen had better stop kissing this guy's ass and start doing their jobs!
Why is it every single time there is some new controversy in town, our police chief is right in the middle of it?
I used to believe Phil when he would yell about people having vendettas against him, but now I am beginning to wonder if the Grants, Acciards, Kayes were right, and I was wrong?
Homeland Security has been told thru Dept. of Safety in Concord that the repeater has been moved to TRHS for coverage reasons.
Plaistow is the grantee, so advised them, not Atk PD.
Phil is a fake and he need's the boot to ....What a freak show!
Still, what about the equipment they paid to install in Atkinson?
The repeater at the HS is not part of Atkinson equipment.
Maybe Plaistow will take the heat for this.
This video was June 6, 2006 and the lying Phil Consentino was bullying Mr. Kaye with threats while stating there was no money available. The audit by the State of the equipment being in place was May of 2006. The evidence clearly shows Phil Consentino is a liar and knew he was lying.
A corrupt police chief who is devoid of any moral fiber ran a good man out of town.
If the Selectmen don't fire him now, the appearance will be they are in it together.
Let's watch to see what they do.
my 5 yr old could run this town better than the people who run it now!!!!!lmfao
I really don't know what the attraction is with PC, why they keep him on.
I don't get it.
I just saw the video. I am ashamed to live in this town. I am ashamed of the board of selectmen who allow this police chief to remain.
The video. It was an education.
To the commentator @ 1:24pm;
There is only one problem with your scenario...
Atkinson did not receive a "repeater" we got a "receiver with microwave link, and 2 IPMux". And that tower on the PAC was only put up this summer, 2009. They were certifying installation and operation in 2006 and 2008. Where was that equipment then?
To Anon @ 1:34pm;
Actually the audit letter and appointment was May 22, 2008, not 2006.
But there are statements about the stuff being installed and operating before May of 2006.
Even so, the video was in '06 but the grant money was approved in late 2004. PC knew they were getting this money and never said a word about it.
Who was on the BOS at the time it was awarded, late '04?
Childs, Consentino, Boyle in 2004, Sapia in 3/2005. Granted approved 12/6/04. Equipment purchased 4/05. Installed 5/05.
So I am stunned that no one has brought this up at these tower communication meetings.
I never knew about it. I wonder if the rest of the BOS knew that the grant was approved.
PC must have known, he signed the thing.
The Plaistow voters accepted the grant in March of 05 so Boyle was no longer on the BOS, he may not have known. Sapia was around, he must have known, as did Childs.
No wonder Consentino is running Sapia around to the Veterans breakfast. He NEEDS to get him voted back in office to cover Consentino's ass. Sapia is so stupid that he will run in to fill the vacuums when others should be putting a great distance between themselves and Consentino.
Then again, Sapia needs to cover himself from the same fraud charges that Consentino will be facing. If he get Consentino off he gets himself off. Or so he thinks.
Atkinson Mafia at is best. I hope all of them end up behind bars.
Earlier this year, the Timberlane Regional School Board voted to install the antenna and pay the costs.
Plaistow Town Manager Sean Fitzgerald said the money came entirely from the school district.
Not the same repeater where is it????
where in the world is this repeater?
Fraud, fraud, and more fraud in the town of Atkinson and the Chief of Police at it's helm. If Selectmen do nothing to fire him, they are as guilty as he is.
Enough is enough all ready. Sapia jump into the race and voters can get rid of all of them in one fell swoop.
More lawsuits are coming, I can smell it.
Good luck're going to need it.
No more fraud, no more deception, no more deceit or else.
Taxpayers are tired of paying the expense for your corruption.
I'm so mad I can taste it.
Local government can't be trusted and they SUCK.
It would be unlikely to happen, but I believe in a case where a town didn't install equipment where it was supposed to be installed through a grant (or gave it to another town) it might be possible that the town is asked to reimburse the federal government the money.
Even if this isn't true, I would imagine all you budget hawks would like to know where thousands of dollars of taxpayer money is; languishing in the back of a closet?
And I expect everyone that ever whined about money being spent at the high school to chime in also...
one was bought with federal money.
one was bought with school board money.
And now comes Atkinson police that has one in a closet somewhere. And wants money to buy a new one.
Break out the check books santa is coming to town.
I need to buy stock in motorola.
When they don't install equipment they should be careful not put in writing that they did install it.
Can someone define fraud to me? What is the definition of fraud?
Fraud is commonly understood as dishonesty calculated for advantage. A false representation of a matter of fact—whether by words or by conduct, by false or misleading allegations, or by concealment of what should have been disclosed—that deceives and is intended to deceive another.
Fraud could also be obtaining a government grant for a stated purpose, and using it for another purpose altogether, or not using it at all.
You know half the stuff that Phil is criticized for on this blog are not strictly speaking, illegal, but they are still immoral things that shouldn't be done by a guy with a badge.
What about the other half?
Don't lose sight that Plaistow is the one who applied for the grant and is accountable for the equipment. Also, do not lose sight of who heads the school committee, who is also responsible for our interests within this school district. And finally, do not lose sight of the company that certified the equipment was where it was suppose to be.
Yes, the chief may know something, but it is not his signature on the grant and he is not responsible for what the school committee does.
Just a reminder who you should be angry at, and most of them do not live in Atkinson.
No Atkinson money was spent. We happened is that we did not get what we were promised. This in turn may require us to spend money.
You should be angry. But you should also look beyond our town line. Not everything that is wrong with this town hangs on those who live here. This extends beyond our borders and those responsible should be held accountable.
You sure, Phil?
Nahhh, smells like Sapia bull@#$% to me!
Here is what I am angry about;
1.) If this equipment was installed in 2005, and functioning as reported, and was "minimizing dead spots...", Why was Phil and Billy yelling at us at town meeting over a $750,000 tower that we supposedly "needed immediately".
2.) If it was in a closet, why was it reported as installed and working? And why wasn't it mentioned to offset equipment costs on tower?
Either way, it was Phil and Billy doing the yelling, they need to do the explaining, to the people they were trying to shake down. Remember if they had their way and the tower was passed, WE would have been paying that $800,000!
The shake down of taxpayers by Billy and Phil with the help of the Selectmen at that time is inexcusable, but Phil's slandering of Brian Kaye is criminal.
No police chief of any town can be allowed to drive a taxpayer out of town, because he becomes involved in the democratic process. Brian's only crime was disagreeing with Phil on the tower issue.
The town screams that there are not enough volunteers, but what they don't tell you is they only want people that will agree with them all the time. If you don't agree to go along with their ideas, you are forced off the committee or forced out of town. Worse yet, you'll get a death threat from a Chief supporter. If you don't believe me, look at the problems Peaks, Grant, Acciard etc had with the Chief. Coincidence, I think not.
There is no democracy in Atkinson, and that's sad. The people responsible for it, are the very ones that hold control at the moment. That needs to change. The question is how to get rid of these people once and for all?
Do the people have to riot with bats and tire irons before selectmen tear that badge off Consentino's chest? I certainly hope not, but something has to be done and soon. Atkinson’s Police State has to have its legs cut out from under it.
Very suspicious that not one of them mentioned getting this equipment. All the conversation and controversy surrounding the tower and this never came up in public.
Phil, Bill, Sapia, Childs - got to go.
Billy was handing out a packet of info at town meeting that year to a few people, wanted $564,000 of equipment to go on tower. Packet claimed $425,000 of that was for fire dept. Murphy was pissed, said he didn't need any of it, and didn't ask for it.
Some of the equipment in the packet was the same as the equipment listed in the grant paperwork.
And Billy and phil were demanding the town buy it AGAIN!
What angers me the most is that when you read the documents, and then watch the video, it is clear that Phil is lying!
I think Lying is a disqualifying offense for a police chief. That is a job that depends on public trust.
Your right; Peak had to move after Phil wouldn't stop harrassing him.
Kaye moved out of town because after questioning Phil he got a death threat.
Acciard, family moved out of town after his house and car were vandalized.
And Phil's reaction to all of these? He continued to bully, them and scream about these people at meetings. This guy is the problem, you should NEVER be afraid to question a government official. EVER!
If I remember Phil even sent Acciard an official letter promising him a lawsuit if he continued to post on this blog. Is this what we pay a police chief to do?
I am sick of this s*)T!
He is a bully, plain and simple. Remember the Halloween thing? "If we see cars with Mass. plates, my boys will turn them around at the border"
He you neanderthal, did anyone ever teach you about the LAW? That is unconstitutional!
I am outraged that they tell the governmnt that this equipment bought with gov. grant money has solved the problem, while keeping us in the dark that they even GOT this stuff, while at the same time DEMANDING that we cough up $800,000 to solve a POLICE COMMUNICATIONS CRISIS!!!
Remember Billy??? "officer's lives are in danger, If YOU, and YOU, and YOU, knew what goes on in this Town you would pass this in a minute"
What does the chief of police have on the majority of the selectmen that keeps them from firing him? If that's not the case, how much payola money are they sharing in? Did they sell off our portion of the equipment and pocket the money? There has to be a money trail here someplace, otherwise the Chief would be gone by now.
Call the NH AGO and demand an investigation.
The more calls they get, the better. Maybe someday they'll get a clue about this town.
If any one reading the Blog thinks that no one has reported some of the dirty dealings to the AGO then they are very much mistaken.
Those reporting are getting the same answers, "Sorry but we cannot help you". It's not their job man.
Talk about passing the buck. They are experts at it.
It all comes back to the BOS having all the control and we know that is a dead end.
As the AG's office told me, "it is the selectmen's responsibility to supervise their employee"
This is different because it involves Federal money. The state cannot just fluff it off to the inept selectmen to do something in this case.
The state will not be getting Federal money, nor will Atkinson or other towns that are at fault if they are found guilty of this.
Calls to the AGO are courtesy calls only since the state administers the funds around the state. When the feds find out that the state is ignoring this and allowing this fraud, it will be a problem for them too.
The BOS do not have the authority to just decide look the other way and placate Phil when it comes to grants.
Why not? They looked the other way when;
They got complaints of him following people through town.
They got complaints of him abusing his authority
They got complaints of him trying to destroy peoples businesses
When he violated court orders
When he screamed at Carol Grant and ordered his officer to evict her, her husband, and their wheelchair bound son from the town hall
When he lied about getting communications equipment
When he sent official letters threatening lawsuits
When he ranted about people and their vendettas in public meetings
When he lied about requests for donation acct. monies
They have been looking the other way for 30 years, why should anything change now?
Why would anything change now? It should change because it is the right thing to do. Doing nothing proves they a part of the problem. The corruption has to stop. Let's watch and see if they do something about it. If not, there is more than one way to skin a cat, or in this case a police chief and his henchmen.
Why not?
This federal money and the incompetents in NH are not in charge of this.
WOW, PHIL DID LIE! I just looked at a copy of the Plaistow town report from 2005, available at Plaistow public library.
On pg. 115, REPORT OF THE POLICE DEPT. 4th paragraph, 13th line down, it reads;
"In early December, we received confirmation that the Dept. was awarded a full $81,500 grant (NO MATCH NEEDED) from the Dept.of Homeland Security for improvements to our communications center, which has been a significant officer safety question in the past. We expect full implementation by mid-2005.
That means that in June 2006, when Mr. Kaye revealed this grant and Phil sat there and told us that they got no equipment or money because they were waiting for matching funds from Plaistows budget, HE LIED!
This is not right! Selectmen need to do something.
I hope the selectmen do nothing the state does nothing and the feds come in and arrest them for felony fraud.
Sorry it was the 2004 Plaistow Town report, published in February 2005, pg 115
I just read this on the Atkinson Taxpayer site Page 63, to the NH Department of Safety (received Aug 28, 2006),
"The Town of Plaistow has fully implemented the LETPP Grand in the amount of $81,485.02. The equipment is located in three different sites; a tower in Kingston, NH, Atkinson, NH and here at the Public Safety Complex"...."the placement of the receivers, comparator and links has greatly improved the safety for our officers."
Where is the Atkinson equipment? Did Atkinson PD tell Plaistow it was installed or that it was not installed? Either way Grant Administrator Pamela Urban-Morin got mislead.
Seems the INSTALLATION of the receivers, etc. etc. in a CLOSET somewhere didn't greatly improve the safety of Atkinson officers.
Wonder what the Policeman's Union think of this.
Wondering if the Eagle Tribune will publish on this Homeland Security Grant violation.
Could their boy reporter, is waiting for a call from Atkinson telling him what to think.
Maybe a real reporter will hear about this and publish it.
If ET had a real reporter reporting on the real Atkinson issues, Consentino would drive to their office in uniform and threaten the editor. He's done it before and will do it again. It’s just part of the corruption of the Atkinson Mafia.
What would you do if you were the editor or owner of the ET?
Have a heart.
ET has to pucker up and kiss as they got to protect their revenue stream. Investigative reporting isn't a priority. It's down the to-do list somewhere below cleaning keyboard keys. Otherwise, they would be all over this.
If that's the case, perhaps someone should call CNHT and speak to Ed Naile. He has a newspaper and a radio show. He loves doing Investigative reporting that gets to the truth of the issues. Towns hate him but he doesn't care. Truth is more important to him than money.
Seems like he is the only honest person left around here that isn't afraid to get involved.
The fact that Sapia and the rest of the Atkinson Mafia are afraid of him, is all the more reason to call.
Ed Naile has is own agenda, and biased hardly begins to describe it.
The coverage need resides with the Union Leader. You want someone in Concord to pay attention, that is where you go, not Eddy.
Ed Naile has exposed more crocked politicians than the Union Leader has ever reported on. He’s exposed more crooked Police Chief’s than the Union Leader has ever reported on. My guess is he’ll get Phil Consentiono prosecuted before the Union Leader even gets wind of it. We need more honest people like Ed Naile than we need starving newspapers.
Fraudulent mishandling of Federal grant monies will be very interesting to CNHT. To bad our selectmen are unwilling to deal with firing Phil, and someone from out of town will have to do the job for them. It’s time for “Boss Hog” to say bye bye.
I'm thinking that the grant was submitted by Plaistow's chief, with equipment intended for the several towns which use the Plaistow Dispatch. In other words, I don't believe OUR illustrious chief ever requested the money, and didn't get any either. What he did get, I think, might have been some equipment.
I also think that our chief may have collaborated, but probably was delayed in getting his information to Plaistow; OR
he submitted a request for a whole new tower for Atkinson and Savage rejected it.
Whatever, I'm pretty sure Atkinson didn't get as much as this article is assuming was received, there was no money, and this is more of an embarassment than anything else, because our chief was too busy manipulating the elderly to prepare a suitable grant application.
Before anybody throws a nutty, someone should call Chief Savage and talk with him. Might be both interesting and enlightening.
Uh, yeah, how do you wiggle out of this one.
wiggle, wiggle, wiggle.
To 10:18;
This article has listed EXACTLY what Atkinson got, an Astro tac receiver, canopy with microwave link, and 2 IPmux.
I am certain that Savage has no idea what has been installed in Atkinson, he probably called Phil and asked if everything was in place. The Atkinson portion was Phil and Billy's show.
Also this equipment was requested to go on fire station tower when everyone knew the tower was unsuitable.
I believe that phil got it with intent to put it on hog hill tower but couldn't say that in grant docs because he didn't have permission to do that, that would have been fraud.
That was when he started demanding to put it up there and the hog hill people put the stop on that
"I am certain that Savage has no idea what has been installed in Atkinson, he probably called Phil and asked if everything was in place. The Atkinson portion was Phil and Billy's show."
Not quite. Plaistow handles most of Atkinson's dispatch and the repeater is in Plaistow. An installation in Atkinson also involves an installation in Plaistow. It takes two to tango with a microwave link. Savage knew damn well what Atkinson's status was and he signed a statement stating Atkinson's equipment was installed.
Also, there is no evidence the equipment crossed Atkinson's border. Installation of the whole system was performed by 2-Way and if they had no place to install it, they had no reason to deliver it. Also, 2-Way was charged with tagging all equipment. They certainly knew where it was. Someone should be asking about their involvement in this. I think their closets need checking.
Wiggle wiggle wiggle
Safer to explain it to the FBI, Sapia, but be very careful who you implicate. One or all of the 7 police chiefs could be on you faster than a rabbit gets Fuc$ed.
So Consentino is going to blame Savage and 2-Way. Right. Savage had better not sit there and take it. I do not believe that Savage was responsible for Atkinson not having a place to install the stuff, he most likely left each police dept to make their own arrangements. He's not going to be sitting in Atkinson watching this.
I think it's Atkinson PD screw up saying they were going to put this stuff on the FD when they couldn't and 2-Way was paid to lie on the reports to cover it up for Consentino.
So all of you would rather pin this whole thing on the chief and not consider there are others involved, it that it? A rather myopic view of things don't you think?
Perhaps you all should go back and read the report again, more carefully this time.
"Savage was responsible for Atkinson not having a place to install the stuff"
It is Savage's name on the grant request. You don't think he should take responsibility for seeing that it was implemented properly? How do you explain him saying to the state the equipment was installed when he had to know it wasn't?
The Chief of Police signed the thing, lied about it over and over. Then he tried to get the taxpayers to buy the equipment again, adding a tower. He was definitely involved and I believe that his mistakes and his big fat ego lead to this cover up. He can never admit that he's wrong or incompetent. He's a liar. He obviously colluded with Baldwin and 2-Way in this.
I also believe that Savage knew that this stuff was not installed. His dept handles our dispatch 2/3 of the day and all weekend. He would have to know where the links were.
I hope they all go down for this and disappear from our lives once and for all.
I DO believe the lies started in Atkinson and others are involved.
Bad, bad, bad idea to look the other way when you know there is corruption.
I can hear Consentino now, 'Savage knew we couldn't put the equipment here. Savage has the equipment, Savage was in charge. I'm as pure as the wind driven snow, I'm as innocent as Billy, we were taken in by Savage, Savage has a vindetta against me. I'm innocent, tell them Curly B. It wasn't me. Tell them Fred. It wasn't me.'
I think Savage is ultimately responsible, as he was the Grantee. But I will bet he relied on Phil to be able to put the equipment where he said it would go for the initial grant proposal. As for certifying it is in place and functioning, Again, Savage's responsibility, but he will probably bring Phil into it, claiming that he relied on info. from Atkinson's chief.
The bigger problem for us, is Phil lying about the equipment, claiming they were waiting on matching funds when he knew that wasn't true, and then demanding an $800,000 tower in the middle of town, $564,000 of which was equipment, and some of that was equipment already provided in this grant.
And I hear that the Emergency Commuications Committee solution to our communications problem will cost $40-50,000. If that is the case, can you imagine the amount of shit we would be in, if we DID listen to Phil and Billy the last two years and vote yes on their tower?
$800,000 wasted on two men's egos, and a giant phallic symbol in the middle of town! How appropriate
Blog readers know the bullies here. Want to remove them? Come to Town Deliberative Session and vote. 125 new warm bodies needed.
You can right a lot of wrongs.
I just want to hear Phil explain why he used police dispatchers to work for his private business, while on duty paid for by the taxpayers.
In any other town that would be immediate grounds for firing. It is misuse of taxpayer dollars, or embezzlement
My business is not doing well and I let go a secretary. I need one Police Department dispatcher to put out my town wide mailing.
I appreciate the availability of the Police Department mail service. When can I bring my mailing over? Will postage be included at the normal town discount?
Thank you for posting the answers to my questions. Once I know I will call the dispatcher to set an appointment.
For years we have commented on the fact that it costs us $31,500 for Plaistow to do ALL of our fire dispatching, ALL of our highway dispatching, and 77% of our police dispatching, yet it costs us $60,000 for our invaluable police dispatchers to dispatch 8-4 m-f ONLY! I guess we now know why...
Between dispatching elderly affairs, and handling phone calls from elderly, and sending out donation letters for Phil's private company, That must be where the cost comes in.
If this really happened, this is criminal, why aren't the selectmen doing anything about it?
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