Atkinson Town Hall

Atkinson Town Hall
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Welcome to the NEW Atkinson Reporter! Under new management, with new resolve.

The purpose of this Blog is to pick up where the Atkinson Reporter has left off. "The King is dead, Long live the King!" This Blog is a forum for the discussion of predominantly Atkinson; Officials, People, Ideas, and Events. You may give opinion, fact, or evaluation, but ad hominem personal attacks will not be tolerated, or published. The conversation begun on the Atkinson Reporter MUST be continued!

This Blog will not fall to outside hacks from anyone, especially insecure public officials afraid of their constituents criticism.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Atkinson chief: Selectmen threatening his job

From the Eagle Tribune;

July 22, 2011
Atkinson chief: Selectmen threatening his job
By Cara Hogan

ATKINSON — Police Chief Philip Consentino said selectmen are threatening to fire him for doing his job.

Consentino had heart surgery on June 14 and had been doing some work, mostly paperwork, from home while he recovers. But in a letter Consentino said he received on July 12, selectmen asked him to stop doing any police work.

"While you are out recuperating from your surgery, you are instructed that you are not authorized to perform any of your duties as a police chief or elderly affairs director of the town of Atkinson," the letter read. "Performing any of your duties ... you will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination."

The letter was a shock, Consentino said, and he doesn't understand why selectmen would threaten his job.

"I have to get a letter like this to throw all this added stress on my recovery," he said yesterday. "The feeling I got in my gut after receiving a letter like that, it just turned my stomach."

But Selectmen's Chairman William Bennett said the town is not trying to keep Consentino from his job.

"Some people think we're trying to push the chief out and that's in no way, shape or form what we're doing," he said. "The standard phrase in administrative letters is 'disciplinary action up to and including dismissal.' It doesn't mean we're trying to fire him. It just means he has to listen to what the Board of Selectmen tell him to do."

In fact, Bennett said, he wants to get Consentino back to work, but it's a liability issue.

"We want him back in the saddle as fast as possible, we just don't want him to push himself and come back too soon," he said. "I know Consentino, he thinks he's invincible. I don't want him to die on the job and his wife sues us for letting him come back to work."

But Consentino said he has a note from his doctor, saying he is recovering well and ready to work.

"My surgeon stated I could go back to work doing light duty at the Police Department behind the desk," he said. "The selectmen rejected that and said I will have to come back in full capacity, and have my doctor sign off on the physical demands for the Atkinson Police Chief."

The selectmen's letter said Consentino would have to be able to lift 25 pounds, carry more than 50 pounds, and be able to twist, bend, crawl and kneel before he can return to work.

"I'm hoping my surgeon will give me the OK to go back to work by Sept. 1, with no restrictions whatsoever," he said. "But why don't they just let me go back to desk duty? They're just restricting the police department's ability to function."

Town Manager Phil Smith would not confirm whether Consentino had presented his doctor's note and been rejected.

"The chief himself would have to release to you his medical documents from his doctor," he said.

Bennett said the letter to Consentino was a slight mistake. The chief does not need to be able to perform those specific physical activities before coming back to work, he said.

"We need to know if he is pain-free enough to make good decisions," Bennett said. "If he comes in and does desk duty, we don't want him jumping into the fray when he's not ready. It's a stressful job."

Three days after his surgery, while still in the intensive care unit, Consentino said, his wife brought him police paperwork and he would sort it out.

"When I finally got home from rehab, I was paying the bills here and sending them to Town Hall," he said. "Now, I get this letter saying I can't do anything. I have totally divorced myself now from the police department. The department is going to suffer dramatically because Detective (Philip) Farrar is not in a position to make decisions that a chief would make."

Selectmen did not appoint an acting chief while Consentino is out. Farrar was named officer in charge when Consentino left for his surgery.

Consentino said he feels persecuted and singled out by the board.

"(Fire Chief) Mike Murphy was out for surgery two months ago," Consentino said. "I called and asked if he was required to send in a note. He said he was surprised because just three days ago, the town had called and asked for a note from his doctor, which was about two months after the fact."

For now, Consentino is focusing on his health and not working for the town.


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Anonymous said...

"CART serves Chester, Derry, Hampstead, Londonderry, Salem and Windham, with contributions received from participating towns. These contributions are then matched with federal transportation funding."

CART serves 1700 people across 6 towns. How many seniors do they claim get EA rides?


Anonymous said...

They get matching funds? We need to look at our program and see if it measures up.

A friend of mine was recently turned away by elderly affairs when she needed a ride to the doctor for a serious medical condition and she was turned down.

If our program is not serving the needs of our citizens, we need to make changes, after all. we are paying for this.

Anonymous said...

you want a ride
you call
you donatewe haul

Anonymous said...

saw the animal control over at granite ridge rd again.. they are going to need all 10 or 11 police cars to get those cats out of there, poor things!! This is a outrage, we are worrying about a chief and there are innocent cats being trapped in a house with a crazy old bag, cant belive this is what atkinson has come to, we should all be ashamed of ourselfs,

muah ha ha ha ha muah ha ha

let the fireworks begin

Anonymous said...

saw the animal control over at granite ridge rd again.. they are going to need all 10 or 11 police cars to get those cats out of there, poor things!! This is a outrage, we are worrying about a chief and there are innocent cats being trapped in a house with a crazy old bag, cant belive this is what atkinson has come to, we should all be ashamed of ourselfs,

muah ha ha ha ha muah ha ha

let the fireworks begin

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

saw the animal control over on granite ridge rd again, gonna take all 10 or 11 of those cop cars to get those cats out of there, we should be ashamed of our selfs talking about the chief when there are some cute cats stuck in a house with a crazy old lady from raytheon that has bad roots

Anonymous said...

Portsmouth police log
August 04, 2011 - 10:05 AM
August 2

7:47 a.m. - Assisted with a two-car crash on Islington Street.

7:59 a.m. - A resident reported finding two dogs in her yard.

9:33 a.m. - Found prescription glasses turned in.

9:58 a.m. - Caller reported a laptop stolen from an unlocked car on Lafayette Road.

10:46 a.m. - Report taken about a car damaged in a parking lot.

12:28 p.m. - Assisted with a crash on the Route 1 Bypass.

1:09 p.m. - Investigated a report of a drunk driver in a fast food restaurant parking lot.

1:12 p.m. - Investigated a complaint about someone throwing water bottles at passing cars.

1:25 p.m. - Report taken from a resident receiving threatening phone calls.

3:22 p.m. - Assisted with a two-car crash on Lafayette Road.

4:21 p.m. - Responded to the parking garage for a report of a car with a smashed window and the appearance of having been rifled through.

4:22 p.m. - Report taken about a stolen purse.

4:25 p.m. - Assisted with a two-car crash on the Route 1 Bypass.

4:56 p.m. - Responded to Greenland Road for a complaint about an intoxicated man harassing customers.

5:52 p.m. - Assisted with a three-car crash near the Southgate Plaza.

7:58 p.m. - Responded to Dennett Street for a report of a dog bite.

8:17 p.m. - Investigated a tip about youths going into woods off Lafayette Road to party.

8:31 p.m. - Assisted the fire department with a woman who told a stranger she needed help.

10:09 p.m. - Responded to Sherburne Road for a report of 15 youths running around in the road.

11:22 p.m. - Responded to Hanover Street for a report of three teen boys seen trying to open cars.

11:43 p.m. - A Concord Way resident reported seeing youths on bikes trying to get into a car.

Aug. 3

2:26 p.m. - Verbal warning given for a loud party on Concord Way.

Anonymous said...

Atkinson police log
August 04, 2011

No report. Coast clear. Atkinson
quiet. Nothing to worry about.

APD will protect you from the bad news. Thank us, God Damn it. Because It is best voters are ignorant of the facts. IGNORANCE IS BLISS. That's our policy. We know voters don't want to know the truth about robberies In their neighborhoods, or drunk drivers every day on Rt 121,, missing children, road rage, loud dope parties every weekend on Meditation till 4:00am.

Police reports make the town look bad and the APD does a great job protecting our Elderly votes and donations we need desperately to protect our Vegas trips..

NOBODY in this town has any right to know the truth. We control what you are allowed to know and allowed to think. It is best for everyone.

The Eagle Tribune backs us up, as always.

We welcome the gift of your home, property, and your car. We will buy a couple of caines for our inventory. The rest goes into our private bank account to protect your anonymity.

God bless the generous Atkinson Police Pepartment. We run this town right. We are true blue, fly right and are straight as a broken arrow.

Anonymous said...

APD doesn't get involved with animal control.....neither does animal control. No help for cats or even dogs stuck in power windows. Police cars now smell of dog breath and poo, but we are used to it and we can't smell it anymore.

tim dziechowski said...

"NOBODY in this town has any right to know the truth. We control what you are allowed to know and allowed to think. It is best for everyone."

I realize your post is pure sarcasm, but we have this on who in town government is subject to 91-A from page 5 of the attorney generals manual on the right to know law at

"The police, fire, highway, welfare, water, sewer, recreation, zoning enforcement, and planning departments, the office of the town clerk, tax collector, treasurer, and town/city manager of a town, city, or village district and any other agency, authority, department or office of a town, city, or village district."

So the police log as a public document must be provided if you file a 91-A request.

Even if there's nothing in it.

Anonymous said...

Ever asked to see it Tim? They routinely black out whatever they want. That is a violation of 91A.

If you complain, they will do nothing but threaten you to move. Then, things will get worse.

PD doesn't want any criticism and doesn't want you to see all the calls they are taking and all the trouble that is swept under the rug. If you knew what was really going on in your town, you would be appalled.

Anonymous said...

You should be ashamed of yourself, attacking women, putting up a real address and slandering people, signing other people's names to your ridiculous posts. When Granite Ridge Rd. gets vandalized again, you will be to blame for your threats.

What will it take to get you to go away and let the town live in peace?

This is not a rhetorical question. Tell us...

Anonymous said...

It really makes you wonder how or why some people learned to be so evil.

Anonymous said...

"In a tightly controlled dictatorship, the people hear only what the government chooses to tell them."

on China. Sure, you thought this was about Atkinshame.

Anonymous said...

we should leave the cats and get rid of the cops.

Anonymous said...


did you mean concentrate Phil?

Anonymous said...

" a outrage"

nice....learn some grammar too while you are out.

Anonymous said...

Message to the rats. Your ship is sinking. We must tell you since you can't see it. Your holding onto a sick dream of power and control in a small town where you really don't control a whole lot. your behavior is exposed to the world now. Its OK with me if you refuse to abandon the ship because then you sink with your captain. Its obvious none of you will quit until the badge is gone. Duh, you think he's getting that job back? Fat chance it ever happens now that he's out. No BOS in Atkinson or anywhere,NH would let him back in. Waddya think the MRI report is gonna say we should hire an ailing 71 year old guy witha bad heart as chief to fix things? And, now that the EA is a paid position that goes too. Someone on the BOS knew what they were doing by getting voters to make it a paid appointment, ya think? Don't you see he's already gone from the job? Game over. The new PT guy from Salem gets in and then Salem takes over. Its when not if. But you keep clinging to your sick dream. I hear that sinking noise glug glug glug.

Anonymous said...


Stamp out iliteracy in Atkisson.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to have the Salem PD operate in Atkinson. Good idea.

Anonymous said...

Where is the Mercury?

Anonymous said...

Tim, what good is a heavily redacted police log and what makes you think important information ever makes it in?

When the Atkinson cop was called to Valcat not long ago, he found the Osborn kids hiding in the woulda after snuffing out the wildlife. Sure enough the parents were not home but the 12 year old babysitter was. Strange that a 14 year old boy needs a 12 year old babysitter.

Anyway the cop made them put the gun down and called the parents who were off partying.

Did this ever appear in the police log? No! And that's a fact so why don't you take your contentious know it all attitude and file a right to know request yourself and see what you get.

The new right to know law allows you to go to court and collect attorneys fees but how they get around your finding out info on a police log is just draw a magic marker through it or not report the facts in the first time.

Now are you clear on the facts or do I need to write it a third time Tim!

Anonymous said...

Yes Tim, that's the law, but they don't follow it. You'd have to take them to court to get a complete report so I think they rely on this and expect no one ever will do so.

Even when the judge ordered the unredacted logs be supplied this year, the Police Chief did not comply and should have been found in contempt.

The important thing to remember is that no one really knows what crime is being reported and if anything is being done about it.

How does this make you feel and is this ok with you?

Anonymous said...

I have a problem with the fact that someone on this blog is attacking a woman who allegedly called the APD to report a problem and she is being identified with her name and address. I have yet to see the name and address of the owner of the house here. Is the APD now protecting the criminals?

Moreover, the bully is also complaining that they don't like her calls to the APD. The APD does not publish their logs so this complaint is coming from the APD.

What kind of police officers are working for this town that would, and did, go after a resident for reporting something half the town saw in broad daylight? WE ALL SAW THIS PARTY.

Anonymous said...

Like Londonderry-Derry police logs we should show the NAME, AGE, ADDRESS and reason for any arrest.

Oh, I forgot, to get arrested in Atkinshame there is only one person who can authorize an arrest, if he can be located at the time or not incapacitated or on vacation or not playing golf or not eating out or or or or.

Think about it. No officer can arrest a drug dealer on Meditation Lane caught selling to parties without waking up an ill old man. Then, the name and address will have a black line drawn thru them so only your hairdresser knows for sure.

Only in Atkinshame

Anonymous said...

I am stoned and driving drunk my way home to Coventry Lane. No police watching for me but I would get a pass from my buds anyway.

I love Atkinson. It's a haven. Our drug house is almost operational and then we hit the community hard.

God bless Atkinson job creators.

Anonymous said...

The town has hit a new low.

Congratulations - ?

Anonymous said...

dont do the crime if you cant do the time, or if you cant take the heat get your A$$ out of kitchen, if you cant take the noise MOVE...or dont!

Anonymous said...

"Don't do the crime, if you can't do the time."

That's very true. Everyone could take responsibility for the things they have done wrong. Not just outright crimes but also actions they know they did wrong. Apologizing to a person, you have unjustly wronged, is one way to take responsibility and "do the time". Then forgiveness becomes a possibility.

Regarding "MOVING". People being told to MOVE out of town. What is the message? Stop complaining about what needs improvement in town...just MOVE. Ultimately this simply does not work. While that one individual may relocate there will be a new crop of talking heads pop up with more criticisms. It is just a viscious circle. That person moves and then the wheel turns and there are forty more heads for each one that moved. Yes, I agree, there is temporary relief, and even some satisfaction. Bit ultimately the strategy of getting people to MOVE out of Atkinson is a "No Win Scenario".

I winning scenario could consist of the following:

1. Start meeting with average citizens of the town. Listen to their complaints and try your best to address them.
2. Have more fun and take things less seriously. It is good for you and it is time to enjoy life and make final contributions where you can.
3. Go ahead and start publishing logs in the Eagle Tribune. Maybe a lot is happening, maybe nothing is happening. But people will feel more secure and credibility will rise. Report even little things, like a kid was helped to cross the street at 11:45am. Just tell the truth and include all the little sweet things. "Helped a lady get her sick dog out of a hot car and to the Veterinarian on Bushell Rd.
4. Give Elderly rides to all with no exceptions and reduce the two to four week prenotification. When the elderly need a ride to the doctor it may be sudden. Their ear problem showed up that morning and they can't wait two weeks for that ride.
5. Invite people to open house at the PD every three months. Give a little seminar about safety and where and why not to speed and what intersections in town are dangerous and why; or how to legally protect yourself from phone call scams. (Don't send cash to Nigeria!)

So, there is a lot more that could be done to improve public relations with the community. And these ideas would work and make people feel more secure on the one hand, and appreciative, on the other.

Yes, MOVE...but MOVE to a new possibility of transforming public relations in the town. It is a "WIN-WIN" scenario.

Anonymous said...

To Anon: August 5, 2011 6:01 PM

Juvenile matters are not put in the newspaper. That is the law in NH. Sorry.

Anonymous said...

Well now, we were all hoping you would get a little more out of it.

Anonymous said...

The point was it didn't make the police log.

Learn from Portsmouth, NH:

"8:17 p.m. - Investigated a tip about youths going into woods off Lafayette Road to party."

Anonymous said...

11:43 p.m. - A Concord Way resident reported seeing youths on bikes trying to get into a car.

Anonymous said...

10:09 p.m. - Responded to Sherburne Road for a report of 15 youths running around in the road.

Anonymous said...

Why do you care so much about youths and children. This seems really suspicious.

Anonymous said...

What is suspicious is police log information is withheld from the public. You took away people's rights and humiliated people for decades. Now you continue to snake around and conspire to prevent people's "Right To Know" what should be public police logs.) Maybe you should seek training in the most basic RSA laws that everyone (but YOU alone) know. Therapy and a priests confessional would also benefit. Where are people like you allowed to prosper?

Only in Atkinshame!

Anonymous said...

X moderator short body was a true inspiration his entire career.

Anonymous said...

By CNHT | August 7, 2011

by Ed Naile, Chairman

Finally, The New Hampshire Municipal Association, aka, The Local Government Center, may get what’s coming to it for skimming $100 million from municipal insurance contracts, some of which was diverted for their own payroll enhancement.

Self-dealing with taxpayer money and playing politics have caught up with the weasel nest in Concord that was set up in 1941 to support MUNICIPALITIES. NHMA sold out to and added to its Board of Directors, SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENTS in 2003.

And as with almost anything involving the public education industry, it was then time to skim a little off the top and re-interpret words and statutes in order to feather their own fat nests.

How are diverse public school and municipal issues served by a BOD made up of selectmen, basically volunteers, and overpaid, under supervised, edu-speaking, contracted school superintendents?

I have not trusted this non-profit monopoly for almost as long as I have been involved in municipal politics.

My eyes were opened when I sat on a Board of Selectmen along with an employee of NHMA’s Property Liability Trust who would cook our Town of Deering books year after year until I was elected and began the long process of straightening them out.

I call those three years, My Fifteen Minutes of Hate. Everyone was mad at me. But I learned how the system protects itself.

It is time to break up NHMA, or whatever it wants to call itself, and let municipalities bid out their insurance as a group.

Just like NHMA tried recently to change the law that prevents its self dealing, it should be a simple matter for the Legislature to draft legislation to eliminate this organization. After all, they are a creature of the Legislature.

Anonymous said...

Ha ha, Atkinson is also a "creature" of Local Government Center. Just how many Atkinson homeowner dollars are part of that $100 million.

I rest comfortable in bed knowing LGC is our town insurance company and will make sure our political hacks stay in office regardless of how they violate the constitutional rights of voters.. Zzzzzzz

Anonymous said...

big bill b trying to run the bos meeting by himself what a joke cant wait till march when he is gone

Anonymous said...

To August 8, 2011 11:15 PM:

There are a lot of parents that are too busy with their own lives and don't monitor their kids' activities. These are the kids that are on the streets causing trouble.

There are a lot of theft and other criminal activity in Atkinson. The average person just doesn't hear much about it because it's not posted in the paper and the online police log hasn't been updated since early this year.

Anonymous said...

dougdale new aco and he gets old fd command car to drive around in

Anonymous said...

Who is Dougdale?

Last night Bill Bennett said that the dog officer and the assistant resigned, as well as the cemetery trustee. Are they both Don Murphy? Who is the assitant?

Is this correct?

Anonymous said...

there are a lot of people in atkinson that abuse the PD and make rediculas phone calls over and over again when there is nothing wrong< havent you heard the "boy who cried wolf" when you put the phone number on redial and call over and over agian for no reason, one day you will need them and they wont come, please try and refrain from calling this weekend when the sky is falling!!!!!

who doesnt like reggae music?

Anonymous said...

More resignations. Soon it'll only be Bennett and Friel running every volunteer slot in town.

Anonymous said...

There are alot of people in a(A) tkinson that abuse the PD and make rediculas (He means 'ridiculous' for those of you who have graduated from Kindergarten) phone calls over and over again (,) when there is nothing wrong (gee, the POLICE have to answer ALL CALLS and sweeping the problems under the rug doesn't qualify as 'nothing wrong'...) < havent (HAVEN'T) you heard the "boy who cried wolf" when you put the phone number on redial and call over and over agian (AGAIN) for no reason, (end of run on sentence.) o(O)ne (One) day (, ) you will need them and they wont (won't) (well, yes they will) come (.end of sentence) , (delete comma) (P) please try and refrain from calling this weekend when the sky is falling!!!!! (Oh, is the sky falling this weekend? You had better put some extra patrols out.)

w(W) ho doesnt (doesn't) like reggae music? (Those who like rap, that's who!).

Why don't you take a class in...class? HAHAHHAHAHAHA

Good thing you are not an OFFICIAL.

Anonymous said...

Phil's getting screwed by his no longer trustworthy selectmen. The nerve of these guys. And to think Phil got them elected. I wish Phil would run for Selectman. We would be so much better off than having Friel, Childs or Bennett. Those 3 need to go.

Anonymous said...

Yup. Another good one is Frank Polito for selectman. Get Rose O'Leary on. Love it. Kant wait to get these bozos to retire

Anonymous said...

>>More resignations. Soon it'll only be Bennett and Friel running every volunteer slot in town.

No-can-do. That would be a conflict of interest. ;)

Anonymous said...

hello hello hello hello white america, while you try to assassinate my character, money and matramony your trying to break my marriage up! who is going to act phonier? who is going to try to embarrass you?

I think I need a day off from bloggin...I should call Ferris up.

Buelher that is.

Anonymous said...

Could someone tell me how the heck the BOS can schedule meetings every other week in the summertime and still only have one member show up? I've never seen a board more irresponsible than this BOS

Anonymous said...

Sapia, Consentino, Childs were the worst ever.

Anonymous said...

To August 10, 2011 10:27 AM

I remember the electioneering assocuated with those campaigns. This is ok how?

Anonymous said...


Get rid of the untrustables.

Anonymous said...

Yes, more lawsuits, more corruption, more nepotism, more abuse of power. That's all we need.

Anonymous said...

Osborn, Sapia, Artus. Dream team

Anonymous said...

Ferris, your ego got in the way of your brains, then you lied your way out of it. Everybody knows it but you.

Anonymous said...

Ferris, your ego got in the way of your brains, then you lied your way out of it. Everybody knows it but you.

Anonymous said...

my elderly vote me selectman, i vote me Chief, Elderly dir.for life!!!!! you mri pukes lick my toilets get my people, mor on my conflict intrest committe, whackjobs be gone by by

Anonymous said...

Obnoxious reply. You are offensive to seniors. I'll speak up for Phil since nobody else will. The punks making fun of seniors hide anonymously. Afraid to come out are you?

Phil would be a great selectmen. He's taken care of those who appreciate the services he provides and thanks goodness for some of the funds he helps out troubled folks with. The free rides, concerts, daytrips, flu shots, free medical equipment, payments for utilities - I can go on and on about the stuff he's doled out. Its amazing he gave like 2000 rides too on such a small budget. Phil can squeeze a lot from a nickel I'll tell you. And I feel a lot of comfort knowing our police department manages it all.

He's personally done a lot for my family and he'd take care of the town right. Those guys at town hall want to control everything and don't like Phil correcting their mistakes or telling thm the right way to do stuff.

Whenever someone comes along to cut services to seniors Phil is first to stand up against it. I get afraid sometimes hearing about it in his letters but Phil comes to the rescue every time and rallies us to support him at the town vote.

That person who said the curren board is the untrustables nailed it right on the head. Consentino for selectmen. Phil's got my vote.

Anonymous said...

With all due respect, there is no accounting evidence provided by you or by him, to back up your claim that he gave out 2000 rides. This is a municipal budget that demands accountability yet we do not get it. If this were really true, then why is no one allowed to see the accounting?

Secondly, the "free rides", and other "free" stuff you listed, are paid for with MY tax dollars. They are not FREE for me yet I do not get one thing for this money but insulted. The money does not come out of his pocket so why do you give him all the credit? WE, the taxpayers should get your thanks, not your criticism.

Lastly, our POLICE DEPARTMENT is not supposed to managing all the free stuff for seniors. This is a different dept., though it has yet to be run as such, as commanded by the Attorney General.

No one is against the senior programs here and it is a bit insulting the way you give all the credit to him and none to those who are actually paying for it.


Anonymous said...

BTW, he would be a terrible selectman (again) in my opinion because he demonstrates bias in doling out services.

No way, time to retire.

Anonymous said...

How many letters are going from the police to the elderly we don't know about? BOS put a stop to this.

Anonymous said...

They make fun of seniors by manipulating them with free rides, flu shots, that make seniors look dumb because their votes are bought. It is embarrassing to live here with apes posing as care givers. LAW ENFORCEMENT is dead in Atkinson. Shame on all of you.

Rides and favors paid for by TAXPAYERS then doled out for votes is revolting. BOS and Attorney General, DO SOMETHING TO PROTECT US AND OUR SENIORS from these con artists praying on our seniors and community.

Anonymous said...

MRI lick my toilets bos my A$$

Anonymous said...

Good luck Officer Paquette, the town is losing a great officer. Please don't let them think it had anything to do with the Chief, but a lot to do with the BOS>>

Anonymous said...

Good luck Officer Paquette with whatever you do. Everyone is better off out of town until they get new leadership in the PD. IMHO.

Anonymous said...

By new leadership are you ready for a new leadership that cost the town 80,000 for a FT Chief? Or do you suggest we go with another PT Chief and bump the salary up to about 50,000? Just wondering what the bloggers are thinking, since they seem to know everything.

Anonymous said...

The BOS are suggesting the Rockingham County Sheriffs take over Atkinson. Hmm do any of you bloggers know why Law enforcement personel become sheriffs and not local cops? I belive I was told because they don't want to answer calls. Come on down!!!!

Anonymous said...

Municipal Resources Inc. is doing it's job, that is all. Look at the MRI report and results achieved in Bradford and other towns. A Bradford Selectman sits on the CNHT Board of Directors. The Coalition of New Hampshire Taxpayers (CNHT) will post full MRI Reports for several towns on The Atkinson Taxpayer web site. Full reports will assist Atkinson residents in comprehending the new developments in your town.


Anonymous said...

Please type in "The Atkinson Taxpayer Association" in your web browser. At that web site you may also review prior lawsuits and tab evidence that apply. Look under "Lawsuits".

CNHT is proud to assist the Atkinson Board of Selectmen in the development of town policy. Our Board of Directors are Selectmen, former State Reps and Town Moderators with the collective experience to assist Municipal Resources in the Town of Atkinson.

Anonymous said...

If the BOS and MRI are truly looking at all the options, I commend them. We need to fix this problem and get a qualified Police Chief and staff.

I am willing to spend the money to get this done and think it will ultimately save money without so many lawsuits surrounding one individual. He is not worth his salary and the aggravation of having him.

I would vote for a FT Chief if it went to the ballot because we would attract a larger pool of candidates.

I am willing to have Salem, Plaistow or the County take over. Anything but this.

MAcciard said...

Barbara, The BOS is NOT suggesting the Sheriffs take over the PD, as your uninformed histrionic post states.

They are saying that if ALL of our part timers can not handle it there is back up.

MAcciard said...

To Aug. 10, 5:25pm;

No one is making fun of seniors, and the elderly affairs program is a taxpayer funded town dept. of which Phil is merely the current director. He does not dole out rides, services, etc. personally, You act as if this was his largess coming out of his own pocket. That has not been the case since Carol Grant was the FIRST director of elderly affairs.

Further, While Phil has largely done a good job as elderly affairs director, The politicization of the dept. is troubling, as is his defiance of the Attorney Generals directions to separate the functions of both depts, his lack of adequate record keeping, and the interaction of his private donation account.

As a selectman, he was among the worst, having to be Ordered by Superior Court to follow the law, and then ignoring that Order and being Found in Contempt of Court.

his practice of purchasing vehicles for his dept. either without voter approval, or after voters have turned him down, is immoral if not illegal.

his documented track record of using the authority of his badge to harrass his critics, should be a disqualifier for the position of Chief, as is his lack of training, education, firearms training, and law enforcement management training and education.

It is high time for the corruption to stop.

Anonymous said...

Hey Mark,

Since you dont even live in town anymore and you don't pay taxes, it's easy for you to throw stones(rocks) at the PD. I ,however, live in town and pay taxes and wanted my streets continously patroled by Atkinson Cops and my 911 calls answered by APD as well.

I don't want to be pulled over by a smokie in a campaign hat for speeding on my way to Sumner's office. I don't want a sheriff going to a neighbors house at 5:00pm and telling them to quiet down. And if my kids are at a party and there is some illegal activities going on I'd appreciate the discretion of getting a phone call to come pick him'her up as opposed to a phone call saying "come to Brentwood we have your kid"...

Wake up Atkinson!!!!

Anonymous said...

No! Follow the laws of the State of New Hampshire. Send the hooligan to Brentwood. You have no business, as an Officer of the LAW, calling the family to subvert justice or acquire future favors....or votes for cruisers.... and subvert justice. Sending the hooligan to Brentwood overnight and having the 'Rents pick him up in the morning is the best lesson for all concerned. Your letting the little town monster off the hook sends the wrong message.

Anonymous said...

hide your wallets if bos has its way there will be no cops left to protect us

Anonymous said...

What you talking 'bout.? We haven't had any cops protecting us for over 30 yeras.

Anonymous said...

You are not permitted to read Atkinson police logs in the paper by order of the Atkinson PD. It never makes it into the log anyway as everybody in town knows. The drug dealing party scum has to get caught in another town to get put in cuffs. In Atkinson, your family votes. They take the 35 year old drug pusher to their elderly parents house and just "sort it out". Wouldn't want it in the papers.


Anonymous said...

An infamous town official says..." And if my kids are at a party and there is some illegal activities going on I'd appreciate the discretion of getting a phone call to come pick him'her up as opposed to a phone call saying "come to Brentwood we have your kid"...

What illegal activities going on are you referring to? Drug dealing? What do you mean by "discretion"? The best is if they lock up your brats at Brentwood and throw away the key.

Anonymous said...

k - PCP

k-blast - PCP

k-hole - Periods of ketamine-induced confusion; the depressant high associated with ketamine

k-lots - Bags of 1,000 MDMA pills

kabak - Marijuana; Turkish marijuana

kabayo - Heroin

kabuki - Crack pipe made from a plastic rum bottle and a rubber sparkplug cover

kaff - Very potent marijuana from Morocco, Lebanon and other Arab/Middle Eastern countries

kaksonjae - Smokable methamphetamine

kalakit - Marijuana

kali - Marijuana

kangaroo - Crack

kansas grass - Marijuana

kaps - PCP

karachi - Heroin, phenobarbital, and methaqualone

karo - Codeine cough syrup

kate bush - Marijuana

kawaii electric - Marijuana

kaya - Marijuana

kb - Marijuana

kee - Marijuana

kentucky blue - Marijuana

kester plant - Drugs hidden in the rectum

ket - Ketamine

key - Marijuana

kgb (killer green bud) - Marijuana

khat - Amphetamine; methcathinone; methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA)

khayf - Very potent marijuana from Morocco, Lebanon and other Arab/Middle Eastern countries

ki - Marijuana

kibbles & bits - Small crumbs of crack

kick - Inhalants; getting off a drug habit

kick stick - Marijuana cigarette

kicker - OxyContin

kiddie dope - Prescription drugs

kief - Very potent marijuana from Morocco, Lebanon and other Arab/Middle Eastern countries

kiff - Marijuana cigarette; very potent marijuana from Morocco, Lebanon and other Arab/Middle Eastern countries

killer - Marijuana; PCP

killer green bud - Marijuana

killer joints - PCP

killer weed - Marijuana

killer weed (1980's) - Marijuana and PCP

kilo - 2.2 pounds

kilter - Marijuana

kind - Marijuana

kind bud - High quality marijuana

king - Cocaine

king bud - Marijuana

king ivory - Fentanyl

king kong pills - Depressants

king's habit - Cocaine

kissing - The exchange of plastic wrapped rocks (crack) by kissing or through mouth to mouth transfer

kit - Equipment used to inject drugs

kit kat - Ketamine

kitkat - ketamine

kitty flipping - Use of ketamine and MDMA

kj - PCP

kleenex - Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA)

klingons - Crack addicts

kokomo - Crack Cocaine

kona gold - Marijuana

kools - PCP

kpin - klonopin

krippy - Marijuana

kryptonite - Crack cocaine; marijuana

krystal - PCP

krystal joint - PCP

kumba - Marijuana

kush - marijuana

kw - PCP

Anonymous said...

See how much knowledge the local druggies possess? They can spell all the drug related words from the Webster's Dicitionary of Street Slang, 2011.

Doesn't this make the Timberlane School Committee members giddy?

Anonymous said...

murcury at chiefs house because he is back to work

Anonymous said...

mercury back in service now that chief is back

Anonymous said...

hey sh&thead, learn to spell.

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