Once again the Selectmen choose corruption over integrity.
A short background:
Late last year the Conflict of Interest Committee(COI) received three complaints. The first alleging that all three selectmen had conflicts in appointing Sapia to the school board, both from the close association with him and their joint service on the BOS, and their conflicts with the other candidates, necessitated recusal. The second, alleged that Consentino, once again violated the ordinance by voting on pay raises for PD personnel which could affect his wife. The third, was for illegally going into a non- public meeting to discuss the Sapia Appointment.
The COI ruled the three selectmen in violation in the two regarding their behavior and Consentino in violation again, in the complaint against him. Also given Consentino's serial violations both of the ordinance and Court Orders regarding his violations of the ordinance, they recommended removal from office.
Here is where honesty, and integrity was given the shaft, by our Corruptocrats on the BOS, INCLUDING the new member, Groski, who as an attorney SHOULD have been schooled in ethics.
Once the COI sent their recommendation to the BOS, the BOS repeatedly put the chairman of COI off from announcing their findings at the towns Monday night business meeting, until AFTER THE ELECTION!, Claiming they did not want to affect the vote. Then they placed him on the agenda for the Mar. 23rd meeting, then bumped him off, and printed in bright red letter on the agenda THERE WILL BE NO PUBLIC COMMENT ALLOWED AT THIS MEETING.
The BOS ALSO decided to appoint a selectman liason to the COI, something not allowed in the ordinance, as the BOS has absolutely ZERO authority over the COI. They tried to get Sumner to represent them in this matter but even Sumner had the integrity to recuse himself due to his conflicts in representation.
At this weeks meeting, once again forbidding public comment, the selectmen VOTED UPON THEIR OWN PUNISHMENT!! They also decided, referring to an apparent prior meeting(where and when did this meeting take place, and where are the minutes?) not to punish Consentino. They further decided to hire outside legal consultants to represent them.
The LEGAL AND PROPER thing for them to do would have been to send this to Rockingham Superior Court, to determine their, and Consentino's punishment to avoid any further conflicts, but they couldn't take THAT option as Rockingham Superior Court has already issued Court Orders AGAINST Consentino for violating the ordinance, and subsequently found him in Contempt of Court for violating those Orders.
Oh, what a tangled web they weave, when first they set out to deceive.
Atkinson Town Hall

The Norman Rockwellian picture of Atkinson
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Welcome to the NEW Atkinson Reporter! Under new management, with new resolve.
The purpose of this Blog is to pick up where the Atkinson Reporter has left off. "The King is dead, Long live the King!" This Blog is a forum for the discussion of predominantly Atkinson; Officials, People, Ideas, and Events. You may give opinion, fact, or evaluation, but ad hominem personal attacks will not be tolerated, or published. The conversation begun on the Atkinson Reporter MUST be continued!
This Blog will not fall to outside hacks from anyone, especially insecure public officials afraid of their constituents criticism.
The purpose of this Blog is to pick up where the Atkinson Reporter has left off. "The King is dead, Long live the King!" This Blog is a forum for the discussion of predominantly Atkinson; Officials, People, Ideas, and Events. You may give opinion, fact, or evaluation, but ad hominem personal attacks will not be tolerated, or published. The conversation begun on the Atkinson Reporter MUST be continued!
This Blog will not fall to outside hacks from anyone, especially insecure public officials afraid of their constituents criticism.
Friday, April 3, 2015
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It's Good Friday and I've been thinking about how others in positions of power, use the power to hurt and condemn whomever they please. Whether it be a relative, boss, police, government ..it's all the same. They do so because they can and those next to them say nothing, allow, participate and become weak by inaction.
Happy EASTER, a time for new beginnings. A time to remember those who have suffered for us to be better. Be better.
The damn manure pile just gets smellier and smellier! Now with the added selectmen it has gotten BIGGER!
Where is Friel? Talk about a cop out.
Next when was the meeting that they voted to reject the petitions? YOU CANNOT HAVE A VOTE ON THIS MATTER EXCEPT IN A PUBLIC Meeting! I WANT TO SEE A ROLE CALL AND THE MINUTES!
The Easter bunny does not leave eggs in a manure pile! Happy Easter
I may be wrong but I can not recall any recusal of voting or taking any part of recusal due to any conflicts of interest by any selectmen have you? All officials need to have the town clerk have them sign that they have read the coi rules and regulations of the state in regards to conflicts of interest in the performance of their duties at the time of signing in to swear their oath.
So lets see;
In 2004 Phil violated the Ordinance by voting as a selectman to approve his own request as police chief to withdraw $2,500 from the donation account.
I filed an ethics complaint and Dick Smith(then chair of the ethics committee) told me, "but it is the chief" as if the law did not apply to him. I appealed their decision to Rockingham Superior Court, and Judge McHugh had some rather harsh words for the committee, and Phil. He Ordered Phil to recuse himself from police, elderly, or town employee matters.
Phil came back to town, declared on camera that nothing would change, then laid out his plan for circumventing the Court's Order by conducting business on these subjects at home or in his PD office out of the public eye(Yes he was dumb enough to say this on camera)
He was hauled back into Court, and the Judge had even more harsh words for him, even mentioning the possibility of jail for further violations. He issued a 5 page order explaining in detaill even a ten year old could understand the steps Phil needed to take to obey the Court.
Phil continued to violate the ordinance.
The Town has been amply warned about this man's illegal conduct, and NOW the LAWYER, Groski, who should know better is aiding and abetting the violating of the existing Court Order.
For most people being ordered by a court to follow the law would be enough.
For most POLICE CHIEFS it would never be necessary.
However for Phil, Ego reigns supreme over law.
Even better is the CIC has been told that due to no money was approved in the budget for their in the ordinances legal line, to go suck an egg. How do the taxpayers think that they could ever have the ability to control the corruption in our elected officials.
The cic is asking for donations to pursue legal counsel. Now don't you think the selectmen knew this when they rejected the petitions? Of course they did and figured it would end with them thinking they are judge and jury. I will be the first to send a hundred bucks to them. I hope others follow because it is the right thing to do.
ALL town members receive and sign for the CIC ordinance. Members are employees, FT and PT, elected officials and appointees. This is a binding agreement to adhere to the ordinance.
The Town is bound by the ordinance therefore they have to pay for the CIC to engage an attorney. The CIC can spend money since they have a budget, just go and overrun it. Town Department heads do it all the time.
Mark & COI
Better Call Saul
If the town lawyer(s) were doing their job as they should be then there wouldn't be any conflicts of interest to be concerned about. If some one were to insist that the state get involved in the conflict issues and tell the lawyer(s) to do their job as they should or face disciplining action that could cause them their right to practice law in the state of NH then it would stop. May be Mr. Accused or some one with his guts will do the complaining to the state. I can,t due to age and health problems so don,t back with why don, you do it.
People have done these things to no avail and they get thanked with vandalism.
Mark I want to apologize to you for the disgusting way you and others have been treated in the wake of destruction caused by our appointed, elected officials and some of their supporters. I hang my head in shame for remaining quiet as I saw this injustice and DID NOTHING! No more, no more he and his intimidating ways have been brought down a few pegs and I see more people wanting him removed and punished because of all the people he hurt and the huge cost to the taxpayers.
In all those years he made a lot of friends all for the reason of power and when you do this you make almost the same amount of enemy's.
As the wounds are opened up even wider and there are more people coming forward everyday your past attempts to make the wrongs right will finally come to bear again. Too bad you didn't have the support then of the few brave residents we have trying to do the same thing you attempted almost a decade ago. There is a wedge between the residents in this town and it hurts everyday.Time to remove it and allow it to heal.
Thanks again for all your brave attempts in the past and I am very sorry.
If tis has been done before then it should be done again. A good many changes have been made in the good old boy friendships since then instate and especially in county government. When news hits all the newspapers and tv stations not only here but in Concord then the pressure on the agencies will make them act in behalf on the town and not just the towns jerks now in office. Time for a change by doing this again and making it known that it is being done with the out of our area and the local newspapers being well aware of the intent to clean out the towns political misdeeds and those behind it all.
It doesn't get in the papers. They only write about the stink in the police station.
Lets face it. The cic are nothing more than the messengers. Any complaint must come from a resident and have to sign their name and face the persons they are complaining about. If you can't do that here never mind in a hearing facing the person you are accusing you are blowing smoke up you know what. They are an avenue to helping bring this to the attention of the BOS and people of the community. They have no business acting in this position to move anything to a court of law or even use their money. Except as an individual.
They have ONE man bringing these complaints forward with a population of 6000+! Wake up you have to work together as a group and join the fight or nothing will get accomplished. Just think if they have a dozen petitions from a dozen residents for the same thing it would be like ringing the liberty bell. Maybe this town isn't worth fighting for.
Then it is about time that changed. When the person or group make the complaint they should tell all the media so it can be followed up on. Each time there is any thing happening the media should be told to publish the story and keep doing that and the pressure will be on the agencies to do their jobs ,openly I might add.
WE have a "drive by" media here as well as nationally. They are bias also and sometimes protect the corrupt. Which in Phil's case very true.
way to expose the hypocrites, Jason... Looks like their own non publics are illegal... The troll on that committee has made it his mission to take down PC by any means necessary.... Bully beatdown Jason, way to go....
So glad you called in RF / COI for a meeting.....That should be fun if he shows....
Jimi Van Clapton, at your service
DID you here Groskis very long "scripted" motion? Hell when did they get together to discuss this? I didn't see a public meeting anywhere! Again digging the grave deeper and deeper.Tying to disc credit the CIC is not going to work. Hopefully their own actions will get this into court where they don't want to be.
This just might be easier than thought getting all of this crap in front of a judge and will be one heck of a smack down to the BOS when the dust clears.
"Tying to disc credit the CIC is not going to work"
yeah, easy for you to say.
I have the same problem with my text messaging, it "corrects" what I write and replaced it with gibberish.
Saw the meetings on line. Why would anyone defend this man after all he's done wrong? Why risk your livelihood or reputation for him? Ship is sinking boys.
I,ve seen the poor guy blog bullied for years here and he doesn't deserve it.. And the vast majority of townspeople that have paid attention over the years agree... Actually, they dislike the haters more than anything and realize the hater agenda is to destroy that man by making stuff up or spinning their fiction..........or suing him to pad their pockets...
it's why, other than me, crazy as I am, will not come on here because this is where a few disenfranchised citizens get to crap on him without contradiction..
Hmmm. I think you just came on here and did you take a survey to determine that " the vast majority of townspeople that have paid attention over the years agree" with you?
Hardly. Everyone I know is tired of all the trouble he stirs up and we have to pay for it, in many ways.
Since 1981 to present legal cost to the town, settlements and insurance company's defending him exceed 1.2 MILLION dollars and it just keeps on going!
Then there is the human and ethical costs of watching our Selectmen sell out their integrity and mislead the citizens about the true details of the conflicts committed. Certainly they do know the CIC findings are legitimate. Which leaves them in a moral hell they must endure till the end of life and beyond.
When you protect or support these conflicts of interests rather than denounce them, you assume a karma that does not shake off, rather possesses you and the Sadna avoided becomes a sarcophagus that holds you prisoner forever.
11:40, It is now time for you to take your meds. Please don't forget to take them as prescribed as we wouldn't want you to run around town trying to kill everyone you see.
11:40, try sharing your meds with the other nut cases here first or at least tell them where and who to see to get the help they need. Do not tell them to go to Medication Lane to get the help or the meds because they are beyond that from the abusing of the drugs they use.
It is more likely the Devil will go to church and cross himself with holy water than our Atkinson selectmen understand and obey the Atkinson Conflict of Interest Ordinance!
Because they sincerely believe THEY make all laws and rules by themselves in Atkinson. State Law, U.S. law, the U.S. Constitution? These are also just minor "inconveniences" they can ignore or countermand by propaganda in selectmen meetings.
After all, lies told loud enough on Act TV will be believed by the overburdened, overworked honest taxpayers that infest their town. Wake up people! These selectmen have little use for you, the law, or the truth.
Look how they perverted the Conflict of Interest report and voted NO PUNISHMENT for the convict and themselves! Instead they issued a basket of lies that would choke a billy goat. And they are proud of themselves and reveling in your ignorance and fear to speak out.
What a "warm pile" of lies they told.
This last post should be sent to the state along with all COI correspondence and their findings that were avoided by the selectmen by their actions.
Atkinson selectmen have always been the cause of all town problems in the last 40 plus years. Consentino has been able to get anyone HE wants elected through his vote getting scheme called "Elderly Affairs" The people he gets elected support his illegal activities and continue the corruption he promotes.
Waiting for him to die is not the answer, because those that come after him are just as corrupt as he is.
They are all morally corrupt. Want to change the way the town is run, elect someone with morals. Those in town hall now have no morals.
The above creatins are why the vast majority of Atkinson residences realized a long time ago that this blog and it's haters are , well, frankly, looney....
They are all morally corrupt? What an idiotic thing to say... Who the hell are yew.....bah
Mark, Leon, these bitchy old ladies posting paranoia are your peeps? You must be so proud...
And to the "cat lady" and her harasser from medication? You two knuckleheads get a room or something, why don't you get a townie tuck together...
Stevie Hendrix.....
"Haters"? I wonder why? You ever have a cruiser parked at the bottom of your driveway to intimated you and your family because you didn't agree with PC? Ever get stopped for speeding dozens of time in the same month for that same intimidation method? During all of this the COURT orders that same man to wash his hands of the police dept and elderly affairs and he refuses. The BOS do nothing time and time again.
This is where the HATE comes from. Until you are subject to this same abuse go back to the grave yard Mr.Hendrix!
To 9:19 - You don't seem to recognize corruption and stalking. Living in a Town without law enforcement and morals will do that to you after a few decades. The stalking started by following people around who dare to disagree with Phil. Mailbox monitoring, car carving, vandalism of all sorts, denial of elder services, nepotism, heck it's all allowed here. You and a few others have gotten used dishing out low quality of service to the towns people and if they don't like it, beware. BTW, you are very hostile and nasty.
Although I did have a cruiser parked in front of my house a number of times. Phil never ACTUALLY pulled me over, doing something wrong. No what Phil did was CLAIM he saw me speeding and two weeks later have an officer hand deliver a ticket to my home. Scared the crap of my Nick when he was only 5.
cats are brave
Mark, it took the Conman two weeks to make up his mind to send you a ticket? If it were me I would have asked the court to not only void the ticket or any related actions I would have insisted that the Conman be admonished by the court and that that action be made public via all the media. He certainly is a disgrace to the town for all he has cost every one by his actions as a police chief and a selectman.
So did you pay the ticket?
What happened when you went to court?
don't leave your peeps hanging...
This is political oppression and it has disgraced the town for decades.
cruising down meditation in my '64
jocking some bi*ches
slapping some ho's
im backkkkkkk
Conman has ignored court orders over and over, with the boards approval. Admonishments for ticketing for illegal speeding ticket is child's play to him and his enablers.
Yes but it is a start. None of them will like the negative response they get by the voters that read or see them in the media.
Better yet if the recent shenanigans are put before a judge again. Looking at the past history of refusing court rulings will cost the them dearly. This they will avoid at all cost even though it would be the best and fair route for the residents. But in these matters only their reputations and egos is what is important to them.
I got an Idea. Have all parents pay for their kids education. Not people that chose to not have any......The village should never raise anyone's children!
The cry "it's for the children" it just a way to milk everybody for more money whether they have kids or not. JMO
Knucklehead alert. --- see above post!
Dennis Green is an honorable man.
Dennis Green has the integrity to stand tall against Timberlane's corrupt administrators of greed.
Dennis Green fights elected school representatives who dishonorably get their wives on the Timberlane payroll.
Dennis Green is totally committed to acting in the best interests of the taxpayers against an entrenched out of control failing school system.
From meeting both Dennis and Donna Green in person I testify that they are the kindest, most polite, and considerate...might I also add SMART AND COMMITTED...individuals and we are ALL extremely fortunate they donate their time to protect us!
ALSO SEND THANK YOU LETTERS TO DONNA AND DENNIS GREEN. (Hand written letters with drawings and fun clippings and pictures of your family would be joyful.)
(Leaving Roses is also fantastic!...or dig up your Spring flowers and leave big bunches of them on the Green's front steps as a symbol of...THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU.)
Tick tock tick tock the clock is ticking. Let's make a deal..... Is there even a deal to be made????? Lol. Nope!
A sad thing about the piano teacher and the mistrial means there was doubt. PD should make sure of what they are doing beforehand. Not even the 24 year old man has closure, man dead, woman widowed. Very sad.
Very sad indeed.
My trash was not picked up today. Campaign promises not kept.
Pay attention... Our ex chief was the only selectman who put our trash companies feet to the fire.
like him or not, he'll get his hands dirty, the others, not so much..
you get what you pay for.....low bid low service....but
Some of my fellow Atkinsontonions are slobs the way the put out their trash, piles of crap not even bagged, blowing all over the hood... Come on, personal responsibility folks...
Stevie Van Clapton
He should straighten out the damn trash service. It cost the town and it's insures over a million dollars to let him stay in office over the last 20+ years. Trash is a small, very small dent into what us taxpayers have paid for his crap.
Ludicrous statement - go get a bag and clean your hood...
instead of constantly trashing Constantino, go pick some up...
The incompetent town administrator just sat there and saw it all go down at many, selectman's meetings, recorded on camera, and now his selectmen get convicted and censored on his watch. How sweet it is! What other breaches did his lack of due diligence cause? This freak is so full of himself it is surprising he does not explode and splatter.
How much are we paying this joker anyway? Big bucks and bennies too? A Fat retirement? THAT MUST STOP.
Oh, right. He just works FOR the selectmen. Not the taxpayers of the town who pay him the big money for his frequent vacations at our expense. So if he wants to screw over his own police selectmen bosses, I guess that's between him and them?
I wouldn't want to be that puffed up low brow town administrator or the selectmen right now. And this monkey failed to protect his bosses from a genuine conviction and a sad, sad, ruin of reputation. And now it goes to court and it's on the books FOREVER! I wonder if the big liar who misrepresents the facts on ActTV Monday nights will get his law license ripped away and flushed. That would be justice for calculated misrepresentation of facts to the public.
Well someone got up on the wrong side of bed this morning, didn't you... Now that you've ripped the TA,
Please go down to the community center and take a swim.
swim with the fishes...
What you need is a good hook to the lip.
you know you must of done something right to have the old chief call you and tell you what a great job you did. Thanks for everyone who has supported. THE BEST IS YET TO COME!
Really? Just who did the old chief call and tell them what a good job they did? Don't understand what you are talking about and how it applies here? Help me out.............will you?
must be that road race
Stevie Ray, I am curious, why do you defend a serial sexual predator?
Because I like comparing notes with him. And he smells soooo good.
Oh, I get it now! Two sexual predators who hate women comparing notes. Any more on your team? Where do I join?
Oh, I get it now! Two sexual predators who hate women comparing notes. Any more on your team? Where do I join?
he's as much a sexual predator as you..
takes one to know one..
Wrong, cause no one else got fired for sexual masterbating in front of an employee that I've heard.
"Stevie Ray, I am curious, why do you defend a serial sexual predator"?
Well, Mark, I don't care for blog bullies like you that outright make up stuff to suit your own agenda, we all know what that is..... And I know your story, the real story, not the one you spin here to your sickofans....
So what happened to you hand delivered ticket....?
Or was this another one of your "make believes"
I do wish you well...find a new villain..
The real SRV.
I found a new villain! Conmans new right hand man..Or is he left handed. Only SRV will know for sure. heh heh heh
It seems that the selectmen have gotten away with corruption again.
To SRV @ 8:46am: I do not make things up. I have proven everything I say.
As for the hand delivered ticket, it was held without a finding for a year. As usual Phil could not prove his allegation.
And evidently you "know" nothing.
And I have never bullied anyone, either on the blog or off. Everything I write here is documented fact.
Why do you think Phil withdrew his frivolous slander suit against me two weeks before trial? Because he knew it was false, and when he tried to shake me down for money i told his lawyer, i would prove him a liar in open Court.
Like most bullies, Phil is great when he thinks he has you over a barrel. He runs away when you refuse to back down.
However, my question still stands;
Why do you defend a serial sexual harasser?
well you obviously have an ax to grind - there are two side (or more) to every story.. I seen what you written over the many years, you follow him relentlessly through the media
and beat him down whenever you can. It's creepy..
I don't believe he is a serial sexual harasser... You and your sickofans use that moniker on him ...as well as calling him all kinds of names....
something's wrong with you, old dude.... Your obsessed with a man that has done more for this town that you could ever dream of... look at the election results....
Is he perfect, nope--- has he made mistakes, Yep.
let it go, whatever happened between you two
Move on, I believe he has...
Funny, I respect your efforts when you took on TRSD..
Life's short brother Mark.... Keep smiling....
Stevie Van Clapton
Oh, tell your vampire friend EddieNaile to stop over for a cookout, got a nice stake on the grill for that buffoon...
I pay taxes and some have gone to defending this bully over the years. You like him so much the next time You pay for his legal fees! I am sick of it. He may not be a serial sexual harasser but hi IS a serial bully to anyone that crosses him. It's way over due for him to pay the piper. I as well as others would like him to go down in flames!
To Stevie at 9:23.
The documentation has been out there for more than a year. Your refusal to read it and believe it is your problem, it does not change the facts.
1.) A female employee filed an 8 page complaint with the NH Human Right Commission Detailing five years of serial sexual harassment.
2.) The NHHRC notified the town, and the Selectmen did one of the few smart things they have done in recent history, they hired outside investigators.
3.) The day the report hit the selectmen's office they scheduled a non public meeting to discuss punishment. They FIRED HIM IMMEDIATELY FOR CAUSE.
4.) Phil lied trying to claim he was not fired, he quit.
5.) He had the right to challenge his firing, he claimed he was going to. He DID NOT, agreeing to never again be a town employee or dept. head in return for lack of prosecution. The complaintant got a $50,000 settlement with another $50,000 for her attorney.
These are the facts. They are documented and not in dispute. No matter what you think.
As for me, I have ALWAYS told the truth about him. And my "axe" as you claim is simple. His lies, abuses of office, and corruption cost me my house, and my life raising my kids in the town I grew up in, And for what?
Because he chose to violate law by voting as a selectman on his own request as police chief to withdraw money from the donation account.
I filed ethics charges and WON! He retaliated.
Perhaps you should educate yourself on what you are defending.
yep, you wrapped everything up in a nice little package but we all know real life isn't that convenient... AR1, AR2, Atkinson Factor ( remember the dude than ran around his back yard in a gorilla suit)--- all this boards had one agenda. --- to destroy PC and anyone who associated with his... Scattershot hate..
I'm a reasonable rock god but time after time when issues arise, I come down on the other side of anti PC
Sue bees.. They kept poking the old bear with a sharp stick..
I've kept up with the drama over the years, i actually feel sorry for you, anyone consumed with cyberstalking one man must be in turmoil.....
Let it go, God will sort it out in the end....
I wish you well. honestly...
Stevie Van Clapton
That's odd, it is the PC camp that goes around using their political power to hurt others. Threats, property damage, illegal investigations on honest people, using the police department to harass. It's ones right to complain about government but it's not the governments right to retaliate against free speech.
PC Camp? Silly goose, there is no camp..
I calls it as I sees it.
Even to the self described "honest" people of Atkinson
Foster the People!
You're in denial and not convincing the honest, seeing people of Atkinson.
How about the Moto fondle thy self on camera no less.....
Stevie Van Clapton I agree God will sort all people out in the end but it bothers me not knowing just when the sorting will begin for those of your and the Conmans hurtful hate filled actions . I say it bothers me because I'll not be there to see judgement put on all you crazy hurtful and hate filled wacko's. Sorry, but it is my opinion and I'm fairly sure that I'm not alone in saying what I have thus far. Bye for now as I'm sure you and your fellow crazies will be responding to my message with your usual mean diatribes of hate.
"You crazy hurtful and hate filled wackos"
Ah, ya know ya hurt me feelings lass, think I'll write
me a tune.
Stevie Van Beck...
Try "row row your boat quickly down the river"😿
Did you mean the old saying of up the river[jail,prison, house of correction,etc.]? This jerk, Stevie of so many last names doesn't even know that one can row in both directions but --usually -- up the river not down because you can drift down a river to its end or the ocean.
well bless your heart , up river down river, It's all good..
me brother BB rip
Stevie Ray King
a hospital for crazy people
He's been acting kind of crazy lately.
There are a lot of crazy drivers on the streets.
You are crazy to have paid so much for this car.
You would be crazy not to accept their offer!
What a crazy thing to do
why don't you make me?
"why don't you make me?"
What are you 10? You need to be turned over a knee and spanked like the little bully child you are. I bet you are the one that harasses women and makes anyone living next to you regret you were ever born or wish they never lived next to you. GROW UP!
AR2 --- RIP
Hate boards tend to burn themselves out when their moderator finally sees the light....
SRC over and out.....
sounds like we finally won and took down this waste of internet space and its spineless moderator. Peace
Nope. The website is still here and you are not. Peace is that.
This place works! Have you noticed since the CIC started jumping on the BOS that the have not and will not go into a non "illegal" public session again without thinking hard about it.
They have been disclosing ALL conflicts of interest when it is supposed to be done! Something they have never done in 40 years!
Now we might want their heads for all the crap they done and this just might happen but this is a huge accomplishment. Especially in this town. People will not be intimated no longer and they know eyes are on them. With so many BOD member with agendas to move on to cushy public jobs they will be at least for now on their best behavior.
Won't last long. Skunks never lose their stripes.
Yep until the elections for Sherriff and county attorney are over.
Yep you said it Musky, can't wait!
5/25@7:38,,, They may never lose their stripes but you forgot about their stink that can only be eliminated by cutting the stink bag out of them. I can see five operations at once and it is called the removal of the source of the problem.
Oh NO! Pepe' Le Pew s a great skunk lover and his cologne is his badge of courage. As well as his guarantee of future success.
Well we are stuck with Billy B. Out of 74 votes and 14 people trying for the Sheriffs job he got 5 ! I think the guy that got it got over forty. Smart group of people.
Be thankful he didn't get the job. That's how corruption climbs the ladder into higher corruption.
They took a good look at all the candidates. Chose the best qualified guy. Rejected our Atkinson political hack cop in favor of a law enforcement officer.
How sad
The proverbial "shits hit the fan" at TRSD. Looks like lawsuit mania
has caught on there, too. I'm curious how our reps feel bout this ,
well, actually I know where JS lips are firmly planted....
Ah, what the heck, it's
Stevie Van Beck.....
Alice Cooper welcome to my nightmare.
This place is so quiet, the "boys" must be behaving. No nonpublic sessions and declaring conflicts before making decisions.....WOW they haven't been doing this for 30 years. What are they scared of? Just curious.
Ah, yes. These 5 Selectmen. They who ignore or manipulate the truth from deceit...and show no regret....no embarrassment....no consciousness. They lied about the truth of the findings of the Conflict of Interest Committee. Are they not despicable liars? Hesiod, in his Works And Days says ..."Evildoing in plenty a man shall find for the seeking. Smooth is the way, and it lies at hand and is easy to enter, but on the pathway of virtue...the Gods put sweat from the first step." That is to say, it is a long and uphill road...this pathway to justice and virtue. Our Selectmen have no clue and choose a low road as they possess no moral compass.
OH NO. Paranoia posters at it again....
they are just five guys trying to do a job the best they can
Look at your tax bill, lasagnaheads....most of your money
goes to TRSD? Stop the bleeding there.......
and pay attention, ya freaks...
Stevie Ray Clapton......
Hey stupid,
Pay attention to both bills. Atkinson takes a bigger percentage than the school based on the total budget of each. Why are you trying to divert attention to the school vs the crooks in town hall? You must be a Consentino fan and supporter.
Since all the hoopla this year with the COI can you specify any "corrupt" actions by the BOS? Seems to me they have learned a lesson and with a few good people willing to stand up to them when they screw up they now pay better attention. I know I know skunks never change their stripes but you can remove the stink bag.
I am not a fanatic of anyone, only my family...
our fellow citizens at Town Hall are not crooks, only lasagnaheads make those accusations...
And what is this "stink bag" you speak of? sounds nasty
The COI was and still is totally irrelevant....bully committee with an agenda....self destructive and powerless...
But they seem to be nice people, oh well..... gotta work out me Strat.
Stevie Van Clapton......
July 3rd, 2015 at 9:16 PM
I'm not the only soul who's accused of hit and run
Tire tracks all across your back
I can, I can see you had your fun
But, darlin' can't you see my signals turn from green to red
And with you I can see a traffic jam straight up ahead
You're just like crosstown traffic
So hard to get through to you
Crosstown traffic
I don't need to run over you
Crosstown traffic
All you do is slow me down
And I got better things on the other side of town
The COI is NOT totally irrelevant....NOT a bully committee, Has a legal athority to find conflicts of interest and recommend punishment....it is NOT self destructive and you WILL feel the power...GET READY!
Just like you got caught and dealt with, these liars will also. Just sit back, play your toilet ring thug music....and worry like hell.
Wow great post. Get the bullying out of town politics, the new one first. 🚽
"Play your toilet ring thug music.."
Oh you hurt me feelings again...
Excuse me, while I kiss the sky.
Jimi Ray Clapton
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