From the Eagle Tribune;
Windham police captain dies from cancer
By Terry Date
WINDHAM — A police captain who valiantly battled cancer for years died Wednesday.
Patrick D. "Rick" Yatsevich, 46, of East Hampstead was mourned yesterday by fellow officers and others.
"He fought a long and hard battle against cancer," Sgt. Carl Wagner said. "We feel terrible for the family."
Yatsevich leaves his wife, Kerri, and their three children, Kimberly, Jared and Jordan.
Sgt. Glenn Record said Yatsevich was a family man, who was religious and very professional.
"He was a family first guy," Record said.
He said his favorite memory of Yatsevich was the fine benediction he gave at the retirement of police Chief Bruce Moeckel in 2005.
Yatsevich left work in May 2008 on disability. Town employees donated six months of earned time to bring Yatsevich's income to its former level.
He was named Windham's Employee of the Year in February 2008.
Yatsevich started his law enforcement career in Claremont in 1981 as a dispatcher, and later became a patrol officer and captain with that department.
He also worked a year in Atkinson as a police prosecutor and captain in 1998-1999.
Atkinson police Chief Phil Consentino said yesterday he was saddened to hear of Yatsevich's death.
"He was a good man," Consentino said.
Yatsevich joined the Windham police force in 1999.
In 2000, he was diagnosed with a brain tumor that was surgically removed.
In June 2006, a cancerous tumor was found on his spine. The multiple myeloma cancer put him out of work for a year. His cancer went into near complete remission and he returned to work in June 2007.
Bruce Breton, vice chairman of the Windham Board of Selectmen, said he became close to Yatsevich during the time he was out of work. Breton had suffered a heart attack around the same time.
The two would talk. Often the topic was police service; the subjects ranged from traffic flow to Tasers.
Breton said Yatsevich carried himself as a professional.
"When you walked into his office, you could tell he was a career police officer," Breton said.
In early 2008, blood tests revealed that his cancer had returned. He underwent chemotherapy.
Yatsevich died at Merrimack Valley Hospice House in Haverhill.
Relatives and friends may call today from 2 to 6 p.m. at Brookside Chapel and Funeral Home, 116 Main St., Plaistow.
His funeral will be at 1 p.m. tomorrow at St. Matthew's Church, Main Street, Sandown. Burial will follow in Lakeview Cemetery in Hampstead. Friends and family will gather after the service at Sandown Town Hall.
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Friday, November 20, 2009
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Anonymous said...
I would like the town and blog to know that we lost a great officer on Wednesday. Captain Yatsevich was once part of the Atkinson Police Department before moving on to Windham NH. I had the honor of knowing him and knew this was a man who would make NH a better State. He leaves behind a wife and three young children behind. Please say a prayer tonight and count your blessings that you have another guardian angel looking out for this State.
November 19, 2009 7:59 PM
Anonymous said...
Wow, what happened to him? Was he ill or did he get hurt in the line of duty? Where and when is his funeral? What a loss and leaving young children behind is a terrible thing to happen. My prayers will be for him tonight and the rest of the week.
Why is it that the good die young?
November 19, 2009 9:53 PM
Anonymous said...
Captain Yatsevich fought along battle of cancer. He will be waked at Brookside Funeral Home on Friday, burial on Saturday.
November 19, 2009 10:26 PM
MAcciard said...
I am sorry to hear about Capt. Yatsevich. I remember his 18 months on Atkinson's force. He was a good man in an untenable situation. He tried to fix the PD and met the classic immovable object. He left out of frustration with his boss, and Atkinson lost an effective force for good. He will be sorely missed. If there is any justice He and John are throwing back a beer and laughing about all of this right now.
Good Bye, Pat.
November 19, 2009 11:51 PM
The above comment were transposed from another article to be where they belong.
Sorry to hear of this man's passing.
"He tried to fix the PD and met the classic immovable object."
This immovable object has brought alot of grief to alot of people. I hope he has the decency to stay away at this time.
Phil is a joke if i were Yatsevich's family I would be digusted if was to show up at the services
I'd have him thrown him out.
Lots of good cops have left town and it's not good. We lose when people like Captain Yatsevich leave and we are stuck with this bully forever. It's very sad in many ways.
Here is a short list of officers who were good officers but left because of Phil;
Lt. Rick Daniels
Capt. Patrick Yatsevich
Officer Gary Lorden
Officer Michael Rivera
Officer Rich Buco(Labor suit, left, returned)
Officer Scott Wood
I know I am missing at least 3 more in the last 15 years, anyone help me out?
add officer manny to the list
too bad we overtook this post to make it all about the chief.
sorry captain yatsevich that it's no longer about you. you were a good man and will be missed by all that new you!
grow up morons
That remark is disrespectful and uncalled for.
I went to the wake when it first started. I had to say goodbye to a friend. I noticed that there weren't any items showing he was a member of the Atkinson PD. I saw Claremont and Windham, but not Atkinson. It was sad. I am glad that I no longer live in Atkinson. God Bless you Pat.
Patrick was a good man.
Ignorant people love to chime in.
Patrick's wife is being severely mistreated by the guy she's with now. He's so controlling he won't let her attend family functions in Vermont. Somebody of authority should do a welfare check on her. Carrie deserves much better!
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