The vote are in, and at least 1,000 people believed the chief when he said he NEEDS a 6th full time officer, and a 12th car for the department that routinely has ON OFFICER ON PATROL ANY GIVEN SHIFT!
Our sleepy little town will now have 6 full time officers, and 10 part time officers. to fight crime in a town THAT ONLY HAD 8 DISPATCHED IN THE ENTIRE MONTH OF FEBRUARY!
For years Chief has tried to get his 6th officer. He likes to cite a 1993 FBI report suggesting guidelines of having 1 Ft officer for each 1,000-1,400 people. he ALWAYS neglects to mention that the FBI ALSO considers 2 PT officers to be the equivalent of 1 FT officer. So by the report he cites Atkinson which has 6,646 people, now has 11 FTE (full time equivalent)officers. This is 1.6 officers per thousand. He also neglects to mention that their report speaks of towns with business districts. It does not deal with bedroom communities like Atkinson.
But, hey, the voters are happy to throw money at this empire building megalomaniac. One officer on patrol per shift, but 12 cars to service this.
As former budget committee chair Mark Acciard pointed out at town meeting a few years ago, The PD in 2008 budgeted 20,000 man-hours. There are 8,360 hours in a year. They had enough money in their budget to schedule 2 officers every shift if they wish. And STILL have TWO full time officers left over. But they continued from that time until now to still maintain one officer per shift on patrol. SO although our bill has grown dramatically we are not getting any more protection than we were in 1998 when we had one officer on patrol every shift.
The problem here is one of management. We have an uneducated, untrained, unappointed police chief, who continually demand more while providing less.
And the voters keep buying it.
Atkinson Town Hall

The Norman Rockwellian picture of Atkinson
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Welcome to the NEW Atkinson Reporter! Under new management, with new resolve.
The purpose of this Blog is to pick up where the Atkinson Reporter has left off. "The King is dead, Long live the King!" This Blog is a forum for the discussion of predominantly Atkinson; Officials, People, Ideas, and Events. You may give opinion, fact, or evaluation, but ad hominem personal attacks will not be tolerated, or published. The conversation begun on the Atkinson Reporter MUST be continued!
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The purpose of this Blog is to pick up where the Atkinson Reporter has left off. "The King is dead, Long live the King!" This Blog is a forum for the discussion of predominantly Atkinson; Officials, People, Ideas, and Events. You may give opinion, fact, or evaluation, but ad hominem personal attacks will not be tolerated, or published. The conversation begun on the Atkinson Reporter MUST be continued!
This Blog will not fall to outside hacks from anyone, especially insecure public officials afraid of their constituents criticism.
Thursday, March 15, 2012
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1 – 200 of 246 Newer› Newest»Shame on us.
This is the part of Elderly Affairs we can not afford.
If Consentino can electioneer them to get any expensive item he wants at taxpayer expense, perhaps we should eliminate it from the budget.
Let him buy his own EA cars out of his private donation account,from money the elderly donate. If they had to pay for those cars, insurance etc., perhaps they would take a taxi to their appointments.
We need a Town donation account.
We HAD a town donation account that was being illegally managed by the selectmen and the chief.
When faced with the prospect of turning it over to the Trustees of the Trust Funds, for LEGAL management of it, Our police chief chose instead to start his own private fund.
I have always wondered, WHY it could not be public, and legal, managed by the Trustees?
Don't forget for all that money, we do not get coverage on weekends.
The residents are clueless. With the amount of money that it is costing us
we should be getting coverage 24/7 as the chief likes to say.
I never see a cruiser on my street.
659:44-a Electioneering by Public Employees. No public employee, as defined in RSA 273-A:1, IX, shall electioneer while in the performance of his or her official duties or use government property, including, but not limited to, telephones, facsimile machines, vehicles, and computers, for electioneering. For the purposes of this section, "electioneer" means to act in any way specifically designed to influence the vote of a voter on any question or office. Any person who violates this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
I think the BOS should advertise for a new Police Chief and see what happens. Maybe they'll be motivated to get us one. An official one, perhaps with qualifications.
He is in violation of the CoC ordinance by taking that donation and using it to further his political agenda.
(8) Knowingly accept a gift with a value in excess of five dollars ($5.00), or allow acceptance of such a gift by a family member from any individual, group or corporation knowingly dealing with an area of town government in which the member has an interest or jurisdiction.
No wonder one commenter on an earlier post called the APD the "envy" of New Hampshire. Little crime and an $8O,000
a year pay check would be heaven for a police officer from Salem or Derry. And if you get bored, you can always dabble in Elderly Affairs. All you have to do is bend over and kiss Phil's "a" double "s". Don't worry, the APD will provide the knee pads. That 80K probably doesn't even include benefits and detail work.
It's sad how easily the
taxpayers have been duped.
1202 anon, what street do you live on, we can take care of that.
I'm pretty sure the FT cop isnt recieving 80K. How much does it cost to train a new cop? How much does all his "stuff" cost? How much doe sit cost to make sure he is not a kookie as many of the bloggers? I'm pretty sure the 80K is only the start-up fee to get this new boy in blue up to speed.
move on mark
I live on Devonshire. Do you remember the way?
To 11:31 am;
Actually that is not true. The FT officers work during the week, and the PT officers fill weekend shifts. Or at least that is how it has worked.
The weekends are usually when there is more trouble. Why have the lesser trained officers working then?
To 2:35pm;
Actually, as stated in the warrant article the $80,006 is the ANNUAL COST to the town of the officer's pay and benefits.
This is pretty standard for Atkinson. Lt. Baldwin's job cost the taxpayers around $90,000/yr. Even though he had a "salary" of $61,000.
Personally, I think the Chief will use the 80K opening to get the anointed one, Bill Baldwin, back.
Billy could use the extra money, I'm sure. Keep your eyes pealed and your ears open. It'll be as easy as buying a new SUV. Before you know it he'll be sitting in a new APD cruiser.
I disagree. I don' think he'd come back, who would want to?
The BOS won't allow, IMHO.
Any purchase over $5,000.00 must go out to bid.
The new cruisers have never been.
All you people who are thinking that they were for free, think again.
We might have gotten an even better deal, if it's just the chief alone picking out the lucky dealer.
What is Phil getting or giving in exchange for this. Follow the money.
How do we even know that he uses donation money toward the purchases? No one ever did the accounting of his requests vs. withdrawals from the donation account. Since he already knows the cost of what he wants, he's been out shopping for the car.
Time to go out to bid and see what happens.
same thing with turning the old cruisers in.
I demonstrated two years ago at town meeting that we could get $1,700- $3,500 per car on EBAY, or, instead of the $300- $800 trade in allowance That the town gets when Phil trades them in.
Don't forget, the car that was in such bad shape it couldn't be driven, was bought the next day by his son, and used as a daily driver.
I know nothing about the specific condition of the former police car bought by Phil's son.
But, I do think it plausible that a police car could be in such a condition that it should be retired from active public safety service yet still have enough life left to become someone's "daily driver".
On the face of the facts cited, I cannot conclude there were improprieties. However, selling any car that runs and can be instected for less than $1,500 is getting less than full value. Isn't this the Selectmen's failure?
He's buying and selling town equipment at will. He is the problem.
No one wants to stand up to him because he is so unpleasant to deal with. They are waiting for nature to run it's course and that is the wrong plan for the town.
To 12:51pm. The car in question was "the details car" It was a 1999 ford crown vic. with 160,000 miles. phil used to claim it could not be used for patrols because it had "over 100,000 miles on it".
It was traded in to Irwin Ford. irwin gave him $300 in trade, His son bought it the next day for $450. And used it daily.
The point was, I had a petition warrant article for the town to dispose of all vehicles, or capital equipment on Ebay, or cars. com. to maximize taxpayer value.
I had with me at the meeting 17 cruisers for sale on those 2 sites, years ranging from 1996- 2001. ALL over 200,000 miles. prices ranging from $1728- $3744.
Phil and Jack Sapia changed the article at town meeting to dispose of by sale or trade.
However they dispose of the car, it is not up to the PD to do it. This is capital equipment and it needs to be bought and sold in public and at the best price.
snoop doggy dog and dr dre is at your door. Ready to make an entrance so back on up, before I have to pull the strap out the cut....
the last 2 cars the bos sold does any body know what they got for them
mark why dont you worry about your own town
What the hell is the cut....? Write in every day english dumbo.
To Anon March 17, 2012 12:22 PM
Cause Atkinson has the most corrupt police chief in the state. That's why.
How much you paying him a year to protect your illegal business?
A stereotypical cat lady, or cat woman, is a single woman who dotes upon her cat or cats. The term is usually considered pejorative, though it is sometimes embraced by those who live in atkinson alone and have 30+ cats. Mostly they are malnurished and un fed.
un fed is one may not know this, as an uneducated cat.
btw, 'snoop doggy dog and dr dre is at your door'. That should be a plural noun, haha, as if you were paying attention in yo' dog's doin it classroom, dude doggie dog.
yo, word is that the good dope is had by the man on meds. stop on by and bring yo badge. ya know what I's mean?
Finally the cat woman is back. Where have you been?
This site is the funniest thing I have ever read. Mark, you don't change a damn thing. Do yourself a favor, spend less time worry about Phil Consentino and more time on the important things in life. You know, like your lawn. Its' not exactly Augusta National.
It could never me Augusta Nations cause the United Nations isn't allowed! hahahhah
Well, I've been to London to visit the Queen. Where have you been? or can't you recall?
Smokin some trees. Started a painting company. I'll stop by and show you my skills. You will love it.
Neighbors need to watch there property lines. Had some complaints about cutting down neighbors trees and that is a felony.
Called the cops myself for once. What a role reverse.
Any idea what the pay increase will be (percentage-wise) for the Teamsters in Atkinson?
The APD doesn't enforce tree complaints so good luck with that one. Just ask Osborn.
I'll bet the cops didn't show up, right? Looking forward to seeing the missing logs.
The cops are building there case against the illegal tree chipper. Let that be known. Too bad they didnt behave previously. Regrets
APD doesn't get involved in property line or tree disputes. That's a civil matter. Right CC?
who's this moron? illegal tree chipper? right.
Sounds like someone who likes rap music is posting on here. Which house on Meditation Lane had all those obnoxious parties?
It's number 21, owner is Jordan Shallow. I heard the Sheriff stopped the parties.
Are you talking about all the tree cutting that has been going on at the end of Dow Ave.?
Are you the one who painted Mark Acciard's house?
He is smoking something.
Arson is a felony too Jordan.
March 19, 2012
Burned body found in Atkinson
The Eagle Tribune Mon Mar 19, 2012, 04:35 PM EDT
ATKINSON — Local and state police are investigating the discovery on a body in the woods near Pentucket Court.
A woman out walking this afternoon discovered the body, which was burned, and called police, Chief Philip Consentino said.
The state police major crimes unit will be on the scene soon.
Consentino said there was nothing more he could say at this point.
Right down the street from the Chief.
Think it will get into the log?
Now Chief, don't give out the address this time before next of kin are properly notified.
chief gives out information when he wants and to whom he wants. And he denies it to people that piss him off. Kind of like Elderly Affairs services.
It is good that he said he can not say any thing about the circumstances including the ID of the body and who may be a suspect. The State Police are investigating the crime and not the APD . If the State Police give any information out it should be to the public and not to the chief. You know all to well he would take advantage of leaking the information to make himself look like a hero crime solver only to screw up the case. JMHO
It will probably go into the log under suspicious person or illegal dumping.
or burning without a FD permit.
if people were talking about my performance this way, I'd quit fast.
I wonder how much evidence was compromised by Barney Fife before the State Police and AG's office got there.
WMUR's report this morning indicated the AFD went in with chainsaws to clear some underbrush BEFORE state investigators even arrived at the scene.
Can anyone confirm, dispel or clarify this?
I can't imagine anyone would do ANYTHING in the vacinity until given an OK by investigators.
Please, shut down the town government.
Are you serious about the WMUR comment?
Wow. Not really surprised. If htis is true, we need to replace two heads.
"Smokin some trees. Started a painting company. I'll stop by and show you my skills. You will love it."
Wow, right after the comment about burning trees comes this dead body discovered burnt in the woods.
I love how they say people should not be worried.
No, of course not, it's just that a missing person's body was found burnt in the woods.
Apparently, Tibetans were lost and one set himself on fire thinking it was a protest against China.
Go about your life normally, there's just the possibility of a murderer who lights bodies on fire roaming the town; why on Earth would anyone possibly be nervous?
Most of you don't get police patrols anyway, what the hell do you want the APD to do? Fools...
"No reason to believe the public is at danger..."
Unless you get all "hung-up" about being killed and set on fire. Then, conceivably, you may have just a teensy-weensy bit of reason to believe that you are at danger. Just a bit though...
So who is worried? This is an isolated incident and I did not see anyone here post about being worried.
One neighbor on Pentucket Court claims they don't get any police patrols in the neighborhood, while another says he isn't worried about the incident because the chief does a good job.
Has he read today's article in the ET? Our inept police chief gives a blow by blow account of what this poor dead soul looked like. (from head to toe)
What a lack of humanity from a dim-witted and amateur wacko that this town calls chief.
It is a disgrace to our Town to have leaders who cannot even act in a dignified manner to the deceased.
I think smoking some trees Is a reference to smoking dope? Is that cat lady a secret power puffer? Haha. Those poor cats.
Go back and read 3/19@5:51. There could be truth in what that person said. Oh Well!!
Jordan has been smoking too much again.
I'm in love with Mary Jane.
She's my main thing.
She makes me feel alright.
She makes my heart sing
Come on Jordon, you still haven't answered how much you are paying the Chief to leave your illegal business alone. What's with that? Cat got your tongue?
Perhaps it's time to take your cover man out of the picture and get the State Police to investigate your ring.
Is this how you spend you life?
Seriously dude. You're singing about cats in public.
Who cares about the cats and grass when there is a dead person not identified or if the dead person was murdered. I read the 3/19 @551 and that makes sense to me and it should to any one else. The investigation is the State Police and not our A.P.D.'s . The Conman should stay out of releasing any information before he screws up things for the State Police. His handling things quoted in todays paper shows why he should keep his mouth shut and retire.
Has anyone checked the Hemlock Heights area for missing people, I'm sure there is a connection to this smoke screen.
Who is this mysterious singing blogger?
Is this public?
Has anyone read "Under the Dome by Stephen King? Am I the only one sees a strong resemblance between Consentino and Big Jim Rennie? It's a sad day when fictional horror/thriller novels are adequately describing the state of affairs in one's town.
As an out-of-state observer, are your police officers union? If yes, then you might want to look at your pension costs; because that is why f/t police officers are required...nothing to do with crime; but a lot to do with taxpayer-financed, 100% of each officer's pensions.
Taxpayer's support of 100% of union pensions is a hard, but necessary lesson.. to correct; but unless you enjoy bankruptcy, it is necessary!
From A Californian who is paying 100% of g government employee, closed shop pension(s).
Hampstead wins $308,750 for new tanker
By Cara Hogan
HAMPSTEAD — The fire department is buying a new tanker truck for $325,000, but it's only costing taxpayers $16,250.
The department just found out it has been awarded a $308,750 federal Homeland Security grant to buy the truck, which will replace its existing tanker, now 27 years old.
Fire Chief Michael Carrier got the good news about the Assistance to Firefighters grant on Wednesday.
"We were very fortunate," he said. "We intend to purchase a 3,000-gallon water tanker, which gives us the ability to bring water with us to an incident. It feeds our other trucks the water necessary to put out fires or mitigate hazmat incidents."
Only a small portion of Hampstead has water hydrants, so it's necessary to bring water to fires, he said.
"This is our oldest piece of equipment in the department," Carrier said of the tanker. "It's the older type model with an open cab and that's been a firefighter safety issue throughout the country. The risk is falling out or off of the truck into the open road, because there's no doors to close you in."
The grant is a 95-5 split, with the town responsible for a 5 percent share, or $16,250. Voters approved spending that amount in a warrant article at Town Meeting March 13.
"The warrant article allows us to utilize the fire department's capital reserve fund to pay for our 5 percent share in the event we got the grant," he said. "And we did."
The goal of the grant is to help firefighters and first responders pay for critical equipment, protective gear, training and emergency vehicles, according to the Federal Emergency Management Agency. In 2011, Congress appropriated $404 million for the grants that will be awarded through September. Applications are evaluated based on the project, financial need and long-term benefits of the grant.
Hampstead was one of thousands of departments selected nationwide for the competitive grant, according to U.S. Sen. Jeanne Shaheen, D-NH, who supported Hampstead's bid for the grant.
"In order to perform their jobs effectively, firefighters must have safe equipment," Shaheen said. "This grant will allow Hampstead Fire Department to replace an aging, unsafe truck with a new, more reliable one that will help the department maximize its fire fighting potential and keep the citizens of Hampstead safe."
My question is: Why hasn't the Atkinson Fire Department applied or received any grants from Homeland Security? This is the 3rd grant that the Hampstead Fire Department has received, and as far as I know the Atkinson Department stands at 0.
What are you talking about? They don't mind having the Atkinson taxpayers buy the trucks. If they wanted to get a grant, they'd get one.
I believe the responsibility for seeking grants falls within the Selectmen's office. And I believe the Town Administrator and Secretary would be specifically tasked to pursue grant money as one of their duties.
It is not fair to chastise our AFD volunteers for this failing, if it even is a failing.
Atkinson first hired a TA with the promise he would pay for himself with the grants he applies for. TA is now paid over 60k and not one grant has be aguired.
The TA position was just another trick by the town to up our taxes.
So much for the TA doing his job. Town doesn't need (or ever needed) a TA. Get rid of him and save money.
I thought the BOS did away with the secretary position when they got the TA. Now she is the assessing clerk. Anyone?
I asked the TA a question and he never got back to me. I am curious about other people experiences.
Actually a homeland security grant paid for the new radios, and digital emergency communications equipment for the fire dept. a couple of years ago.
was it installed or is it in a closet in plaistow?
I didnt hear anything about a missing person near hemlock heights but I did hear about some missing cats on granite ridge rd!!!
any toughts?
I have a 'tought'.
Get a dictionary.
Could we get the article about toxic water in town up when it's possible?
Why has someone been allowed to release toxins into the ground since 2002? They didn't find out who did it before? Isn't ten years enough time to figure something like this out?
No it was installed under the Fire Chiefs direction, and has been operating flawlessly.
The closet incident was police communication equipment ordered on a Plaistow HS grant. $9,000 in equipment destined for mounting "on a tower behind the fire station in atkinson", according to the chief's documentation.
The problem is that he never got his tower passed, and the equipment went into a storage unit in Plaistow for four years, even though IT WAS CERTIFIED TO HOMELAND SECURITY AS HAVING BEEN INSTALLED!
If the equipment is still in storage and as been said to have been installed then the agency that gave it to the town[s] should be notified. The due process of the fraud if brought forward should be enough to get rid of the Conman once and for all. So whats a few more dollars in litigation that could end this on going constant suing with court, lawyers, and insurance costs for the town because of his antics?
They gave some of it to the TRHS and the rest is MIA.
Then why not report it to them? I as well as the many others who wish to remain anonymous would well encourage those who have made themselves identifiable could be the ones that should do it. Another option is for the selectmen to do this as it is their job to do as the representatives of the town. These mentioned things can not be that misunderstood can they ,or am I wrong. Do remember this no guts no glory and the Marines moto of S.F..
March 14, 2012
Plaistow voters say no to MBTA layover station
By Cara Hogan
PLAISTOW — The majority of voters do not want a Massachusetts Bay Transit Authority layover station in town and now town leaders know it.
A citizen petition warrant article stating residents do not want the layover station passed yesterday, 619-308, with 227 residents asking for more information.
Town leaders want to bring an MBTA commuter rail to Plaistow, with a layover station proposed near the Atkinson town line. But residents opposed to the project cited noise and pollutions problems in towns with similar facilities.
Because of these concerns, resident Audrey Peck drafted the petition warrant article and spent all day waving signs outside Pollard School yesterday. She said she was thrilled the article passed.
"The Plaistow people have spoken," she said. "We just hope the selectmen will listen."
Atkinson resident Robert Clarke, chairman of the Railroad Investigatory Committee, came to support the citizen's petition against the MBTA layover station, which would affect Atkinson as well.
"We came here to help and educate Plaistow voters about the dangers of the layover station," Clarke said. "We care about this so much that we're here."
To 1:13 , Are you the one and an assumed person who has taken the time to single out the Plaistow T.M. as the driving force of the train issue? I'd like to point out to you or the assumed person having said that the following--- The town had acted some 10 or more years ago to seek the train stop for not only Plaistow but for the areas towns. The work put into this project was well before The Town Manager came to Plaistow. The members of the committee were in place far before he became Town Manager. The Town Manager was doing his job representing the town and its area peoples whether you both believe that or not. You or the assumed other person shouldn't lay blame on him for representing the people of Plaistow due to the aforementioned reasons. If I may ,where were you and the assumed person were when these plans of the train station were being made? Are you or the other assumed person that young not to have heard of the hopeful over all plan to become a reality or are you and the assumed person new to the N.H. scene? You and the assumed person seem to forget that the over night engine site could have been located in a northerly location . If it were to be in the train track area of northern Route 125 it could have served the present industrial parks and future industrial business needs . Your and the assumed person have bitten off your noses for your own selfish needs and not to the communities that would have been of benefit of the railroad needs of our common local area. Did you or the assumed person think of the needs for everyones commuting to and out of the area to work or reach places of need before you made your commentaries? I think not!! I suggest the rethinking of your selfishness and think of the peoples needs for the future of the overall area with its need for expansion for residential and future employment opportunities. You both have a right to your opinions but when you gloat on the work of so many involved in the past years I can not but say where were you in those past years???????? JMHO
I forgot to add and say what about the cost and time it took for those people involved in the time spent in trying to get the train stop and engine over night to become a real happening. In place of your probable not want to do so I'll say thank you to them for their 10 or more years of time and expense in the project of well intended betterment for the local communities and its commuters whether it be now and in the future.
To 12:47pm;
EXACTLY WHY do you wish to remain anonymous?
For a very intelligent man you ask a very foolish question of me. Because you asked I'll pose a question to you. Why is it with all the trouble the Conman has caused the town and you, most of all you, personally that you who have cause to seek justice hasn't done so? I only am referring to the equipment lie to the agency and not about the other court actions that have taken place. I'm writing about the installation that never has taken place and is fraud. If you and other offended people that are not anonymous could get any thing moving on this matter that the Conman is or has done illegally then I'd think you'd be the one to spearhead the action. I have no axe to grind with you on your question but I'd have thought that some one else would be asking the question of why I would prefer to stay anonymous rather than you. I know its pretty obvious why when you and others have stated that the Conman and his henchmen have caused nothing but trouble for you and others with his and his henchmens known actions.
Ok. I get that you are defending the TM of Plaistow.
This will not benefit the Town of Plaistow or the surrounding Towns, mainly Atkinson, whose residents and property owners will bear the bunt of tis if it happens.
So it could have been located north, but now it isn't to be located north.
So, back to reality. Atkinson opposes this layover station and you AND the other assumed person ought to get with the current reality of the proposed, opposed project.
The Conman and his missing equipment are known to the State authorities and they DO NOT CARE.
Don't you get that this man has been punishing people in Atkinson for years for speaking up?
It IS fraud, known fraud. The real question is, who else is involved? Everyone who has gone along with the game while issue after issue has been raised and ignored by those who have done nothing while being in a position to do so.
Why? Evidently, they have something to lose bigger than fraud.
This is Frank Polito. Town henchman! Don't be fooled.
Pompous defender of the train mess and writing about the Acciard vandalism to gloat.
I see no gloating in what was written. If truth is truth then there is no gloating and you are wrong saying it is gloating. Are you another pious one who walks into your house of worship once a week only to be christian on that day in your actions and ways of thinking? Were you raised to be other than that which is law and usual every day respect of others? Get a life outside of your self only narrowness and look at the big picture of what surrounds you.
Thanks Chief.
In thanking the chief I'm confused! Would you please make your answering with the time and date ,at least the time, to your response to make it clear to what you want to respond to. That makes it much easier to respond to . Thank you.
To 5:19pm;
I suspected the reason, and my reason for asking the question was to get you to state it.
The more people who will openly admit, that they fear retribution from Atkinson's Chief Law ENFORCEMENT officer, the less retribution there will be, because the less he will be able to duck under the skirts of the elderly to deflect anger from his abuses as chief.
Believe me, I know full well the price to be paid for speaking the TRUTH about our chief's immoral, and sometimes illegal actions. And the more people who do it, the harder it will be for him to continue his practice of lying to the public claiming that we "have a vendetta" due to tickets he has given us.
And thank you for the intelligence compliment.
"Were you raised to be other than that which is law and usual every day respect of others? Get a life outside of your self only narrowness and look at the big picture of what surrounds you."
My reading conprehension is strained by these recent posts.
mark causing trouble and speaking with forked tounge
I thank you for the compliment and all of what you openly have stated in your response. // Again, I do hope that the others who were abused will get to speak to you or call on you to join together in the fight to remove the Conman. The success of having of being able to have done so would make the town a far better place to live in w/o the Conmans influences in all the regards of his past wrongfulness . // The well known being the joke municipality of our state alone would be just one of pleasures of his removal due to his past wacky actions. // It isn't just the tickets given out it is the way he and his department give out the lack of criminal justice via arrests of criminal activities w/i the town. When will the selectmen board take action on him to remove him from the police and or both the police and elderly affairs departments? // His police chief status is not w/i the recognition of modern state and towns acceptance for being a police chief in our modern day times. // If his family , who work in the police department, were at all caring for him they would go beyond insisting that he retire before he gets thrown off and has the probable loss of his retirement rights. // He has cost the town enough with his self serving fools way of doing things and it is now the time to get him away from being so costly to the town. // Has anyone asked if he has a mental or physical problem for having done so much wrong that would attribute to his past wrongfulness? Where is and are the selectmen in all this ? It is their job to insure the well being of the town and its residents from all that the past have and has let him get away with. // I'm upset with the increase of taxes and its costs due to his ways of conducting himself in all the offices he was involved in now and in the past. // I would ask the state or its agencies to investigate this again and insist they do. After all we wouldn't want to not have justice for the town or even the Conman .
12:07, Go back to school and learn the meaning of writing response but most of all comprehension of what you have read.!! You have to be an old style Yankee that refuses to come into the modern times not realizing that the old way thinking is gone . Could it be that you were "so called home schooled" or by never having been to a real school in your time?
Nope. Grad student.
Read what you write outloud before you hit that publish button. The rambling style with incorrect puntuation, mixed tense, and other gibberish is hard to read!
"The well known being the joke municipality of our state alone would be just one of pleasures of his removal due to his past wacky actions."
Are you kidding?
Is not local government called a municipality? What do you call any town or city in the state? Do you call them villages? Tell me please so that I can be corrected to be corrected in my error possibility of my being in ,as you say, error. You had no problem understanding my message or you would have not responded to it. I may not be as well educated as you are in writing but I'm sure I made my message come across to you. You did answer did you not? Oh Well !! So much for your brilliance even though I must not have your education capabilities with your critical thoughts of my being corrected.
That's funny. Weren't you the guy who recently posted that I should go back to school, that I was an old Yankee and behind the times and likely home schooled? Pick a position, state it clearly, then stick with it.
Yes I am the same person. You didn't answer if you were an old Yankee or " home schooled ". " Home school" was meant as never been in todays normal every day class room for your education. Sorry if I may have insulted you even if you wont say I did because I do not really know how elderly , that being old, you are.
I did answer you.
You ask if I am a Yankee or home schooled? There is no logical association between the two and trying to make one is nonsensical.
to 12:34;
Please DO explain, what I have said that is untrue?
If you are able
I can hardly hear Macciard talking over the din from you two noisy lamers. Are you two husband and wife? Please take your pointless debate over to Eggies Diner. Buy each other a decaf coffee. Yes I mean you, 4:27 and 4:50.
No one is asking you hear any thing "over the din". Why do you ask that I go to Eggies for coffee? Are you afraid of the reported ghosts that are supposed to be there? -- Really now!! How can you say that me and the terribly abused [by the Conman]"Macciard" are husband and wife? Could you be of the mix gendered [transgendered] or a just another screwball that wants to make unfounded accusations? If any thing you should reconsider what you have published on an open forum or face charges of what you claim . If you do not know that he or me[for that matter] are what you say we are then I'd be more inclined to apologize before one of us finds out who you are. Get the message and stop your as--ho-e dumb statements . Another words go away supporter of the you know who or is it you as anonymous?
No one here said you were married to Acciard. You are misreading the posts here and posting confusing garbage of your own.
Also, don't come here and spew hatred for anyone based on their sex. For your information, mix gendered and transgendered folks are not the same.
Your response is gibberish, unless 4:27 or 4:50 is Macciard. 4:27 and 4:50 need to go to Eggies to kiss and make-up in public for turning this blog into a personal Cirque du Soleil. Your marriage depends on it.
Gee, I thought you liked a good circus tent.
Tell me please so that I can be corrected to be corrected in my error possibility of my being in ,as you say, error.
how can the bos let warrant articles that did not pass at tm and turn around and put them out to bid
I don't know Chief. Maybe they have an obligation to fix safety issues.
How can the they allow you to electioneer to get warrant articles passed? Seems like there's alot of funny business going on in Town to support personal interests.
am not the chief,fred new chairman of bos blind leading the blind or crook leading the crooks
4:27, I did stick to it./// 5:46, You must still be living on a farm way out on the town line beyond the roads that lead to the schools./// 9:39, I'm sorry I misunderstood the question of my being married to another of my sex. For you to have asked I question your own tendencies of the same question with another other than a female. 11:32, Are you saying Eggies is a place for other things than eating? The owner has enough to contend with as it is with the ghosts. Unless it be that you know of a ghost or two of that now commonly accepted life style. ///12:23, Can't you take any thing with a bit of humorous intent in re. to the corrected /error statement I made? I'll try my best to forgive you for your own errors in your life. What a sore a$$ you are!
Ok then........
What are the selectmen reprimanding Phil for?
Didn't know they were. What's the Conman done this time?
What hasn't he done?
The Town needs to move on. Too much drama and it's unhealthy. Time to let him go.
The electioneering is a criminal offense. This should be prosecuted.
MEOW! My name is Connie. I'm named after the Conman. I'm a Tabby cat. I'm lost on Meditation. Does anyone know where I can spend the night? If you see me please call the APD. MEOW Jordon. Oops, gotta go Now Diggity Dog is after me.
Don't know but Phil is demanding a hearing! This ought to be good
For which wrong? There were so many up to now. Rather than go through one for what ever his reason is to have one why doesn't he just retire ?
Jordan is all alone, why don't you go over and visit him? He lost his cat to lung cancer and could use a new friend.
Jordon huffs kitty litter!
How would you know unless you have done as much? Just making an inquiry!
huff? what's that?
I guess you answered that question if your the one who blogged at 9:28! If not then you should be ashamed to admit your own dumb admission of drug use. The only thing I "huff" is the air I breathe and that is because of medication for lung disease.
the bos is putting out to bid to build a wall in the town clerks office so drug dealers wont rob her,opps all she has to do is go home for that
That's a terrible thing for a cop to say.
Hay!! youze doe nut luuk ah dah paper? It ahh sez dah rale rod stil ons dah works. Wha da youse gonna does bout dat? Az lon as it donna has dah over nite staun ins dah townesah wha dah hell you kares effes itsah in dah oddah ones hah? Wake up and except that it may become a reality whether you like it or not. If the railroad issue becomes a reality then the wishes for work of those who wish to commute and to other places is not of worthless thought. Who really pays the burden of taxes? The people who work out of town. There are some ,not many , who in town would be able to go to the destinations they need to work or to see and do other things and to otherwise anticipitate in out side the town. It can bring opportunity for the areas region and for the town of Plaistow that has the ROUTE 125 GOING through it. You who are residents of our town go there to shop and come back to town knowing there is no impact to our town where we have no real commercial business . That alone should make us aware that we can keep our town small. We can still be, as we are now quite of heavy traffic and still be a bed room community as it was before we had the rail issue now before us . Who cares if the over night engines are still in Haverhill area so long as they are in another location not in Atkinson Plaistow proper? Time goes on and so does time make things better if you allow it to do it w/o the less thought of what is best for the area communities. JMHO And now your thoughts and response to this problem of continuing issues.
Train Lovers (Yes I mean you, Tim Moore and Merilyn Senter)
There are some lowlands between Plaistow and East Kingston. They're right along the rail line, off in no-mans-land. There are few roads, houses and people out there. I think I've even seen a bar out there. Or maybe the watering hole was between Exeter and East Kingston. This area would be a perfect spot for a layover. My personal opinion is, the deal as it exists now has been set up to help the current owner of the former Westville Homes site and the folks in Bradford. And, to hell with the NH-ites. I'd check who the owner is and his political connections. There are so many back scratchers around here some folks are getting pretty raw on the backside. You can tell. They're kind of hunched over and moan.
However, the ideal solution would be skip the layover / station entirely and pay down a portion of the federal debt with the money saved. If every city and town in the country gave up something, we could pay it down. There's no demand for this. It's a waste.
I commute by car to work in Massachusetts. It takes 1 1/4 hour one way. I could take the train but it would take 2 3/4 hours one way with all the line transfers in Boston and a 1 mile walk at the end.
Stop demanding that your kids and grandkids pay for your transportation. Get up off your ass and catch the train in Exeter or Haverhill. How lazy can you get?
Weekend Downeaster Rider.
6:18PM , You left out a few things in your attempt to sway us all. 1. safety factors of your driving to and from work for the 1 1/4 hours traveling time each way. 2.the cost in wear and tear of your transporting m/v. 3. the cost of fuel and polluting the air. 4. the traffic tie ups due to accidents. 5. if you were to take the train you'd be paying for a ticket do it at a cheaper price. .. I say this because of the things already mentioned and that you can do some thing to take up your time while on the train ex. computer ,reading paper , watching the places you go by while doing nothing,etc . 6. trains may stop often but for the 15 minutes you claim is the time of both modes traveling difference it should be well worth the relaxing ride to work being more refreshed in getting there. You should consider the fact that trains have far fewer accidents than do over the road traveling. 7. how often do you see m/vs skid and cause accidents or are at the side of the road because of a skidding accident? trains ride on rails safely and self plow the trains rail way they travel on. I'm of the opinion your just one of those nimby people that want to be assured the overnight engine stop is not in your area . Actually I can agree with you knowing there are other places for it further up the rail line for use by the manafacturing ,sand and gravel business's and industrial parks that are now in existence . The local area towns should be welcoming the rail use capabilities for employment,etc. That is better than having nothing at all to support the areas many needs for lower taxes and easier out of town traveling . jmho
I know it is not on topic but school super Lesal is retiring!!! Yay maybe now we can get someone qualified for the position.
LaSalle. Good news.
I'll bet that will cost us a fortune.
7:49 AM - I think you missed his point. The point is why cant you drive 10 -15 minutes to Haverhill and park in a nice new parking garage. Just becaise he drives an hour plus does not mean everyone has to. But you can drive to Haverhill. If that is still a concern then set up a buss rout where you are picked up at shaws and taken to the train. Free parking, no excess driving, and oh ya...saves money on using existing infrastructure.
Thats cool about the superintendent. We need a qualified person in that position. And they dont need to be in the top pay ranks of superintendents in the state. And they need to take back the reigns on the rabbid wrestling coach that is destroying our kids education.
I'm sure there's a big fat retirement package involved here.
This is off topic. Our town administrator has done research & found a trash company that will come to our town & save us $86,000! Our trash pick up day will probably change, but kudos to Bill Innes for his good work!
To 9:57, I was of the understanding that the present parking area in Plaistows rail station could be expanded or have a parking garage built on it that would be enough for commuting needs. Why go to Haverhill to park and ride on the train when you could get on in Plaistow . Less traveling mileage and the wear and tear on the m/v even if the train stops in Haverhill or not. I think that we all should scrutinize the plans before making any decisions on the rail stop and the not well received engine overnight parking . Personally I want the Plaistow rail stop. If there is a place that doesn't bother any one for the over night engine stop I'd welcome that as well. If not then it stays in Bradford until it can be removed to another location.
I do not believe this affects most people in Atkinson. Why don't you do a survey andg et back to us.
I am often disturbed by the trains at night as it is, without taking on this mess.
Thanks to Bill Innes.
Teachers have their union.
And governmant workers have theirs.
Taxpayers have nothing, nada, null and nichts. Time to act up!
Someone from the Atkinson Taxpayers Association needs to be on the SAU55 Superintendent search and selection committee. A student needs to be on it too!
How 'bout it Mr Acciard? You're still paying taxes in Atkinson, right? And from what I've heard you could vote in Atkinson if you wanted to. All you have to do is state that your intention is to return to town. I believe it's the law in NH, though I haven't searched the RSAs for it yet. Where's Curt Springer when you really need him?
Are you writing the rules now?
I'm calling on the school board to tell us what the current superintendent selection process is. It's obviously broken.
LaSalle is the proof. Unless this whole thing is an April fools joke.
Maybe I've been punked.
If LaSalle picks his successor then we'll be saddled with another spend and spend liberal. And, LaSalle's choosing seems to be the current rule. Where the "he" double "l" was Bill Baldwin? What a useless school board chairman he was. Since he failed to lead then the taxpayers should. And I'm not kidding about physically living in one location and voting in another.
NH has a long history of extending residency to folks temporarily out-of-town, like students and the military. I'm not making this up, however it's just an observation. I'm at work and I don't have time to check the RSAs, but I believe all you have to do is
tell your town godfathers "I'LL BE BACK.
Whoo Whoo!
I may be paranoid, but I think there is something way bigger behind the train layover. If Plaistow will simply agree to take the Train Layover off Bradford's hands then Haverhill will let Plaistow tie into their water and sewer systems when Plaistow gets around to installing the pipes up RT 125. Plaistow will screw any and all to get what it wants. They couldn't care less about their own residents let alone the residents of Bryant Woods in Atkinson.
There are Haverhill and Plaistow Planners living right in Bryant Woods. What's your explaination?
Ah, no comment. Call Plaistow Town Hall.
1:00PM, The railroad has been here and every where it goes through before you and me took our first breathe of life. If you moved here or were raised here you knew the railroad was here and the engines blow their whistles. You can't say that you can't move to a location that the railroad isn't heard because you can. If you moved here you had to notice the railroad came by the towns of Plaistow and Atkinson. A smart person who is buying or renting a home looks into all the conveinant aspects of the area before relocating . What you want are these things but do not accept you have to bend some and accept things for what they are. From what you've said I think your another nimby who selfishly wants there way and for no one else. Sorry but your railroad cries of "grief" do not float my boat to be swayed by you a nimby.
Haverhill has its water sources but they already said they can not give Plaistow the water except for the connection at the town/city line. They also said they wouldn't because of the future expansion of residences and business in their city. Then and only then will they open the water gate for an or some emergency . I'll ask you a question-- how would the Haverhill water get to the Plaistow homes and business's when the only water lines in Plaistow are for fire suppression? The water lines are limited to the Route 125 area and are under piece meal installation from year to year. It will be years before they get to all of the town. You and I will never see the non use of well water in our life times.
ta did nothing but put trash contract out to bid thats his job why thank him
"A smart person who is buying or renting a home looks into all the conveinant aspects of the area before relocating."
And now that I moved here, I do not want a layover station waking me up all night long! What part of this **it's going to get worse** scenario do you not get?
Why thank him?
Because there are a few Town employees that don't do their job and we want him to feel special.
Phil? Nope. Barb? Nope. Sue? Nope. Bill, yup.
4:57,, Now that you tell me and the us who read here you moved in from elsewhere let me again say what I have already. Better yet read what I said to you at 3/30 @12:25, especially the last sentence. Then read3/30@7:59 very slowly and see how neglectful you were before you moved into town. It says an awful lot of how you are a nimby person . Would you do the same as you already did by moving again with out checking to see if the railroad is near by? Did you see the tax rate, school ratings, nearness of house hold needs, town services, etc.? I think you would check these things unless your really dumb and just plain stupid. You chose to live where you now do and that is to bad for you because of your failing to look into things before you moved here. If your so intent on complaining because of your failures and your not getting your way then move away from what disturbs you. Wake up !! Its not all about you !! Think we and not me, me, me!.
So back to the topic of this section of my favorite literary work in the Merrimack Valley:::
APD gets a new full time cop, does that mean we get more coverage like the MRI Study says, or is Phil just going finagle ways around the new CBA and we get the same old coverage.....5 cops during the week 8-4 and one cop the rest of the time???????
To March 31, 2012 7:15 PM
Why don't you read this slowly.....I moved here a very long time ago and we can hear the train at night now. I do not want to hear it ALL night. Understand?
It's ok here now, (except for the PD), but this train layover station will cause a big drop in the quality of life.
Do you really think ruining property values will somehow help the tax rate?
YOU are the moron.
on a different note......did they ever release the identity of the burned body?? i havent seen anything about it. Or was it just swept under the rug?
School Board announced special meeting at the SAU building Wednesday April 4 at 7PM to discuss process for hiring a new superintendent.
Be there or LOSE AGAIN.
I hear Mark Acciard is the top contender for the Superintendents job, could anyone confirm this????
He will instantly name Joyce LaFrance, principal of the High School and Leon as the new dean of kindergarten. I bet we all know who will get the cleaning contract>
HMMMM, a very gud cleaning co> hahahhahahahh
Hey Mark,
Do you think you could bring some credibility back to the cheerleading program? Do you have any ideas for coaches? HMM
wow we havent had any news to comment on since March 15. Hey blogmaster, where r u???
Oh no, did you get fried in the woods on March 19th??? hahhahahah
omg are we paying cops 80,000 per year now? Why in the world did billy baldwin leave atkinson, if he was here now he'd be making 25,000 more than his salary in Plaistow.
Your comments are deplorable. I'll bet you couldn't get a job for the school system, or any other job for that matter....not even the one you have. You have to have an education to work for the school system.
Fried in the woods? You should be ashamed of yourself.
April2@8:31AM , Talk about a moron? You take the award because you, as it is apparent, didn't do what I asked that you do in the 3/31 @ 715 message. If you did what I asked you would have gotten a clearly understood opinion of my writing.There has to be others who read the blogs I sent and they didn't return any opinions of what I wrote. That clearly backs up me saying your the moron not me. If you read what was written then you would have read that if the overnight engine stop were further up the line then it wouldn't be a bother to you. I also wrote that the overnight stop for the engines could stay in Bradford until there was a another place to put it. What does it take to have a moron like you to understand what I have written? My messages have said it all when it comes to railroads in any town or city having been in place before you came to this town. Again!! think WE instead of ME,ME,ME, moron.
I used to live in Bradford a long long time ago. I'd used to jump back and forth over the MA/NH border to avoid the bill collectors. Just joking! The apartment house was on Verndale Street, right next to the current train layover. For me it was a breeze. I was doing physical labor at the time and within 2 weeks I could no longer hear the freight trains barrelling through at night. I had tuned them out. I don't even remember any diesel fumes or engines humming of note,
Maybe the wind was blowing it in the opposite direction. Sure there was opposition back then, but not as much as today. If you check out the area you will discover that many more homes have been built since the layover was established. These folks have no right to complain. They should have done more research on the Bradford neighborhood, before they bought their homes. I have no sympathy for them. In fact I personally think the rulers in Haverhill should tell these complainers in Bradford to shut up. The MBTA is broke and the layover is staying right where it is. The real NIMBYs live in Bradford, down by the tracks. If they don't like it they can sell their homes and move to Atkinson.
Principal Lafrance, I regret to inform you that you are here by being terminated for the following reasons: bring excessive cats to works. Eating cat food for lunch in cafeteria, also there was a instance last week when you threw up a hairball in the hallway.
The WHOLE town of Atkinson
Chief you are a real nasty old looney tune.
"you didn't do what I asked you to do"
SO WHAT? I disagree with your blubbering and I don't want the train layover. Go away!
April 3, 2012
Police: Atkinson burglaries may be fueled by drugs
By Cara Hogan
ATKINSON — There have been two burglaries in the past two weeks in town and police warn there may be more.
Police responded to a break-in at a home on Crown Hill Road just before noon Friday, Sgt. Patrick Caggiano said.
"The home is in a secluded area of town and was entered through a rear door, which was unlocked," he said. "They stole an undetermined amount of jewelry, including a set of diamond earrings, a white gold necklace. An iPad and computer were also stolen."
On March 19, thieves broke through the back door of a home on Devonshire Road.
"Jewelry was also stolen, but we don't know the value," Caggiano said. "The two crimes are related and they also coincide with the burglary spree we had throughout last summer and fall."
Last year, there were 13 break-ins, most during the summer and fall. Electronics and jewelry were stolen in many of those burglaries.
"I think drugs are fueling the burglaries and the high price of gold continues to make jewelry a large target," Caggiano said. "Jewelry is easy to conceal and dispose of."
Police Chief Philip Consentino said officers are on the lookout for daytime burglars.
"We've got extra patrols out there and it's just become being in the right place at the right time," he said. "We've got extra patrols for the sole purpose of checking the neighborhoods during the day."
Caggiano asked residents to be especially vigilant and report suspicious activity.
"With the warm weather coming, always lock doors and windows," he said. "If people see anything suspicious, write down as much information as they can. Don't approach, but try to obtain license plates and vehicle descriptions."
Call the Atkinson police at 362-4001 with any information about a crime.
9:56 , Well you didn't read what was asked of you and I guess your upset to have had me put you in your place. 4/2 @ 7:32 PM responded with his/her thoughts on the issue and said them well and backs my position. Where are your backers? Yes , I'll go away but as the winner over your nimby selfishness that proves your one that just thinks "ME,ME,ME being the moron you are. Bye bye.
I don't have to answer to you. I have my own opinion and you have not put me in my place or upset me. I am very surprised that you just can't accept another person's point of view and that you can't let go.
Stay in school.
This is what happens to people who drop out and do not get a proper education. Do you want to grow up to be a beggarman, burglar, a nimby moron with bad grammar, a used car dealer or for that matter a drug dealer? Stay in school.
I read this blog and I always see the Police Chief supporters attacking people. I do not ever want friends like he has.
They ask people to call in crime, then the Chief goes after them. What gives?
haha looks like that one really hit a nerve. So were all waiting here for you to move out. Want us to chip in and get you a Uhaul. My pleasure. How about some cat carrying cages. Im sure you need about 20 of them. Let us the blog know what we can do to assist you Mrs Principal.
The Mayor
2 more robberies in town. I don't care how many police are on staff. They can't be everywhere when you need them. Went with ADT for my individual protection and backed up by my German Shepard. Times are tough everywhere and not going be getting better anytime soon. They are stealing everything including cooper,so be careful when flushing your toilet. I guess all the people complaining about the number of police officers have never been broken into. It is very unnerving to say the least. I wouldn't wish it on anybody.
Yup. It doesn't matter how many cops we have, we ain't gonna do anything for you. We luv crime, job sucurity.
12:34, You do not answer to me but you have to people in two towns over the railroad issues. Your not the majority as you may think and your opinions are as welcome as mine are on this site. The only difference is that your only self thinking and I'm not. I think about what I feel is best for the two towns considering what can and cannot be done on the issues of the station in Plaistow and the possible relocation of the engine over night stop. I'll pose my last question to you . Would you accept the rail service just as long as the overnight engine location stays in Bradford or further up the rail line some where? That should be easy enough for you to answer. Please be careful to answer after some real thought about the matters of the railroad situation. I have and I await your change of ME,ME,ME to We,WE,We, answer to the question.
Homes near the Bradford layover are probably underwater. So, how do the owners deal with it. They complain to the City of Haverhill, the State of Mass and the MBTA and try to force the layover over the line into NH. If they succeed, their home values will rise and if they're lucky they might resurface. And what happens to us poor souls in Westville and Atkinson Depot? Our home values drop. This is what they're after and there are plenty of silly folks in NH that are willing to help, just as long as the layover doesn't end up in THEIR backyard.
Poor Phil is having a career crisis. With the AG's office investigating his electioneering. His Personal attornies threatening the town, and anyone who criticizes him. MRI writing the SOP's for the police dept., And Phil screaming at the selectmen whining that he wants a hearing, Maybe he should get the hint and retire before he is forced to.
Please be careful to answer only after checking your spelling and your grammar. It is difficult to take you seriously while YOU'RE writing style is so poor.
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