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Welcome to the NEW Atkinson Reporter! Under new management, with new resolve.
The purpose of this Blog is to pick up where the Atkinson Reporter has left off. "The King is dead, Long live the King!" This Blog is a forum for the discussion of predominantly Atkinson; Officials, People, Ideas, and Events. You may give opinion, fact, or evaluation, but ad hominem personal attacks will not be tolerated, or published. The conversation begun on the Atkinson Reporter MUST be continued!
This Blog will not fall to outside hacks from anyone, especially insecure public officials afraid of their constituents criticism.
The purpose of this Blog is to pick up where the Atkinson Reporter has left off. "The King is dead, Long live the King!" This Blog is a forum for the discussion of predominantly Atkinson; Officials, People, Ideas, and Events. You may give opinion, fact, or evaluation, but ad hominem personal attacks will not be tolerated, or published. The conversation begun on the Atkinson Reporter MUST be continued!
This Blog will not fall to outside hacks from anyone, especially insecure public officials afraid of their constituents criticism.
Wednesday, June 4, 2014
Reams faces allegtions involving officer
Allegations focus on state's Laurie List
By Doug Ireland
The Eagle Tribune Wed Jun 04, 2014, 12:14 AM EDT
BRENTWOOD — Rockingham County Attorney James Reams faces new allegations as he seeks to clear his name in the wake of an attempt to permanently remove him from office.
Reams, investigated for sexual harassing female employees, is now accused by the New Hampshire Attorney General’s Office of removing the name of former Salem police Officer Eric Lamb from the state’s Laurie List.
The list, maintained by each county attorney in the state, includes the names of law enforcement officers with credibility concerns.
Those officers could jeopardize a criminal case if asked to testify in court, according to Senior Assistant Attorney General James Boffetti.
Boffetti, who served as interim county attorney during Reams’ six-month suspension that ended in May, confirmed yesterday that Lamb’s name was recently returned to the list after being “erroneously” listed as cleared.
“There is a new issue that’s been raised that Mr. Reams removed someone from the list that should still be on it,” Boffetti said.
An internal memo from Boffetti, dated May 1, asks county prosecutors to notify the Attorney General’s Office of any cases they have involving Lamb in which he was called to testify as a witness.
Lamb is the husband of Assistant County Attorney Patricia Conway, a longtime member of the office and a candidate to replace Reams as county attorney. Neither Conway nor Lamb could be reached yesterday for comment.
Boffetti declined to comment further, referring questions to Associate Attorney General Jane Young. She confirmed the new allegations against Reams, but said she could not comment specifically about Lamb or any officer on the Laurie List.
The officer’s name was redacted from a 29-page complaint released by the Attorney General’s Office yesterday.
Young also would not comment when asked if Conway is being investigated in connection with the case.
Only Reams and his legal assistant were known to have access to the Laurie List, but it’s not believed the assistant would make changes unless directed to do so by the county attorney, according to the Attorney General’s Office.
The new allegations against Reams, filed three weeks ago, will be presented to Merrimack Superior Court Judge Richard McNamara in August . That’s when he hears the Attorney General Office’s request to remove the 15-year county attorney from office, Young said.
In addition to the sexual harassment allegations, the Attorney General’s Office also accuses Reams of mishandling county funds and mismanaging his office.
Reams said yesterday he could not comment on Laurie List cases. He said his office has been as “busy as ever” since he was reinstated a month ago. He has decided not to seek re-election in the September primary.
Lamb, a 16-year member of the Salem Police Department, was suspended in 2008 and demoted from sergeant to master patrolman after he failed to comply with orders and lied to authorities.
He filed a lawsuit against the town, police Chief Paul Donovan and Capt. John Lozowski, accusing the two police officials of trying to force him from his job.
Lamb acknowledged in the lawsuit that he was accused of not showing up for a police assignment Aug. 1, 2008, and failing to comply with orders on at least three occasions. He was terminated three months later.
Lamb fought for his job and challenged placement of his name on the Laurie List. He and the town later settled the case. Lamb was granted back pay, sick leave and vacation time. He also was reinstated under the condition he agree to resign, but his name was to remain on the Laurie List, according to court documents.
Concerns about Lamb’s credibility were raised in 2009, prior to the second-degree murder trial for Scott Hanks, 50 of Salem. Hanks was charged with fatally stabbing William Solberg of Pelham in April 2008.
Lamb was one of the first officers to arrive at the murder scene. Prosecutors decided they wouldn’t call Lamb as a witness after learning of the credibility concerns. Hanks pleaded guilty before the case went to trial.
Salem Deputy police Chief Shawn Patten said yesterday the department could not comment on Lamb’s employment as part of the settlement reached with the former officer.
Patten did say the Salem Police Department has been in contact with the Attorney General’s Office. But he said the Laurie List issue involves the county attorney’s office, not his department.
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Mostly is a good word. It means sometimes he won.
At least he stood up for himself and didn't let the buggers get away with it.
All this talk about retaliation is misleading. These thugs fear getting caught as it is. It is we the citizens breathing down THEIR necks getting evidence to put them behind bars. And we will be VICTORIOUS.
They lay in bed worrying what is going to happen to them as they know unlawful acts planned and committed.
We have many ways to pursue these thugs. please join us. And keep in mind when you read town officials posting here about you will be vandalized or sued by the attorney general or your cat strangled, they fear YOU. The law abiding, upright, long suffering citizen.
"The only thing you have to fear, is fear itself". FDR
An important question is, what is the payback for clinging to corrupt ways? When public scrutiny doesn't deter them, is it indicative of stupidity or over confidence or desperation?
The truth is your beloved hero from the Lions Club tortured a town employee for many years while officers and town officials looked the other way. But you seem to be one of them too--a direct defender. Is this not true? Are you one of he worst Atkinson has ever spawned?
So you say you want the truth? Really! Then march your diminutive frame down to the Atkinson Police Station. Ask out pretty Dispatcher who was the victim of his sexual harrashment to lunch at Eggies. Ask for the sordid details of the years and years of callous, insensitive, humiliating sexual harrashment while she was trying to do her job. You will learn about the particularly abnormal, repulsive and obsessive sex abuse she suffered. Summarily post the gritty details on this blog to confirm the truth along with your personal apology for years of deception, hatred, and support of abuse.
Finish your happy conversion to integrity by going before the sitting Board of Selectmen and demanding on ACTtv the resignation of the sitting sex deviant along with all board supporters including the heavily compromised Town Administrator.
A cyberbully is a person who goes on line and harasses people anonymously, as a coward that most bullies are. Bullies usually target an individual and try to humiliate them in public, they usually identify the person and go after them, not only on line but also physically. They are sick people and usually feel inferior and worthless or they would be pursuing their own interests in life rather than being fiaxted on others.
The example of this Mr. Shuler is not of a cyberbully so maybe you should do your homework Ferris and read up on what bullies really are and stop being one here.
notable citizens don't get defamed, only the perverts and abusers get blogged about but it's far from defamation.
I feel sorry for the little emperor, Ferris, ya know, being exposed as the worst kind of bully to come out of The shire. A hot poker up the Jimmie was the reward of choice for King Edward II. Alas, too got a service for a low miscreant who haunts the shabby village of Atkinson. But take note the prior missive of correction was as hot as any Edwardian poker properly applied.
I feel sorry for the little emperor, Ferris, ya know, being exposed as the worst kind of thug bully to come out of the shire. A hot poker up the Jimmie was the reward of choice for King Edward II. Alas, too GOOD a service for a low miscreant who haunts the shabby village of Atkinson. But take note the prior missive of correction was as hot as any Edwardian poker properly applied.
Can you? That's the real question.
??? answer?? inquiring minds want to know??
Instead of beating heads with those opposite of you and me in thinking lets wait until voting day to see if we can get the screwballs out of office. Call all you know now and at and about that time to have a better showing of younger voters . They are the ones who pay the taxes for the running of the town and ,of course, the elderly who are blind to what is going on in town. Call it selfishness of them but do give them their respect because of their apparent age of their less mental awareness. I can see now the response of what I've written here but do consider its intent before writing any response to a TRUTH. Forgive me elderly one[s] but it is what it is.......TRUTH and please wake up to that FACT!!!!!!.
I don't think they are totally blind and most didn't believe the talk at the time of elections. I'd bet that if you ran another election today things would be different.
On the note of the "young", didn't most young voters vote for our wonderful current federal administration?
You have a good point in what you've written. The problem here is we voted the screwballs in as town officials locally. -- The whole country elected the federal officials in so I can venture to say there is a difference of millions voting but they aren't all from Atkinson. At least they have watch dogs reporting wrong doings and doing some thing about it. Here in town we have no real watch dogs [officials in office] willing to do the same. Its up to us to remove them and put in people that are not self serving or in with the gang of screwballs we have now in both levels of government.
"The problem here is we voted the screwballs in as town officials locally. -- The whole country elected the federal officials in so I can venture to say there is a difference of millions voting but they aren't all from Atkinson At least they have watch dogs reporting wrong doings and doing some thing about it. Here in town we have no real watch dogs [officials in office] willing to do the same. Its up to us to remove them and put in people that are not self serving or in with the gang of screwballs we have now in both levels of government"
Oh my -- did it ever occur to you that perhaps your the "screwball"
just saying
The word screwball was used by me in place of another word to describe them in fear of not being published. No I'm not the screwball because I did have the guts to write about the " screwballs " in town. It takes a "screwball" like you to respond as you did here.
The thing about sex perverts, abusers, preditors etc in Atkinson, New Hampshire. There are these supporters who defend them and post on here their crap scare tactics to attempt to frighten you from exercising your free speech guaranteed under the Constitution.
By their approval and thereby advocation of crimes against women and the criminal who commits the crimes, such scum prove by example just how sick Atkinson is at its core. Who would want to move and live here?
The current and failed town officials who approve or assent to sexual harassment, or consent to associate and thereby support such evil sex deviants in the Town government, or defend them, are your enemies. Wade into them.
Whip them like they should have been whipped for what they did in the school yard in grade school.
Please list all the lies you refer to.
The x chief is a pervert. This is no lie!
Anyone that gets past the obvious bullying tactics being used by a web page that claims to be opposed to "Cyber Bullying" could easily check the facts from this site and find that they are seriously flawed raising more credibility problems.
Can you rephrase your point in English? I'm confused because web pages are virtual paper and can't use or think up tactics. What facts do you uphold as credible and whose side are you on? One can never tell!
Again, I'm going to ask .......
Please list all the lies you refer to.
to 9;48 - Tell the whole story, why don't you?
Shuler's case is interesting. It was kept out of the public eye by the judge until the Cilvil Liberties Union stepped in and made it public. Now he is out of jail because the injunction has been found unlawful and contrary to U.S. Supreme Court precedence.
His arrest was illegal too. He went to jail on false pretenses because he refused to removed posts that were claimed to be defamation.
"The order underlying Shuler's arrest is unconstitutional. There is a strong and venerable rule in American law against pretrial injunctions prohibiting defamation."
"Nor can an injunction be granted to restrain the publication of a libel." Montgomery & W.P.R. Co. v. Walton, 14 Ala. 207 (1848).
Truth is the defense. Anyone who sues for defamatio better not have any skeletons while they hope the comment can't be proven or the joke is on them.
I won't be voting for Conway next election since hubby got a Reams freepass.
The blog owner won't be thrown in jail for comments anonymous people made.
Do ya think if the pervert runs for selectman again his buddies will go down with him? I think so because they defend the pervert and threaten honest people on this blog who reveal the truth. "MORT" or "DEATH was an actual threat by the pervert thug himself at Candidates Night. Rot in hell scumbag and take the mafia guy who defends you here along for the ride to the pit. Atkinson is too decent a town to tolerate your kind. Let's just wait and see how the voters value their town and end this...
In California, the Concord Police Department recently settled a sexual harassment lawsuit against its highest-ranking female officer. Under the settlement, the police department will pay $150,000 to the plaintiff, Wendy Schwartzenberger.
This lawsuit is the latest in a series of five sexual harassment, discrimination and retribution lawsuits involving the Concord Police Department. Heinemann herself received a $150,000 settlement last year after filing a lawsuit claiming that she had been passed over for promotion because of her gender. She also shared a $1.25 million settlement with seven other women who sued the department in 1998 for sexual harassment.
California Law on Sexual Harassment
Regardless of the size of the employer, all California employees are protected against sexual harassment by the Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA).
Although the list is not exhaustive, the most commonly encountered examples of sexual harassment FEHA prohibits are:
Degrading or sexual comments about a person's body or other sexually explicit communications or jokes
Unwelcome sexual remarks or acts
Threatened or actual retaliation
Exhibiting sexually suggestive images, objects or gestures
Unwanted contact or suggestive looks
Denial of promotions based on unwillingness to engage in sexual favors
Masturbation on the victim
Breathing heavily into the victims hair while masterbation on the victim
Demanding penile construction elevation by the victim
Payments to the spouse to gain control sexually over the victim
Under FEHA, employers and employees, both in a supervisory and non-supervisory capacity, can be personally liable to the victim for harassing or aiding harassment of the victim.
In addition to the harasser, the employer can be held liable in certain situations. FEHA requires employers to "take all reasonable steps to prevent harassment from occurring." If it can be shown that the employer failed to do this, the victim of harassment can also collect damages from the employer.
"take all reasonable steps to prevent harassment from occurring."
For the Atkinson thug selectman to do that,,,protect the public from himself and his helpers,,,he would have to vote to resign and then call in the State to run the Town.
As he will surely vote to keep the power to abuse more citizens,,,forceably dissolve the Selectmen as a whole by special town-wide petition election. It's the only way to be sure sex harassment stops dead in the Town of Atkinson.
I saw this in the ET today, so true, so sad.
Ineptocracy, (in-ep-toc’-ra-cy): A system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or succeed are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers. Welcome to the U.S.I. while it lasts
He CAN'T vote on his own dismissal. That the other two sitting selectmen had yet to publicly censor him or ask for him to step down is incredible.
Their just as bad. For the sake of the town grow some balls
Guess that’s what happens when you defame and libel people.
Next time, and yes there will be a next time because you are a sick man and can’t help yourself, things will not go so rosy. Next time you will wind up in prison for a lot longer than six months.
And if you’re thinking that this is over, it isn’t. The summary judgements will be crushing and you will never get out from under them. We would not want to be in your shoes when the decisions start rolling in. Man….you’re screwed!
The Dispatcher the Eagle Tribune keeps writing about her suing Atkinson and getting $50,000 they never mention another $50,000 went to her lawyer. Only 50k? JESUS!! She shouda hired Gary M Burt in Manchester. He is smart and tough. Could still get Gary M Burt and go after the selectmen who knew and covered it up and the employees who knew and laughed and the wife who musta seen it every damn day. What about the helpers who continue to assist, threaten and cover up?
It must be tough to still show up and work at the Atkinson police station.
Gary M Burt. (603) 626-3300. 900 Elm Street
Go for at least 1.75 million after Burt gets a hefty reward as he is worth it. Then say goodby to the wife, the sex harashment and the cartoon village of Atkinson. Panama Beach Florida or Palm Springs are dignified communities worth living in and nice in winter.
3:53 - Are you talking about what the PVC allegedly did? Do you pretend to know who is responsible? If you do, then say so because if you're so sure then it won't be libel. If you're unsure, then you are a hypocrit.
My thought about this is that this was leaked by someone in the govt since no one else had access. Think about that.
They had balls to throw papers exposing out the nasty man on our lawn. me & wifie, we vote
FEHA requires employers to "take all reasonable steps to prevent harassment from occurring." If it can be shown that the employer failed to do this, the victim of harassment can also collect damages from the employer.
We want to know. How are the clean selectmen protecting the violated and victimized dispatcher from the dirty selectman exacting retribution now he is her boss again? You clean selectmen see anything wrong with this picture? Nope?
What's that I hear? Sounds like a big black locomotive doin 80...nope, just another monster lawsuit that bankrupts the town and makes Atkinson known nation wide.
This complaint might never have been exposed if he didn't run for selectman. I think it's his own fault it came out and his references to it in the paper give the victim a second opportunity to renegotiate the settlement. If she does, please add a clause for him to never be allowed to hold public office ever again. Take more money, this is all I ask.
A Shelby County blogger has been freed, at least temporarily, after being held in jail five months for refusing to remove comments on his blog that a judge had ruled were defamatory against the son of former Alabama Gov. Bob Riley
shuler was arrested and jailed weith a warrant. i guess if you support rogue police it makes sense. it was ruled an unconstitutional arrest and he was freed. who do you think will be sued now?
without a warrant
anonymous sounds like a hypocrit too afraid to put his name on his blog posting. is it because of his obvious lack of an education or that he is just a school yard bully, ya know the type, all talk no substance. I have zero respect for 11:40.
Prison for defamation? I doubt it, even if he lost with the constitution behind him, he will most likely win an unlawful inprisonment suit against those responsible. A prison sentence would require a real crime, such as perjury, arson, assault, abuse.
it's defamation to falsely accuse a person of defamation.
it's defamattion if you can't prove they don't have proof of defamation.
Why all this posting about Shuler and the message....YOU WILL GO TO JAIL FOR DEFAMATION the pervert's helper....will go nowhere.
The people here blogging already know that the last thing the thug will do is try to break the blog over defamation because the truth is protected by law and the Constitution.
How sad!
Attempting to sue bloggers, the pervert will make the police station offenses known nation-wide! (No, No, No. The pervert and his helpers don't want that!)
The lawsuit and scandal in the tiny teapot of Atkinson will see immediate overnight coverage by The NHINSIDER and NH political blogs in Concord. Then the National Internet Rights Forums, then the ACLU through Concord. Then picked up by the Union Leader and Boston Globe. (Uh..The Lawrence Eagle Tribune will remain loyal and silent!).
As NH is a political hot spot and Cristie, Scott Brown and Hillary Clinton are now desperate for voters they must publically comment about Atkinson when questioned in town to expect pungent articles in the Wall Street Journal. The NYTimes reporters and camera crews will be in Atkinson to interview the assorted variety of victims who come forward.
So. Please sue people on the blog for defamation. We are truly grateful to Town of Atkinson Selectmen, moderators, perverts, administrators who suppress citizen right when possible. It's the Christian thing to do.
Maybe the town will get squeaky clean. Attorneys parked behind camera crews hoping...praying... to catch a few clients and make a few bucks.
Not just the pervert's voters will feel shame for their votes. All voters in the State of NH will feel gut wrenching shame and embarrassment.
The people who don't know when to quit and go away quietly and persist their bullying of others go down in flames. I laugh when I see them accusing others of defamation when they are the worst offenders. It's stupidity at it's best.
What is wrong with you? Seriously, you have a mental problem. The hate speech is coming from only you and your ridiculous defamatory comments about people.
Why don't you find something to do with your life instead of spending everyday acting like an @ss.
Sitting here day after day and distrupting life in Atkinson pretending to even know who you are blogging about, is just plain stupid and hypocritical.
The only one who will be sued for defamation is YOU.
Links to other sites are no welcome here and continuing to post them is veiwed as harassment.
Moreover, given the numerous posts you have made about defamation, we can conclude that you understand the concept and should you ever be charged with it yourself, you cannot claim ignorance on this topic.
It would be most welcome if this site had no more of the above referrals to business sites of no interest to readers here. This site is for town news and updating of things -_ good and bad-_ going on in Atkinson .
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