First let me open by saying that Our selectmen exhibit less than a passing regard for adherance to law. This has been the case for the decade plus that Phil has exerted control over this board, and therefore is no surprise. In my opinion they are liars as well, Oh not the "Honey that dress looks great on you" type of liars, more along the Hillary Clinton; "It was caused by a spontaneous protest over a video that got out of hand" type of lie.The surprise, and frankly it is somewhat disgusting to watch is the blatant dishonesty and willful corruption of Mr. Grosky, himself a Lawyer, and Prosecutor. Given his training and education, as well as the professional canon of ethics Lawyers are supposed to subscribe to, he has the knowledge that precludes any claims of ignorance, lack of understanding, or the ever proclaimed necessity for "legal opinion". Which brings us to last night's litany of corruption.
We begin by noting that the Selectmen posted a Non Public meeting under RSA 91-A:3,II,e. "legal" to precede the public meeting.
When this meeting began Town Counsel, Sumner Kalman showed up for the meeting. The selectmen REFUSED to obey the stated law by opening the public meeting and voting to go into Non public, even though specifically asked if they were going to do this by Mr. Artus. Mr. Baldwin stated that they were just meeting with their attorney. Sorry, Billy, as you SHOULD know, whenever you have a quorum of the board, you have a meeting. As you SHOULD know, even if the meeting occurs in Sumners office, it must be posted and minutes kept. AND according to RSA 91-A:3, you MUST open the public meeting and make an on the record vote to go into Non public for the exemption that applies. You failed to obey this particular law. I wonder why?
Now, RSA91-A:3, II,e. states as follows;
(e) Consideration or negotiation of pending claims or litigation which
has been threatened in writing or filed by or against the public body or
any subdivision thereof, or by or against any member thereof because of
his or her membership in such public body, until the claim or
litigation has been fully adjudicated or otherwise settled. Any
application filed for tax abatement, pursuant to law, with any body or
board shall not constitute a threatened or filed litigation against any
public body for the purposes of this subparagraph."
As there are no active lawsuits, of which we are aware, nor any "threatened in writing" We wonder how this was a LEGAL non public meeting? BTW, just for the record, when they emerged from this quasi non public, they never closed the non public before opening the public meeting.
As Mr. Grosky authored a letter to the Conflict of Interest committee, advising them(BTW WHEN did the selectmen authorize Mr. Grosky to write that letter?, It seems no meeting held nor vote taken to do so, Well chalk that up under the illegality column) That the ONLY allowable reason to go into Non public for legal was to discuss an ACTIVE lawsuit or one threatened in writing, Both Mr. Groski and the Board upon which he sits clearly knows, the purpose and limitation of this law, but CHOOSE to ignore it for themselves.
And before they parade their usual lies about this meeting it should be pointed out that the Conflict of Interest committee while they have discussed among themselves the idea of a Court filing to force the selectmen to obey the law, They have NOT put this into writing to the Selectmen. The other oft mentioned legal matter is the Selectmens wish to Forego the fines won in Court against the Osbornes, but yet to be paid. So much for their Fiduciary responsibilities to the taxpayers. However this, too does not qualify under RSA91-A:3,II,e. as the matter had been fully adjudicated(Presumably Mr. Groski, in his profession DOES KNOW what that word means). These matters would be the subject of a PUBLIC meeting, not a non public, but what is the law to our dictators?
Later in the meeting our erstwhile governing body whipped out new shiny RSA books to read RSA31;39a, the enabling statute that allowed the town to establish the Conflict of interest committee. These men were intellectually challenged to understand the simple meaning of the Statute, even the Attorney Mr. Groski, Pull up a chair Jason your education is about to begin;
" 31:39-a Conflict of Interest Ordinances. –
The legislative body of a town or city may adopt an ordinance defining
and regulating conflicts of interest for local officers and employees,
whether elected or appointed. Any such ordinance may include provisions
requiring disclosure of financial interests for specified officers and
employees, establishing incompatibility of office requirements stricter
than those specified by state law or establishing conditions under which
prohibited conflicts of interest shall require removal from office.
Any such ordinance shall include provisions to exempt affected officers
and employees who are in office or employed at the time the ordinance is
adopted for a period not to exceed one year from the date of adoption.
The superior court shall have jurisdiction over any removal proceedings
instituted under an ordinance adopted under this section."
Readers please note the simple text of the above Statute which confused out Attorney/Prosecutor/Selectman. Lets take this point by point for Mr. Groski. who proclaimed it confusing and ambiguous due to the profusion of the word "MAY";
"The legislative body of a town or city may adopt an ordinance defining
and regulating conflicts of interest for local officers and employees,
whether elected or appointed." This simply means the State authorizes the legislative body of the Town(Jason, that means the VOTERS) to esablish a Conflict of Interest ordinance if they so desire. In Atkinson We did.
"Any such ordinance may include provisions
requiring disclosure of financial interests for specified officers and
employees, establishing incompatibility of office requirements stricter
than those specified by state law or establishing conditions under which
prohibited conflicts of interest shall require removal from office." This simply means that the Ordinance once established may set out requirements for disclosure, prohibited conducts, and punishments that exceed those enumerated by State law. Are you following this, Jason?
"Any such ordinance shall include provisions to exempt affected officers
and employees who are in office or employed at the time the ordinance is
adopted for a period not to exceed one year from the date of adoption" This is the typical phase in clause.
The superior court shall have jurisdiction over any removal proceedings
instituted under an ordinance adopted under this section." This means that when removal is the recommendation, PARTICULARLY of a selectman, the fellow selectmen may not decide upon their own what punishment will be, That, too would be a conflict. They SHALL, note that word, Jason, which in legalese allows no wiggle room, they SHALL pass it on to the Superior Court which has sole jurisdiction over removal proceedings.
So ends our lesson, As we said they read this statute on camera. proclaiming it confusing, ambiguous, and requiring of legal opinion. A Little late, Jason you claimed you had already gotten legal opinion and spent $2,285 for ELEVEN HOURS of it,back in March on this very topic. And the taxpayers wonder why Atkinson spends so much on legal fees.
By the way, just to reveal another lie, a couple of months ago, Mr. Groski stated on camera that the voters defeated a $5,000 legal line for conflict of interest a couple of years ago. This was a lie, what would have been true, would have been to admit that the SELECTMEN wanted a CAPITAL RESERVE FUND established for legal purposes a couple of years ago, and it failed by one vote.
It is an utter travesty that we allow these actions to continue. Mr. Morse seems to be the most honest of this corrupt board, Unfortunately Mr. Friel has done a complete 180 in the last 5 years, and now routinely joins the corrupt triumverate of Consentino, Groski, and Baldwin, in their efforts to do whatever they wish without regard for law. When you consider the background of these men; An attorney and public prosecutor, a Police Lt. former school board chair, and selectman, and a Former long term police chief, selectman, and director of elderly affairs, recently fired for cause, pursuant to a sexual harassment complaint of a female employee young enough to be his daughter, NOT ONE of these men have any excuse for their behavior.
Atkinson Town Hall

The Norman Rockwellian picture of Atkinson
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Welcome Message and Mission Statement
Welcome to the NEW Atkinson Reporter! Under new management, with new resolve.
The purpose of this Blog is to pick up where the Atkinson Reporter has left off. "The King is dead, Long live the King!" This Blog is a forum for the discussion of predominantly Atkinson; Officials, People, Ideas, and Events. You may give opinion, fact, or evaluation, but ad hominem personal attacks will not be tolerated, or published. The conversation begun on the Atkinson Reporter MUST be continued!
This Blog will not fall to outside hacks from anyone, especially insecure public officials afraid of their constituents criticism.
The purpose of this Blog is to pick up where the Atkinson Reporter has left off. "The King is dead, Long live the King!" This Blog is a forum for the discussion of predominantly Atkinson; Officials, People, Ideas, and Events. You may give opinion, fact, or evaluation, but ad hominem personal attacks will not be tolerated, or published. The conversation begun on the Atkinson Reporter MUST be continued!
This Blog will not fall to outside hacks from anyone, especially insecure public officials afraid of their constituents criticism.
Tuesday, January 26, 2016
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What is wrong with some people today if its not the Kooks in Sandown they pop up in Atkinson, do you people have any other life then complaining about local politics or you that sick you have nothing better to do with yourself?
Stop trying to sound like you speak foe the majority of us, after all these people where all voted in by the Majority of us who DO NOT subscribe to your whacky claims.
What don't you understand? They are breaking the laws that the state put in place so we all can have a transparent government. They are going to soon answer to a judge.
Hmmm. Do you have a subscription here? I think not. What we do have is blatant in your face corruption by those entrusted to uphold the law. Then we have you. A moron who "speaks foe" and acts as one.
The town deserves much much better. Thanks for pointing this travesty out to me. It's time to take these bozo's to court.
Targeting town elected volunteers who are trying to do the right thing. Maybe they will sic the police on them like they did in Hampstead. Bullies. What the heck is going on around here?
Just a select few parasites who stir the pot in Atkinson, for the majority of us we laugh of all the wasted energy on you spend on hate.
If those town elected volunteers were really trying to do the right thing they would obey the law.
Leon: You should really lay off the Listerine. Your rants here are like those of some psychotic walking the streets screaming "the zombie apocalypse is coming." Your favorite dance move must be Chubby Checker's The Twist because you do it so well with the facts. I watch every meeting and always get a good chuckle at your gross distortions of the facts on this blog and at the meetings. But now you are sound like one of those Sandown crazies playing politics — and guess what, Sandown is getting sick of them too. At least Donna Green puts her name on her blog. I'll give her credit for that. You hide behind this blog like you hid in the Vic Geary parking lot.
The FActs are on video! The law has been broken, elected officials that volunteer their time are being bullied and you talk about "twisted" facts. You are what the problem is in this town, too stupid to see the truth and just love to follow all the others over the cliff. I hope that these "concerned " citizens bring them to a judge. I'll donate for legal expenses because they will lose and have to pay these expenses out of their own pockets. My name means nothing but a nice donation to any legal action will be more than enough to show I mean business. "What is the difference!" I have been paying the corrupt officials legal fees to protect them for years.
"Former long term police chief, selectman, and director of elderly affairs, recently fired for cause, pursuant to a sexual harassment complaint of a female employee young enough to be his daughter, NOT ONE of these men have any excuse for their behavior."
The excuse is that to protect their illegal actions trying to protect the conman and slanderous letter to the COI they have made the already slippery slope even steeper.
I am elderly, retired, angry these five selectmen are sneaking around violating the laws of God and laws of my State. Money talks. Learned it from Donald J Trump if I didn't know before. You tell me where to send a check for the conflict of interest people and you got it. People citizens i can respect. I send a check. I will fund help fund them. Shake the junk in your pants crap crooks at town hall Me and friends have had enough. Please post your your mailing address on here. You will get a check. Vote for Trump. Trump is a real man who has values. Vote Trump. Get the illegals out of my town. Get good selectmen elected. Get rid of the liars taking my money and paying off for sex with Atkinson police officers. i am angry. Very
Selectmen corruption,lying and illegality continues should be given to the newspapers,state agencies ,courts ,and the state legislator to act upon asap. The towns lawyer went into non public session with the selectmen . He either ignored the laws pertaining to lawful meeting rules and procedures or is stupid as the selectmen lawyer being led around by the Conman by their ringed noses on a cattle farm. The chairman should be well aware of and should know all the rules and regulations of his function as chairman to avoid conflicts of interest and protect the towns over all well being. --- Its time to clean house at the ballot box.
A kooky anti-Clinton rant in the middle of your post?
If you're really trying to stop corruption, why would you insult 50% of your potential supporters?
Especially if your party is currently loving a potential dictator like Trump. Smarten up Leon, if you're going to fight the good fight keep your small-minded personal politics out of it, it makes you look like a crank.
I am not someone named Leon you bumtits. The Donald is the next president of the United states. show respect or sneak back into your selectmans office and pork the old lady. I hear about it, show some respect. scum bucket.
The CIC members pulled a no show at the last Selectmens
meeting, didn't speak to the warrant article they sponsored.
But their puppet master, Leonitas, was there..... making the
Grosky dampen his pants.....
Haha They should be wetting their pants not being able to judge themselves ought to be a major problem for them. Time to file a new petition in the cases last spring after the people speak.
Boy theres a lot of SICK people in our town.
To all the people commenting here assuming, that Mr. Artus has some control, or association with this blog you are wrong. Just as over the years Phil Consentino has been wrong in assuming this blog is controlled by whomever is his critic du Jour.
Over the years he and his blind apologists have accused; Ken Grant, Carol Grant, Mark Acciard, Leon Artus, Jane Cole, Brian Boyle, Gary Brownfield, Joyce LaFrance, Brian Kaye, and others.
In every case the assumptions of the corrupt and their supporters have been wrong, and continue to be.
There ARE a lot of sick people in town and the funny (sad) part is that they all know each other and protect each other. They seek out people who are trying to get rid of the corruption and target them, deny them town services, and ridicule them on this blog. The good part is that they are careless and do it in public where they can be video recorded and sued. It's going to blow up in their faces and the ones behind the scenes supporting this behavior will also be held responsible.
Actually, the CIC warrant articles were citizen petitions and not sponsored by the committee. I read them, they will remove the conflict that the Selectmen got into last year when they voted on their own cases. It never ceases to amaze me at the nerve of some of our elected officials. This wouldn't be tolerated in any other town.
Oh Leon - you do make me laugh. In return, I will be glad to send you coupons for Listerine to ease the pain of your legal donations. The problem with you and your few supporters is this: You look for the evil in everyone, vilify them like you are the king of Atkinson, but you're wrong on so many points. The Conflict of Interest committee has repeatedly ignored invitations to speak with the selectmen about these issues. Instead they hide with you in parking lots and lob insults and make accusations that border slander. God forbid they are publicly questioned!!!! Can't allow that!!!! . You spew theories as truth and your minions drink it up - except instead of kool-aid its minty scope. You're all cowards who want a vehicle to sue the town over and over again to seek revenge on people and cost the taxpayers thousands in legal fees, court costs, etc. I will never vote for anything with your name on it or the Conflict of Interest unless its to disband the committee.
@4:42 Please keep posting you are spot on, these people are sick.
@ 2:45 above:
"Over the years he and his blind apologists have accused; Ken Grant, Carol Grant, Mark Acciard, Leon Artus, Jane Cole, Brian Boyle, Gary Brownfield, Joyce LaFrance, Brian Kaye, and others"
LOL are you kidding?
lets see on a few of the above named whackos:
One I see was arrested on 6 charges
One was removed from a public meeting, also carrying a loaded weapon and smelled like booze while driving with a bottle of mouth wash in his car.
One has filed Bankruptcy and stiffed a lot of people out of money
and then has the gall to tell towns how to manage our money.
and that's only the Public information, can you imagine what we don't know?
I wouldn't say that all of these people carry high moral character.
Your Salem NH IP is captured again today and is being forwarded to these folks.
Oh oh! Somebody is going to make it very easy for any lawyers investigative team to get the name of 5:48. I hope you are prepared to answer to your slanderous posts.
1/27@7:18AM can truthfully say that I'm not Leon but I do invite him and the ATK REPORTER to forward the published topic above blog to the places that have been suggested in that blog at 7:18AM. The ATK REPORTER should do it anonymously to protect them self from exposure as the one who has posted the blog to preserve the ATK REPORTER and its administrator. Why not tell our State Rep. to do it.When you get down to it the Rep. was elected to do just it by representing us . Then too maybe some one else with guts can do it. The ballot box is an answer but the corrupt should be punished asap for their wrong doings. JMHO
Those who write about wackos are actually the unhinged corrupt bullies that infest our town and are now training a new generation of new corrupt bullies. This is getting interesting.
Funny the bullies on this blog like the poster at 5:48 are so brave when hiding behind the cloak of anonymity. It is really too bad they do not have the stones to post under their own name. I wonder what they have to hide?
There is no such thing as anonymous posting.
To 5:48 PM - You realize that your statements are not just false but are libelous.
In order to stop all this fighting ,accusing ,etc.,etc.,etc.and with its on and on bickering the post from 1/27@6:52 should be done . The suggestions posted there are valid enough to get this crazy stuff and corruption over with once and for all.
If someone was really seen in a car with alcohol on their breath, they would have been arreested. As far as going bankrupt is concerned, so did Baldwin and he's a selectman! Thirdly, I heard all those charges were dropped so what happened to the presumption of innocence?
Maybe if someone stops all this slander with a lawsuit the town will move on.
Funny all the defenders of the indefensible are so quick to attempt to "shoot the messenger" rather than address the content of the article. It does a good job of explaining what happened and laying out the law. Yet you guys ignore all of this in the hopes that your libel will make it all go away.
BTW, the comment from the Moderator merely said that these people have been accused over the years of running the blog as they have been critical of Consentino. And you guys immediately begin attacking these people who are simply named in a comment saying they had nothing to do with the blog.
Your attacks demonstrate a lingering mental instability, probably from having to devise new defenses for each new indefensible act. You should be ashamed.
I want to encourage people to vote in favor of the two CIC articles this March. They help by setting a path for any cases that can't be settled by the Selectmen. We need this. The answer to a violation of the CIC ordinance is not another violation. BTW, the CIC doesn't answer to the Selectmen, it is independent so ordering them or expecting them to appear at meetings to be grilled about their duties is not required. They have a tough job to do and it's the first group that has taken a complaint and not rolled over for the violator.
When I saw the warrant articles it was very easy to understand the need for these. I signed the petition and went with the person getting signatures to a few neighbors. After a simple explanation of what these meant they all were happy to sign.
I think it palpable to more voters in Atkinson NH that we have tvery sick Selectmen. You have a predator on the one hand. On the other, Selectmen who lie blatantly to the public on TV and demonstrate yet other sociopathic mental disorders. Granted they desperately need to protect a predator as their benefactor. And doing so, they additionally demonstrate absolutely no regard for the average voter. Frankly, they consider Atkinson voters to be deeply STUPID. It's obvious. They truly believe the voters are too dumb and stupid to understand wrongs committed. These sitting Selectmen are despicably unethical. Let's wait and see if the average Atkinson New Hampshire voter is STUPID or votes appropriately. That is, they vote FOR the Citizen Petition Warrant Articles. Thereby, change the Conflict of Interest Ordinance and rein in corrupt Selectmen and Town Moderators. Yes, historically, Town Moderators have behaved poorly, efforting to silence truths, openly violating state laws, promoting the disruption of Citizen Warrant Articles, and colluding to avoid fiscal responsibility.
Continuing to violate conflict of interest laws constitutes honest services fraud. Maybe Mr. Grosky can explain it too them.
We rid ourselves of one fascist Town Moderator. Why not another? Good idea! You
know how nice, nice guys act in public. Like really really really nice guys. But when your back is turned they secretly stick a red hot poker up ya! Any which way they can! Ahhh nice guys. More like whoreson dogs. Have you ever known a wicked nice guy? Nice to your face, not nice to your back side. Let's watch the Deliberative Session to see how a Town Moderator works to shut down free speech. Take away your State and Constitutional rights. I hope that sweet face don't crack my TV screen! Cracker Jacker. Crack the screen, jack your spleen. How nice!
Cracka jacka the wacka wacka aka spitball spittoona . I wonder if ex chiefy boy will bring some paper so he can launch spitballs at anyone trying to rein him in?
Ah someone else who remembers him sitting at the back of the room at town meeting blowing spitballs into Carol Grants hair as she talked about the scenic by way. Just like any third grader.
He was doing it in the Selectman's room during candidates night. It was the first year that Bill Friel ran for Selectman.
Remember the time he yelled out "oh balls" when an elderly woman was talking at the mic during town meeting? It was my first town meeting experience. My thoughts were "why did I move here?"
Ken Grant, Carol Grant, Mark Acciard, Leon Artus, Jane Cole, Brian Boyle, Gary Brownfield, Joyce LaFrance, Brian Kaye. They are fine, upstanding, honorable citizens. They rose up fighting Atkinson's corruption over the years. Very lucky we are to have them. Quite the honor roll as they make Atkinson unsafe for thugs and bullies.
Regular town folks doing what they thought best for the corrupt little town. Thank you all.
Correct me if I'm wrong but all of the above listed folks volunteered and were targeted by Consentino.
You old biddies are getting yourselves all lathered up
with your hate soap..... your COI warrants will go down
to defeat... taxpayers in this town are sick and tired of
Leon and his lemming lugs... Watch...
I watched a COI meeting..... Geez, you gotta be kidding me...
The only power this group should have is the power to turn the lights
off when leaving ...
Why don't you wash your mouth out with your hate soap? I guess you think it's ok for you to be hateful. They are doing the right thing by standing up to the bully corrupt selectmen. Anyone with any integrity can see the truth.
Nice try Phil or should I say GroskY! Loser, look at the last paragraph at the comment Grosky said to the tribune. He would be the attorney on the planet and I would rather defend myself. If that comment doesn't show that they are scared of that warrant article you shouldn't vote for dog catcher.
Grosky said:
"The selectmen, by law, have no authority to get rid of another selectman," said selectman Jason Grosky, adding that Artus' ordinance could force the town to, in effect, sue itself over conflicts of interest. "Any citizen can put something together, whether it's legal or not, and it goes on the ballot. And this is not different from that ... It just goes to the voters, whether it's legitimate or not."
I disagree. They should have sent the petition to Superior court rather than to do nothing and dis' the CIC. They would not be suing themselves, they'd be asking the judge for a decision and the perp could hire his own lawyer if he chose to defend himself. That's the intent of what the ordinance does now.
They spent $2200.00 to ask for legal advice when it would have cost a few hundred to ask the judge to review the situation.
I feel they conned us in believing what they did was legal when according to state law it wasn't. They think it is just fine to pull the "wool" over the taxpayers eyes. What the hell we are just peasants anyway. If the money was justified and their decision to judge themselves release the 2200 dollar advise they got. I will give odds that they will never do that.
Don't be conned. Vote against corruption. Vote for transparency of government. No one is watching you in the voting booth.
To insure that your vote[s] aren't seen put your ballot in the box with the back side facing up.
I am certain I don't want one cent of my tax dollars
funding a COI lawsuit line...No way, never ever give
money to that group ...never, not a cent ..NO NO NO
Why? Is it because YOU are afraid they may do the job they are supposed to do by their and the states written rules? Besides your self who else are you trying to protect? The money they need to do their job is far more less than the amount of money it will cost the town and insurance company if there is another suit from the corruption that is going on now.
Yeah because you might get caught favoring a friend or relative and lose your position. Can't have that after all these years of covering up for each other. Nope. It's better for YOU and your tribe to get away with sneaky things, target honest people, control, abuse, harass, and lie. You must live such an unfulfilled unhappy jealous life.
To 9:17 - why do people from Kingston care about what is going on in Atkinson? You don't even have the same school system. What is your interest here?
It's not "if" there's another lawsuit, it's "when".
You're so right about when rather than if . Again and again !! The ballot box is where every one can vote out the bad guys.
I don't know who they think they're fooling. Hello. No one I know approved of the disgusting harassment of Lynne Witham, the decades of bullying residents or depriving people of their rights. Put an end to it. Start acting like respectable adults and act in the interest of the public.
RSA31:39-a The superior court shall have jurisdiction over any removal proceedings instituted under an ordinance adopted under this section.
They lied to us. State law requires them to petition the court when removal is recommended by the CIC.
The person that makes the suggestion should do it.
Vote for the CIC petition articles and here's why. The state law quoted above requires them to petition superior court when recusal is recommended. The selectmen call it "suing themselves". Grosky is wrong. They have no problem hiding in illegal meetings and discussing lawsuits and spending ridiculous amounts of money on settlements to cover up human rights violations by Consentino, yet they won't put $100.00 in a legal line for the CIC to get a judicial opinion in the course of their elected duty. They are hypocrites.
It is a shame 100 voters and most that wanted money to fund projects and raises they wanted are the ones that show up with their supporters. The budget committee worked hard at keeping taxes in control and some of its members voted NOT to accept the budget before the hacks increased it considerably. The explanations by some budget members why they didn't approve of some article were so common sensed and really unnecessary that it made my head spin when the body still wanted the money to be spent. It is like they all group together to support each other and have no regard for the taxpayer. I have seen this every year. One of the best ones is last year the voters that actually read the warrants voted down some pay raises. Now when was yours for the last 7 years? They snuck them in again and hopefully the voters will be smart in their voting again.
One way is to look at the recommendations the ones that were turned down by the budget committee are the ones we should consider not voting for. Also the BOS voted to recommend most of them because the people asking for the moneys support them and in turn when the board asks for more power or moneys to protect their stupid mistakes they get it. It's a vicious circle that has been going on for years. It is like pack of wolves at feeding time and our wallets are on the menu. Of course you my "good neighbors" know how to stop this but you are too busy working overtime on a Saturday to pay the taxes and not being able to attend the deliberative session so the feeding frenzy goes on year after year. But allowing this to happen don't complain when you will have to work all weekend to afford the taxes.
to 5:19 - do it yourself if you want it done! We don't take orders from you.
30. 9:17. Don't fret they will use their own money. So where will you hide? You piss enough people off you can save the towns money if you think, but read the law and a ruling against a selectman will have to pay all legal costs. That means your tax money.👮
Spread out amongst all the taxpayers, it's a good deal if we can get rid of them.
so the rotund lady gets up and promotes her own pay raise after the votes said, we ain't paying you more money! Then at deliberate session the buddies rally round and vote her a pay raise against the election results. So is this violation of the voters some kind of electioneering or a conflict of interest? I ain't smart enough to know but the stink of it is Huuuge! Donald J Trump would know what to do. YOUR FIRED!!!
It's not my idea, it's yours. I don't agree that it will help. Do it yourself and no, I don't take orders from your conman.
YOU insulted me with by saying that I take orders from him. If you knew who I am you'd be apologizing. But you don't, yet in your usual fashion you presume to know who you are talking to and about, when you don't.
I'm waiting.
Children STOP and go to your rooms until you can speak with respect toward one another.
All this talk of fear of retaliation is a load of dung. Show some courage and leave your lilly livered cowardice to yourself. This is the time to show you are not a base coward and willing to stand up and protect your town and the rule of law. So crawl out of your warm safety and take up opposition to a group of violators and liars. They earned your scorn through years of bullying. Here is the truth. It is they, right now, that are terrified the citizens will rise up with courage and throw them the hell out. So stiffle the continual comments regarding your fear of retaliation. You are the same type that stood idly by when the innocent went to their demise. Therefore, do not continue to revel in your dastardly cowardice. Show your mettle and stand up for yourself. You kick the school yard bully in the nuts and he goes running to his mommy hiding behind her skirts. Did you not learn this in the grade school school yard.
By the way, I hear there are a few working at Timberlane that need removal too.
To 10:00AM - THIS is who I am and I know who you are too. Any more questions? Good, now knock it off.
I did not delete your post nor did I see it.
Can you please spare us with your incompetence?
I don't always sign in before I comment. I am tired of your complaining on here. Knock it off. Got it?
You tell em, AR2M. This biddie on biddie bashing is entertaining
but unproductive....
I watched the deliberative session on Saturday and poor Leon
was left dangling in the breeze...His COI warrant for more sue
money got zero support except from the field of brown, who bailed
on you.... The Grosky and Turftoe got it right....Leon, you seem to
be an ok guy but please rethink your actions... Your obvious agenda
is to destroy PC but in reality your destroying what credibility you have..
If you think AR2 biddies will come out of their dark shadows to support
your mission, your mistaken...they biddie battle here only...and the nice folks
on COI Committee = MIA....
Problem for selectman that with the last warrant article if the COI has another petition and they ask for removal of a selectmen they will finally HAVE to go to court if passed and it is a no brainer. We'll see if the "folks" want accountability in our selectman or not. This time it will be the voters that make the difference instead of a few at deliberative session that support the money train!
Ha! The wicked are scared👮
To 11:25 Kingston. Are you scared? Hmm, why?
Might I remind you that this blog is about Atkinson. If you feel that you have standing to submit opinion then please send your evidence to the webmaster and it will considered and your privacy will be respected if in the context of your complaint.
You may give opinion, fact, or evaluation, but ad hominem personal attacks will not be tolerated, or published. The conversation begun on the Atkinson Reporter MUST be continued!
This Blog will not fall to outside hacks from anyone, especially insecure public officials afraid of their constituents criticism."
Your ongoing blind attacks on anonymous others are not acceptable and are unwelcome.
Everyone is bored frankly with your continual mental ejaculations of idiocy. You say nothing of import. You are a poor player that struts his time on the stage of life and then disappears. Heard no more. You are an idiot and signify...nothing.
But let me correct myself, you do make one significant contribution. You teach and instruct regarding the practical DSM-5 codes as to PASSIVE AGGRESSION. I could explain it in astute psychiatric terms but that would be obtuse to the average knowledgeable individual you habitates in Atkinson and surrounds.
Here is how to demonstrate the character of a PASSIVE AGGRESSIVE.
Take some pancake batter and spill it onto a shag rug. Now try lift it out. The effort to get pancake batter out of a shag rug is the same joyfulness to read the mental dribble you post here.
For self improvement purposes...and to save humanity from your sickly type of aggression you might take up a new hobby.
Might I suggest watching TV commercials, attending Plaistow Court Hearings.. Heck or even go for that which will fully occupy the rapt attention of a PASSIVE AGGRESSIVE. That is, watching paint dry on a way.
You go watch paint dry, boring knave, it will be the best use of your limited faculties. Do you get how boring you are? It is a form of torture you inflict on others. As the choir knows you write much, yet signify...nothing, nothingness, nada, nicht.
The site is clearly against the local corruption yet this poster @5:52am thinks the moderators are conman supporters? It isn't logical. Moveover, is there a time requirement or any other requirement for him to demand a response? No. Maybe HE is a conman supporter just wasting our time here.
The Zombie supporters are quiet lately. One would have to be numbed out to vote for him.
See Johnny Depp starring as Donald Trump in a new movie,
5:52 didn't say you were a Conman supporter. They said you COULD BE one. Try reading the blog again and then stop putting words in peoples mouths .If anything you owe an apology for doing so. JMHO
I saw it. You called the moderator a conman supporter. How stupid is that?
Who gives a dump .. Is that what site is? love/hate one man
hey Moderator,, grow up... A whole website dedicated to the
destruction of PC? Lame ass move, the fringe of the fringe is
where you operate.....
PC destroyed your town and himself. Not to mention anyone on his path. BTW, we read the other side of issues here that are normally hidden and not all of the site is about him.
"Lame ass move". If you don't like it, why do you come here? Always the same bully game of telling people to move.
Regarding 5:52AM's saying to read what was said in the blog... I could not find what was wrote and I looked all through the prior posts. The administrator must have deleted it. 2/11 @ 6:51 AM said that the words used were "Could Be" a Conman supporter. The question is who is the liar and if it is 2/11 9:14 AM then they should be deleted for passing false information on to the readers. Fair is fair is it not?
I don't see a 5:52 post either but there has been someone saying that the moderator is a conman supporter. I think it must be someone unfamiliar with the local situation.
One thing for sure is it isn't the 5:52 poster and it is some one else. I should know because I'm 5:52.
When you place your ballot into the ballot box be sure you have it back side face up so as to have the person "guarding" the ballot box will not see how you voted. That will stop you from being a victim of reprisal[s] as was Mark Acciard for what he exposed. It is time for a widely needed change of officials in the town. Call your nieighbors to have them encouraged enough to vote and do the same as suggested at the ballot box if they are in fear of reprisals.
Trust me I let them see it! I am not afraid. I have spoken my mind and will never be intimidated by any small time hoodlums.
You may have guts enough but other voters can not chance that their ballot voting would or can be seen by the person standing "guard" at or near the ballot box. Personally I do not approve of a person standing there that can see what you voted on or to who you did vote for. If any thing they should be at least three full steps away from the ballot box in use and only approach the voter if that person has difficulty placing their ballot in the box. That is not to say the "guard" should handle the ballot to put in the ballot box.
The real true reality is the person standing there at the ballot box is usually a well known person involved in politics. That same person usually knows the voter at the ballot box and that can be and is intimidating to the voter placing their ballot in the box.-- If your vote has always been your personal choice matter then it is up to you the voter to say who or what they voted for after having voted. Place your ballot back side up towards your face and that will prevent any one looking to see how you voted. That will frustrate any onlookers at the ballot box and rightly so!!!!
Hey Jim, you peeking at the Biddie Ballots....
Your smile is Soooo intimidating....
a boogie man around every corner for these folks..
Jim is not very scary, however there's a pervert that frequents the area that I equate to a boogie man.
Jim is telling everyone indirectly to go an vote your choice . He also is saying you can vote with out your ballot selection[s] being seen by the "Guardian Of The Box" or others by knowing how to place your ballot to go into the ballot box. 8:11 has to be a Conman and cronies supporter and seems to be afraid of the "boogie man" he claims Jim to be. I agree with 8:36AM that he is not scary and the boogie man is really the pervert that blogs here. The only ones scared of Jim and his friends are the ones who are scared because their numbers are close to being up in town politics.
Biddie Ballots. Clearly a sexist remark. I agree, must be the perv who has no respect for women.
I didn't see any post with the name Jim until 2/23 @8:11 AM. Where did that come from or is it the sites administrator being anonymous again in writing here as they have in many past postings.
8:11 was accusing Jim (who stands by the ballot box sometimes cuz he's the moderator) of peeking a ballots.
Can't you follow anything on here?
Moderator or some one else standing closely to the ballot being placed in the ballot box is intimidating. The person standing there has no right to see any ones ballot choices. The only time any person has the right to see any selection of ballot choice is when the ballots are accounted for in the tally process and totals of each selection is made. An elected or appointed official to stand by the ballot box has to be very well aware of their duties at the ballot station and has no excuse for any type of mistake[s] or to be in any way intimidating to any person voting and placing their ballot in the ballot box.
8:07AM, There was no accusation of the moderator by Jim. The moderator isn't the only one who stands by near the ballot box. The moderator is as human as you and has to take a food and bathroom break from time to time. There is no way any person can stand by the ballot box from the time of opening the polls to its end time . Stop your silly posts and "Cant you follow any thing here"?
You accused the site moderator of removing posts about Jim. Now you say Jim didn't a cause the moderator. I don't see any of that here. Stop making things up.
Not "a cause" but accuse. My computer changed the words.
You seem to have poor reading skills as a good many who post here. Why don't you go back and read what was said in the messages posted about what was said and posted about the ballot box suggestions and what was really said about those near by the ballot box. After that maybe you'll stop and think before you post what you think was said and posted.That way you won't be posting non truths and mislead other readers with your bad misleading mistakes of what you read and post here. JMHO
Are you on drugs or not taking your meds? You make no sense when you're rambling on about nothing like this.
Above, I'm not sure who you are referring to about being on or even off their meds. The problem here is that there are so many posting here that are from Medication Lane. If it is the 2/27 @ 8:44AM post you refer to then I do have to agree with you . Since when does a computer make such a mistake when the user has to have put input into it. Any person who posts has to have read what was submitted prior to having done so. That person who claims to have let their computer do its own thing has rocks in their head and likes to start trouble. Ignore the jerk and may be they will go away.
To 6:12. You obviously know little about computers, spell check and auto completion.
Why don't you stop coming here posting your nonsensical drivel and attacking people?
To 7:39, Spell check and auto completion do correct but they correct only what you put into print.That is when you make a mistake in a word and they do not change the words to some other word or words in place of what you wrote. Stop the BS and get a life . Go elsewhere and try starting your BS there.See how far you get.
These features change words to other words as you type. You don't know anything.
That maybe true but the dumb bell didn't read what he sent until much later and then posted his apology and his correction apparently after reading it after sending it. I can only imagine his computer changing words and or phrases as you claim it does and then being sued for not reading his message before sending it.
At least he was polite and apologized for a little TYPO. You on the otherhand can't let go of this dumb subject. Do you really think anyone would sue for typing "a cause" instead of "accuse". Do you really?
In todays world any thing can happen and does. All you have to do is watch the news ,television, and hear the radio stories. That is,of course, if you make the time instead of reading here awaiting the next person to say some thing for you to comment on.
Its been awfully quiet here. Every one must be watching or hearing the news.
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