Atkinson Town Hall

Atkinson Town Hall
The Norman Rockwellian picture of Atkinson

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Welcome Message and Mission Statement

Welcome to the NEW Atkinson Reporter! Under new management, with new resolve.

The purpose of this Blog is to pick up where the Atkinson Reporter has left off. "The King is dead, Long live the King!" This Blog is a forum for the discussion of predominantly Atkinson; Officials, People, Ideas, and Events. You may give opinion, fact, or evaluation, but ad hominem personal attacks will not be tolerated, or published. The conversation begun on the Atkinson Reporter MUST be continued!

This Blog will not fall to outside hacks from anyone, especially insecure public officials afraid of their constituents criticism.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

The Atkinson Reporter Blog exists for what reason(s)?

Anonymous said...

Publius: Article Submission:

The Atkinson Reporter Blog exists for what reason(s)?

I would love to hear some opinions as to what the true purpose of this blog really is. I've read so many opinions as to why we have this blog. Here some potential reasons that crossed my mind.

1) Freedom of Speech: Atkinson's voice from the populace has been stifled by the police chief. Technology allows the repressed to speak out freely and anonymously without fear of retribution from the Nazi leader (not to say it is all the officers as we regularly hear most are good). Symbolic of the American Revolution against the King of England. Anonymous posters hide behind trees and stonewalls (now firewalls) taking potshots at the King's troops. Come out into the open and fight you cowards!

2) Forum for discussion of new ideas: Swap ideas and discuss the merits of potential changes to improve Atkinson that might actually reduce spending and taxes. Now there's a novel idea.

3) Slander and defamation league: Great place to spread mistruths. Especially against those who are really good at it. Also a good place to make fun of Demlicans and Repubocrats that voted for anyone in the last election.

4) Vendetta Voice: Those who are out after the chief and his "good name" are united in a cause, for absolutely no good reason mind you, to get him and his family even after all the good they have done for the elderly and the town.

5) Expose graft and corruption that permeates our town government. Led by their fearless leader, Chief Bigum Heado, it is one obligated crony after another elected to numerous positions and committees by his taxpayer funded political machine known as the Dept of Elderly Affairs. The old obligation con lives on and on in our town.

Other reasons? Comments? What is the purpose of the blog, anyway?

1 comment:

Fishgutz said...

All of the above!
At any given time, what one poster thinks is exposing corruption, another may see as slander. It is much the same as how varied people view the Fox News Network. "Fair and Balanced" or "Fascist News Network" or, according to the president-elect, the "wrong new network."

It is forum for people to vent frustration about elected and appointed officials that refuse to honor their oath of office or obey the laws they are sworn to uphold.
There will always be those who perceive exposing inconvenient truths as vengeful or hateful. Nothing is harder to do that to accept that something one has long held to be true is in fact a big lie.
So yes, any comment by any poster will be perceived by different readers to fall into any of the listed categories.