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Welcome to the NEW Atkinson Reporter! Under new management, with new resolve.
The purpose of this Blog is to pick up where the Atkinson Reporter has left off. "The King is dead, Long live the King!" This Blog is a forum for the discussion of predominantly Atkinson; Officials, People, Ideas, and Events. You may give opinion, fact, or evaluation, but ad hominem personal attacks will not be tolerated, or published. The conversation begun on the Atkinson Reporter MUST be continued!
This Blog will not fall to outside hacks from anyone, especially insecure public officials afraid of their constituents criticism.
The purpose of this Blog is to pick up where the Atkinson Reporter has left off. "The King is dead, Long live the King!" This Blog is a forum for the discussion of predominantly Atkinson; Officials, People, Ideas, and Events. You may give opinion, fact, or evaluation, but ad hominem personal attacks will not be tolerated, or published. The conversation begun on the Atkinson Reporter MUST be continued!
This Blog will not fall to outside hacks from anyone, especially insecure public officials afraid of their constituents criticism.
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Time to Honor Those who sacrificed for us.
MAcciard said...
On this Memorial Day, when we have young men and women from our town standing in harm's way in Iraq and Afghanistan, and still more serving around the world, I would like to take a moment of reflection out of our beach and bar-b-que times to remember and honor those who have ensured that we have this time.
A military member is someone who at one time in their life wrote a check to the rest of us; men, women, children, democrat and republican alike, liberal and conservative, black and white, rich and poor, to stand up and do for us what we can not do for ourselves. They wrote a check that stated; "I will pay any amount up to and including my own life to protect and defend the rights and freedoms of the people of the United States of America."
Memorial day was originally May 30th and it was called decoration day. That was the day set aside to place wreaths, flowers, flags, and other decorations on the graves of our fallen heroes. Some 40 or so years ago, a compliant Congress at the behest of a strong labor union lobby moved it to the "Monday following the last weekend in May" to effect a long weekend that signaled the start of summer. In that move the meaning of Memorial day has been obscured.
I hope that we all take a moment out of our day, today, to stop and think of those men and women who are serving currently, and those who have made the ultimate gift to the rest of us.
To the Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, and most of all Marines, I want to take a moment to say, Thank you.
Mark R. Acciard
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Accaird and Lafrance sitting in a tree K I S S I N G. First comes the BLOG then comes marriage. The comes the baby in a cat carrier carriage.
how do you know its a "sir" and not a "maam"
He was being kind. He didn't really mean sir, he meant a male. You know how polite Mr. Acciard is!
Jordon Ahole (Consentino's Pet Ahole) doesn't deserve Sir............he needs a feline shoved up his............
Must be terrible to be a Consentino captive because when he pulls the leash the head snaps. Too many of those causes brain damage thus accounts for Jordon's mental condition. If Consentino’s protection won’t get him in jail, perhaps we can get him committed! Promise he’ll have the bed next to the Conman. Let’s see how much Jordon loves Consentino in that position. Hee hee………………
we should start a pool. when will Convict be gone. closest without going over takes all.
oh yeah we'll all win
Thank you to All who have served. And Thank You for this Blog.
Hey, the new regime at the PD must be doing ok, the bloggers have been quiet. Instead of a pig roast on Meditation, how about sticking a pole up Joyce's ... and have a meow roast?
You're a low life.
The PD obviously has a lot of improvement to make if this is how the cowards attack people. They have hit a new low and will continue to be lesser until the get rid of the real pig in town.
So when will it happen? Where is the demand to the selectmen to get rid of the "pig" we all know as the CONMAN? When the selectmen already know the taxpayers wishes for his demise from the APD and town politics why aren't they doing what they were elected to do ,their job?
They are protecting him for a reason. It's either he has something on them or they are in on it. Everyone knows the situation so ignorance is not a valid reason. It makes them look just as bad. Thet ought to ignore any calls of support and do what is long overdue.
Well then it is time to throw out the BOS and put in people who aren't afraid to do the job. What can he have on them is the question. If he has some thing on them then he would have to be an accomplice to what he has on them. That is what is known as a Mexican stand off. . If thats the case then the BOS can get him out of the towns politics and the APD. Do you really think hee, the CONMAN, would expose what he may have or not on them and go to jail or prison? I think not and that is why they should do the job they are sworn to do for the towns taxpaying and voting citizens.
ಠ _ ಠ
June 6, 2012
Atkinson audit shows need to separate funds
By Cara Hogan The Eagle Tribune Wed Jun 06, 2012, 01:50 AM EDT
ATKINSON — An audit of the town's books turned up a problem in the financial reporting of two different nonprofit funds.
The town's yearly audit report, conducted by Tim Greene, partner at accounting firm Roberts and Greene, came out this week.
Greene said the audit found the Police Detail Fund and Recreation Revolving Fund were not separated correctly in the town's financial reports.
"It has to do with internal reporting," he said. "They report both in one fund. I'm recommending that they track the funds separately. It's two separate activities, so you want to keep them separate."
He said the finances of the two funds are not mixed up, but it's an internal issue that needs to be fixed so there is no mix-up in the future.
Selectmen's Chairman Fred Childs said the board plans to fix the issue.
"We'll change it; it's very simple," he said. "That will be done right away."
This is not the first time Atkinson has had an issue with two different town funds being connected in some way. The state Attorney General's Charitable Trust Unit investigated the joint accounting between the Elderly Affairs Department and the Police Department in 2008. The state ruled the two groups had to separate their funding because of a conflict of interest.
Childs said the past issues make the board eager to alter the finances of the two funds now.
"This is sort of similar to the Elderly Affairs and the Police Department," Childs said. "It's two different accounts, so they can be looked at separately."
Police Chief Philip Consentino said he was concerned to hear there was any confusion in that fund, but glad to hear it will be quickly resolved.
"It's classified under one fund, where there could be 10 or 12 individual funds," he said. "They want the police department separate from everything, which is absolutely fantastic. It will be rectified and nothing has gone astray. My money is safe."
The Police Detail Fund is money that comes from every officer who works an outside detail job, he said.
"Every time an officer goes out on detail, X number of dollars from each hourly wage goes to the special fund," Consentino said. "So ,whenever a cruiser is used, $10 goes into the account. That special account can only be used for capital expenses for the police department. It has nothing to do with recreation."
Otherwise, the town had no financial problems, according to Greene.
"We had no other significant comments," he said.
"My money is safe."
Mark, thank you for your comments regarding Memorial day and honoring our Veterans. I find it sad that only one person responded regarding your post and the others as usual had to diverse and talk about the Chief. there have been a lot of positive news articles come out in the papers since the last previous post but since not one of them was about the Chief or Jack Sapia, they didn't even get in the blog.
I would have liked to have heard some comments about the close to two thousand people who came out on Memorial Day to honor our Veterans. As a Vietnam Vet who never got much thanks for my service (not that I was looking for it), it was hard to explain how warm it felt to hear people just say "thank you" as we marched by them. That is what your post was all about so to the idiots who feel other things are more important, shame is a word that they would not understand anyway so I will leave it at that. Thanks again.
All these things are important, but the article did not get the attention it deserved.
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