Atkinson Town Hall

Atkinson Town Hall
The Norman Rockwellian picture of Atkinson

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Welcome to the NEW Atkinson Reporter! Under new management, with new resolve.

The purpose of this Blog is to pick up where the Atkinson Reporter has left off. "The King is dead, Long live the King!" This Blog is a forum for the discussion of predominantly Atkinson; Officials, People, Ideas, and Events. You may give opinion, fact, or evaluation, but ad hominem personal attacks will not be tolerated, or published. The conversation begun on the Atkinson Reporter MUST be continued!

This Blog will not fall to outside hacks from anyone, especially insecure public officials afraid of their constituents criticism.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Atkinson loses another administrator

from the Eagle Tribune;

August 19, 2011
Atkinson loses another administrator
By Cara Hogan

ATKINSON — After less than two years on the job, Town Administrator Phil Smith is returning to police work.

Smith gave his notice to selectmen Tuesday.

"I got another opportunity in Roswell, N.M.," Smith said yesterday. "I will be the deputy chief of the police department."

His last day in Atkinson is Sept. 15.

He's just the latest in a long list of relatively short-term administrators. And selectmen haven't always had an easy time filling the job.

Before Smith was hired in September 2009, the town went seven months without an administrator.

But short-term administrators are the norm for a town this size, Selectman Fred Childs said.

"I hope the next town manager will last long," Childs said. "It's a small town, so it's a stepping stone for people. If they can make more money someplace else, they do. That's what happens."

For Smith, who served as police chief in Alton before taking the Atkinson job, it's a chance to move to a warmer climate and return to police work.

"I realized I just really love being in law enforcement. I'm getting back to a field I'm more comfortable with and what I love to do, but it's no knock on Atkinson," he said. "Atkinson was right next door to my hometown and I've learned a lot of new skills being here. It's going to make my police work much more effective and efficient."

Selectmen have begun to search for his replacement.

"We are starting to search for a new town manager today," Childs said yesterday. "It depends on who applies, how long it takes. Sometimes it takes a long time, sometimes it doesn't, depends on the candidates you get."

Selectmen's Chairman William Bennett said he understands why Smith decided to leave.

"He's got a better job and a better income," he said. "I get it."

The town hasn't yet decided whether to hire a consulting company to help with the search, selectmen said.

It's likely the town will be without an administrator for a few months, but administrative assistant Barbara Snicer will fill in, something she's done before.

In fact, Childs pointed out, Snicer has filled in the last two times the town was without an administrator.

Atkinson has gone through a few short-term town managers in the past few years.

The longest someone has stayed on the job in recent memory was Russell McCallister's three-and-a-half-year stint that ended in January 2008. Then came interim administrator Craig Kleman for about four months. He was followed by Steven Angelo, who lasted less than five months, leaving in January 2009.

Smith will be moving to a much larger community when he heads to Roswell. It has about 50,000 residents and a 96-person police department.

"It's a fantastic opportunity career-wise and a lot of us policemen who live in the snowier areas like to make our second bids toward warmer climates," he said. "There's a lot going on in that city. I'm looking very much forward to the challenge."

But he said he's going to miss the people he's worked with in Atkinson.

"I've had the privilege and honor of working with some wonderful people here in Town Hall," Smith said. "That was the most refreshing thing coming out of law enforcement, finding this level of quality people that provide service the community."


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tim dziechowski said...

"Your talking about seniors who get free services from our taxpayer funded Elderly Affairs dept. WE have a right to know, under RSA 91-A, who uses the services we pay for, how often, where the trips are, how many trips, mileage, cars used, drivers paid, etc etc etc."

I would suggest you guys actually read RSA 91-A before making pronouncements like this. Under 91-A:5 IV internal personnel, confidential, commercial, and financial information, medical records, and welfare records are excluded from disclosure.

You are also not allowed to file a 91-A request with the library trustees to see who has been taking out "The Cat in the Hat".

Anonymous said...

Not correct Tim.

None of these items can be excluded for confidential, medical, personal, or financial reasons. At most, the name of the resident might be withheld, but nothing else is confidential and must be disclosed under 91A.

The fact that some of the elederly in our town are being denied services, where others MIGHT be getting them, invites scrutiny of the expenses. We pay for the cars, drivers, gas etc and we are entitled to know how often, how far, and what these trips are costing us. How do we actually know ANYONE is receiving these services? We don't. They are inviting more lawsuits if they think they can continue to deny requests for information.

You are incorrect if you think this data is priviledged in anyway shape or form.

Anonymous said...

Here's an idea!

How about parking the elderly affairs vehicles at the Municipal Building.

Only a slight inconvenience to the EA department, but we could all see more clearly how much these vehicles are put to use and who the drivers are.

This will also comply with the attorney general's instructions to separate the Police Dept. from the Elderly Affairs Dept.

Anonymous said...

If the list of riders is so confidential, are the drivers "sworn to secrecy"? Meaing, what steps has the town taken to INSURE and ENSURE the secrecy?

Right, nothing. They can go around and tell anybody they want who gettin' rides and who's not.

Not really so personal or confidential now is it?

Anonymous said...

something is being used as a binding agent

Anonymous said...

maybe they are just proud and cant drive themselfs why embarres them by giving out the names

Anonymous said...

Pride does not trump the obligations written in the Freedom of Information Act.

Nohwere does the law say that if he is embarassed to be known, let him be unknown.

I'd be willing to bet there are few people who get to use this service anyway so if they are in the priviledged few, I say they should be in the public eye as well.

The idea that we have to fund anything that is under a cloak of mystery is preposterous and unethical.

Anonymous said...

decisions decisions, what to do for drugs this weekend, I a bag full of greenery, have a bag full of x, bag full of opiates, whos says where in a recession

Anonymous said...

I agree that action should be taken. Submit a Right To Knoe request. Then when not acted on for five days OR INCOMPLETE, a case filed on Superior Court. As the new law stipulates the town MUST PAY all lawyers fees, they will answer all past and future RTK requests with alacrity.

Oh goody, this will be so much fun!!

Anonymous said...

To bigumheado September 1, 2011 12:42 PM

Your point is wrong. Seniors used Atkinson services PERIOD. Everyone knows you keep a database of their names which is PUBLIC INFORMATION, PERIOD. The fact you lied to them for years about keeping their names "CONFIDENTIAL" only shows you LIED LIED LIED to all the uninformed seniors who believed you.

I bet half of em would never have given you the time of day if they understood RSA 91A and how their names became public info. The only reason your secret voter list hasn't been made public was becuase you broke the law refusing to release public information and your selectman buddies are complicit with your actions. Not for much longer though.

You lied to people how you would or could keep their names confidential.

You broke the law cuz you refused to provide Elderly Affairs information subject to 91-A requests. Saying its confidential don't make it so.

You lie when you play on seniors fears they will lose services or have their names read on TV.

You use seniors for their votes to manipulate things in town for egomaniacal control.

Lie+lawbreaking+lie+lie = scumbag

Uninformed people say
"But he does so much good for the elderly". I feel bad for all the victims in your wake. They have no idea.

All just my humble opinion entitled under the First Amendment which even you can't stop.

Anonymous said...

My reply to September 1, 2011 10:57 AM was apparently deleted (censorship?) but the law is what it is and is very explicit. All of the things I mentioned are specifically excluded from disclosure under 91-A.

Over and out...Tim Dziechowski

Anonymous said...

Could poster on aug31 824 pm be more specific. I think you may have had too much cat nip in the coffee this morning. Or was it no sleep from the night before? Please do explain on this so called party house!

Anonymous said...

Even if the town followed the rules under what is welfare which are clear and extensive, applied them fairly to everyone who qualified, "any taxpayer shall be allowed to see the itemized account of such aid furnished."

I'll play along with your bogus welfare notion. Then I want an itemized accounting of such aid furnished for each person.

Anonymous said...


You said "I would suggest you guys actually read RSA 91-A before making pronouncements like this. Under 91-A:5 IV internal personnel, confidential, commercial, and financial information, medical records, and welfare records are excluded from disclosure." I agree with you, people should read it cause your interpretation couldn’t be more wrong.

91-A:5 EXEMPTIONS, states:

“IV. Records pertaining to internal personnel practices; confidential, commercial, or financial information (more):

The preceding text is the clue “Records pertaining to internal personnel practices”. How do you reach a conclusion that this has something to do with confidentiality of people who use Elderly Affairs services paid for by our tax dollars?

Look at the other types of exemptions under 91-A:5

I. Records of grand and petit juries.
II. Records of parole and pardon boards.
III. Personal school records of pupils.

There’s no section claiming Atkinson residents using Elderly Affairs services are exempt from RSA 91-A, our Right to Know law. You’ll have to show me how Elderly Affairs records become welfare records. There’s some magic.

Go read it for yourself people.

People still haven't learned in this town you can never trust any proclamations about RSAs from anyone. Read it yourself. Tim I’m disappointed you’ve been drinking Phil’s Kool-Aid buying into his “welfare” theory. OMG

Your second statement was just as bad: “All of the things I mentioned are specifically excluded from disclosure under 91-A.” These types of broad based, vague, statements are just so confusing to people. When did you become a lawyer?

If you want to talk about the definition of welfare, then you better review RSA 165. Our town has to have explicit guidelines on the matter and has to define who qualifies as poor and who doesn’t. Even if the town followed RSA 165, it gets better. Go read 165:2-c.

Tim, open mouth, insert foot.

Anonymous said...

Tim, you are misleading yourself. Or maybe the "Banty Hen" bogus interpreter supplied you with famously faulty RTK and RSA advice. That would explain how you lost your way. But now, the hen has fled with his rotten eggs so you are free to learn the law.

Suggest you read it again and join us in this. We know you will flip and join us in creating transparency in town government. You are a law abiding, patriotic American. Isn't that right?

Anonymous said...

The absolute nadir of town advice was exposed for faulty training and for generating half a dozen lawsuits by rotten public statements against citizens. This nadir egg layer is gone-- bye, bye.

Anonymous said...

"Could poster on aug31 824 pm be more specific. I think you may have had too much cat nip in the coffee this morning. Or was it no sleep from the night before? Please do explain on this so called party house!"

That post is clear to me. Read the previous posts and try to follow the bouncing ball.

The complicit police department has been enabling the criminals, so this is about something bigger than a noise problem. NO WAY, would anyone go to these extremes of retaliation unless they were very afraid of being discovered. This is the real reason you take swats at people with your claws.

There's something else going on here that the police don't want anyone to know. They are allowing this stuff for a reason. What is the pay back?

I'll bet there's less trouble since the Sheriff has been around.

Anonymous said...

"decisions decisions, what to do for drugs this weekend, I a bag full of greenery, have a bag full of x, bag full of opiates, whos says where in a recession"

Take them all, why discriminate?

Anonymous said...

The cops I talk to say a few things, like they can't arrest people without the Chief's permission and some of the part timers have told me they are afraid of these types of people. Others say that if the Chief don't like ya, you'll get nothing from them.

We are being protected by people with no spine who can take the pay but won't do the job. If this is really the case, then quit.

If the Chief is really preventing people from arresting then report him. You have an obligation to uphold the law too ya know.

If you are looking the other way for political reasons, get outta town. Move to another place, get another job.

Anonymous said...

I gotta get me some a dat welfare from our Elderly Affairs director. He is the law so he writes the rules for getting EA Welfare.

Atkinson Welfare application process

1) Send Phil your personal information and he will keep your personal vulnerabilities confidential (shhhhhhh!)
2) Answer this question: Are you a supporter? If answer is yes, APPROVED. You promise to vote as Phil says in town elections and on warrant articles. You get free rides and stuff you want. In some cases really need. Subject to you making donations to the Phil "police charity" vote buying fund.
3) If answer is no, Go F--- yourself! And don't bother calling for police support either. Have a nice day.

Anonymous said...

I think they use the term "cat-lady" because if you sit in your house with more tahn 5 cats, sniff cat nip and use "kitty litter for adults" then thats what you are right? I'm not totally sure who they are talking about. I think it is disrepectful to assume that they are hiding somthing more, I think its the atkinson way to care about animals like we do the elderly. Please use you animal instincts and make the right choice!!!!

Anonymous said...

I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I - I'm willing and able,
So I throw my cards on your table!
I wanna love you - I wanna love and treat - love and treat you right;
I wanna love you every day and every night:
We'll be together, yeah! - with a roof right over our heads;
We'll share the shelter, yeah, oh now! - of my single bed;
We'll share the same room, yeah! - for Jah provide the bread.

who doesnt like reggae music?

Anonymous said...

Take a look in the mirror, Atkinshame.

Your BOS are a bunch of PUSSIES.

Me and my cat's opinion.

Anonymous said...

"Or was it no sleep from the night before?"

Why don't you continue those late night drive bys and see if anyone's lights are on? hmmm?

Drive slow we can make you out.

Anonymous said...

If Atkinson cares about the animals like they do the elderly, the elderly have something big to worry about, 'cause you ain't do such a good job of that.

Anonymous said...

The article about Seabook is interesting. Did anyone else notice that the cop that is being charged in Federal court has the same last last as a former Atkinson cop.

What a co-inky-dink! Jeremy Tetreault and John Tetreault.

Anonymous said...

At least in Mass. they actually expect you to do your job, unlike Atkinshambles.

Anonymous said...

What I like about my town is I can do no wrong. One hand rubs the other. My family get out of trouble and people we don't like get into trouble. we vote to keep it like that way. I like Atkinperfect. Drive out the whack jobs, make them move out of town and it runs nice and quiet again. My town with no crime and no problems. Just a few wackos squealing like pigs about justice and my rights and stuff none of there business. Leave Chief alone, MOVE.

Anonymous said...

THANK YOU!!!!! to the last post, that is what atkinson is all about, we need more people like us and forget about the rest of the posters, they should move and probably will. They must of got the boot from there previous town and this one is next, thanks again. Long live the king


Anonymous said...

Take all dissenters complainers to the border and push em from Atkinson into Plaistow. Let Plaistow PD chief and selectmen listen to there junk like two many police cars officers are unqualified. Pain in the ass talkin heads can squeal about there rights to knows over there. their rights to know nothing. Clean out the complainers and our town is Atkinsonjuicy!

More bikers can come in who has money and can afford Harleys. Make a big ass bike club The Pythons who defend us from liberals complainers Honda riders free thinkers homos and other such mud people. Big beer parties supportin our republican guys for selectmn to ruin it our way. Got to get the number of who did the elder jackets I got ideas for Python Jacket with coiled Python with a piggie in the mouth Atkinson on top and live free or die goin around in a circle. We meet up for rides on Granite Ridge and party after. get some biker babes who like men. No lesbians even if with a party cause they give me gas. I'm tellin ya we can get our town fixed quick with our Pythons.

Anonymous said...

OMG. My bike is an old flathead. I'm with ya. first thing I want is take it out an pee on a red Cadi.

Anonymous said...

Frank's been dumped and is lashing out, poor him.

Anonymous said...

Long live the King, no matter how short the future is.

He looks terrible, very ill, very old.

Anonymous said...

MRI is done and so is he.

Anonymous said...

TRUE. The MRI report is in. It must be posted on the town website unredacted with alacrity.

Act fast as a Right to Know request for the MRI REPORT is being composed now. You will have five days to release the report before our lawsuit against the Selectmen is launched.

Save yourself paying our attorney fees and your own by publishing the full report TODAY.

Anonymous said...

I'm a blunt blowin polo draws showing. You don't need a bus you need to bust your a$$ people

Anonymous said...

Ooo, "alacrity". I see that Mark has taught you a new word. You're such a good trained monkey. Go have a banana.

Anonymous said...

Heard the report is done but not received yet.

Anonymous said...

"Alacrity". Vocabulary is an indication of intellect.

Anonymous said...

People post here who cannot form a sentence, do not use punctuation and apparently only speak pig latin.

Between them and morally corrupt who refer to the 'mud people', disgust me.

oinkway oinkway

Anonymous said...

mud people are in turner diaries. favorite readin I get my lyrics from it. don't knock it you don read it.
come on down. rap on meditation all night dude, smoke dope, get rap hap happy

dud girl U my MUD dud
my thud in ya
yap yap yap
shut ya trap, I get my strap
MUD dud get on my thud
Uh uh uh

Anonymous said...

"Alacrity". Vocabulary is an indication of intellect.

More like it's a sign that someone wants to TRY to project intellect.

Anonymous said...

Then there was a Moderator who never learned the most basic rules of public meetings. But then, he made state his own laws so why learn them.

"Ah hell! This is Atkinson and I make the rules. Does anyone here want to challenge my authority? I thought not!!"

How sad, the loss of the little emperor. The whole sad episode brings tears to my eyes. I take my hat off to you, sir.

Anonymous said...

No, the moderator just projected his lack of intellect.
Slam, dunk.

Anonymous said...

Parroting a word that Acciard uses is not a sign of intellect. Monkey see, monkey do. Go have a banana.

Anonymous said...

So any words that he uses cannot be used by anyone else?

Let them eat fruit.

Anonymous said...

Sing along.

"Oh where, oh where has my MRI REPORT gone, oh where, oh where, has it gone?"
en petition warrant arti
We paid for that report. It's ours, not yours. We make the citizen petition warrant articles based on that report and solid recommendations in that report.

The voters and taxpayers make the decisions because we foot the bill and suffer the pain of incompetent and poor performance.

By the way, voters elected Selectmen to serve them, not hide information from them.

Anonymous said...

Can anyone confirm the MRI report was completed and sent to Atkinson?

Anonymous said...

It was leaked that the MRI report is complete. You got to be connected to get inside info. That package took a day to make it from Salem to Atkinshame.

The BOS will avoid saying they got the report for 10 years if left to their devices. That way they don't have to publish or act on the recommendations. Because their main interest is protecting the status quo.

Not to worry, we will get that MRI report soon. We got the lawyers, the ink is dry and the pump is primed. Everyone organized and focused.

Pity the taxpayers, who have to pay our attorneys fees yey again, to get public documents we have legal rights to by state law.

Our political hacks never understand, as Selectmen or at Town Deliberative Session, that they are not above the laws of the State of NH and that they will be held legally liable, their head on a stake. They think they MAKE the laws. Small minds do try to restrict the rights of a free, patriotic people. Until patriots stand up for their rights, that is. Then they cower, resign and run.

Anonymous said...

Anon @ 10:46AM,

Do you use the gray matter that's between your ears whatsoever? You say the BoS will ignore the MRI report and try to bury it because they want to protect the status quo. Just who do you think ordered the MRI study? It sure as hell wasn't the milk man. Now why would they go through the trouble and expense of getting this report if they wanted to keep the status quo? Your bucket holds no water.

Anonymous said...

Leaked, funny. It's not a secret that it's done.

Before you go and start a lawsuit, ask for it first.

Anonymous said...

Be sure to say **please**.

Some people need to display some manners. Take the high road once in awhile will ya? Show some leadership.

Be nice, say please, and thank you.

Only call the lawyers **after** they fail to respond but set reasonable deadlines up front.

Anonymous said...

but set reasonable deadlines up front.

A person can't set 'reasonable deadlines'. That is clearly defined within RSA91A. As of last nights meeting, they said they had not yet received the report.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I hear you got 5 days to pony up the MRI report. Problem with the mail? Send the Town Administrator over to pick it up.

Anonymous said...

ugh, too much bickering

Anonymous said...

Actually there are too many stupid people who think the entire town is involved in some huge conspiracy. Yawn...

Anonymous said...

The lawyers will get it.

Anonymous said...

How is Mr Bennett feeling? Why arent we commenting about Bennet's neighbor on Sawmill who is gone away bye bye for a long time.

Anonymous said...

Now that I'm home, bathed, settled and fed,
All nicely tucked in my warm new bed,
I'd like to open my baggage,
Lest I forget,
There is so much to carry,
So much to regret.

Hmmm...Yes, there it is, right on the top,
Let's unpack Loneliness, Heartache and Loss,
And there by my perch hides Fear and Shame.
As I look on these things I tried so hard to leave,
I still have to unpack my baggage called Pain.
I loved them, the others, the ones who left me,
But I wasn't good enough - for they didn't want me.

Will you add to my baggage?
Will you help me unpack?
Or will you just look at my things,
And take me right back?
Do you have the time to help me unpack?
To put away my baggage, to never repack?
I pray that you do - I'm so tired you see,
But I do come with baggage,
Will you still want me?

By Evelyn Colbath(c)1995 Baggage All rights reserved

Anonymous said...

09/07/2011 12:14 AM

BRENTWOOD — An Atkinson man most likely spent his last day as a free man yesterday after being sentenced to 30 to 60 years for sexually assaulting two young girls in the 1980s.

Robert Sturk, 69, of 8 Sawmill Road stared straight ahead and said little, other than to admit his guilt, before he was sentenced by Judge Tina Nadeau in Rockingham Superior Court.

But one of his two victims, both now in their 30s, told the court the lives of those affected by Sturk's crimes will never be the same.

"It's been a really long road ..." she said, choking back tears. "I'm asking for some of my life back and my peace of mind."

The Eagle-Tribune does not identify victims of sexual assault.

Sturk will serve seven and a half to 15 years in prison on four of eight counts of aggravated felonious sexual assault. He was indicted on 29 counts last fall.

Even if Sturk serves the minimum penalty, he would be 99 years old upon his release.

But due to the seriousness of the crimes, Sturk's age is irrelevant, prosecutor Karen Springer said.

"I don't think his age should be an important factor in this case," she said. "The fact of the matter is justice is justice."

The abuse began in January 1981 and continued until 1990, only coming to light in the last year when a third child reported being sexually abused by Sturk, Springer said.

Sturk was then confronted by the victims and their relatives, Springer said.

The first victim was 8 years old when Sturk began touching her genitals, including while she was showering. He also raped her, Springer said.

The girl would pretend she was asleep as Sturk assaulted her, Springer said.

The assaults continued for three years. Sturk then began abusing the second girl, who was 9, Springer said. The assaults continued until 1990, she said.

The girls were sexually assaulted two to four times a week, Springer said.

"It's been 20 years that they have had to live with this," she said.

Sturk admitted to fondling the third girl, Springer said. In court yesterday, he also admitted to assaulting the two other girls when asked by Nadeau why he was pleading guilty.

"I am pleading guilty, because I am guilty," Sturk said.

Defense attorney Gerard LaFlamme said it wouldn't be fair to the victims to defend Sturk's actions.

"There is no explanation for a crime like that," he said. "At least he was man enough to accept responsibility for these charges."

LaFlamme recommended his client receive 15 to 30 years in prison.

"I think 15 to 30 years is appropriate and satisfies the punitive nature in this case," he said. "There is nothing I can say to the two girls to reconstruct their lives."

Sturk was led out of the courtroom immediately after his sentencing.

Friends and family members of both Sturk and the victims hugged and cried outside the courtroom. They declined to comment.

Anonymous said...

Nice try to distract the heat off the missing MRI REPORT, you sick bastard!

It was leaked yesterday that the missing MRI report got sent to the wrong address. It is currently in a steamer trunk in the North Atlantic. The mechanical underwater robot Alvin..accidentally delivered it to the Titanic.

Scientists report that the bottom of the Atlantic is very cold and wet and that may make the MRI REPORT impossible to read.

But they promise to discipline that bastard robot for the mistake and dock his pay.

It is not the Selectmen who are responsible for the MRI report not making it from Salem, it was that moron mail carrier, the submersible robot, Alvin, who screwed up!

Your time is running out and not even a thug attorney can get you out of this. However he can collect a big CHECK and whistle Dixie all the way home.

Anonymous said...

Pedophiles! What other rotten eggs is the Banty Hen going to lay here on this blog to distract attention away from the Selectmen's failure to put the MRI report on the town website?

What a failure. It truly disgusts me how your ego supplants your brains.

I hope I said that politely. Thank you,


Anonymous said...

It makes me wonder what other crime is happening right under our noses. I didn't know about this guy.

We need the police reports posted, or is this another case of redaction so that we wouldn't know what the heck was going on next door?

Anonymous said...

Well ya know he was a big supporter of Phil, so we shouldn't judge pedophiles if they're in Phil's secret database of welfare recipients. Da guy had lotsa legal bills so we gave him free rides to see his psychiatric care and free rides to the pharmacy for pedophile medication.

But he voted Phil's way and dats all dat matters! Phil you better go delete this guy from secret list and distance yourself before anyone learns the truth from their 91-A request.

I just heard Phil mutter 'holy crap da blogger's right!'. DELETE DELETE DELETE.

MAcciard said...

Wow, gone for a week, and this place loses its collective mind.

I put in a RTK request 2 years ago, for Elderly affairs Audit info(names, pick up address, drop off address, driver, mileage, and time.) Basically the things Phil promised the budget committee in 2006 he would begin keeping a log of. I also asked for the list of donations to the donation account the last year that the town owned it.(only phil has the list, the bookkeeper does not)

Phil first claimed there was no such log of this information. After successive requests, and many discussions with Phil SMith, The chief gave him photocopies of all the checks donated, I told him I did not want to see them, I did not want the chief telling the elderly I was going through their bank info. After 7 months of back and forth, I was allowed to go to the PD, to look at the driver's time sheets(the only form of log available) it had the names and addresses blacked out, rendering it useless to determine how many people use the service, or how often.

Basically none of the records one would expect for a public program are kept or available. No maintenance and mileage records, no definitive time/cost records, manpower, dispatch logs, etc.

Anonymous said...

His name wouldn't appear on the sex offender registry pre-conviction. If PD published police logs we'd a known about the pedophile's arrest. We'd have information to try and follow if pedophile was ever let out on bail so we could know and protect children. Our PD coulda helped us a little by publishing police logs. Mismanagement beyond belief.

Anonymous said...

Mark, Phil has an elderly affairs database to do mailings. That's the list. he also makes claims in the annual report about 1600+ rides.

An attorney will have to submit a RTK request on behalf of a resident detailing exactly what is requested. Its the only way to get his secret list.

Anonymous said...

Phil doesn't give out all the info in the elderly list, but he uses this PROPRIETARY TO-THE-REST-OF-US information when he uses it for the mailing list to SOLICIT donations to his NON TOWN OWNED DONATION ACCOUNT.

This is MISUSE of information and he claims it's confidential.

If the donation account was run by Acciard, he would NOT get the list that Phil himself uses. He is using information that he obtained thru his OFFICIAL position to pad the donation account.

This is all bad, bad, bad and a conflict of interest, abuse of office, to say the least.

Anonymous said...

It's like getting a street light for your driveway because you are in charge of public safelty.

Anonymous said...

hey - i wanna know why i keep hearing gunshots in town in the middle of the night.

Anonymous said...

Do a RTK request when you ask for the MRI report.

Ask for a copy of this street light permit approved by the town.

Ask for a copy of the cancelled check that the town must have been paid to put a light on private property.

Have the electrician of record or the power company verify that the light is powered after the electric meter.

If it's powered before the meter, it's theft of public utilites, which would be a felony.

Anonymous said...

Sorry people but a streetlight? It's nothing compared to the rest of his crimes.

Just my humble opinion

Anonymous said...

who paid for it?

is it paid by whos electric bill?

Anonymous said...

over time, years, this adds up to thousands. could be a problem, maybe not.

Anonymous said...

where is bill b and will he bring in a doctors note when he returns

Anonymous said...

how come barb s sits in the back of the bos meeting maybe if we give her another 10k she will sit up front

Anonymous said...

how long does it take to post the bos meeting minutes on the atkinson web site last posting was in june

Anonymous said...

MRI report last seen in a trash can with Vodka bottles in an illegal driveway, Hemlock Heights.

Anonymous said...

Theft of town services is a very serious crime.

Anonymous said...

It's not what you know, it's what you can prove in court. I see no proof of theft of any town services. You need proof to prevail.

Anonymous said...

turn on the light

Anonymous said...

Is the grouch going through peoples garbage again. Since you found the report and vodka, have a drink. Read the report loser!

Anonymous said...

Oh, so the report is in, eh? I hear otherwise.

Anonymous said...

Completed, yes. It just can't seem to get here from the next town over.

Anonymous said...

Word is it took a short time to write the MRI report. The problems so blatant.

But what times right for the hurricane? If "Junk Department, wash it out with a fire hose!" or "Peachy Clean. Best run PD in the State next to Seabrook", either way, heads go on stakes.

(bill b confirms the report is lurking on Valcat for a few juicy redactions, page removals, cuts and pastes. The "old" report put out with the Vodka bottles.)

Anonymous said...

I had a copy of the MRI report but my CAT ate it. The kibbles and bits where getting to expensive for 37 cats and they started eating paper. First it was the constitution then the bible and now it's the MRI report. Now we will never get to see there recommendations. If I think hard enough I may be able to remember most of it. Somthing about the king has spoken and let the parties continue. The old people run this town and finished with the king has spoken again. I think that was it.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, hey, you think hard and see if you can remember 'somthing', like how to spell.

The king has no clothes and the BOS keep telling him to go home and don't come back, but he doesn't get it. I hope that he hangs on and on and they have to drag him out. His banty chicken wants to cling to his past and wants some company doing it.

Anonymous said...


When the nation was attacked 10 years ago, it was the NY Port Authority, the FD and the PD who were in the thick of it. Those who lived and worked in the city were in the wrong place at the wrong time. We hear about the first responders (official and not) and how important they are and how everything hinges on their brave reaction and quick thinking. Thank goodness there were so many great people there to help save live and take control.

If anything happened in our small town, we'd be defenseless. We do not have a proper emergency management plan, heck we did nothing to get any word out to residents before Irene, a minor inconvenience. No checking on elderly or disabled residents, no information about shelters. What does this say about our ability to deal if we need to? We dropped out of the regional haz mat org, though we are still paying, we have a disabled PD, and the BOS is invisible.

We are all responsible for ourselves during times of trouble and we can live or die as a result of split second decisions.

I don't think we are doing nearly as much as we can as a town, to be ready and prepared for a time when our neighbors and friends may need us.

I don't think we are doing enough to eradicate the corruption we can all see and are ashamed of.

Our officials throw wheel chair bound residents from town hall, humiliate residents for using a camera in a public meeting, lie to the Conflict of Interest Committee, spit in each others faces, protect and defend drug dealers, expect bribes to do their jobs, have immoral affairs without shame, bend the rules to get more in their paychecks and embarass the town on a weekly basis.

We have risen to the epitome of moral corruption and it's a good thing that an attack wasn't around here because there would have been no help for us from within.

We are a public disgrace.

Now, what are we going to do about it? Party?

Anonymous said...

I read an MRI report. Very thorough and exacting. While complementary at times, also very pointed as to needed improvements. Ultra professional. Ultra, ultra thorough.

Anonymous said...

"an MRI report"? The one we wait for, or another?

Anonymous said...

we have no police. all i can hear at night are the cars and motorcyles speeding thru town and fireworks or gunnfire all night lately.

druggies, gun slingers, pedophiles, creeps, thieves, poisoners, stalkers, vandals, liars are us

Anonymous said...

welcome to atkinsucky

Anonymous said...

party until lose the business and the houses cause i a loser and a nobody and a terrorist in my hood

buy some drug and ammo and drink some beer drive around at nite no one sees boo i win

Anonymous said...

You know who I think the King is? Garrity. He came in and mopped up after Polito disgraced and divided the town a few years ago. I can still see him growling and gritting his teeth in anger at the podium.

Garrity is the face of the Atkinson we need to become. Maybe he can hold mandatory classes in how to behave in public, required training for all town employees and officials.

MAcciard said...

To Sept, 11, 9:43am

To be fair, our current "officials" do not;

throw wheel chair bound residents from town hall, Phil Consentino ordered his officers to do that!

humiliate residents for using a camera in a public meeting, If this is the incident I think you are talking about That was Jack Sapia.

lie to the Conflict of Interest Committee, Again, Phil Consentino did this.

spit in each others faces, Fred Childs and Phil Consentino.

protect and defend drug dealers, I don't know if cowardice to enforce the law equates to defense.

expect bribes to do their jobs, I don't know that Phil expects bribes, but I do know that he does expect his favors returned, as he did with me.(when I first returned to town he called me and offered to tear up a ticket for an expired inspection sticker, a year later he reminded me of this when I asked question on the budget committee about how many people used elderly affairs, and how many rides were given.)

bend the rules to get more in their paychecks, this wasn't bending the rules, this was Phil Consentino, authorizing, as selectmen and police chief, himself to receive $1,300 "union benefit" that the union contract explicitly stated he was not eligible to receive.

It is not fair to tar ALL the current town officals with the brush that Phil, by his actions, made rancid.

Anonymous said...

expecting favors in exchange for public services is bribery

jack sapia (cic member) lied to the committee when he claimed he wasn't in a lawsuit with a party to the petition acciard filed. He was and it was confirmed by the town

humiliate residents in the camera? polito

recieve unearned pay? baldwin for taking military pay and town pay at the same time

no one said ALL town officials did stuff wrong

Anonymous said...

forgot about the union bene he gave himself

what nerve

Anonymous said...

All domestic cats are born with the purring ability. A queen will purr while giving birth. It is unknown whether this is because of happy anticipation, or whether it is a relaxing "mantra." Kittens instinctively purr when nursing, and the momcat purrs right back at them. Your adult cat will purr at the drop of a hat whenever you're near, and especially when you are holding or petting him.

Anonymous said...

PLAISTOW - An Atkinson man and two men from Massachusetts are facing charges following a drug bust that uncovered more than 34 grams of cocaine Wednesday afternoon.

The three men were nabbed after Plaistow police said they witnessed a drug transaction in the parking lot of the Shaw's plaza on Route 125.

Scott Cavalear, 50, of 2 Stage Road, Atkinson, was charged with possession of a controlled drug (cocaine) and possession of a controlled drug with the intent to dispense.

Others arrested were Jose Vazquez, 37, of 17 Proctor St., Apt. No. 1, Haverhill, Mass., who was charged with possession of a controlled drug (cocaine) and sale of a controlled drug (cocaine), and Cesar LaFontaine, 29, of 87 Brookfield St., Lawrence, Mass., who faces a single charge of criminal liability.

Cavalear is the husband of Atkinson Town Clerk Rose Cavalear, but police said she was not involved.

Police tracked the men down after Plaistow Detective George Wickson learned around 3:20 p.m. Wednesday that a drug sale was possibly going to take place in the Shaw's parking lot.

Wickson responded to the area with a team of officers from Plaistow and the Rockingham County Sheriff's Department to conduct surveillance, police said. During that time, police said Wickson observed a hand to hand drug transaction between Cavalear and Vazquez.

Following the alleged drug sale, the two vehicles involved were stopped and Salem police were called in to assist with language translation for Vazquez and his passenger, LaFontaine.

Police said the vehicle driven by Vasquez was searched by Salem police and a police dog known as “Til.” The search uncovered a concealed compartment that was not factory installed, police said, adding that the compartment appeared to be specially made to hide contraband.

Police found more than 34 grams of cocaine inside the compartment with a street value over $3,400. Vazquez also was found with approximately $700 in cash, police said.

Police said they also searched Cavalear's vehicle and found four large baggies of what is believed to be cocaine with a street value of over $500.

The bags were packaged in a manner consistent with being packaged for sale, police said.

Plaistow police seized the vehicles, cash, and the drugs.

Police are also investigating whether LaFontaine is in the country illegally.

Cavalear was released on $5,000 personal recognizance bail and is scheduled to appear in the 10th Circuit District Division Court for Plaistow on Oct. 24.

Vazquez and LaFontaine were initially each held on $50,000 cash bail. Following their arraignment Thursday morning, bail for Vazquez was reduced to $10,000 cash or surety. he is due back in court Sept. 22 for a probable cause hearing.

LaFontaine's bail was lowered to $10,000 cash only.

Anonymous said...

"We looked! Then we saw him step in on the mat! We looked! And we saw him! The Cat in the Hat!"

Anonymous said...

Whether you're going away on business or pleasure, the question always arises: what am I going to do with my

furry family member? Do I board them at the vet, the pet hotel, or do I call a pet sitter?

The answer to that question is simple: call a pet sitter.

We all know cats do not like leaving their familiar environment. The once a year trip to the vet is traumatic enough,

but being boarded–with other animals, maybe even noisy dogs–unacceptable to any cat. Having your cat cared for in

the comfort of their own home is less stressful not only to your cat, but to you.

By hiring a pet sitter you don't have to make the time to take your cat to the boarding facility prior to your departure,

nor do you have to leave them there for an extra day, or two, until the facility is open for business. You leave your home

knowing your furry family member will be there waiting for you when you come home.

At each visit, I will give your cat(s) fresh water, feed them per your instructions, clean all litter boxes, clean up any "accidents"

and administer oral, topical, or injectable medications, IF your cat will allow it. And there's always time for brushing and playing, kitty willing!

If requested, I will also pick up your mail and water any indoor/outdoor plants.

I, personally, have been cat owned for over 40 years and have been cat sitting since 1996. Caring for your cat is my only job. References happily furnished.

Anonymous said...

Whether you're going away on business or pleasure, the question always arises: what am I going to do with my

furry family member? Do I board them at the vet, the pet hotel, or do I call a pet sitter?

The answer to that question is simple: call a pet sitter.

We all know cats do not like leaving their familiar environment. The once a year trip to the vet is traumatic enough,

but being boarded–with other animals, maybe even noisy dogs–unacceptable to any cat. Having your cat cared for in

the comfort of their own home is less stressful not only to your cat, but to you.

By hiring a pet sitter you don't have to make the time to take your cat to the boarding facility prior to your departure,

nor do you have to leave them there for an extra day, or two, until the facility is open for business. You leave your home

knowing your furry family member will be there waiting for you when you come home.

At each visit, I will give your cat(s) fresh water, feed them per your instructions, clean all litter boxes, clean up any "accidents"

and administer oral, topical, or injectable medications, IF your cat will allow it. And there's always time for brushing and playing, kitty willing!

If requested, I will also pick up your mail and water any indoor/outdoor plants.

I, personally, have been cat owned for over 40 years and have been cat sitting since 1996. Caring for your cat is my only job. References happily furnished.

Anonymous said...

you are quite the mental case

Anonymous said...

maybe you can open a branch office and another donation account. you can care for elderly pets and drive them to the vet and to the fish market, tkae them for a walk in the field to catch mice. think of all the good you can do. we can pay you thru taxes! you can get some extra cars, a van with built in cages and catnip air freshener. wow, a side job for you to help the residents with, get popular and become their friend. how glad they'd be and so indebted to you.

I know, you can get some leases and extra bowls, some cat tree houses and store them all for safe keeping. keep a supply of all their needs and they can just call when they need to. i hope you keep the list of pet owners private so that all the cat haters don't know who they are.

one stop shopping, you call we haul.

Anonymous said...

June 7, 2011 - Grand Jury Indictment: Daniel Anderson, LKA 28 Stage Rd., Atkinson, NH

Possession of a Controlled Drug: cocaine. Penalty: 71/2 - 15 years, fine: $4000.00

in Plaistow Nov 2010

Previous conviction July 15, 2009

Anonymous said...

I think that is a great idea, you release the names of the cats and we will release the names of the elderly.

Anonymous said...

you'll have to ask the bonkers cat sitter above for your list. maybe you'll need a form from town hall.

Anonymous said...

You want to talk about cats when Obama is in office and destroying our way of life. How sick and STUPID can one person be. Helping our selectmen do the same thing in our town is nothing more than treason.

Men are being killed in this war and you should be put on a plane to the war zone. Only then will a stupid person like you, might smarten up.

If there is another building hit by liberials like you, our wish is you are at the top of the building with no firemen to come to your rescue.

Take your cat and shove it!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

That was a racist comment about our president you should be ashamed not even your cats will sleep next to you tonight. I feel like I'm on my own here when I say the new blend of chow mix is delicious. My cats mist wait in line until I'm finished first.


Anonymous said...

2 cats walk in to a bar. The first cat says can I have a fuzzy navel shot purrrlease

Anonymous said...

2 cats walk in to a bar. The first cat says can I have a fuzzy navel shot purrrlease

Anonymous said...

2 cats walk in to a bar. The first cat says can I have a fuzzy navel shot purrrlease

Anonymous said...

Your making a mockery of this blog. Thank you. I appreciate all your efforts. It is not going unnoticed. You will be handsomely rewarded.

The king.

Anonymous said...

The person(s) making cat comments are exposing themselves. Those who talk about pussy cats the most, get the least. They obviously aren't getting any.

It's tough to get any pussy cats when you're a banty hen of smallish proportions. which explains the obsessive cat talk.

Anonymous said...

Why hasn't the banty little rooster caught on that we have all figured out who he is and that the cat postings are all his.

Thought he saw himself as a bright little bird.

Anonymous said...

Manipulating, making fun of and misleading people was always a favorite hobby, Look at Atkinson Reporter blog I and now 2. I hear the nerd got in big trouble the first time but then he was always a slow learner.

Oh, by the way, you say you never, ever learned that anyone has the right to audiography, Videography, and use of a camera at a public meeting. Well, that's the most basic state law that every town official and town official and citizen knows...but YOU!

Ridiculing a citizen at Deliberative Session for standing up for their rights under the law, WHEN YOU KNOW THE LAW....that's the same kind of character flaw as the cowardly act of ridiculing a woman on a blog with endless cat jokes.

It all comes down to a lack of education and morals, on the one hand, and a proclivity to manipulate, bully, and ridicule, and oppress honest citizens, on the other.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Mr. little tough guy won't have the badge to protect him much longer. It'll be fun to watch when banty boy is standing out in the middle of a playground without his bully protector. Good luck kid.

Anonymous said...

The Cat's Meow!

I don't mind all the cat-talk on the blog. It'll take more than a few stray pussies to bring this website to it's knees. I look at it this way. Even the best filet mignon has a few veins of fat running through it. It adds flavor. The cat stories make the blog more palatable.

Now Banty Rooster, he's another story.

Carry on.

Anonymous said...

Every time I see a cat joke I get how the blog is feared. Truth and transparency do nasty things to low life mafia thugs who pose as town officials.

There are new eyes watching you now.

Poor you. It is never going back to how it was.

Anonymous said...

Feared??? LOL. Truth??? LOL!!! If there's anything that every resembles the truth posted here, do let us know.

Anonymous said...

September 14, 2011

Atkinson neighbors upset about sex offender
By Cara Hogan The Eagle Tribune Wed Sep 14, 2011, 04:12 AM EDT

ATKINSON — Some residents are upset a convicted sex offender is living in their neighborhood and think the police should have warned them.

But police Chief Philip Consentino said the man has done his time, followed the law and has a right to live on Ridgewood Drive.

Fliers were posted around the street on Monday, warning the neighborhood about Michael Green.

Green, 54, a registered sex offender, is living at 16 Ridgewood Drive. He was convicted of aggravated felonious assault on a victim under 13 years old in 2009, served two years in prison, was released July 5 and is now out on probation.

Green said yesterday he doesn't want any problems.

But his presence is a problem only for some residents.

Count Scott Watkins, among them.

The Ridgewood Drive resident said he saw signs about Green all over his street when he left for work Monday morning.

"It said in red letters across the top, 'Let's protect our children,'" Watkins said. "It has his picture and name, his description and the rest of the information they have on the sex offender website. When I got home (Monday) afternoon, they had taken them all down."

No one knows who put up or took down the signs, but the neighborhood is in an uproar.

Another Ridgewood Drive resident, John Egan, said he was shocked when he found out.

"We're concerned about it," he said. "When my grandchildren visit, we would never allow them near Number 16."

Watkins — and many other residents — called police to complain that a sex offender is living in their neighborhood. Consentino said yesterday, Green has been living in town for a few weeks and has a legal right to be there.

"The state law requires him to file all his paperwork with us, and he's done that," he said. "He has to check in with us twice a year to register."

In addition, Jeffrey Lyons, spokesman for the New Hampshire Department of Corrections, said Green must meet with a probation officer every two weeks.

"We have a risk assessment and, based on that, we determine the level of supervision," he said. "If he was considered a high risk of re-offending, that could result in daily meetings with his probation officer or with electronic monitoring. But (Green) won't be doing that."

Consentino said he was worried about how residents would react to the fliers.

Anonymous said...

"(The) main concern isn't that they're putting fliers up, but that a group of vigilantes will cause problems for this guy, damaging his house and property," he said. "These things we can't allow."



Anonymous said...

did the chief follow them around and make them take down the flyers?

Anonymous said...

hey leave the pedophile alone he's a supporter of phil and phil needs every vote he can get these days.

Anonymous said...

Jack Sapia and the BOS drove around pulling up and destroying Atkinson Reporter blog signs at election time. Town attorney told them to leave signs alone but Sapia did it anyway, they were at the police department before the Bon fire.

Gees, I wonder what town officials are removing these new signs?

What a little fascist town. Town motto: "We make the laws here, shut up or get out of town."

Slowly it is changing. Several fascists are gone. Just a few more heads to go on pikes.

But if you are a STUPID THUG BULLY and you are considering running for selectman or town office, think again....look out, we will be all over you, legal and otherwise. Eyes are watching from Concord and the legislature as well.

Atkinson made the short list of several very competent attorneys who are mad at Atkinson for the oppression of citizen rights. YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT IS COMING.


Anonymous said...

Wasn't it Jack with a police officer trying to take Mr Brown's pictures away from him at Deliberative?

Real ethical Jack. And a member of the CIC at the time too. Why not try to get back on the Conflict of Interest committee and show us more of your kind of ethics.

Anonymous said...

Yawn.... Are the Bloggers running out of things to rant about?

Anonymous said...

we will never run out of things to rant about as long as he's in.

Anonymous said...

Something tells me you'll carry your rants to the grave.

Anonymous said...

if need be

Anonymous said...

I don't remember him worrying about Acciard's hose and car when he was hit by vandals under the name of the POLICE CHIEF.

What gives? Why so concerned about this guy over decent people?

Anonymous said...

Because decent people don't support the corruption the Con-Man represents. He only gets support from the unknowing or crooks.

Anonymous said...

It must be tough to be phil right now. Lawsuits hanging over him, banty hen resigned, supporters leaving him in droves, officers leaving left & right, MRI report hanging over his head which will only state the obvious (what a freakin mess!), failing health, family problems, BOS against him, websites posting documents showing the truth, youtube videos, Eagle Tribune articles showing everyone leaving the PD and Phil fighting over his job when any normal person would retire, CNHT articles calling him a thug, and of course THAT BLOG!

You can't see the writing on the wall can you?

I say you keep up the fight! Your egomaniacal self-rightousness will prevail. You can't stop lying now. GO FOR IT!

Just my little humble opinion of course

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Glad I could make yer day. All I did was point out the obvious. A rational thinking person would abandon ship. Not Captain Wacko. We're running this baby into the rocks!

Sooooooo glad I'm not on the ship USS Supporters.

Anonymous said...

WHERE is the report?

Anyone hear anything?

Do they have it yet?

Has anyone requested it?

Anonymous said...

I love the blog. Get to see these scumbags exposed. So funny how real estate people, builders, and political hacks latch on to the selectman job and then their ego blows up gargantuan like a puffer fish. Really Little fish with no self esteem that blow themselves up to compensate for personality abnormalities.

The ego payoff for being a selectman or moderator is so high the taxpayers should have a $30,000 registration fee to allow these bottom feeders to even run for office. Then pay these little puffer fish NOTHING as they are as valuable to the taxpayers as a crooked lawyer. Maybe we need a town mayor and administrator but these puffer fish are intolerable. What kind of democracy is this anyway. I call it "JUNK" democracy...suitable for asleep taxpayers who don't give a God Damn.

Uh, Cupie Doll, sorry to use "big" words. You lack proper and thorough education so you claim. Gargantuan means "Someone who Gargles tarantulas on a Luan". Now you know.

Anonymous said...

mri report is in bill b going over it and making changes

Anonymous said...

Bill b is making changes?

Will be fun to compare the restatements and redactions against the real report. Kissing the chief's ring comes at a cost.

Superior court, here we come! Your honor, we request the unmodified report as constructed and written by Municipal Resources Inc. We paid for that police report as written, not as rewritten and messed with by a part time police officer/selectman. Your honor, the address and contact info for MRI direct is....

Anonymous said...

Italian computer nerd puffer fish and bag man puffer fish arrogance swelled up so big they exploded. Maybe bill b can help them with resignation letters. I hear he is quite good at covering up and putting a "shine on a sneaker".

Poorly dressed Italians make me billious. Garrity wearing sharp suits and ties is dressed properly for a moderator or town official. That combined with dignity and impartiality makes Jim a wonderful example for future moderators to follow. Let's hope he can keep it up the good example.

Speaking of sneakers, A banty squat hen in déclassé, ridiculous and unprofessional.

So Bill b, you change one word of the MRI report you mislead the people like Muamar Khadaffi does.
But then, the people in dictatorships put up with being mislead by morons for a long time. --Until they revolt and put them on trial.

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