Anonymous said...
To the Editor
Tired of Neighborhood Put Down
This letter is in reference to a statement made by the Chief of Police during the Town Of Atkinson’s Deliberative Session held on February 4th. During the public discussion of Warrant Article 2012-24 for a sixth Full-Time Officer, a statement was made by the Chief that one of the rationales for the necessity of a sixth police officer was due to ”other occasions in the summer time where we have an awful lot of activity up in the heights, up on Hemlock Heights. Then, instead of just one officer on (duty), we could have two or three officers.”
As a long time resident of Hemlock heights, I know this statement to be erroneous. After reviewing the police log for the past two years, the number of logged incidents represents less than two percent (1.7%) of the overall log entries for the Town of Atkinson. ( 50 Calls out of 3039 and some of these calls involve medical response support.) The police logs are available to the public on the Atkinson Town web site.
For further clarification, Hemlock Heights consists of Hemlock Heights Road, Hemlock Shore Drive, Ledge Road, Palmer Road, and Boylan Terrace. It does not include Chase Island Road, Valcat Lane, and Rocky Point Lane.
Hemlock Heights is a very strong community and very supportive of its neighbors. I must respond to the incorrect and derogatory statement made. It devalues our neighborhood and possibly our homes.
This is not the first time the Chief of Police has slandered the Hemlock Heights community. While I may not be opposed to hiring additional police staff for the overall safety of Atkinson, Hemlock Heights should not be singled out as a factor for that decision.
Noreen Mercier
March 8, 2012 5:37 PM
Atkinson Town Hall

The Norman Rockwellian picture of Atkinson
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Welcome to the NEW Atkinson Reporter! Under new management, with new resolve.
The purpose of this Blog is to pick up where the Atkinson Reporter has left off. "The King is dead, Long live the King!" This Blog is a forum for the discussion of predominantly Atkinson; Officials, People, Ideas, and Events. You may give opinion, fact, or evaluation, but ad hominem personal attacks will not be tolerated, or published. The conversation begun on the Atkinson Reporter MUST be continued!
This Blog will not fall to outside hacks from anyone, especially insecure public officials afraid of their constituents criticism.
The purpose of this Blog is to pick up where the Atkinson Reporter has left off. "The King is dead, Long live the King!" This Blog is a forum for the discussion of predominantly Atkinson; Officials, People, Ideas, and Events. You may give opinion, fact, or evaluation, but ad hominem personal attacks will not be tolerated, or published. The conversation begun on the Atkinson Reporter MUST be continued!
This Blog will not fall to outside hacks from anyone, especially insecure public officials afraid of their constituents criticism.
Thursday, March 8, 2012
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Wow, so the Conman used Hemlock Heights as an excuse to hire a sixth officer and a new car, huh?
HE wants US to spend thousands of dollars each year for twenty-five calls a year including medical response calls? What a rip-off of taxpayer dollars! Hope everyone over there shows up to turns down every one of his warrant articles.
Wonder if any of those 50 calls included ALL his personal after dark visits to the OSBORN home that they aren't suppose to be living it?
Who squeals the most in those visits Conman, he, you or the real pig of the group? At least you are keeping like company. To bad you can’t be seen with them in the daylight.
Good one Leon, hope your drinking at home tonight.
HH couldn't possibly be the "armpit" of Atkinson. The
Osborns live a few blocks over.
By the way, how's the Osborn
appeal going? Any chance the town will be collecting that 6 figure fine soon and booting them out. I regret having to bring this up, but town officials have such short memories. Nod, Nod, Wink, Wink.
Anon 10:40 PM.
Your use of the relative pronoun that is incorrect. Your sentence should read, no accounting for someone who never got out of the fifth grade. That can be used when referring to a group of people, but who is more appropriate when referring to an individual.
I would also like to point out your improper use of the comma in your first sentence. By using the comma in that sentence, you created an illogical statement. Not even a conjunction or dependent clause could remedy it. A period or semicolon would be more appropriate.
More Officers for the crazies in HH.
More like a new car complete with a new officer to chauffer the Osborns back and forth to Concord for attorney appointments, court filings and shopping sprees.
Appears the relationship between the Osborns and Conman is detrimental to the safety of the other homeowners in Hemlock Heights.
Wonder if two trips a day will show up on the police log as criminal complaints
To:Philip V. Consentino
From: The residents of Atkinson
The residents respectfully request your answer to the following question.
If we vote for on the 3 articles as you requested in your letter, who will run Elderly Affairs out of the Atkinson Police Department for $1.00 a year if something changes in your life and you can no longer run this department?
First of all, after the Feruary police log listing only 8 calls for the month, we need to get rid of some officers and cars, not get more.
Second, get rid of the head nut who is slandering residents and lying to us.
To vote as the Chief is requesting in his electioneering style letter to the editor is asking for trouble.
Residents were stupid enough to limit the job of Chief to PT several years ago which limits us to a PT Chief until this thing is changed at the polls. How many other idiotic articles are going to be put in place this year?
Don't shoot us in the foot. Vote to move EA. Vote against more PD spending.
So this is interesting.
The article says 3039 calls. The Town Report says "In 2011 we had a total of 1,784 calls for services which is up
about 5% over last year."
Where did the 3039 number come from? Can anyone clear this up?
According to the Police Chief, we had 1784 calls this year, up 5%. That means last year we had 1699 calls.
This adds up to 3483 calls for the past two years.
Ditto Noreen. Couldn't have said it better myself.
The point is that the article says 3039 calls and the Chief eludes to 3483. I am asking for the source of the 3039. There is a significant difference in the numbers.
I see that the article says it got the 3039 from the police website so as usual the Chief is contradicting himself in the town report vs. the police logs.
Good thing for him that I am not his boss, his superior maybe, but not his boss.
Maybe they ought to put the officer on Academy, for any sexual assault calls. It sounds like there's more trouble right in the center of Town than at the lake.
I think this wonderful article should be sent to the Tribune too. I saw it in the Carriage Towne News.
This is yet another well documented case of the Chief throwing false information out to the public to get what he wants. He wants a new car every year and he wants another officer and has been campaigning for this officer for a few years now.
His rationale for these needs have been totally and bravely obliterated by Ms. Mercier.
IMO, he needs to fired from his unofficial position.
I was thinking about voting for Craig Schuster since he and the Selectmen all voted to separate elderly affairs from the police department.
I think this is the most important issue since this coupling of resources and power are reason the Chief gets away with everything.
I would like to invite Craig Schuster to come here and post about his reasons for running and his positions on issues.
At candidates night Mr. Schuster didn't make it clear that he was in favor of moving elderly affairs.
They all tip toed around the elderly vote.
The reason the chief doesn't want elderly affairs move is because it will become clear that their are very few seniors who get services.
The ones that do get services, get unreal services, like getting their tire changed. Wendy Doughty proclaims they wonderful services because she get special treatment from the police department, as do a few others.
Some of the people that testify in support of the chief, are innocent, but the use the same words that he has drilled into them over and over.
No town has what we have, all the other police departments envy us, the State of NH uses us for a model, what will we do if they separate the depts? They are all afraid of what will become of the services. He has made them afraid. Not a kind man.
Go Mrs. Mercier. Wish we all had your courage.
If the chief tries to bully you, which is his standard MO, let everyone know here and in the paper.
All the Selectmen voted to put the article on the ballot.
If Mr. Schuster was against moving EA out of PD he would have voted against the article moving to ballot.
If he disagrees with what he voted for, then he can come here and say so.
Wendy Doughty sounded ridiculous at the town meeting when she praised the elderly services and how she called the POLICE DEPT. and had JODY get someone to change her tire. Jody should also be fired for conspiracy to stealing town services.
I was thinking that Wendy Doubty really liked herself up at the mike.
Treating the issue like it was a light matter.
I didn't think she was funny, I thought she was disrescpectful of people who say they don't get services. I am glad that Garrity put a stop to one of her remarks, seeing where it was going.
Jack Sapia # 1 pawn, Wendy Doughty #2 pawn.
They think that the town thinks that we all want to listen to them. What we want is for them to sit down and shut up. They have used up all their bullets.
Has Wendy ever heard of triple AAA roadside service? Does she and the Chief really believe the Elderly Affairs dept was set up to be a roadside service? Do they really believe that the taxpayers should be paying for a FREE ROADSIDE SERVICE PROGRAM?
Should that be the case, perhaps we should buy the elderly their own yearly membership. It would be cheaper than calling out our drivers to attend to people that won't be responsible for themselves.
Wendy doesn't really think the Elderly Affairs program is that great, she just likes the special attention she gets along with the FREE, FREE, FREE things she gets from the Conman, in exchange for her votes.
Wendy Doubty sold herself out to the Chief years ago, and no longer has a soul or mind of her own.
Polly want a cracker Wendy? It's FREE! :) (What a FREELOADER)! What right does Consentino have to hand out free money to such a freeloader?
Edlerly Affairs has to be moved and the Chief needs to be removed as its Director.
Article Submission:
Atkinson: Home of the Politically Insane
The following article is opinion and parody protected by our constitution. The story may be fiction. Or not.
It’s over. I’ve crossed the line and consider myself politically insane. It happened last night when I saw an email from Mr. Schuster, who is running for selectman, that pushed me over the edge. More on the email in a moment.
I know, “It’s just small town politics”. NO IT AIN’T. It’s not normal how these people are behaving. Atkinson is center of the universe for the politically insane. How do I know this??? Pull up a chair. Mind you, I am insane.
Our political insanity began when our self declared leader created a scheme to use our tax dollars to run a political organization from the PD. A tax payer funded, staffed, facility, equipment, favors, dollars, jobs, etc, and unlimited free legal resources. And a badge. The problem is he uses PD tax dollars to run a political organization known as “Elderly Affairs” to manipulate voters, and the EA spending is far more than taxpayers ever approved for the Elderly Affairs budget, which somehow, magically pays for like 2,000 rides. How is it done? Using PD budget. “fuzzy math”.
Misappropriation of tax dollars using police budget, equipment, cars, staff, etc. for anything BUT the PD is against the law. THERE I SAID IT. The emperor has no clothes (sorry for the visual).
“But he does so much good for the elderly”. OMG. I’m insane over manipulation of our most vulnerable citizens who depend on EA services, in exchange for votes and "donations". For those who get services and aren’t blacklisted, anyway. All this somehow justifies illegal behavior by an officer that’s supposed to be ENFORCING THE LAW???? Robin Hood?? No justification for breaking the law. Sane, objective people get this fact. Insane Atkinson people hate you for it. Why??? Ask a sane person. The worst part is his ruthless narcissistic behavior, with a badge, against anyone questioning him. Doubters attack my “good name” and have a fairy tale “vendetta” against him. Like people woke up one day and decided I’m gonna get that guy just BECAUSE. Puh-lease. The end result: complaints and lawsuits to no end, because nobody will stop the law breaking.
So misappropriating tax dollars is OK? Look, you are on either one side of this debate or the other. And I can assure you of one thing: ONE OF US IS NUTS. Must be ME!
Our Board of Selectmen (BOS) allow law breaking to continue. Threats and intimidation from a police officer is OK?? BOS, you endorse it every day it goes on, but don’t mind me cause I’m nuts. You’re good.
Our BOS use town legal services to pummel anyone who objects and to protect bad behavior. Our town attorney, OMG, people, go check what we spend on legal fees. It used to be like $14K in 2005. Now its like $100K. It’s nuts, like me.
Our BOS manipulates the RFP process. Open competition might save us a few bucks. $4,999? Huh?
I’m insane because seniors support his illegal activity. They even shot down a request from Atkinson Youth Baseball for $5,000 for a sprinkler system. BOS made it cost AYBS like $20K. But it’s OK to misappropriate tax dollars! Them bratty kids. Brown grass hard as a rock was good enough when I was a kid. But keep the rides coming! We need another car. You have to pay for parking at the PD now. The lot’s jammed!
I could go on and on as insane people do. But that email pushed me over the edge. Only a sane person running for selectman would send unsolicited email like that. How’d he get those email addresses??? The misspellings and improper grammar showed a lack of attention to detail which made me even more insane. Worst of all, the attack on his competition was very personal and very disappointing from an Eagle Scout.
This is what we’ve come to. It started at the top and over time made its way through town and people think the behavior is A-OK.
One of us is nuts and apparently, it must be me.
Ok then...
Point taken.
Far be it from little ole me to suggest or beg the writer to post this gem in every paper that will have it.
I really think you nailed it and you are as insane as I am, buddy.
I want to read the email from Mr. Schuster referred to previously, as I, in my institutionally garbed self, am incompetent and further physically unable to unbuckle myself long enough to read my email.
Please, oh please, post the email.
Hello Atkinson Voters,
We are at critical phase for next week’s election for selectman race. Some people say that Todd Barbara has this race won already but he is not supporting or talking for the regular Atkinson resident. He has campaigned and promised everything to every group that he thinks that matters, the elderly, the police, commuter rail committee, budget committee, senior recreation, etc... He is not for youth, education, and building the foundations of a town to move forward. He is been not looking out for everyone.
We need to make a change and vote for the right choice.
Craig Schuster for Selectman!
I need your help. Please contact everyone you know and spread the word to vote for me on Tuesday March 13th. EVERY VOTE WILL COUNT. I need every vote I can get to make sure we continue in a path that is beneficial for all of us.
-lower taxes
-high house values
-better education
-services that benefit everyone
Help me and get the word out now and often.
Make sure you to vote on Tuesday.
I am going advertise signs around town on Saturday, wave at people who drive through town and meet people at the post office. Anyone want to join me?
Every sane person knows that Consentino has to be removed from office and the EA has to be moved out of the police department. The only reason it hasn't been separated is because Consentino knows he will lose his control over his elderly.
The few elderly that get his special attention don't want to lose all those FREEBIES and scream the loudest to keep his scam going.
Time to STOP the SPECIAL INTREST GROUP benignly referred to as the Elderly Affairs Dept and paut sanity back into town government.
You my friend, are clearly insane. I mean it in a good way. I'm nuts too.
You must follow the logic. What you're complaining about, a lot of people think is perfectly OK and they think they are the sane people. Which makes you the crazy one. Understand?
Hello Atkinson Voters,
We are at critical phase for next week’s election for selectman race. Some people say that Todd Barbara has this race won already but he is not supporting or talking for the regular Atkinson resident. He has campaigned and promised everything to every group that he thinks that matters, the elderly, the police, commuter rail committee, budget committee, senior recreation, etc... He is not for youth, education, and building the foundations of a town to move forward. He is been not looking out for everyone.
We need to make a change and vote for the right choice.
Craig Schuster for Selectman!
I need your help. Please contact everyone you know and spread the word to vote for me on Tuesday March 13th. EVERY VOTE WILL COUNT. I need every vote I can get to make sure we continue in a path that is beneficial for all of us.
-lower taxes
-high house values
-better education
-services that benefit everyone
Help me and get the word out now and often.
Make sure you to vote on Tuesday.
I am going advertise signs around town on Saturday, wave at people who drive through town and meet people at the post office. Anyone want to join me?
schuster the rooster a friel puppet
Ok, so I do not really trust Todd, but attacking your opponent is also not way up on my want-to-vote-4-U-list either.
hey Craig YOU can't lower my taxes, raise my property value, give the kids a better education or give equal services to all.
#1 and #2 are obvious. #3 depends on the corrupt SAU and #4 depends on the corrupt PD/EA disfunction.
none of this is in your direct control.
Talk about what you stand for, what and who you stand against (skip Todd, we got that).
What's in you for US?
I got another electioneering postcard from the illustrious police chief and director of elderly affairs today.
I always vote against him when he does this ILLEGAL stuff. Hope you all will do the same.
Why can't I find Ms. Mercier's letter on the newspaper site any longer?
it's in todays eagle tribune {sat}
Mr Shooooooooster,
How can I vote for you when you must have taken the same English/spelling class Baldwin took. At least figure out the correct spelling of the next Selectman Barbera not Barbara.
Give us an answer!
Did you selectmen authorize Consentino to illegally use the Atkinson Bulk Mailing Permit for his own personal electioneering postcard which we all received in today's mail?
Use of the Bulk Mailer must be authorized by the selectmen. When did you vote to allow it?
The taxpayers are NOT supposed to be subsidizing Consentino's illegal electioneering.
I'm starting to to Mr Shoooooooster is part partner of the blog since he never responds and the subject always changes.. HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
Is Chief Phil's use of the town's bulk mail permit also a form of mail fraud? Shouldn't someone complane to the Postmaster? (Misspelling of complain is intentional. This isn't a resume for Christ's sake. it's a blog.)
Is Chief Phil's use of the town's bulk mail permit also a form of mail fraud? Shouldn't someone complane to the Postmaster? (Misspelling of complain is intentional. This isn't a resume for Christ's sake. it's a blog entry.)
Remember that before you get all huffy about spelling.
There are some who would rather complain about spelling mistakes than acknowledge the meaning of what was written rather than do any thing about the subject matter by complaining where it is needed.
Are your referring to Chief Phil ,better known as the Conman, or the writer that person that makes spelling mistakes?
YES I WOULD BE !!!!!!!
Who be the maggot by name ? There be so many in the town that are called maggot and other names of selection of like description.
i really cannot say as that would be attacking that person but there be only one maggot on valcat that i know of
selection of like description
What is it you do not see or understand when it comes to a person[s] called a maggot? There seems to be one or more on Valcot that are associated with the Conman and his dumb of individual thought followers that can't think for themselves.
I do not follow the man's garble is all.
In 2009, the former Barnstead deputy town clerk was indicted on eight theft charges for misappropriating property tax payments ranging from $383 to $1,890.
Heidi Murphy pleaded guilty to four theft charges, three of them felonies, in June 2010. She was sentenced to 12 months in jail, with all but three months suspended. The investigation into her crimes was sparked by town officials' reports of their suspicions to the attorney general's office.
A former Farmington detective ruined his law enforcement career last year when he was convicted of stealing nearly $4,000 from the police department's evidence room.
Brendan June was sentenced to serve three months in jail, relinquish his police certification and make full restitution, which he did.
A former Rockingham County sheriff and one of his top deputies avoided criminal charges, but lost their jobs after an investigation by Delaney's office.
Former sheriff J. Daniel Linehan and Mark Peirce, a former major in the department, were forced to resign after it was discovered Linehan released records of an annulled arrest and conviction of a political opponent.
Delaney agreed not to pursue criminal charges if the two men resigned.
Lawmakers aren't immune from prosecution
A former state representative has been in jail for more than a year after a criminal career that spanned some 20 years.
James Ryan of Franklin was sentenced in February 2010, to serve four to 12 years for theft, forgery and bad checks. He also was ordered to make restitution of more than $17,000 to his victims. Ryan, who headed the state Committee to Elect House Democrats at the time of his arrest, pleaded guilty to 13 charges.
But Ryan's life of crime covered three states and totaled hundreds of thousands of dollars in theft and bad checks, some of those crimes committed while serving as a public official.
The list of public employees, elected or otherwise, convicted over the past few years isn't huge, but it's significant. Those convicted included city councilors, town treasurers, police officers, lawmakers and others.
"Those who enter public service take on a public trust to perform their duties lawfully and in the public's best interest, Delaney said after one conviction. "This office will continue to prosecute anyone who violates that trust and engages in criminal activity."
The HHa is a click who likes to punish little children by giving a family beach rights and then taking them away how childish is that how is it that you can live In a community were your neighbor across the street can have beech rights an you cannot also if you do go on the beach the fine men from the adp will be called and escort you off unreal
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i really cannot say as that would be attacking that person but there be only one maggot on valcat that i know of
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