Atkinson Town Hall

Atkinson Town Hall
The Norman Rockwellian picture of Atkinson

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Welcome Message and Mission Statement

Welcome to the NEW Atkinson Reporter! Under new management, with new resolve.

The purpose of this Blog is to pick up where the Atkinson Reporter has left off. "The King is dead, Long live the King!" This Blog is a forum for the discussion of predominantly Atkinson; Officials, People, Ideas, and Events. You may give opinion, fact, or evaluation, but ad hominem personal attacks will not be tolerated, or published. The conversation begun on the Atkinson Reporter MUST be continued!

This Blog will not fall to outside hacks from anyone, especially insecure public officials afraid of their constituents criticism.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Electioneering, the sequel to the sequel of the sequel.

As it does every election season, this Issue once again rears it's ugly head. And, as always the prime practitioner of this lost art is our Chief of Police! Yes, the very man charged with UPHOLDING THE LAW.....(chuckling).... sorry, could not contain myself at that phrase applied to that man. Many will remember the Chiefs admission that he had petitions signed in the Elderly Affairs cruisers, and that he had people come down to the Pd to sign petitions for his warrant articles. Many more will remember that the Chief of Police owns a private non profit corporation, that although it is not affiliated with the town, and is not accountable to the town for its contributions and spending, is housed in the PD, uses PD personnel, equipment, time, space, and the Elderly Affairs customer list to do it's fundraising. These are valuable town funded resources unavailable to other non profits in the area. Well word has it that another non profit in town has petitioned the selectmen for "equal access to town resources". So far the selectmen have declined to either grant this request or acknowledge the chief's use of his official status for personal political purposes as well as for his own non profit's success. Surely if any other business in town used taxpayer funded town resources for their own gain, there would be an uproar, and the selectmen would put an immediate stop to it, but somehow when the transgressor is the Chief of Police, the public and the selectmen are unusually quiet. So much for their fiduciary responsibilities. It is high time that these quasi illegalities stop. The Chief has spent decades driving a truck through loopholes in the laws, and crowing about this immoral ability of his. This column would admonish him to act honorably, but it has become apparent over the last decade that this unappointed, unqualified, interlocutor has no understanding of that term.


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Anonymous said...

LOL He is one of the moochers that voted for him...Most of them can't add either.

Anonymous said...

Let me introduce you to a term most of you have never heard of, VPN - Virtual Private Network. Many, many companies use them to allow their employees to access the company's private network through the public internet. At the PC all data is encrypted, goes to the users service provider, and forwarded to the end site.

VPN can also be used by private individuals. Data is encrypted at the PC, forwarded by the service provider under instruction of software on the PC, to a distant location. Could be almost anywhere. There it is unencrypted and put onto the Internet, with an IP address assigned to that location.

Right now my IP address is Google it. Panama. That is what the moderator will see. Such a service is not free, but I find the privacy it provides priceless.

So please, Mr. Moderator, tell us. What is my real IP address?

Anonymous said...

If somebody gets the right company and pays a fee even the VPN is useless in trying to hide your identity. Just ask the kiddie porn losers how they got busted still using what they saw as protection in a VPN. I'll be glad to donate a 100 dollars to the Administrator to get your location.

Anonymous said...

It is time to expose the IP address to the public of the nut case that has been a problem for so long here. JMHO

Anonymous said...

To Nov 29, 8:42 PM - The IP address you blogged is not the only IP the world can can see from your relay service, Cyber Cast International, S.A.

Sorry for the delay in responding but I have a life...

Anonymous said...

Now we even have the cat commenter googling Frank. Interesting...

Anonymous said...

Lots of words, still no word on my true IP address.

JMHO - I'm actually very recent here. Why would you think I've been a problem for so long?

Cyber Cast International, S.A.: A web hosting company in Panama. So? I'm coming to you now by way of the Netherlands.

The moderator provides proof he can track you down, but what do all of you complain about, how VPN's are bad. For an anonymous blog I'd think you'd be a little upset with the moderator.

BTW, have you heard about the six strikes and you're out being promoted by Verizon. They catch you downloading copyrighted material and they put you through six stages of restrictions and warnings before they shut you off. But, know what, they admitted they can't do a thing about VPN traffic. Bit Torrent traffic, for instance, can be detected by the service provider. But, if that traffic is encrypted, they haven't a clue what that traffic really is. Could be your grandma's wedding pictures for all they know.

So, my fellow bloggers, I leave you with this. The moderator probably already knows who you are. I prefer to keep my address a side street in Bulgaria.

Anonymous said...

And now the "cold war" begins from Bulgaria! Boy you're a beaut if I ever seen or heard of one!

Anonymous said...

Go away Frank! Haven't you learned from your big insurance payout?

Anonymous said...

So who's running in this years town election?
The filing deadline is around 25-Jan, isn't it?
And what about the warrant? Will the
Communications Tower be on it or is Town
Hall leaving it up to the Planning Board and
Zoning Board? Is this the year the Town
Hall renovation project will appear?

I'm asking here to see if this blog is dead.

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