Atkinson Town Hall

Atkinson Town Hall
The Norman Rockwellian picture of Atkinson

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Welcome Message and Mission Statement

Welcome to the NEW Atkinson Reporter! Under new management, with new resolve.

The purpose of this Blog is to pick up where the Atkinson Reporter has left off. "The King is dead, Long live the King!" This Blog is a forum for the discussion of predominantly Atkinson; Officials, People, Ideas, and Events. You may give opinion, fact, or evaluation, but ad hominem personal attacks will not be tolerated, or published. The conversation begun on the Atkinson Reporter MUST be continued!

This Blog will not fall to outside hacks from anyone, especially insecure public officials afraid of their constituents criticism.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Maggie's has ANOTHER neighbor arrested!

Apparently Maggies neighbor Mrs. Dubrov was arrested today on a charge of criminal threatening, based on a complaint from Mrs. Osborn.

For those who don't remember, Mrs. Osborn has filed criminal complaints against her neighbor, Mr. Meatey, Mr. Artus, Another complaint against Mr. Meatey, and now Mrs. Dubrov. This is in addition to her ongoing legal issue with Carol Davis for building a driveway across her land. Apparently Mrs. Osborn is not an ideal neighbor to have. Sources in the police dept. have confirmed that this arrest did occur.

The story goes that Mrs. Osborn has been staying in the house at 8 valcat ln. for the last few nights despite a Court Order evicting them from the house. As most of you know, the town has yet to issue the Osborns an occupancy permit for the house, because it has neither a driveway accessible to a fire truck, nor any kind of sprinkler system.

Although Maggie has made numerous promises to put in; a driveway to a class V road with no more than an 8% grade, a sprinkler system, a cistern and pumping system, alternatively to meet fire codes, she has, as usual reneged on all her promises.

It does seem that she has resumed her old tricks of filing criminal complaints against those who stand in her way, and this new complaint seems to be more of the same. It would appear that Mrs. Osborn graduated Summa cum laude from the Phil Consentino school of retribution. Some of you may remember phil's numerous televised attacks on Mr. Acciard, Mr. Kaye, Mrs. Grant, Mrs. Cole, and many, many others. These people go out of their way to make life hell for those who draq attention to their excesses.

The real question here is with Mrs. Osborn's track record of lying to town officials about "owning a deeded right of way" across someone else's land, Filing plan's to build one house then having it redesigned to be much bigger than the original permit allowed, building a driveway across her neighbors land without her permission, and having all of her neighbors arrested on trumped up frivolous charges( none of which have ever stood up in court), why does the police dept. still jump at her beck and call? Still arrest people with no investigation or probable cause other than her word? And why do the selectmen keep turning a blind eye, both to Mrs. Osborn's abuse of her neighbors, and the police depts. abuse of authority. It was bad enough to have the court set the precedent, in the Artus arrest, that the Pd arrests people on no investigation by having the case dismissed because they could not produce basic discovery materials that he was entitled to. That sets a precedent that may undermine any arrest that the PD makes, if the criminal is smart enough to find that case.

Mrs. Osborn, your fifteen minutes of fame is up.


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Anonymous said...

Wow, I see that the nutty bloggers are still at it. I see why you continue to churn up your toxic hatred of the Osborns: you've gotten over 200 posts and it makes you feel "validated". And when anyone protests you tell them to stop visiting the blog (you can't play with us because we think we know better than you!). If you don't like the Osborns that's your right but it's our right to correct your idiotic comments so that the well-adjusted who happen to read this crap have a more balanced view (balanced might be foreign for you - look it up some time). You see, you're outnumbered. Most people ignore you, but some of us take the time to fight your lynch mob rhetoric.

We vote in this town too Leon, Mark, Kat333, and your other 1-2 friends, and we'll continue to weigh in when you go too far.

Go ahead, tell me I have no right to attack you again. That's great logic from this crowd. All you do is escalate tension in town, and that doesn't help anyone... but you.

Anonymous said...

There is a real problem in town and I am not one of the blog mob. I am appalled at what happened up at the lake and could not believe the town has not stopped this long ago.

I also think that this latest incident is just hearsay, since the documents do not mention any witnesses. No one here has mentioned witnesses either so where's the evidence to arrest?

Unfortunately, this looks like two more cases that will end up as lawsuits against the town and we do not need any more of these suits.

Why are we not preventing these things, which all stem from one problem, the Osborn Davis land ownership. This should have been determined before that house was built or the permits should not have been given.

Anonymous said...

The POLITICAL figures that can't be trusted in this town in order of importance are:

Tin foil police chief PHIL CON-SENTINO

Frank Polito -even though he is out of office.... he is still LURKING in the background.

Bill Bennet - Selectman

Fred Child - Selectman

Barbara Snicer - Selectmen's Clerk

Phil Smith - Town Administrator

Sue Killum - Planning Board or anyone on it including Jim Kirsh or Bob Jones on Code enforcement.

ZBA Committee - Anyone on it

Bill Friel - Selectman


Anyone on Elderly Affairs Dept. including their drivers. Just say NO when "husseled" for donations.

Mike Murphy - Fire Chief or anyone in his Dept.

Anyone in the Town Clerks office

Ted Stewart - Road Agent

Jack Sapia and Paul Sullivan – even though they are out of office………they want back in.

And of course the “troll” (and yes that is s personal attack….get over it) DALE CHILDS

Only talk to these people when asking questions, and record what you get for answers. (You won't get any)

REMEMBER: Never threaten them with a lawsuit or they have a legal "out" not to answer, EVER! Except when questioned in court. (Your “Tin Foil” Police Chief has taken the 5th 297 times WITHOUT PUNISHMENT!)



BUT take warning. These people want your money and land. Just ask anyone that has been through the experience. You know who they are so contact them for the UNABASHED TRUTH.

Anonymous said...

The POLITICAL figures that can't be trusted in this town in order of importance are:

Tin foil police chief Phil Consentino

Frank Polito -even though he is out of office.... he is still involved.

Bill Bennet - Selectman

Fred Child - Selectman

Barbara Snicer - Selectmen Clerk

Phil Smith - Town Administrator

Sue Killum - Planning Board or anyone on it including Jim Kirsh or Bob Jones on Code enforcement.

ZBA Committee - Anyone on it

Bill Friel - Selectman


Mike Murphy - Fire Chief or anyone in his Dept.

Anyone in the Town Clerks office

Ted Stewart - Road Agent

Anyone on Elderly Affairs Dept. including their drivers. Just say NO when asked for donations.

Jack Sapia and Paul Sullivan – even though they are out of office………they want back in.

And of course the “troll” (and yes that is s personal attack….get over it) DALE CHILDS

Only talk to these people when asking questions, and record what you get for answers. (You won't get any)

REMEMBER: Never threaten them with a lawsuit or they have a legal "out" not to answer., EVER! Except when questioned in court. (Your “Tin Foil” Police Chief has taken the 5th 297 times WITHOUT PUNISHMENT!)



BUT take warning. These people want your money and land. Just ask anyone that has been through the experience. You know who they are so contact them for the UNABASHED TRUTH.

Anonymous said...

To Maggie Osborn- October 12, 2010 3:55 PM

That's the problem. You are registered to vote and you are NOT eligible to vote or register your cars here! WHO allowed you to register in each case? What Town official (s) are allowing your kids to be in our school system for FREE AT TAXPAYER EXPENSE?

The prior post answers these questions.

Where are you living now Maggie? Selectmen won’t answer this question so let’s hear the truth from you!



Anonymous said...

to JMHO: Glug, glug, Glug. Pour another one, I'm sure it will make you feel better, or put you out of your paranoid misery.

Anonymous said...

Wow, great list! Having lived in this town for close to a couple of decades I can tell you I know just about all of them. While I haven't agreed with everything they've done, most of them have done a lot of positive things for this town. And none of them is getting rich doing it. All you do is attack people.

Anonymous said...

My experience has been that the people who are getting arrested generally earn the privilege. Coincidently, they're usually the ones complaining the most about the local police.

Anonymous said...

If they are living in the house after they were ordered out by a judge and the town is not enforcing the order and are liable.

Plus they are having people arrested and the town is cooperating with these non-residents in the process. The town is enabling these folks to injure others. Enabling them to break the law, turn thier noses up at the order.

It will be interesting to hear what the judge has to say when Mrs. Dubrov goes to court and hopefully tells the judge these folks are all conspiring to violate a court oder.

Anonymous said...

Though I agree there are some town employees that should go sooner than later, they are not all bad.

Rose Cavalier and her staff

Mike Murphy & the FD

Dave P on the Budget Committee

All have been professional and stand out amongst the corrupt.

Anonymous said...

What is the point in having law enforcement, if they are not enforcing the law?

Chief, want to take this one?

Anonymous said...

So why haven't they been arrested for violating a court order?

Anonymous said...

Cause CON-sentino and the Selectmen DON'T WANNA. So what ya gonna do about it?

Anonymous said...

Anyone who knows this family knows they're terrific people with no animosity towards anyone. They're being harassed by a small group of haters, many of whom are actively blogging about them constantly. The truth is rarely covered here, so it's no wonder most people just ignore you altogether. Just seeing you lump everyone in town as "Atkinson Mafia" as if that's actually grounded in reality casts doubt on everything else you say.

Anonymous said...

If they are so terrific, why did the blow a road thru their neighbor's yard?

If you say it's because they have a ROW, then why didn't they wait until the court decided?

You cannot say they are so terrific.

Anonymous said...

Actually, I can say they're terrific. They're wonderful people who happened to be caught up in a he said/she said mess that the courts will resolve one way or the other. Despite the character assassination attempts in this blog anyone that really knows them knows that they're a great family. While I know there are two sides to the story there's really only been one side consistently presented in this blog. It's about time that a few of us actually defend these people.

Anonymous said...

Actually Maggie, the only one that thinks you are terrific, is you. Nice I LOVE ME POSTING. NOT! Why not tell us where your kids are going to school and where you are actually living? Huh? Can't wait to hear your next lie.

Anonymous said...

Nice trying to dismiss this as Maggie but it's not. The Osborns have plenty of friends in town, including us. Turns out we're better judges of character than you are.

Anonymous said...

To 10/12 @ 7:32

Wow... that's a looong list of corrupt individuals... all in Phil's pocket. I had no idea.

How 'bout you volunteer or run for an open position so the town has at least ONE in authority that we'll all know has his head on straight and is not in Phil's pocket? That would be a GREAT start to cleaning up this clearly corrupt town government we have.

But one piece of advice... don't wear your tinfoil hat to your first public meeting.

Anonymous said...

This is so interesting to read all the blogs about Maggie Osborn and her family, she may be the problem but really its our Town who allowed all the mistakes to go unnoticed with a blind eye, Well my opinion is the judge on this case is going to screw her to the wall, if that happens, then these people who have been hurt by the town for not doing their job, have a wonderful case against them. Also I would suggest out there for any "Builder's" why are you not all getting together for a "Class Action Suit" agains the Town of Atkinson. How many of you had to rip down additions, or couldn't get permits unless you got survey's, spend extra money. Here is the big question how many of you were not able to get "certificate of occupancy" so that you could sell the house and have your buyer's move in? Why does she get to live in it without a Cert and the Town do absolutely nothing, but wait for a court date to make a decision on land. That has nothing to do with the whole story. Builder's, Carol, Dubrov's and anyone else who has a beef on the mistake of this idiot Town, get on the band wagon, then some of the problems may be eventually pushed out because of so much headaches.

Anonymous said...

Hopefully, the judge will give Maggie a headache the she and Daniel will ever forget or get over.

Couldn't happen to better people.

Anonymous said...

Well look at that, a neighbor of Osborne's has to tear down his addition for not pulling permits, now is the Town going to do anything about her foundation being bigger than the permit she applied for? Did you know the town was told and has not gone out to measure it? There are discrepancies in the files as proof. Do unto one as you do for others. That's the law.

Anonymous said...

Boy, the haters never quit on this blog...

Anonymous said...

They are not haters, they just want the Osborns to follow the same rules the neighbors have to follow. They don't hate the Osborns, but the do hate the political influence they have with the Selectmen and Police dept.

How much money does it take to get political influence anyway Maggie? Did you sell your soul or just promise to give up one of your kids? What does it cost to get innocent people arrested?

Anonymous said...

Rant, rant, rant...

Anonymous said...

Truth isn't rant. The more you deny the truth, the faster people will look at you for your total worth.

Anonymous said...

They are not haters.... Really? Tell that to JMHO. That rhetoric is full of hate.

If the Osborns had influence with the Selectmen they'd be living in their home now instead of spending money on a lawyer. You clearly don't view yourself as haters, but you sure are obsessed with this family. It's almost like you have nothing better to focus on than "punishing" this family for things you perceive as wrong. If you filter out the JMHO rants this almost looks like a real dialogue. Hoping to see some level of intelligence in future posts as well.

Anonymous said...

The Osborns brought the focus onto themselves by their illegal behavior. No one else did.

Anonymous said...

More self-righteous nonsense from the vigilante bloggers. Why not just call it like it is? You like to target the Osborns because you get a great reaction from the usual crowd and those of us who take exception to the lynch mob rhetoric. Why not just call it the Maggie Blog? Every single story ends up with posts about their family anyway. Spare me the garbage about them earning it with their behavior - we're long past normal criticism on this blog, the rhetoric in this blog is harassment and character assassination. Bad enough when you attack our public officials, it's much worse when you continually attack private citizens. We all know the damage you're doing to their names when you continue to write about them, and you should be ashamed for your yellow journalism.

Anonymous said...

The blog has met it's match. Keep posting. 10/18 2:40

Anonymous said...

Osborns did their own damage to their name.

The Town has sued them, so has Carol Davis, DES wants them for violations, with other suits in the planning. Where there is smoke, there is an Oborn behind it. You can't hide behind the Smoke Screen last posted.

The Judge is coming to take you away again.

Anonymous said...

Same old song: so instead of leaving this to the legal system you justify your usual rhetoric by saying they earned this nonstop blog terrorism? That's BS! Your "free speech" in this blog is nothing more than a bully pulpit. Keep feeding the flames - it's only inspiring thugs and crazies to go after the family. Keep saying they brought it on themselves if it makes you feel better about yourself but we all know these anonymous blog attacks are cowardly and irresponsible.

Anonymous said...

The only same old song is the Osborns continuing to thumb their nose at authority. The public must be on guard of everything they do, so they won't forget just how detestable they are.

Anonymous said...

To Anon October 18, 2010 11:09 PM

The only terrorism you speak about is the terrorism the Osborn’s inflict on their neighbors with help from the selectmen and CON-sentino. Maggie keeps filing false complaints and our tin foil police chief keeps arresting.

Osborns want to paint themselves as VICTIMS by saying thugs and crazies are going after their family? Ya RIGHT. Those in the know, know who the THUGS AND CRAZIES ARE.

Couldn’t happen to better (worse) people

Anonymous said...

Hey and Sapia still going for boat rides together or has he out worn his usefulness? If so, who took his place?


Anonymous said...

Better question is who came BEFORE Sapia, as well as who came AFTER him.

HEY PC, care to chime in on this or do you usual investigative work? Pretty please?

Anonymous said...

To 3:55

"the well-adjusted who happen to read this crap have a more balanced view (balanced might be foreign for you - look it up some time)"

Well adjusted you are not, so why not take your own toxic words and 'look up' another place to blog. You are doing what you are condemning and you don't even see it.

Anonymous said...

Wow, you crazy kids get pretty defensive when someone points the criticism back at YOU! What a nasty bunch of people you are. Blasting this family and going after anyone that has a different opinion than yours. Want me to stop writing in your blog club? Stop playing with the cool kids? You can't handle a little criticism thrown back at you when you blast GOOD people? Sorry, but you're in the wrong and deserve a little criticism. And your slander and innuendo BS about Mrs. Osborn just show what low lifes you really are. Signing off this blog would be a pleasure - as soon as you stop the hate speech we'll stop correcting you.

If it were only that easy.... go on, throw more toxic venom out there in response. Keep escalating things. Write more clever acronyms. Hunt down more people in town to condemn. Add more hate to the world. Be proud of yourselves if you feel better, but know you're increasingly marginalized by the rest of the town when you write this crap.

Anonymous said...

Stop stealing other peoples property and there will be nothing to talk about. Until then you will be the topic of the town, and except that fact.

Anonymous said...

The Osborns aren't the topic of the town, they're the topic of your pitiful blog. The fact that you keep spewing your rants about them just points to your obsession over this poor family. Unfortunately your nonsense fuels the thugs that harass this family, which is the real crime here. We all know the legal issues, but that's become secondary to your hate blogging.

Anonymous said...

The crimes are in the PRIMARY ISSUES not the secondary issues that you want to create when there are NO secondary issues.

Nice try but doesn't work. Except your crimes for what they are. No one else is to blame for your crimes, but YOU!

Anonymous said...

ME? I haven't committed any crimes and have nothing to do with the lake crowd. You're tiny little brain can't process that other people in this town object to the way you treat this family. And now we're recycling the same old banter back and forth. Don't you ever get tired of your own rants? I don't know any more about the Osborn case than you do, but I don't know any less either. I've chosen not to weigh in on the legal aspect as I'm trying to have an open mind on that. What I've objected to all along, and what you can't seem to see through the blind hatred for this family, is that constant blog attacks are nothing more than you punishing them your own way. That pal is vigilante justice and mob rule, which is completely against what I believe in. So get off your own high horse and look in the mirror sometime. Cyber bullying thugs don't rule this town, you only piss off the rest of us.

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